E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2016 No. 113 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was beaten, broken, or sad, as you can see It will be a minimum of 10 years be- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- by the smile on his face. fore Oscar can talk—that is just talk— pore (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN). Even after spending 35 years in jail, to a parole board. It is now or never, nearly half of his life, he is a hero to f and President Obama holds all the many people in Puerto Rico and cards. We could not allow Oscar to die DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO throughout the Puerto Rico diaspora. in jail. Obama must commute his sen- TEMPORE It warms my heart that people from tence. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- every walk of life now understand that A coalition, La Coalicion por la fore the House the following commu- the 35 years Oscar has served for Liberacion de Oscar Lopez Rivera, has nication from the Speaker: crimes that were not violent is too formed with lawyers, union leaders, long to be in jail. There is a elected officials, community leaders, WASHINGTON, DC, groundswell of support to tell Presi- July 13, 2016. and citizens from every walk of life in I hereby appoint the Honorable ILEANA dent Obama that, after 35 years, it is Puerto Rico and wherever Puerto ROS-LEHTINEN to act as Speaker pro tempore time to let Oscar Lopez Rivera come Ricans live in the United States. This on this day. home to his family, his island, and his coalition just announced a unity event, PAUL D. RYAN, community. a gathering in Lafayette Square across Speaker of the House of Representatives. Enough is enough—ya basta. Thirty- the street from the White House, on five years is enough. And this comes f October 9, 2016. from people of every political back- So, Madam Speaker, when the Con- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE ground: conservatives, liberals, gress leaves this week for 6 weeks or statehooders, Democrats, Republicans, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- more, I am not going to go on vacation. Populares, and, yes, those who believe ant to the order of the House of Janu- I am going to go work to build aware- in independence like I do. And every ary 5, 2016, the Chair will now recog- ness about Oscar Lopez Rivera and generation from the youngest, hippest nize Members from lists submitted by build awareness about October 9 right the majority and minority leaders for kids, like Residente of Calle 13, to old people like me, from the richest to the here in Washington, D.C., at Lafayette morning-hour debate. Square. The Chair will alternate recognition poorest, whether you live in Bayamon, Ponce, Orlando, Chicago, or New York The 9th of October in Washington—el between the parties, with each party 9 de octubre en Washington. We all limited to 1 hour and each Member City, the Puerto Rican people are united in our call to free Oscar Lopez have to show up and show our support other than the majority and minority for Oscar and his family. leaders and the minority whip limited Rivera. Internationally, Bishop Desmond So I will be in Lorain, Ohio, this Sat- to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- Tutu is with us, and a long list of Nobel urday and in Philadelphia and New Jer- bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. Peace Prize winners have joined the sey later this month. I will be in Puer- f campaign to free Oscar Lopez, along to Rico and California. Wherever I go, I will be telling people to come to FREE OSCAR LOPEZ RIVERA with world leaders, community leaders, and average people across Europe, Washington to show support for Oscar The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Latin America, and the world. Lopez Rivera on October 9, 2016. If you Chair recognizes the gentleman from Oscar Lopez is a decorated Vietnam live in New York, it is about a 31⁄2 hour Illinois (Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ) for 5 minutes. war veteran, a father, teacher, mentor, drive to D.C. Oscar Lopez Rivera has Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Madam Speaker, I and a friend. Yet, he has languished in been in jail for three-and-a-half dec- will not be on vacation or traveling on Terre Haute, Indiana, for three-and-a- ades, so I don’t want to hear any ex- junkets to far-off lands during the next half decades. cuses. 6 or 8 weeks that Congress is in recess President Obama has less than 200 October 9th is a Sunday. So if you because I am going to be involved in a days left as President, and the chorus live anywhere up and down the eastern campaign to free Oscar Lopez Rivera of supporters for the freedom of Oscar seaboard, you can go to sunrise service from incarceration. Lopez Rivera will continue to call on at your church and still make it in Oscar Lopez Rivera is regarded as the the President every day to release our time to show your solidarity with last political prisoner from Puerto brother Oscar back to our community Oscar. Rico that is still being held in a Fed- so he can live out his days in peace and If you live in Chicago or Orlando, eral penitentiary. Oscar is a friend and with his family. Commutation is the okay, it is going to take you a little a mentor. And at 73 years old, he is not only option—the only option. longer. You might even have to pay for b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4817 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:50 Jul 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JY7.000 H13JYPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with HOUSE H4818 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 13, 2016 a hotel or airplane ticket, but your ered around their televisions, com- of the American people to this body Boricua nation needs you to represent. puters, and phones and rooted for this and to help us reduce gun fatalities. I ask everyone who is watching today Congress to do the right thing. The number of Americans who are re- or who sees my remarks online to com- Across the country, families de- solved to taking steps to reduce gun vi- mit yourself to joining me and others manded that this body take up two olence is growing. I ask my colleagues in Lafayette Square on October 9 in commonsense measures to reduce our to take stock of their solemn duty to Washington, D.C. It is up to us. It is up country’s epidemic of gun violence. keep families safe from harm. I ask to you. Phones in our offices throughout Cap- them to take stock of history. Do not President Obama has done so much itol Hill were ringing off the hook. bet against the American people. Stand to address injustice, to address unfair Thousands of Americans—students, with us to end Congress’ deadly silence. prison sentences for nonviolent of- teachers, grieving parents, strangers to f fenses, to address the inherent injus- the political process—saw something INEQUITABLE BUSINESS PRACTICE tice that all too often characterizes our that inspired and excited them, and IN AUSTRALIA system of justice. I thank him and they picked up the phone because they praise him for that. had hope. Their message: Thank you The SPEAKER pro tempore. The In this case, with this elder states- for fighting for us. Make sure some- Chair recognizes the gentleman from man of the Puerto Rican diaspora for thing is done. West Virginia (Mr. MOONEY) for 5 min- this nonviolent, exemplary inmate, for What did this Congress do with that utes. this father and war hero, for Oscar hope? Well, instead of allowing a vote Mr. MOONEY of West Virginia. Lopez Rivera, we respectfully say to expand background checks to keep Madam Speaker, last year, I spoke on enough is enough—ya basta. Free Oscar Americans safe, instead of allowing a the House floor about my serious con- Lopez Rivera. vote to close the terrorist gun loop- cerns about the Export-Import Bank’s f hole, instead of even having a debate interference of energy companies and on gun safety, the Speaker turned his the country of Australia. 26TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE back on the American people and sent In 2013, the Export-Import Bank ap- AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES the House home early. proved a loan of $640 million in financ- ACT Since Orlando, hundreds have died ing for U.S. equipment to develop an The SPEAKER pro tempore. The from gun violence. Just in the streets open-pit iron ore mine in Australia. Chair recognizes the gentleman from of Chicago, more than 300 people have The mine is owned by the wealthiest New York (Mr. KATKO) for 5 minutes. been hurt or killed by guns in the last woman in Australia. This is not an ap- Mr. KATKO. Madam Speaker, I rise month. An average of 91 Americans are propriate use of U.S. taxpayer dollars. today to recognize the 26th anniversary killed every day by guns.
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