A RT ART T THE ARTS PLAN 1995–1997 R An Chomhairle Ealaíon / The Arts Council THE ARTS PLAN 1995–1997 PLAN ARTS THE A ANNUAL REPORT 1994 T R A An Chomhairle Ealaíon The Arts Council ANNUAL REPORT 1994 An Triú Tuarascáil Bhliantúil Daichead maille le Ráitis Airgeadais don bhliain dar chríoch 31 Nollag 1994. Tíolacadh don Rialtas agus leagadh faoi bhráid gach tí den Oireachtas de bhun Altanna 6 (3) agus 7 (1) den Ach Ealaion, 1951. Forty-third Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 1994. Presented to the Government and laid before each house of the Oireachtas, pursuant to Sections 6 (3) and 7 (1) of the Arts Act, 1951. ISBN 0 906627 63 X ISSN 0790-1593 ANNUAL REPORT 1994 Contents A N C HOMHAIRLE E ALAI´ ON/THE A RTS C OUNCIL 1 C HAIRPERSON’ S F OREWORD 5 F INANCE 9 M EMBERSHIP, STAFF AND E MPLOYMENT P OLICY 15 A OSDÁ NA 17 L ITERATURE 21 V ISUAL A RTS 27 F ILM 37 D RAMA 41 D ANCE 49 O PERA 53 M USIC/TRADITIONAL M USIC 57 A RTS C ENTRES 65 E DUCATION, YOUNG P EOPLE AND C HILDREN 69 A RTS D EVELOPMENT IN THE R EGIONS 75 C OMMUNITY A RTS AND F ESTIVALS 79 C APITAL 83 S UNDRY 84 F INANCIAL S TATEMENTS 87 THE ARTS COUNCIL COUNCIL Ciarán Benson, Chairperson Ciarán MacGonigal Eavan Boland Paul McGuinness Páraic Breathnach Laura Magahy (from September 1994) Victor Merriman Mary Elizabeth Burke-Kennedy Patrick Murray Jane Dillon Byrne Aidan O’Carroll Eithne Healy Terry Prone Ollie Jennings Vivienne Roche (until April 1994) Kathleen Watkins Proinsias Mac Aonghusa John Wilson STAFF (at October 1995) Director Adrian Munnelly Officers Literature Sinéad Mac Aodha (from June 1995) Visual Arts Sarah Finlay Drama and Personnel Phelim Donlon Music and Traditional Arts Dermot McLaughlin Opera Vacant Regions and Arts Centres Mary Cloake Community Arts and Festivals Jackie O’Keeffe (from June 1995) Education Kieran Walsh (until August 1995) European Affairs* Marian Fitzgibbon Arts Co-Operation* Marian Flanagan (from May 1995) Finance and Administration David McConnell Communications Mary Hyland (from June 1995) (*Appointed jointly with the Arts Council of Northern Ireland) Executive Assistants Secretarial Sheila Gorman (from September 1994) Patricia Moore Kevin Healy Mary Hickey Cornelia McCarthy (until June 1994) Paula O’Meara Nuala O’Byrne Edward Redding Bernadette O’Leary Maeve Giles Jennifer Traynor Karen O’Meara Jackie Casey Advisors, Consultants Visual Arts (part-time) Helena Gorey Film (part-time) Paul Freaney Theatre Review Co-ordinator Declan Gorman Dance (part-time) Gaye Tanham Popular Music Keith Donald (Director, MusicBase Ltd) Officer on secondment Laurence Cassidy Director of Ireland and its Diaspora – Frankfurt Book Fair 1996 iv ANNUAL REPORT 1994 An Chomhairle Ealaíon/The Arts Council Currach Two n Chomhairle Ealaíon/The Arts financial assistance and other Council is an independent support services for individuals and by Catherine Delaney. autonomous body set up in 1951 organisations and generally to create A to stimulate public interest in and an environment in which the arts can promote the knowledge, appreciation develop and flourish. Support of the and practice of the arts. Operating individual arts practitioner is a under the Arts Acts 1951 and 1973, fundamental part of the Council’s the Council carries out this work mission and the Council understands through a wide range of policies and that it has a clear responsibility to programmes designed to provide foster those structures which assist 1 THE ARTS COUNCIL / AN CHOMHAIRLE EALAI´ ON and develop dialogue between artists, designated for specific schemes or the arts and the communities from projects. The Council also administers which they emerge. The Council also a number of trust funds. seeks to influence and work with other The arts are defined in the Arts state agencies, local authorities, Acts and include: painting, sculpture, private business, schools and colleges architecture, film, print-making, in bringing the arts to greater design, theatre, dance, music, opera, prominence in society, and from time literature and ‘the fine arts and to time is asked to advise the applied arts generally’. government and government departments on artistic matters. The omhlacht neamhspleách is ea An Council has a statutory right to make Chomhairle Ealaíon a bunaíodh i representations to planning authorities 1951 d’fhonn suim an phobail ins in certain instances where artistic or C na healaíona a spreagadh agus architectural considerations apply. eolas, dea-mheasa agus cleachtadh The Council consists of a board orthu a chur chun cinn. Agus í ag of not more than seventeen members feidhmiú faoi Achtanna Ealaíon 1951 appointed by the Minister for Arts, agus 1973, cuireann an Chomhairle Culture and the Gaeltacht. The an obair sin i gcrích trí réimhse Council meets in formal sessions leathan polasaithe agus clár a thugann eleven times a year to set policies faoi chúnamh airgeadais agus and make decisions within the terms seirbhísí tacaíochta eile a chur ar fáil of the Arts Acts. These policies and do haoine aonair agus d’eagraíochtaí decisions are implemented by a staff agus, tríd is tríd, trí thimpeallacht a headed by a Director, appointed by chruthú inar féidir leis na healaíona the Council. The Arts Council, as a forbairt agus bláthú a héanamh. publicly accountable body, Mar dhlúthchuid de chuspóir na publishes an annual report and Comhairle tá tacaíocht á tabairt don accounts to provide the Oireachtas chleachtóir ealaíon aonair agus and the general public with an tuigeann an Chomhairle go bhfuil overview of the year’s work. The freagracht soléir uirthi na struchtúir Council also publishes a newsletter, sin a chur chun cinn a chuideoidh le Art Matters, and occasional reports forbairt na cumarsáide idir on specific topics. ealaíontóirí, na healaíona agus na Annual grants from the pobail as a n-eascraíonn said. Ba Oireachtas and from the net proceeds mhaith leis an gComhairle, leis, of the National Lottery are the comhiobriú le haisineachtaí stáit eile, Council’s principal sources of income. na húdaráis áitiúla, gnólachtaí These grants are supplemented by príobháideacha, scoileanna agus income from other bodies, usually coláistí agus tionchar a imirt orthu 2 ANNUAL REPORT 1994 d’fhonn ionad níos mó a thabhairt do de ghnáth chun scéimeanna nó na healaíona sa tsochaí, agus ó thráth tionscadail áirithe a chur í gcrích. go chéile iarrtar uirthi comhairle a Riarann an Chomhairle roinnt cistí thabhairt don Rialtas agus do Ranna iontaobhais freisin. Rialtais faoi nithe a bhaineann leis na Sainmhíntear na healaíona faoi na healaíona. Tá de cheart reachtúil ag hAchtanna Ealaíona agus cuimsíonn an gComhairle faisnéis a chur faoi said: péintéireacht, dealbhóireacht, bhráid na n-údarás pleanála i ailtireacht, scannánaíocht, déanamh gcásanna áirithe a bhaineann cúrsaí priontaí, dearadh, amharclannaíocht, ealaíne nó ailtireachta leo. damhsa, ceol, ceoldrámaíocht, litríocht Is é atá sa Chomhairle ná bord de agus ‘na min-ealaíona agus na sheachtar déag ar a mhéid agus is é an healaíona feidhmeacha i gcoitinne’. tAire Ealaíon, Cultúir agus Gaeltachta (An Taoiseach roimhe seo) a cheapann na baill. Buaileann an Chomhairle le chéile aon uair déag in aghaidh na bliana, de ghnáth, d’fhonn polasaithe na Comhairle a leagan síos agus cinntí a ghlacadh laistigh de théarmaí na nAchtanna Ealaíon. Cuireann Stiúrthóir agus foireann na Comhairle na cinntí agus na polasaithe sin i bhfeidhm. Comhlacht atá cúntasach don phobal í an Chomhairle Ealaíon agus foilsíonn sí tuarascáil bhliantúil agus cúntais chun athbhreithniú ar obair na bliana a chur ar fáil don Oireachtas agus don phobal i gcoitinne. Foilsíonn an Chomhairle nuachlitir, leis, in aghaidh na ráithe, Art Matters, agus tuarascálacha ó am go chéile ar ábhair ar leith. Colotype by Is iad príomhfhoinsí ioncaim na Comhairle ná deontais in aghaidh na Andrew Doyle. bliana ón Oireachtas agus ó ghlanfháltais an Chrannchuir Technician, Náisiúnta. Cuirtear leis na deontais sin trí ioncam ó na húdarais áitiúla agus ó Cork Printmakers. chomhlachtaí nach iad, a ainmnítear 3 Minister for Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht Michael D. Higgins meets Wami and Timothy Lavelle of Theatre Omnibus’ ‘On Broken Wings, 1994. (Photograph by Timothy Lavelle). ANNUAL REPORT 1994 Chairperson’s Foreword 994 was an exceptional year for the Arts Council. It was the first full year in which an Arts 1 Council worked with its own government department and minister; it was the first time in its history that the Arts Council, in response to a departmental request, prepared a systematic three-year plan for the arts in Ireland which has been adopted as Government policy; and it was a year in which Minister Michael D. Higgins achieved a major increase in Arts Arts Council in partnership with Council funding. None of this could other State agencies such as Temple have been achieved without a large Bar Properties. These included a number of people in the arts benchmark survey of behaviour and community, the Council and the attitudes in Ireland The Public and The Department of Arts, Culture and Arts and the highly significant The the Gaeltacht working well Employment and Economic Significance together for the common good of of the Cultural Industries in Ireland. the arts. It was this constructive More people now participate in the spirit of debate and hard work arts in Ireland than ever before, and that enabled so much to be done our understanding of how the arts in in an unprecedented short general are vibrantly stitched into the period of time. economic as well as into the aesthetic The Arts Council took the view and intellectual life of the country that it could best formulate its can now be demonstrated. These and policies for the arts on the basis of other publications fed into our detailed empirical research and close planning for the future of the arts consultation with its constituency.
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