VOL. 13, NO.4, WINTER 1993-94 Assemblies of God nl P. C. NELSO"l "--". I ARCHIVES STAFF-WAYNE E. WARNER. EDITO R AND ARCHIVES D IR ECTO R; 4 BLESSII\GS AND HARDSHIPS JOYCE LEE. ASS ISTANT A RC H IV IST ; The Fred Burke family pioneering In Southern Africa 60 year ... G LENN GOH R, ARC H IVES ASS ISTANT AND COPY EDITO R. JULI E S PEA RS, ago. By Ruth Burke Rill SECR ET A R Y. A RC H IVES ADV ISO RY BOARD-CHAIRMAN GEORGE O. WOO D, 6 F1Rt; IN THE PINES J. CALV IN HOLSIN GE R. G ARY B. McGEE. The origin ilnd development of the M i ...... i ...... ippi Di ... lricl By Gary CHAR LES CRA BTR EE. D. McElhany 10 THEOLOGY Assemblies of God HerllafW i, pubh,heli Quarterly by Ihe A~~mblic~ 01 God Ar,hilC\. The Pcnteco"tal movement and the A/G-hi\IOrica l background . 1445 lloon\illc A\e.. Springfield. \ ·II.... ouri By Gary B. McGee 65802-1894. Thi .. magaline i\ frcc to mcmbcn of Ihc A\semblic~ of God Heritage SocielY Vcarly 13 THE 1'. C. NELSON I KNEW membcr~hlp, arc alailable for $10; !ifwmc Former ... tudcnt and chau ffe ur remmi sce., about [hi ... ca rl y membcrship~ arc $100, MC1l1hcr<,hip fcc .. arc u~d to publi<h Ihe maga/'l1e and ,uppon educator By Hugh P. JC lC r Ihe Archiles NAME Til AT MISSIONARY Assemblies of God !-Ier/IUKe is indl"\cd in 16 Rell$:/Qn Index One: PerIodicals. published by How Illany of these missionaries can you name? Ihc American Theological Libr,lr)' ASSOCiation, 820 Chur(h Street, Suilc JOO, E \an~lOn. II 18 ARTHUR RICE YS. THE GENERAL COUNCIL 60201 Thi~ indc\ i~ part of Ille ATLA Religion Databa,e. alailable on the Wil<,onl)iw CD-RO\I Concluding part of $25.000 la w,>u il again ... ' newly organ i/ ed from H W. Wil10n Co. and online 'ia \\ il,ol1' Ge neral Council By Glenn Gohr LlIle, URS Information Technologic., and DIALOG informal ion Ser'ices. DEPARTMENTS \ !Icrofifm of Henrage i., IIIailable from 3 Herit age Leuer- Pn:scrving OUf Hh, tory Theological Research EXchange Nel"ork 15 Time Frame-Rev ivaltime on ABC. 1953 (TREN). 5420 N .E. Glisan. Portland, OR 972 13. 22 From OUf Readers P erson~ "ishing to donale hi~lOrical materials 10 thc Archlle~-,uch as correspondence. photo­ 26 Archi ve ... Acti viti es graplls, recordings, films. magariues, booh, minutes, diarie~. CIC., arc urged to "rite to the abo,e address or (all (4 17) g62-2781. tuforma­ lion about tile Archivc~ Buiiding Fund i, alSO a\ailabk on request Copyright 1993 by the Generaf Council of tile Assemblies of God. 1445 Boon,ille A'e .. Spring­ COVER. Thf MlIl:rlolill Springs CampJ(round, Ilurlc), Mi~ i ss ippi, is undu cun ~ lruCli(ln field . Missouri 65802·1894, In this painlin!l rrom an 1898 ph{)I(lJ:fllph. Ont of Ihe foundcr.. of Iht camp),!round. Alfred Jone!i, is 5111 nding nC~I 10 his .. ir,,; Ihc )oun),! .. omen are (;orll I}a\ i~ (;unnin),!ham). a school ISSN 0896·4394 !e.cher; Edna Jones (Hamilton); lind L}dia Jones (Lin),!crman). Th" i\l1I),!nolia SprinjUi A!oM'"m· POSTMASTER. Send addre,~ changes 10 bI) of God, paslorrd b) "orman Bush) . i ~ on Ihi.'! ~ite . Ori),!inal painting tI) \\allace Rf;'1'l cs. Heruaf{e, 1445 Boon'il1c A ~e., Springfield. MO Pascaltoulll, Mississippi; copy murtH) or W. Grad)' Mi1.("lIt. 65802· 1894. HERITAGE CETTER "Each One Record One" oc., ~hc name Frank Laubach .. ound DfamIliar to you? Early in ,hi .. century he focu<,cu hi ... Itir:ht. durin.lt Ih,' (,tornll mi~"lonary effort .. on the Philippine ("IHln~il in \Imn~ilp<'h,. lit(, I'd. t;: hland\, but before he dleu 10 1970 at ilur I"tmdudffi lin unl hl,tun , .r the age of 86 he v.a"li.nov. n \\orld\.. idc hllt-rll.,,, "ith rtlired piI,tor for hi .. literacy program. "Each One IIt'nr~ J. 0, \I-;In,. \\khilll t~II', [1'\:" , "du" . 'Ir. ~nd Teach One." lie v.a\ re.,pon\lble for \1,.." '1';.1" ~nd I"u r:rllnd· crealing literac) primer'> for more than children III Ihc \n-hhl" n· 300 language., In a hundred countries hihit: un Ihe II'ft . Urilin ... 'leClant'. pa'iur "f(ull1nlunjt~ Nobody J..now,> how many people \;-enlhh. IllInd"fll. II' \II~: lind around the world arc readmg the Juhn 'tilll,. II ,tud~nt lit {roo Scripture .. bccau!-.c of Fran!.. Lau­ Inti Blblt l"olll1:t. bach'" vision [t worked bccaw.c Laubach moti­ vated people to leach other.. --unc-on­ onc-to read With apologic" to the Laubach Method. I am \uggcMlng. that Heritage reader. gel involved in a memory pre .. erv3tion program , ... hich we can call "Each One Record One." The great thmg about thi ... idea I... that you can become a hi~tory pre ... crvcr. one who can help .,tem thc tIde of a lost he ri tage , And the pronming p;trt of your ef­ fort is that it can :-.prcad 10 other!>. who will pick up the microphollc and also go to work pre!>.erving .,oulnt... Oil mag­ add 10 this lotal the thousands of lay What our Christian brothers and ~IS' net ic tape, people whose storie., should be pre­ ters accompli..,hed for the Kingdom will "Where are the narrator." or inter­ served. you can undcr'ltand the trc­ li\c fore\er. but our abiltty to docu­ viewee.,?" you might a.,~. mendous resources waitIng to be ment their con tribullon<; i.., gonc v. hen Did you ~now that the A",,,embllc,, tapped, (And chancc<; are that your their memone.., £0. and. of COUf"'oe. al of God ha., more than 6.400 mrni<.,ler.., own story should be pre'lcned on thclr death who are 65 or older? I havc been tape.) Thl<; hit me hard a~ I ..,at In Ihe Gen­ around long enough to ~no\\ that on I) But all of thi., 1'.. In Jeopard) eral Council mcmonal "'en'ir.:e in \110' a fraction of Ihc.,c men and v. 'omen Attherr death. or Inaoilit) to lum:­ nearnli'>. Thert! v.e ..,a\\ toe filII call have their .,torie., or mcmoir.., pre­ tion becau.,c uf a ,.tro~c or othcr ph)..,­ on Ihe huge video .,r.:rcen~ \\1 thn~ served on paper or tape. When you ical Impatrrnent..,. Pflhpct:li\e inter" v. ho had ra~.,cd on 10 their rev.ard dur­ vie\\t!c..,- In..,pirational ..,tofle.., and Ing the P"'o1 blcllmal I thought of the mini~',(f) account.., v.ill be lo:-.t You thou.."rnd.., of year.., 01 '>Cf\'ICC roiling can thin~ of it In another \\ <I) a com­ h) p"..,lOr.." cvangclr..,t.,. te;u;her., . puter hard dl'l~ that . ·l:fa.,hc..,·' and mi., ... ionanc'l. and administrator.., v.-hich ha., no hac~up lIi'l~. or a rare Once 111 a whilc I would rt!cogni/e boo~ collection \\ hich i'> de~tro)ed h) a namc of ..,omeonc who.,c .,tory had Wu\Jtr t" WI/rlfrr if fire or v.atcr. The uniquc \\ortl'>. pic · bcen written or recorded , But rnmt of Iilrrrwr IIf ,hr AG /Inhil'u /Jill/ rduor ture ... and ottll.:r data ..,0 cardully l:fe the 600 probably nevcr wrote their au- IIfHcntilj1c, aled and ..,Iored arc gone Contlnoed on pllj\t' 25 \ (; m.RtTAGE. \\lYI foJt 199.l-94 3 Tht 116 'l.1MI~>l1 htliCHr~ \O<h" ... err hHpli1ed on tred Uurkr', ,1,1\ In Ih al ft!Un t r~ in 19.13. lIurke lind nalional pllstor !.lIiton Kllliarnhule IIrc (HI tht left Blessi~ and Hardships Experiences of the Fred Burke Family in Africa By Ruth Burke Rill Edito ... ·s "iote. When pioneer A~· sto ... ) has sencd as a rni ssionar) to holy cercmony. Mother. baby Lydia. semblies of God missionaries (0 Tai"an with her hu.,band Robert and I ... toad on the bank- re~olutely Southern Africa are recalled, F ... ed 80lton for 35 ),ears. try 109 to put all thought~ of crocodi l e~ Burke is ah\ays named. LeavinJ,; the Friends" ishing to remember out of our mind ... In tho ... e day~ ..... e U.S. in 1921 as a single 21·year·old Fred Burke on his 9-'th birthda) did not even know about the hatard ... graduate of Deulah Heights Ilible (Janunr) 27) rna) "rite to him at of bi lharzia. a tropical parasite that ha~ and Missionary Training School. P.O. Box 263, Witbank, 1035. Re· invaded ilil the river~ in Africa. The Burke settled down to do the work public of South Africa. d,.,ca~e 1\ trammilted by ~na il ~ and of a missionary. Most of his minis· enters the human body through the try has been in South Africa. and skin. Many African~ ~uffer from the he is still there. nearly 73 years later. dl~ea ... c but do not know it. '1''''0 years aftcr arriving, he mar· he new convcrt~ III Mala ..... ' had The chee rful ... inging of the peoplc ried Lydia Andersson, daughter of Tnever secn a bapti~lllal scrvicc took aW:ly our fear\ of po:-,."i ble hidden S",edi 'i h mis'i ionaries. at Benoni . And ..... e had nevcr ~ee n one quite likc dangers. South Africa. Their four child ... en tbe serv ice Dad conductcd on our Ii"t A~ the first candidate walked into are Ruth Rill, Lydia Hamman.
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