napisala fotografije photographs by Istorijski arhiv Beograda written by / Historical Archives of Belgrade (IAB) Borko Vukosav (BV) portret portrait Istorijski arhiv Beograda/ Historical Archives of Belgrade Snežana Ristić Brod na A Boat on obali the Bank (iab) arhitekt ¶ Politika, 1 January 1934, page 10: For erecting the new buil ding ¶ Politika, 1. siječnja 1934., str. 10: Za podizanje nove zgrade in Belgrade, the huge cube-shaped communist construction architect of the National Printing Institution in Belgrade, the Ministry Državne štamparije u Beogradu, Ministarstvu prosvete pot- ruined Belgrade! I would best like to demolish it. of Education requires a plot without any buildings in the area rebno je zemljište bez zgrada u reonu Savske padine počevši Illiricym: The BIGZ building was constructed before the war. At of the Sava banks, starting from Duke Mišić Street and inclu- iz ulice Vojvode Mišića, dokle je postavljena kanalizacija, na the time, it was the most up-to-date printing plant in Europe. ding as far as the sewerage system in the following streets: ulicama: Miloša Velikog, Kralja Milana, Prizrenskom, Bran- Belonging to the same period and movement were Air Force Mi loš the Great Street, King Milan Street, Prizrenska Street, kovom, ulicom iz Brankove pored Saborne crkve do ulaska u House in Zemun, FIAT next to the Faculty of Veterinary Science Branko va Street, as well as the the street that stretches from Donji grad. (ah, the potential that building has!), the Children’s Hospital Bran kova Street, along the Saborna Church to the entrance of Ovo zemljište treba da ima 6.000 do 8.000 kvadratnih metara in Tiršova Street, etc. The only thing that is needed to be done the Lower Town. a pored njega treba da je sprovedena kanalizacija, i da je po there was to clean it up, replace a couple of windows, and place This plot has to have 6000 to 8000 square metres, there has mogućstvu na varoškom bloku ili bar na uglu dveju ulica. something meaningful for the 21st century inside. Otherwise, to be an operational sewerage system constructed next to it Ponude za ovo zemljište sa skicom i cenom kvadratnog metra it is perfect. and if possible, it has to be in a city block or at least at the treba podneti Opštem odeljenju Ministarstva prosvete u za- corners of two streets. pečaćenom kovertu do 10. januara 1934. godine u 12 časova. ¶ The history of one of the anthological buildings of Belgrade Offers for this plot with a sketch and price per square metre Iz kancelarije Opšteg odeljenja Ministarstva prosvete) Modernism is told summarily in these texts. It was designed should be submitted to the Department of General Affairs at by Dragiša Brašovan who realized his great modernist trilogy the Ministry of Education in a sealed envelope by 12.00 am ¶ Ovih dana, na internetu: in the fourth decade of the twentieth century: Air Force House on 10 January 1934. Marseille: Meni je BIGZ-ova zgrada jedna od najružnijih u in Zemun (1935), the building of the Danube Banovina in Novi (From the Office of the Department of General Affairs, the Beogradu, ogromna kockasta komunistička gradnja je uništila Sad (1936–39), and the mentioned monumental building of Ministry of Education) Beograd! Najradije bih je srušio. the National Printing Institution (1933; 1937–40) – today Illiricym: BIGZ-ova zgrada je sagrađena pre rata. Za to vre- known as ‘the BIGZ Building’. In the 1930s the Kingdom of ¶ Recently, on the Internet: me je bila najmodernija štamparija u Evropi. Istom periodu i Yugo slavia was building its prominent buildings and often in­ Marseille: In my opinion, the BIGZ [Belgrade Publishing and pokretu pripadaju i Dom vazduhoplovstva u Zemunu, FIAT kod vol ved architects of modernist orientation. At that time, other Dragiša Brašovan Graphics Institution] building is one of the ugliest buildings Veterinarskog fakulteta (ah, kakav potencijal ima ta zgrada...), architects of Belgrade Modernism had important realizations: 138 Beogradski izdavački grafički zavod, Beograd, The Publishing and Graphics Institution of Dragiša Brašovan, Beogradski izdavački grafički zavod Dragiša Brašovan, Belgrade Publishing and Graphics Institution 139 Srbija, 1933.; 1937.– 1940. Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 1933; 1937 – 40 stoljeća Kraljevina Jugoslavija gradila je svoje znamenite ‘The Exhibition of German Visual Arts’ was held in the Cvije­ građevine i često angažirala arhitekte modernog pravca. Važne ta Zuzorić Art Pavilion in 1931. It had a great influence on realizacije imali su tada i drugi arhitekti beogradske moderne: strengthening the movement of modernism in Serbia. Works Milan Zloković, Branislav Kojić, Momčilo Belobrk, Dušan by Walter Gropius, Erich Mendelsohn, Mies van der Rohe, Babić... Tada su izgrađeni: Pravni fakultet, Dermatološka, Dječja Otto Bartning, Peter Behrens and so on were displayed. i Gi nekološko­akušerska klinika u Beogradu, Oceanografski The con servative professional and cultural public was still institut u Splitu, Veterinarski i Tehnički fakulteti u Zagrebu, not ready to choose the new movements in architec ture ‘Nebotičnik’i Moderna galerija u Ljubljani, poštanske zgrade u and arts and so the exhibition was not received with great Splitu, Bijeljini, Čačku, Titelu, stambene zgrade za službenike delight. Resistance made the breakthrough of contemporary poštanskih štedionica u Zagrebu i Ljubljani, palače pravde u archi tectural and artistic ideas rather more difficult, but the velikim gradskim centrima, škole, sportski stadioni, privredne enthusiastic and determined architects of the modernist mo­ zgrade... U Beogradu su gostovale i neke važne inozemne ve ment did not give up. Educated in large European cities, izložbe. Izložba njemačke likovne umjetnosti održana je they had already had sufficient experience in building and also 1931. u Umjetničkom paviljonu Cvijete Zuzorić. Imala je veliki found investors among industrialists on the rise, and even in utjecaj na jačanje modernog pokreta u Srbiji. Prikazana su governing structures. ¶ Dragiša Brašovan, an architect who djela Waltera Gropiusa, Ericha Mendelsohna, Miesa van der was also able to design in academic style, won the Yugoslav Rohea, Otta Bartninga, Petra Behrensa... Konzervativna struč­ architectural competition for the building of the National na i kulturna javnost još uvijek nije bila spremna opredijeliti Printing Institution in Belgrade in 1933. Drago Ibler was also se za nove pokrete u arhitekturi i umjetnosti, pa nije baš s one of the competitors, and second prize was won by the oduševljenjem primila tu izložbu. Otpori su poprilično ote­ Zagreb office Kiverov, Korka and Krekić. Subsequently, the žavali prodor suvremenih arhitektonskih i umjetničkih investor organized a study journey for Brašovan to technically ide ja, ali poletni i odlučni arhitekti modernog pravca nisu and technologically highly developed Germany. In this manner, odusta jali. Školovani u velikim europskim gradovima, imali he was able to be introduced directly to new tendencies in su već dovoljno graditeljskog iskustva, a stekli su i investi­ architecture and to see how the technologically most con­ tore među industrijalcima u usponu, čak i u vladajućim temporary printing plants and industrial buildings looked. struk turama. ¶ Dragiša Brašovan, arhitekt koji je znao pro­ He saw for himself that the exaggerated decorative quality of jek tirati i u akademskom stilu, pobijedio je 1933. godine na façades had lost its importance and that the functionality of jugoslavenskom arhitektonskom natječaju za zgradu Državne a building was pushed to the fore. And this especially referred tiskare u Beogradu. U konkurenciji je bio i Drago Ibler, a drugu to industrial and housing buildings. ¶ Brašovan formed the nagradu dobio je zagrebački ured Kiverov, Korka i Krekić. Po­ building of the National Printing Institution as several strong, tom investitor organizira Brašovanu studijsko putovanje u horizontally set parallelepipeds, placed next to one vertical tada tehnički i tehnološki visoko razvijenu Njemačku. Tako parallelepiped. A fragile curvature around the staircase on the se mogao neposredno upoznati s novim tendencijama u arhi­ very top of the building as well as the elegant railing on the roof tekturi i vidjeti kako izgledaju tehnološki najsuvremenije tis­ terrace with, as they seem when observed from downstairs, kare i industrijski objekti. Uvjerio se da je pretjerana deko­ hovering candelabras are both discrete homage to Bauhaus. (iab) rativnost fasade izgubila na važnosti i da je funkcionalnost The roof terrace looks as if it belongs to quite another building; dečija bolnica u Tiršovoj, itd. Jedino što treba da joj se uradi Milan Zloković, Branislav Kojić, Momčilo Belobrk, Dušan zgrade došla u prvi plan. Posebno kod industrijskih i stambenih we could easily imagine it on a luxury hotel or as a deck on an je da se očisti, da se zameni par prozora, i da se unutra ubaci Babić... Built at that time were: the Faculty of Law; the Der­ zgrada. ¶ Brašovan je zgradu Državne tiskare formirao od ne­ ocean cruiser. Today, one can access it from an improvised jazz nešto smisleno za 21. vek. Inače je savršena. ma tology, Children’s and Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic koliko jakih horizontalno postavljenih kubusa uz jedan verti­ club and a wonderful view of the Sava and Belgrade stretches ¶ U ova dva­tri teksta sumarno je ispričana povijest jedne od in Belgrade; the Oceanographic Institute in Split; the Faculty kal ni, a krhka oblina oko stubišta na samom vrhu zgrade from it. Brašovan solved the façade canvasses by means of antologijskih
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