渣打國際商業銀行等承銷「QNB Finance Ltd Issue of CNY 1,200,000,000 3.80 per cent. Notes due 2025」之人民幣計價國際債券公告 渣打國際商業銀行等(以下稱承銷商)承銷「QNB Finance Ltd Issue of CNY 1,200,000,000 3.80 per cent. Notes due 2025」之人民 幣計價國際債券(以下稱本國際債),本國際債發行總金額為人民幣 1,200,000,000 元整,由承銷商洽商銷售本國際債金額為人民幣 1,200,000,000 元整,茲將銷售辦法公告於後 : 一、證券承銷商名稱、地址、總承銷數量、證券承銷商先行保留洽商銷售數量 承銷商名稱 地址 洽商銷售金額 渣打國際商業銀行股份有限公司 台北市松山區敦化北路 168 號 1 樓 人民幣 970,000,000 元整 永豐金證券股份有限公司 台北市博愛路 17 號 5 樓 人民幣 65,000,000 元整 元大證券股份有限公司 台北市南京東路 3 段 225 號 13、14 樓 人民幣 165,000,000 元整 二、承銷總額:總計人民幣 1,200,000,000 元整。 三、承銷方式:本國際債將由承銷商包銷並以「洽商銷售」方式出售予投資人。 四、承銷期間:本國際債定價日為 2020 年 6 月 3 日,於 2020 年 6 月 16 日辦理承銷公告並於 2020 年 6 月 17 日發行。 五、承銷價格:承銷商於銷售期間內依本國際債票面金額銷售,以人民幣壹佰萬元整為最低銷售單位,發行價格為 100%。 六、本國際債主要發行條件 : (一) 發行日:2020 年 6 月 17 日。 (二) 到期日:2025 年 6 月 17 日。 (三) 擔保人評等:Aa3 (Stable) by Moody’s / A (Stable) by S&P /A+ (Stable) by Fitch。 (四) 受償順位:無擔保主順位債券。 (五) 票面金額:人民幣壹佰萬元整。 (六) 票面利率:票面利率為 3.8%。 (七) 付息及還本方式:於每年之 6 月 17 日支付利息,計息基礎為 Actual/365,發行人將於債劵到期日一次還本。 (八) 營業日:紐約、台北、倫敦之商業銀行對外營業之日。 (九) 準據法:英國法。 (十) 債券掛牌處所:中華民國櫃檯買賣中心及倫敦證券交易所。 七、銷售限制:於台灣銷售僅限財團法人中華民國證券櫃檯買賣中心外幣計價國際債券管理規則第二條之一第一項所定義之專業投資 人,另依中華民國證券商業同業公會證券商承銷或再行銷售有價證券處理辦法第三十二條之規定,每一認購人認購數量不得超過 該次承銷總數之百分之八十,惟認購人為國際基金者不在此限。 八、通知、繳交價款及交付本國際債方式: 承銷商於發行日前通知投資人繳交價款之方式,投資人於發行日以 Euroclear 或 Clearstream(DVP)完成交割或於發行日將本國際債之認購款項匯入承銷商指定帳戶,承銷商將本國際債撥入投資人所指定之集保 帳戶。 九、公開說明書之分送、揭露及取閱方式:如經投資人同意承銷商得以電子郵件方式交付公開說明書,投資人並得至公開資訊觀測站 (http://mops.twse.com.tw)或渣打國際商業銀行網址(https://www.sc.com/tw),永豐金證券股份有限公司 (http://www.sinotrade.com.tw/),元大證券股份有限公司(http://www.yuanta.com.tw)查詢。 十、會計師對發行人最近三年度財務資料之查核簽證意見 年度 會計師事務所 查核意見 2019 Annual Report KPMG fairly 2018 Annual Report KPMG fairly 2017 Annual Report Ernst & Young fairly 十一、 其他為保護公益及投資人應補充揭露事項:無。 十二、 投資人應詳閱本國際債公開說明書。 QNB Finance Ltd Issue of CNY 1,200,000,000 3.80 per cent. Notes due 2025 (the "Notes") Guaranteed by Qatar National Bank (Q.P.S.C.) under the U.S.$17,500,000,000 Medium Term Note Programme Issue Price: 100 per cent. Issue Date: 17 June 2020 This information package includes the prospectus dated 18 March 2020 and the supplement thereto dated 14 April 2020 in relation to the U.S.$17,500,000,000 Medium Term Note Programme of QNB Finance Ltd (the " Issuer ") (together, the "Prospectus ") and the Final Terms dated 7 June 2020 in respect of the Notes (the " Final Terms ", and together with the Prospectus, the " Information Package "). The Notes will be issued by the Issuer and guaranteed by Qatar National Bank (Q.P.S.C.). Application will be made by the Issuer for the Notes to be listed on (i) the Taipei Exchange ("TPEx") in the Republic of China (the "ROC") and (ii) the Regulated Market of the London Stock Exchange. The Notes will be listed on TPEx pursuant to the applicable rules of TPEx. The effective date of the listing and trading of the Notes is on or about 17 June 2020. TPEx is not responsible for the content of the Information Package and no representation is made by TPEx as to the accuracy or completeness of the Information Package. TPEx expressly disclaims any and all liability for any losses arising from, or as a result of the reliance on, all or part of the contents of this Information Package. The admission to listing and trading of the Notes on TPEx shall not be taken as an indication of the merits of the Issuer or the Notes. The Notes have not been, and shall not be, offered, sold or re-sold, directly or indirectly, to investors other than "professional investors" as defined under Paragraph 1 of Article 2-1 of the Taipei Exchange Rules Governing Management of Foreign Currency Denominated International Bonds of the ROC. Purchasers of the Notes are not permitted to sell or otherwise dispose of the Notes except by transfer to a professional investor. The Notes have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the " Securities Act "). Subject to certain exceptions, the Notes may not be offered, sold or delivered within the United States or to, or for the benefit of, U.S. persons (as defined under the Securities Act), except in certain transactions exempt from the registration requirements of the Securities Act. There are no manufacturers for the purposes of Directive 2014/65/EU (as amended, "MiFID II "). Any person offering, selling or recommending the Notes (a "distributor ") should consider (i) the target market for the Notes to be eligible counterparties and professional clients only, each as defined in MiFID II, and (ii) all channels for distribution of the Notes to eligible counterparties and professional clients to be appropriate. However, a distributor subject to MiFID II is responsible for undertaking its own target market assessment in respect of the Notes (by either adopting or refining the target market) and determining appropriate distribution channels. ROC TAXATION The following is a summary of certain taxation provisions under ROC law and is based on current law and practice and that the Notes will be issued, offered, sold and re-sold, directly or indirectly, to professional investors as defined under Paragraph 1 of Article 2-1 of the Taipei Exchange Rules Governing Management of Foreign Currency Denominated International Bonds of the ROC only. It does not purport to be comprehensive and does not constitute legal or tax advice. Investors (particularly those subject to special tax rules, such as banks, dealers, insurance companies and tax-exempt entities) should consult with their own tax advisers regarding the tax consequences of an investment in the Notes. Investors should appreciate that, as a result of changing law or practice, the tax consequences may be otherwise than as stated below. Interest on the Notes As the Issuer of the Notes is not an ROC statutory tax withholder, there is no ROC withholding tax on the interest or deemed interest to be paid by the Issuer on the Notes. Payments of any interest or deemed interest under the Notes to an ROC individual holder are not subject to ROC income tax as such payments received by him/her are not considered to be ROC sourced income. However, such holder must include the interest or deemed interest received in calculating his/her basic income for the purpose of calculating his/her alternative minimum tax (" AMT "), unless the sum of the interest or deemed interest and other non-ROC sourced income received by such holder and the person(s) who is (are) required to jointly file the ROC income tax return in a calendar year is below $1 million New Taiwan Dollars (" NT$ "). If the amount of the AMT exceeds the annual income tax calculated pursuant to the ROC Income Basic Tax Act (also known as the AMT Act), the excess becomes such holder's AMT payable. ROC corporate holders must include any interest or deemed interest receivable under the Notes as part of their taxable income and pay income tax at a flat rate of 20 per cent. (unless the total taxable income for a fiscal year is NT$120,000 or under), as they are subject to income tax on their worldwide income on an accrual basis. The AMT is not applicable. Sale of the Notes In general, the sale of corporate bonds or financial bonds is subject to 0.1 per cent. securities transaction tax ("STT ") on the transaction price. However, Article 2-1 of the Securities Transaction Tax Act prescribes that STT will cease to be levied on the sale of corporate bonds and financial bonds from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2026. Therefore, the sale of the Notes will be exempt from STT if the sale is conducted on or before 31 December 2026. Starting from 1 January 2027, any sale of the Notes will be subject to STT at 0.1 per cent. of the transaction price, unless otherwise provided by the tax laws that may be in force at that time. Capital gains generated from the sale of bonds are exempt from ROC income tax. Accordingly, ROC individual or corporate holders are not subject to ROC income tax on any capital gains generated from the sale of the Notes. In addition, ROC individual holders are not subject to AMT on any capital gains generated from the sale of the Notes. However, ROC corporate holders should include such capital gains in calculating their basic income for the purpose of calculating their AMT. If the amount of the AMT exceeds the annual income tax calculated pursuant to the ROC Income Basic Tax Act, the excess becomes the ROC corporate holders' AMT payable. Capital losses, if any, incurred from the sale of the Notes by such holders could be carried over 5 years to offset against capital gains of same category for the purposes of calculating their AMT. Non-ROC corporate holders with a fixed place of business (e.g., a branch) or a business agent in the ROC are not subject to income tax on any capital gains generated from the sale of the Notes. However, their fixed place of business or business agent should include any such capital gains in calculating their basic income for the purpose of calculating AMT. As to non-ROC corporate holders without a fixed place of business and a business agent in the ROC, they are not subject to income tax or AMT on any capital gains generated from the sale of the Notes. ROC SETTLEMENT AND TRADING The Issuer has not entered into any settlement agreement with Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation (" TDCC ") and has no intention to do so. In the future, if the Issuer enters into a settlement agreement with TDCC, an investor, if it has a securities book-entry account with a Taiwan securities broker and a foreign currency deposit account with a Taiwanese bank, may settle the Notes through the account of TDCC with Euroclear Bank SA/NV (" Euroclear ") or Clearstream Banking S.A.
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