Backsplash Ideas

Backsplash Ideas

Backsplash Ideas St. Tropez Impression Krea v.8-21 Twenties Classic and Genesi Bianco Genesi Bianco Caprice Sapphire Colours Color Collection White Ice Maiolica White Gloss Hex Flow Atoll Blue Glass Blox Olive Mist Forge Aluminum Brick Mosaic Eon Carrara Glossy Arabescato Marble Wooden White Marble and Opera Graystone Arabesque Mosaic Genesi Cenere and Marrakech Marble Mosaic Calacatta Marble Gouache Ciel and Foret Groove Glass Waterjet Shell/Star White Marble Mosaic Maiolica White Gloss Kings Nero Star Genesi Bianco with Faenza Azul Genesi Cenere and Crystal Glass Beluga Pencil Wamberal Blend Frames Mosaic Genesi Cenere Bennelong Point Thala Gray Dots and Ice Denim Linear Glass Mosaics Handwritten Par Avion Gothic Picket Handwritten Unscripted Gothic Picket and Tile Maiolica White, Casablanca Aqua, and Handwritten Dear Sir Dome Liner Flow White Highland Gris Marble, Boathouse Blue Picket Mosaic, Lacour Aqua, and Crystal Icelandic Pencil Maiolica Aqua Hex Flow Dark Gray Pickett Arabescato Marble and Crackle Dove Gray Arabesque Mosaic Genesi Bianco Faenza Azul Outland Pure Multi-Hex Mosaic Kite White St. Tropez Verde 2x8 U081 White Ice Bright 88U08128 3x12 White 3x12 Tender Gray 4x16 U081 White Ice Bright 88FLOWHI312 88FLOTEN312 88U081416 3x6 U081 White Ice Bright 88U08136 3x12 White Picket 3x12 Tender Gray Picket 88FLOWHI312P 88FLOTEN312P 4x16 U281 White Ice Matte 88U281416 3x6 U281 White Ice Matte 88U28136 3x12 Dark Gray 3x6 U761 Tender Gray Bright 88FLODAR312 88U76136 4x10 U081 White Ice Bright 6x18 U081 White Ice Bright 3x12 Dark Gray Picket 3x12 U761 Tender Gray Bright Picket 88U081410 88U081618 88FLODAR312P 88U761312P 3x12 Lavender 3x12 U261 Tender Gray Matte Picket 88FLOLAV312 88U261312P 4x10 U281 White Ice Matte 88U281410 6x18 U281 White Ice Matte 88U281618 3x6 U081 White Ice Bright Beveled 88U08136B 3x12 U081 White Ice Bright Picket 88U081312P 3x12 U281 White Ice Matte Picket 88U281312P 2.5x5 Bianco 2.5x10.5 Beige 1 3x6 White Gloss 13GENBIA25 13CROBEI1210 Arctic Glossy 45KREARC416G Arctic Glossy Ripple 45KREARC416GR 88MAIWHI36G Arctic Matte 45KREARC416 Arctic Matte Ripple 45KREARC416R 2.5x10.5 Bianco 2.5x10.5 Beige 2 13GENBIA210 13CROBEI2210 4x10 White Gloss Lullaby Glossy Lullaby Glossy Ripple 88MAIWHI410G 45KRELUL416G 45KRELUL416GR 2.5x5 Tortora 2.5x10.5 Grigio 4 13GENTOR25 13CROGRI4210 3x6 Tender Gray Gloss 88MAITEN36G Sidewalk Glossy Sidewalk Glossy Ripple 2.5x10.5 Tortora 2.5x10.5 Bronzo 45KRESID416G 45KRESID416GR 13GENTOR210 13CROBRO210 4x10 Tender Gray Gloss 2.5x5 Perla 2.5x10.5 Oro Safari Glossy Safari Glossy Ripple 88MAITEN410G 13GENPER25 13CROORO210 45KRESAF416G 45KRESAF416GR 2.5x10.5 Perla 3x12 Carrara Glossy Wall 3x10 White Moon 13GENPER210 21NEWWHI310 15EONCAR312 Storm Glossy Storm Glossy Ripple 45KRESTO416G 45KRESTO416GR 2.5x5 Cenere 3x10 Silver 3x12 Calacatta Wall 13GENCEN25 21NEWSIL310 15MARCAL312A Midnight Glossy Midnight Glossy Ripple 45KREMID416G 45KREMID416GR 2.5x10.5 Cenere 3x10 Ivory 13GENCEN210 21NEWIVO310 2.5x10.5 Acquamarina Deep Sea Glossy Deep Sea Glossy Ripple 3x10 Aqua 45KREDEE416G 45KREDEE416GR 13GENACQ210 21NEWAQU310 3x12 White 15FRAWHI312 4x12 Beige 70CLABEI412 3x12 Pearl 15FRAPEA312 4x12 Gray 70CLAGRY412 4x12 Bianco 4x12 Nero 4x12 Rosso 70CANBIA412 70CANNER412 70CANROS412 3x12 Sand 15FRASAN312 4x12 Taupe 70CLATAU412 3x9 Patagonia 3x9 Santorini 3x12 Gray 45COLPAT39 45COLSAN39 15FRAGRA312 4x12 Graphite 70CLAGRP412 3x9 Siberian 3x9 Iceland 3x12 Smoke 45COLSIB39 45COLICE39 15FRASMO312 4x12 Bianco Matte 3x9 Monaco 3x9 Serena 3x12 Tin 78TEXBIA412 45COLMON39 45COLSER39 15FORTIN312 3x9 Industrial Garage 3x9 Noturno 3x12 Aluminum 4x12 Grigio Matte 45COLIND39 45COLNOT39 15FORALU312 78TEXGRI412 3x9 Cosmos 3x12 Steel 45COLCOS39 15FORSTE312 1x3 Light Herringbone 1x3 Medium Herringbone 1x3 Bronze Herringbone 1x3 Dark Herringbone 1x3 Carrara Arrow 1x3 Carrara Chevron 1x3 Carrara Zig Zag 1x3 Carrara Herringbone 15MEKLIG13H 15MEKMED13H 15MEKBRO13H 15MEKDAR13H 15MSTCAR13AM (Matte) 15MSTCAR13CM (Matte) 15MSTCAR13ZM (Matte) 15MSTCAR13H (Matte) 15MSTCAR13AP (Pol.) 15MSTCAR13CP (Pol.) 15MSTCAR13ZP (Pol.) 15MSTCAR13HP (Pol.) 1x3 White Herringbone 1x3 Pearl Herringbone 1x3 Gray Herringbone 1x3 Smoke Herringbone 1x3 Calacatta Herringbone 1x3 Bianco Herringbone 1x3 Beige Herringbone 1x3 Cream Prestige 15FRAWHI13H 15FRAPEA13H 15FRAGRA13H 15FRASMO13H 15MARCAL13H (Matte) 50PURBIA13H (Matte) 50PURBEI13H (Matte) Herringbone 15MARCAL13HP (Pol.) 50PURBIA13HP (Pol.) 50PURBEI13HP (Pol.) 15MSTCRE13H (Matte) 15MSTCRE13HP (Pol.) 1x3 Sand Herringbone 1x3 Tin Herringbone 1x3 Aluminum Herringbone 1x3 Steel Herringbone 15FRASAN13H 15FORTIN13H 15FORALU13H 15FORSTE13H 1x3 Grigio Herringbone 1x3 Bardiglio Gray 50PURGRI13H (Matte) Herringbone 50PURGRI13HP (Pol.) 15MSTBAR13H (Matte) 15MSTBAR13HP (Pol.) 1x3 White Herringbone 1x3 Light Gray Herringbone 1x3 Beige Herringbone 75ENDWHI13H 75ENDLIG13H 75ENDBEI13H 7.875x7.875 Artisan Cold 7.875x7.875 Artisan 7.875x7.875 Cold 7.875x7.875 Warm 15COVCOL8A Warm 15COVWAR8A 15COVCOL8D 15COVWAR8D 1/2” Polar Mosaic 1/2”Beach Mosaic 1/2” Stone Mosaic 53ELEPOL12M 53ELEBEA12M 53ELESTO12M 7.75x7.75 Crest 7.75x7.75 Vintage 7.75x7.75 Classic 8x8 Tulip 46TWECRE8 46TWEVIN8 46TWECLA8 78MOOTUL8D Polar Linear Mosaic Beach Linear Mosaic Stone Linear Mosaic 53ELEPOL12LM 53ELEBEA12LM 53ELESTO12LM 3x6 Feather Glass 3x6 Beluga Glass 3x6 Angora Glass 53CRYFEA36 53CRYBEL36 53CRYANG36 9.75x9.75 White 9.75x9.75 Gray 9.75x9.75 Black 9.75x9.75 Hidraulico 46ARTWHI10 46ARTGRA10 46ARTBLA10 Ducados 46HIDDUC10 3x6 Super White Glass 3x6 Gray Glass 3x6 Moscato Glass 53CRYSUP36 53CRYGRA36 53CRYMOS36 3x6 Icelandic Blue Glass 53CRYICE36 13.6x11.7 Gray Stagger Glass 13.6x11.7 Moscato Stagger Glass Mosaic Mosaic 53CRYGRASTA 53CRYMOSSTA Mystic Marble Cavalier 3x6 Polished Marble Mariner 3x6 Polished Marble 3x6 Honed 72MARMYS36H 72MARCAV36P 72MARMAR36P 3x6 Polished 72MARMYS36P Cavalier 3x12 Polished Marble Mariner 3x12 Polished Marble 72MARCAV312P 72MARMAR312P 12x12 Crema Marfil Marble with 12x12 Athens Gray and Gray 12x12 Gray Cloud Marble with Mother of Pearl Cloud Marble with Mother of Pearl Mother of Pearl and Stainless 53MELCRE12 53MELATH12 53MELGRA12 Cavalier 3x6 Leathered Marble Mariner 3x6 Leathered Marble 72MARCAV36L 72MARMAR36L Mystic 1x3 Herringbone Marble Honed 72MARMYS13HH Polished 72MARMYS13HP Cavalier 3x12 Leathered Marble Mariner 3x12 Leathered Marble 72MARCAV312L 72MARMAR312L 12x12 Wooden White and 12x12 Mineral Linear 12x12 Calm Blend Arabescato with Mother of Pearl 53STIMIN12L 53RESCAL12M 53MELWHI12 Mystic 2” Hexagon Marble Cavalier 2” Hexagon Marble Mariner 2” Hexagon Marble Honed 72MARMYS2HH Leathered 72MARCAV2HL Leathered 72MARMAR2HL Polished 72MARMYS2HP Polished 72MARCAV2HP Polished 72MARMAR2HP 12x12 Spa Blend 12x12 Zen Blend 12x12 Relax Blend 53RESSPA12M 53RESZEN12M 53RESREL12M Highland Gris Insignia Chevron Highland Gris 3” Hexagon Marble Highland Gris 2x2 Marble Honed 72MARHIG12CH Honed 72MARHIG3HH Polished 72MARHIG2MP Polished 72MARHIG12CP Polished 72MARHIG3HP Honed 72MARHIG2MH Linen Glass 1.5x6 Linear Mosaic Driftwood Insignia Chevron Driftwood 3” Hexagon Polished Driftwood 3x12 Polished Marble Highland Gris 3x6 Polished Marble Highland Gris 3x6 Honed Marble 53GLALIN16B Polished Marble Marble 72MARDRI312P 72MARHIG36P 72MARHIG36H 72MARDRI12CP 72MARDRI3HP 1x1 Straight 2x10 Brick Joint 3x6 Herringbone 3x10 Straight 3x6 Herringbone ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ SHOWER 64 3x6 Brick Joint 3x6 Brick Joint, 2” Liner, 4x4 Straight 3x10 Offset Joint 3x10 Herringbone 2x10 Herringbone ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ SHOWER 66 4x4 Straight 4x4 Diagonal 6x6 Straight 6x6 Diagonal 4x4 Diagonal, 3” Liner, 4x4 Straight 6x6 Straight, 4” Liner 12x12 Straight 12x12 Diagonal with 3x3 Clipped Corners 4x4 Straight ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 2x2 Straight with 4x4 Diagonal Focal 2x10 Brick Joint with 2x10 Herringbone Focal 4x4 Straight with 4x4 Diagonal Focal 6x6 StraightSHOWER with 2x230 Focal 2x10 Herringbone 4x4 Diagonal ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4x4 Diagonal 66 ________________________________________________________________ 31 SHOWERSHOWER ________________________________________________________________ 31 SHOWER 3x6 Brick Joint with 3x6 Herringbone Focal 3x6 Brick Joint with Basketweave Mosaic Focal 3x10 Brick Joint with Arabesque Mosaic Focal 3x10 Brick Joint with Custom Floral Focal 3x6 Herringbone ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ SHOWER 64 Backsplash Design Tips • There are no limitations when selecting tile or stone for your backsplash. All tile is fired at such a high temperature, it is nearly impossible for regular or even commercial cooking ranges to reach that high heat. You can use tiles typically seen on floors on a backsplash as well as more traditional wall tiles. There are simply no rules – let your vision be your guide. • Smoother

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