~ Post Rainum! Palmer Wins CI,ar to partly cloudy today and tonltht. Chence of widely Katterecl show.rs or thunderstorm. .x· See Story, Page 4 ~ 01 owon tNtM SOIIth. Hiths 80s northw ..t to Mar " .x. Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City trtml southu.t. Established in 1868 10 Cents Per Copy Associated Press Leased Wires and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Tuesday, July 2, 1963 Regents Approve U.S. Expels As 73 Gain Rank Red Diplomat Rai.n Co'mes To City In Washington In SUI Promciltions Reported Trying To Get CIA Employe Blacks Out Promotions of 73 SUI (acully Marvin Thostensen, all music; members Lo the ranks of professor Norval Tucker and RoberL L. Alex­ To Spy for Russia and associate professor were ap · onder. art; Christopher La ch, his­ WASHINGTON (11'1 - The United proved here Friday by the State tory, Edwin B. Allaire Jr., philo­ States Monday ordered the ex­ Board of Regents . sophy; Ed~in Norbeck, physics pulsion of a Soviet diplomat. It an­ Twenty-six of the faculty mem- an~~stron0!l1Y; Robert P. Boy~ton , nounced he had been caught red­ bers were promoted to full profes- I pollbcal s~lence; Job~ O. CrItes, handed trying to recruit a U.S. sorsbips and 47 were made associ. psychology, Mrs ..Jessle G. Horns- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) By TIM CALLAN te professors. by and Margueflte lkn~yan , ro- employe to spy for the Soviet Un­ a mance languages; Merlm Tabor, City Editor Pr.omoted to the rank. of profes- social work; June Helm, sociology ion. According to The Daily Iowan', sor In the College of Llb.er~1 Arts and anthropology, and Eugene Ordered ousted was Gennadiy slightly soggy mathematician, III are Frank A. Wachowiak •. art; Spaziani. zoology. G. Sevastyanov. an attache with million gallons of water fell on Ronald T. Pflaum, chemIstry; College o[ Medicine [acuity mem­ the Soviet Embassy here. Sev8Sty­ Jowa City last night. Frederick P. W. ~cDowell, Eng- bers promoted to associate profes­ anov, 33, was identified as a Soviet That works out (he hopes) to an lish; Alan B. Spitzer, history; sors are William R. Wilson inter­ secret police agent who has been unofficial 0.75 il1ch rainfall over the Richard B_ Hervig, music ; Richard nal medicine; Gabriel L.' Plaa , here since 1959. Jowa City area, the (Igure reporetd R. C_alson and Edward B. Nelson, pharmacology; Charles C. Wunder, The CIA employe who resisted by the local airport, over a 40 mln­ phYSICS and a~t~onom~ ; Donald physiology; Vinton A. Rowley and the Russian's promises and threats Iowa City area, the figure reported B. Johnson. politIcal sCIence; EI- Max C. Pepernik, psychiatry ; Leo to induce him to spy against the an inch of rain in other parts of bert W. Ringo, romance language~, J. DeBacker, anesthesia ; Gene F. United States was identiCied only the city. of and Theodore R. Anderson, SOCI- Lata, biochemistry; Robert L. as "John" - not his real name . The heavy rain took its toll oloD and anthropology. phone and power lines in the Iowa Russian-born, "John" who, it was City area. When asked how many College of Medicine faculty mem­ reported, had helped the FBI gath­ telephones the storm had put out bers promoted to pro[essorships Regents- er photographic and tape-recorded (Please Tllm 10 Page 5) of commission, the telephone com· are John P. Hummel, biochemis­ proof of the plot, is still an alicn pany told the Dr, "We haven't been try; Christian E. Radcliffe, derma­ but is on his way to becoming an able to count our reports yetI" tokJY; James A. Clifton and Ern­ American citizen. The Iowa-J11lnols Gas and Elec· est O. Theilen , internal medicine ; A third figure in the spy case is tric Co. also reported "quite a John Paul Long. pharmacology ; Thieves Take John's brother who still lives in the few" power outages. , James E. Harry W. Fischer, radiology; Soviet Union . Officials said thE' Stewart of the power company said Francis M. Skultety, surgery; Wil­ brother, apparenUy "a helples9 that the power stoppages were liam G. Goodale, pediatrics (joint tool," had been brought to Wash­ mostly on the west side of the city. appointment in College of Den· Only Finest ington last April in the Soviet at· Some reports said that lightning tistry), Ilnd William H. Olin, oto­ tempt to force "John" into espion­ struck a downtown power trana· laryngology and maxilJofacial sur­ age and has since returned home_ former, knocking out lights in the gery. At Finkbine The brothers had not seen one an­ business district. Also named to professorships are other for 23 years before the meet· Belore • • • After • Stewart said that a bank of Harvey C. Bunke and Robert M. Thieves took nine sets of the best • • transformers did fail. cutting pow· ings here. su low.ns and Iowa Citians swelt.red in unofficill l00-d.gr... plu. Soldofsky, both in the College of golf club irons and 159 dozen of Sevastyanov's ouster was an· But by 6 p.m" dark.ned skies brought cool.r t.mperllur.. and In er from a part of the downtown temperatures for the fourth straight day Monday. In faet. as Phyili. area, although he said he could not Business Adm inistralion; Keith E. the most expensive eolC balls nounced by the State Department Inch of r.in In approxlmat,ly 30 mlnut... It Will the fir., pr.clpi: Thayer, College of Dentistry; stocked at SUI's new Finkbine Hall, A4, Perry, demonstralllS, It was almost hot .nough to wilt a confirm at the moment that light­ shortly after Richard H. Davis. lation In the Iowa City .rea .ince May 28, Henry C. DeKock. College of Edu­ clubhouse, Saturday night. Acting Assistant Secretary for Eu­ themometerl That was b,'ore the r.ln. ning had been the cause of the fail­ cation; Russell J. Weintraub, Col­ The golf equipment was valued ropean affairs. had called in the - Photo by Jo. Lippincott - Photo by Jot Lippincott ure, He said the transformer fail­ lege of Law ; Howard W. McCau­ at $2.377. Only golf equipment was ranking Soviet diplomat, Charge ure had occurred ahead 01 the ley, College of Engineering, and stolen. but a safe and cash drawer d'Affaires Geol'gi M. Kornienko, main part of the storm. Gordon N. Cantor, Institute of were not touched, according to to hand over Ule U.S. note declar· French Premier Lights on the block directly south Child Behavior and Development. police. of SchaeCler Hall went out, but ing Sevastyanov persona non grata. RFK Pushes JFK Greets Friendly, Monday night shoppers went about Promoted to associate profes· Entrance to the clubhouse was gained by forcing a door which The U.S. note accused Sevasty· Who Surrendered their business as USUal. sors in the College of Liberal Arts anov of "highly improper activities "We had some candles in pop are George Zabka, botany; Rich­ faces north away from the road. Police told the DI that only the incompatible with his diplomatic botties for a while," said Robert ard D. Campbell Ilnd John K. Civil Rights To Germans Dies status." It added: "Beginning on Sparce Italian Crowds Lang oC the Maid -Rite C a f e. Slllle. chemistry; Donald R. Jus­ most expensive golf equipment was stolen, indicating the person April 28 of this year, Sevastyanov WASHINGTON (A'I - Camille "Otherwise we served what CUI' tice and John C. McLaughlin, Eng­ attempted to recruit for espionage ROME !A'I - President Kennedy security than its indefinite con­ taking the equipment had a good Chautem\ls, 78, ex· premier of assured Italians Monday night that tinuation. " tomers we had as usual. lish; Donald H, Hase, geology; knowledge of golfing supplies. purposes an alien resident who is Legislation "We used a gasoline lantern and Mrs. Louane L. Newsome, library an employe 01 the U.S. government. France, vice premier at the time the United States would protect He added to his prepared re­ flashlights to operate on schedule," Two sets of Power-built Citation, marks a statement that commu­ education; James A. Hickman, Sevastyanov in this effort tried ~f the French surrender to Nazi their freedom as it would its own said Bob Schultz o( the Union Bus mathematics ; Daniel Moe, E. Eu­ one set of Haig Ultra, one set of WASHINGTON (JI'I - The Ken­ nism had sbown itsell to be out­ McGregor M.T., one set of Power· La coerce !!Ie U.S. government em· nedy adminiStratIOn zerood In oIl " lnany in WOI'!d \\ r II. and a~alnst the mena<.-e ot world com­ ,Depot. lene Helm, Willillm Preucil and convicted Vichyile collaborationist, dated and deleted lrom delivery bilt B.K., one set of McGregor T.A. ploye by threatening reprisals to 8 key section of its civil rights munism . Kennedy then came face his administration Edwin Goodyear of the Hotel and three sets of Wilson Staff gal! members of his family resident in dill at his home here Monday. assertions that Burkley said, "We just handed out program Monday with ~ ., IIrgent to face with Italian Communist is "trying to erase for all limes clubs were taken, according to the Soviet Union if he did not call for passage of a bill outlaw­ His ramily Jlaid he had been ill keys and signed people in the dark. police. No woods were taken. cooperate." boss Palmiro TogJiatli. the injustice and inequ.alities of Now and thernre u.sed flashlights." Iowa City ing racial discrimination in vir­ a year with a generalized harden· race and color." He also deleted a Also taken in the robbery were Under diplomatic procedures, the tually all business places.
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