2019 EXHIBITOR LIST Presented by: Over 250 exhibitors offering the best of: travel, stand-up paddling, canoeing, kayaking, hiking, camping, climbing, outdoor gear and apparel, education, biking, nutrition, destinations, and clubs. Please check back regularly for updates and additions to this listing. A Boundary Country www.boundarybc.com 127 Aerial Kiteboarding Bracelayer Apparel Ltd. www.aerialkiteboarding.com 729 www.bracelayer.com 1015 Air North, Yukon’s Airline Bushland Adventure Travel www.flyairnorth.com 505 www.bushlandsafaris.com 214 Altitude Performance C www.altitudeperformance.ca 608 Arbonne International Campo BC Adventures www.suzannevanparys.arbonne.com 1009 www.campobcadventures.com 504 Arctic Tube Canada West Mountain School www.arctictube.com 1016 www.themountainschool.com 418 Around the Back Chiropractic Canadian Outback Rafting www.aroundtheback.wix.com/chiro 615 www.canadianoutbackrafting.com 305 Aurora Expeditions Canadian Wilderness Adventures www.auroraexpeditions.com.au 208 www.canadianwilderness.com 420 B Cariboo Rivers Fishing & Wilderness Adventures www.caribooriverfishing.com 716 Barkerville Historic Town Cascade Fishing Adventures www.barkerville.ca 122 www.cascadefishingadventures.com 120 Beach Gardens Resort & Marina Cetaphil www.beachgardens.com 511 www.galderma.com Exit Sample Black Rock Oceanfront Resort Champion Petfoods www.blackrockresort.com 519 www.championpetfoods.com 1105 Blackcomb Helicopters Chilliwack River Rafting www.blackcombhelicopters.com 614 www.chilliwackriverrafting.com 118 China Airlines Canada Branch www.china-airlines.com 318 City of Quesnel www.tourismquesnel.com 122 Conqueror Canada www.conquerorcanada.com 1021 Cook Islands Tourism www.cookislands.travel 108 Copper Cayuse Outfitters, Ltd. Epic Adventure Outfitters www.coppercayuseoutfitters.ca 425 www.epic-4wd.com 1005 Cressi U.S.A., Inc. Escape Campervans www.cressi.com 724 www.escapecampervans.com 1101 Cuba Tourist Board Eugene, Cascades & Coast www.gocuba.ca 224 eugenecascadescoast.org 404 D Exodus Travels www.exodustravels.com 226 Deh-Tai F www.fortnelsonfirstnation.org 206 Diamond Resorts Canada Fireside Adventures www.diamondresorts.com 314 www.firesideadventures.ca 1104 Discover Canada Tours Firma Wear www.discovercanadatours.com 1405 www.firmawear.com 508 Discover Klamath Flight Centre www.meetmeinklamath.com 411 www.flightcentre.ca 304 District of Wells Flight Underwear www.wells.ca 122 www.flightunderwear.com 1403 Docksteader Subaru Footprint Kayak & Hike Explorations www.dilawri.ca Lobby footprintbc.ca 515 Dominican Republic Tourism Fraser River Raft Expeditions www.godominicanrepublic.com 620 www.fraserraft.com 111 Downunder Travel G www.downunder-travel.com 110 Droplet Trailer G Adventures www.droplet-trailer.com 1123 www.gadventures.com 101 E Global Affairs Canada Travel.gc.ca 205 Earth Nepal Travel and Trek P. Ltd. Goatrek www.travelandtreknepal.com 219 www.goatrek.com 209 Educo Adventure School GoodLife Fitness www.educo.ca 1209 www.goodlifefitness.com 1116 Greater Vancouver Zoo www.gvzoo.com 621 Gul Performance Apparel www.rekord-marine.com 921 H Haida Gwaii www.gohaidagwaii.ca 415 Haines Visitor Center www.haines.ak.us 600 Harrison Beach Hotel www.harrisonbeachhotel.com 319 HelloFresh K www.hellofresh.ca 1006 Hell’s Gate Airtram Kilian Chiropractic www.hellsgateairtram.com 105 www.kilianchiropractic.com 1109 Historic Wallace Chamber of Commerce Kilimanjaro Bliss www.wallaceidahochamber.com 102 www.kilimanjarobliss.com 217 HoliWellness/doTERRA Kathmandu Adventures Travel and Tours www.holiwellness.com 1208 www.kathmanduadventures.com 506 Hope BC Cascades & Canyons L www.hopebc.ca 107 Leave No Trace Canada Hope Mountain Centre for Outdoor Learning www.leavenotrace.ca 1121 www.hopemountain.org 109 Leo’s Camera Supply Ltd. I www.leoscamera.com 405 Librico Helicopters IG Wealth Management www.libricohelicopters.com 123 www.investorsgroup.com 104 Linkum Tours In Touch Chiropractic www.linkumtours.com 501 www.intouchchiropractic.ca 410 Louisiana Tourism/New Orleans CVB International Paintball Group www.LouisianaTravel.com 200 www.ipgca.com 521 M Intrepid Travel www.intrepidtravel.com 304 Manning Park Resort 202 Island Cruising www.manningpark.com www.islandcruising.com 916 Manteo Resort & Hotel Eldorado www.manteo.com 106 J MEC Adventures Japan National Tourism Organization mec.ca/adventures 1017 www.ilovejapan.ca 801 Merit Travel Adventure Vacations Johnson Outdoors Canada - Eureka www.MeritTravel.com 215 www.eurekatentscanada.com 601 Mother Earth’s Natural Remedies Jupiter Hotel www.motherearthsnaturalremedies.ca 1111 www.jupiterhotel.com 416 Mountain View Lodge & Retreat www.mountainviewlodgeandretreat.ca 125 Mt. Waddington’s Outdoors www.mtwaddingtons.com 115 N P Nahanni Wilderness Adventures Pacific Coastal Airlines www.nahanniwild.com 604 www.pacificcoastal.com 211 Native Seed Co. 1024 Pacific Rim National Park Reserve www.pc.gc.ca/pacificrim 221 Newfoundland Labrador Tourism www.visitgrosmorne.com 610 Pacific Tugboat Adventures www.tugboatcruise.com 302 Nexoptic www.nexoptic.com 905 Paddlewheeler Riverboat Tours www.vancouverpaddlewheeler.com 1407 Nominou www.nomidesigns.ca 917 PADI www.padi.com 814 Nootka Marine Adventures www.nootkamarineadventures.com 1020 Panasonic Canada Inc. www.panasonic.com 222 Northeastern BC & Alaska Highway www.celebratealaskahighway.com 617 PELAGIC FLEET - SOLMAR V www.pelagicfleet.com 718 North-West Expeditions www.northwestexpeditions.com 715 Performance Freediving International www.performancefreediving.com 714 O Personal Travel Management www.personaltravel.ca 321 Oceanwide Expeditions www.oceanwide-expeditions.com 203 Pokhara Flight Centre Tours and Travel www.travelallnepal.com 216 Old Dutch Foods Ltd. www.olddutchfoods.com Sample ProSense www.prosense.ca 1114 On the Go Tours www.onthegotours.com 220 Pure Life Paddle Boards www.purelifepaddleboards.ca 121 Oregon’s Mt. Hood Territory www.mthoodterritory.com 402 Purple Hayes School of Kayaking www.purplehayes.com 727 Oregon’s Tillamook Coast www.tillamookcoast.com 400 R Sjef Camping Adventures www.sjefcamping.com 1401 Rain Forest Tours Skyview Camping www.rainforesttours.com 817 www.skyviewcamping.com 601 Riverside Natural Foods Ltd. (MadeGood) SlacklifeBC www.madegoodfoods.com 1211 www.slacklifebc.com 1106 ROK Straps Canada Inc. SoLo GI Nutrition, Inc. www.rokstrapscanada.com 1115 www.soloenergybar.ca 914 Royal Roads University SOLOS Massage www.royalroads.ca 316 www.solosmassage.com 1011 Ruby Range Adventure Southern Gulf Islands Tourism www.rubyrange.com 507 www.southerngulfislands.com 520 S SPOT www.findmespot.ca 915 Sasquatch Mountain Resort Spruce Hill Resort & Spa www.sasquatchmountainresort.ca 524 sprucehillresort.com 204 Schaefer Innovation Squamish Rafting Company www.schaeferinnovation.com 926 www.squamish-rafting.com 720 Sea to Sky Adventure Company Squamish Watersports www.seatoskyadventurecompany.com 311 www.squamishwatersports.com 729 Sea to Sky Air Stripes Gear www.seatoskyair.ca 309 www.stripesgear.com 1004 Sea to Sky Gondola Sun Peaks Resort www.seatoskygondola.com 307 www.sunpeaksresort.com 308 Shuswap Tourism Sunshine Coast Tourism shuswaptourism.ca 114 www.sunshinecoastcanada.com 514 Silverwood Theme Park Swellfish Outdoor Equipment Co. www.silverwoodthemepark.com 509 www.swellfish.co 1214 T Travel Oregon www.traveloregon.com 406 Taiwan Tourism Bureau Travel Portland www.taiwan.net.tw 318 www.travelportland.com 407 Taste of Nature True Key Hotels & Resorts www.tasteofnature.ca Sampling www.truekeyhotelsandresorts.com 1022 Tender Corporation Tucan Travel www.tendercorp.ca 909 www.tucantravel.com 300 The Adventure Group Whistler Tuckkwiowhum Heritage Village 107 www.tagwhistler.com 517 www.facebook.com/pg/TuckkwiowhumVillage The Enchanted Forest and Turks and Caicos Islands Tourist Board SkyTrek Adventure Park www.turksandcaicostourism.com 927 www.skytrekadventurepark.com 306 U The Fraser Valley www.thefraservalley.ca 119 Undiscovered Penticton The Islands of Tahiti www.visitpenticton.com 616 www.tahititourisme.ca 427 United Colors of Canada The Raptors www.unitedcolorscanada.ca 1010 www.pnwraptors.com 606 Thompson Rivers University www.adventurestudies.ca 207 Tourism Chilliwack www.tourismchilliwack.com 115 Tourism Harrison Hot Springs www.tourismharrison.com 315 Tourism Malaysia www.malaysia.travel 426 Tourism Prince George www.tourismpg.com 525 Tourism Revelstoke www.seerevelstoke.com 306 Tourism Smithers www.tourismsmithers.com 525 Tourism Squamish www.exploresquamish.com 301 Tourism Ucluelet www.discoverucluelet.com 518 Tourism Wells Gray www.wellsgray.ca 510 Tourism Williams Lake www.tourismwilliamslake.com 122 Town of Inuvik www.inuvik.ca 602 V Whistler Bungee Inc. www.whistlerbungee.com 414 Valletours Wild Coast Publishing www.valletours.com 421 www.thewildcoast.ca 815 Vancouver Outdoor School Wilderness Tourism Association Yukon www.vancouveroutdoorschool.com 1104 www.yukonwild.com 503 Vision Travel Solutions Windstar Cruises travellingwithvision.ca 424 www.WindstarCruises.com 218 Visit Bellingham! Y www.bellingham.org 201 W Yervana www.explore.yervana.com 419 WaterFlow Paddling Yoho and Kootenay National Parks waterflow.ca 717 www.parkscanada.gc.ca 221 WeeVikings Z www.weevikings.ca 1210 West 1st Chiropractic Wellness Centre Zara Tours / Zara Tanzania Adventure www.drrandalltrester.com 911 www.zaratours.com 210 West Adventures Inc. Ziptrek Ecotours www.westadventures.com 100 www.ziptrek.com 526 Whistler Adventure School www.whistleradventureschool.com 907.
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