![| *2991 M 1*139]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
A-14 ** THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. FRIDAY. MARCH 26, 1054 JU.S. Will Continue Canadian May Spend Life In Jail for Refusing Oath SATURDAY SHOPPING am SOMMER'S CAMERA i Building Big Dams By the Associated Mu iWHk SPECIALS QUEBEC. Mar. 26.—Rene Mar- OUTSTANDING VALUES ON SALE TOMORROW ONLY, 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. EXCHANGE 1 In West, McKay Says cotte, a 38-year-old contractor at Lac Aux Sables, went to-'jail By the Associated Press JB on a one-year sentence yester- CHICAGO. —Secre- CHERRY BLOSSOM | Mar.-26. day but he can get out any time ißll tary of McKay the Interior said Todd's j he says the word. Todd's The sentence 1 last night the Government will could conceivably be life if We Give Extra Reliance Every Appliance We Give Extra to Every Appliance continue big, multiple- for. to Reliance “Camera Sale | 1 to build he doesn’t. FEATURING NEW—SHOP WORN—LIKE NEW—AND USED purpose West, 11th and F Streets N.W. Dl. 7-3251 Uth and F Streets N.W. | -1 dams in the but He was Dl. 7-3251 encourage sentenced March 1 • j will private Industry Use Our Easy Payment Our Easy Cameras Projectors • Accessories | for contempt of court for refus- Plan Use Payment Plan | to undertake smaller projects. STILL CAMERAS 35MM SLIDE PROJECTORS *1 ing to take an oath in court—- Ori*. S»l» 4 Only TDC Show Pack 300 w E Some day, Mr. McKay proph- Price Price Blower Cooled w/ E or to say why he wouldn’t—in 3 ARGI’S C-3. case 64.50 42.25 0 -1 esied, the United States may get Savings! New, . w case and flash 69.95 53.15 3 Only TDC Model D 'a civil suit resulting from a traf- Tremendous Crated Models! Reg. $229.95 New 1954 2 ARGUS A4. 300 w Blower r j power from the atom and even w case and flash 44.50 31.8? Cooled w Semi- s power fic accident. 1 ARGUS Cl. matlc 69.50 52.95 t j from the sun. He said he F2.8 Lens 89.50 68.50 1 Only TDC Stream- £ If he should decide to take 3 KODAK 35. expects hydroelectric power W/RF, liner 500 w Blower E [ to oath, said, F3.5 syn. 82.50 49.75 Cooled w/Semi- the jail authorities 2 KODAK-RETINA matic 84.50 63.50 be the cheapest in his and his he only 17-inch Syn G has to notify them and j Nationally EMERSON IIA. F5. 149 50 99.50 2 Onlv TDC Duo Famous 3 KODAK PONY. he will be "s’s” ' . lifetimes, F4.5 2li x 2 4 300 w fi children’s however. taken before the court. 31.15 21.50 Blower Cooled 69 50 62.96 r If he does stays jail. 1 KODAK CHEV- 2 Only ARGL'S r Mr. McKay outlined his de- not, he in RON. F3.5 215.00 119.00 30tlw. Blower fc There is no appeal against the TV Console 8 RICHOELEX Cooled, w/casa 49.95 38.75 J! partment’s attitude toward the (SRI F3.5. with case 50.45 36.95 1 Only L.4BELLE 56 sentence. n j Refrigerator 2 KODAK FLASH 500 w, auto- Canyon BANTAM. F4.5 56.00 39.50 55. controversial Hells dams The case developed out matic 95.00 *4.50 Q of Mar- Saturday 4 KODAK REFLEX. 1 Only LABELLE 76 in Idaho and the Upper Colorado cotte’s appearance In court Feb- mm§m Only F3.5 160.00 79.50 500 w, Remote 6 BOLSEY 82. Control case r River project at a news confer- ruary 25 to testify as to his finan- Saturday Only _ w 154.95 119.06 __ Case and Flash _ 57.50 7 Only VIEWLEX S ence and in an address to cial He been 3 ARGOFLEX. 300 w Blower “ the means. had ordered F4.5, 1/200 shutter *2.50 Cooled 63.45 45.26 G American Power Association. to pay about SSOO in costs to a 3 KODAK SIGNET. 1 Only REVERE 444 F3.5 95 50 61.95 Slide Projector. G He said the Eisenhower ad- motorist after a collision between 1 AUTO. ROLLIE. 300 w Blower ministration wants in his F3.5. Tessar _ 86.50 W case 69.50 49.25 n to work truck and the other’s car. 1 AUTO. ROLLIE. 1 Onlv KODAK partnership with groups pay F3.5. Tessar. Sol- k local When he failed to the enoid 119.50 Kodachrome Pro- - private lector 16.50 and industry in develop- damages, he was ordered to give . f! 2 35MM PERFEX 49.00 12.50 1 Only ARGUS G ment of water an account ,_ 1 BUCCANEER .. 50.00 10.50 i resources. of his finances so | 200w w case 21.50 G 1*139] 2 KODAK “We believe the people should the court could take measures TOURIST. 020 26.25 16.50 MOVIE PROJECTOR 2 2* I*3*4 CEN- * m do for to settle themselves what they can the suit. He • *2991• refused De TURY GRAPHIC 108.00 79.50 3 KODAK, Smm do. They shouldn't be to take the oath. Luxe Double-Door Model! • Reco rd a t Ixs SPEED Brownie Projector 62 60 49.85 G running Low Price for Top-Rated Console! GRAPHIC, W/RF Smm 2 RFVERE. Q to the Federal Government for ¦ end flash 237.00 SOOw 114 50 79.50 G • Huge Freezing Section, Plenty of Storage Space! • 3 LF.ICA. F 2 1 DE JUR. funds,’’ he said Completely New Models, Still in Crates! Lens 750w, jjj 179.95 Still and Reverse. fi Big Jobs for Power Administration. He said 1 POLAROID Case 159.50 122.50 f; Government. • • Camera 89.75 59.(Ml it Big Family-Size Value! Big 17-Inch Picture 1 HE JUR. 1 (Hidw 5 But. he went on, the admini- also would not “give away” Model, Great Tube, Bright Pictures! 1 3'i* 1 1 . GRAPH- Still and Reverse. s stration believes the California Central IC. RF Flash 250.00 131.00 Case 177.50 136.50 £ the Federal Valley 3 Only ZEISS Con- 1 REV- G should project and he knows of no plans tessa F2.8 lens Aj STONE. 7SOW Q Government build the big. & to “give away” RF Meter 153.00 119.00 w case 139.50 106.00 R multiple purpose dams like the Tennessee 2 Only REVERE 2 I'iMM REVERE, n Valley Authority. Stereo Cameras 174.50 123.95 75" W. w case 182.50 136.50 those in the Upper Colorado 5 Onlv VOIGIIT- l I6MA4 BELL A S River Project—because LANDER 4.5. 6x9 59.50 38.50 IIOWELL. g of their Only 760 w. Todd's 2 35mm expense. Todd's w case 199 95 148.50 Ej VOIGHTLANDER. vlto 54.50 42.50 SCREENS RADIANT-DALITE The Department of the In- 1 Only KODAK I terior has Need an Apartment? We Give Extra Reliance to Every Appliance We Give Extra Reliance to Every Appliance RF. F3.8 67.50 36.00 30x10 Giasa Beaded. recommended con- 1 Only VOIGHT- on tripod .. 13.76 9.98 g struction of a gigantic project 11th and F Streets N.W. Dl. 7-3251 11th and F Streets N.W. Dl. 7-3251 LANDER Bess* 10x10 Giasa Beaded. E Qanvaniantly Located RF 89 60 43.00 on tripod . 15 95 11.98 B to develop the Upper Colorado Only Use Our Easy Payment Plan Use Our Easy Payment 1 ZEISS 35mm 37x50 Glass Beaded, basm despite Plan F3.5 60.00 37.50 on tripod .. 19.55 14.95 R opposition from 50x50 Glass Beaded. n Qff-iliHt Parkin* on tripod 21.50 16.50 conservationists to a proposed MOVIE CAMERAS n dam Park, 2 Only KODAK in Echo where bones J«mm Mag. FI 9 176.00 88.00 SUPER SPECIALS of prehistoric dinosaurs are lo- jjtwlyDocoratod - 299.95 Newest Model 1 Only BELL & HERSHEY Flash Saver HOWELL 16mm Strob. (A. c.t 3995 30.75 rs cated. President Eisenhower Mag . FI 9 199.00 115.00 HEILANDStrobanmr V 119 50 89.50 5 last week ap- Qardan-tya* Apartment 1 Only BELL * CARTON No 5 Flash 5 announced his HOWELL proval of the Broiler !6mm Bulbs 1.04 79e S plan. Alarm Clocks - Mag . F2.5 171.95 84 95 CASE Only No. 5 Flash Mr. Reduced Rent 2 KODAK Bulbs (120> 15.60 10.95 E McKay told the associa- Automatic Smm Mag . F1.9 160.00 95.00 GERMAN. Photo-Elec- tion: / 4 Only REVERE tric Meter 8.95 g Kotisserie Smm Movie. F 2 5 72.50 49.50 G.E. PRI Exposure “When 1 must decide between Shopping 4 Onlv REVERE Meter 32.50 *4.50 fe £xcellent Mag.. Smm. F2.5 99 50 75.00 OF’. DW6B Exposure S the water needs of the people 1 Only BELL * Meter 54.50 18.99 E in the area and the beauty of Jpacioux Cloieli WASHER HOWELL Sportster WESTON Master II E Smm 109.00 59.00 Exposurr Meter 59 95 23.85 the scenery. I'll decide for 2 E the (331 Only REVERE 80 SIXTI Exposure Meter 23.95 18.50 E people's Smm Camera 97.50 59.50 SIXTOMAT Exposure re needs.” Superior Servico 2 Only KODAK Meter 57 50 21.50 n The Saturday Only Brownie Movie SIXTON Exposure Me- § Secretary emphasized, Camera F2.7 39.75 31.50 ter 17 50 13.75 g however, that the decision does 1 Only KODAK All Metal Slide Box.
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