Nebrask~ st~te Historical ooctety \. I THE . r i' '. .• '•.' .... '. ..~ . I r RED CROSS "The Paper \Vith The Pictures" "Read by 3~000 Families Every \Veeh RED CROSS Established April, 1882 THE ORO QUIZ, ORO, NEBRASKA \VEONESDAY, NOVEMBER 5. 1941 Vol. 59 No, 32 New Chevrolet Brings Grin to \Vinner's Face Four Young People Escaped Death in This \Vreck I Chanticleers Take John M. Lindsay, ~ 11942 Fair to Be LOUll City 34 to 0 Last Civil War Held on Grounds in Fast Grid Ganle Veteran, Is Dead Late in August On Defensive First Frame, Burwell Man Heeds Call at Clement, McGinnis, Dale and Ord Comes Back strong to Age of 93; Served Nineteen Misko, Reelected Officers; Continue Title March, Months in Iowa Infantry, Pearson New Director. On the detensive throughout the first quarter of their game with Burwell- (Spedal)-The last of Decision to hold the 1942 Valley Loup ·Cily at 13ussell park field Fri­ the Boys in Blue answered the county fair on the fair grounds in day evening, the OrO. Chanticleers final' tans and passed from the its entirely rather than to have en- came back strong and won 34 to o. earthly scene when John M. Lind- tertalmuent features "Oil the streets • .Apparently the Chanticleers were say, 93, 'who' is 'belleH;d to have and exhibits Oil the grounds was victims of over-confidenee Iroiu been the last surviving veteran of made on Monday at the annual their lopsided win over Ravenna as the Civil War. in thls part of the meeting of stockholders held in the the ganie against Loup City began state, died in the home of his niece, district court room here, It was and early in the period they found Who wouldn't grin it he suddenly learned that he had won a new Mrs. Edgar Johnson, Saturday. Fu- also decided to claim the week im- themselves desperately defending Chevrolot ? Leonard Monchoster did, when he heard of his good fortune ne ral servlccs were conducted mediately preceding the state fair their own goal line, a,gainst the at the Catholic bazaar in OrO. Saturday night. Here the winner poses Monday and interment made atl as dates for the 1942 show, which ·Warriors. 'They were lucky to with his new automobile while a portion of the crowd of 2,000 which Knoxvllle, La., his former home. ' means that it will be held the las] atave 'ort that first Loup City bid packed the Bob em la n h·.111 looks on enviously. John M. LinU'~ay was boru in week in August. and recover the poise and precision ' + Shelby county, 0., June 23, 1848. It didn't take as long to get a He came with his parents to Iowa quorum of stockholders to h01d the that has enabled them to defeat every opponent all season while Grand Island People Catholies Ilear in October of 1859 and settled at annual meeting :\olonday, which in- keeping their own goal line un- Hurt in Car Accident Ottumwa. In 1867 he moved to dieates more interest than in pre- Marlou county Ia. vious years. crossed. :\oIrs. Katharine Long, of Grand 1'1Vtl times the Chanticleers Island, was cut a nd bruised, her 4- $'1700, at' Bazaar During the Civ i l war he served I President H. Clare Clement call- struck aguinst the Warriors and )'ear-old daughter suffered a sever- nineteen months in Company D., cd the meeting to order soon after each time a touchdown resulted. ely fractured leg and Henry Diet- About $1,700 net was cleared Sat- 151h Iowa Infantry, lIe enlisted 2 :DO and the reports of Secretary Stewart, hitherto used principal- rich, also of Grano. Islond, was urday by the Catholic entertain­ at Ottumwa Jan. 4, 1864 and was I. 'C. C. Dale and Treasurer Ralph ly as a blocker, 'scored Or d's first lJruised when the car driven 'by :\11'. m ent.s, including the bazaar, sup­ in the Georgia and Carolina cam-I !:\lisko were first heard. The sec- touchdown on a beautifully exccut- Dietrich overturned on the corner per, auction, car tickets, dance and paigns. He participated in two Iretary·s report showed that the in- ed double lateral from his own 36- of ,Xo. 11 highway west of .Xol'lh carnival. The trustees, who work­ haril fought battles July 22- and Idcbtcdness has been reduced some- yard line. He ran down the left Loup Thursday evening. The party cd very hard to make the affair a 28, 1864, prior to fall of Atlanta, what and that all back premiums side of the field to wind up in pay had been in 01'0. visiting Mrs. Katie success, were wearing broad grins Ga. When the war closed he was ha ve been cleaned up except a part dirt and a pass, l<'lagg to Cochrane, Long, mother ot Mrs. Katherine on their tired faces as th,ey finished in North Carolina and took part in of the 1941 premiums still unpaid, was good for the extrc point. Loux's divorced husband the accounting at a late hour Sat- the Grand Review of the army in which will be taken care of as soon ,Held scoreless in the second pe- The CM overturned in such a way IUI day e\ cuing Washington, D. e. May 24, 1865. as pari-mutuel money due from the nod, t~e Ord team started ,golllg that the little girl and her mother The automobile II' as \\ on by Leo­ He was uiuster cd out July 24, 1865 . stat~ Is paid, which wiII be soon. places In a hurry when the seco,nd Iwere pinned underneath. Mr. nard Maucheater of Xorth Loup. at Louisville, I{y:, and rece ive d his DIrectors whose terms expired ceta~. s~ored ~Ith fr~e J half opened au d Dietrich was 'thrown and se- Judges in the car drawing were dlscharge Aug. 3, 1865 at Davn'- wer~ Clement, Edward Kokes ~nd a: j,aunt from Loup CIty s. 27-yald cured help to extricate his pu sseug- Mayor :\01. 13. Cummins, Halph port. la. • i David G. Arnold and the meeting Iine, where a pass froll;1 Flag g' to ers. All the injured were brought Mtsko, M. Biemond and C. J. Mor­ st 14 18-0 he waa uiar hi . 1procccdod to choose new directors · On,\.ugus , I e was mal- In t IS wreck at the new bridge across Turtle Creek early Mouda y by b, II t TI flrst b 11 t I . '0. Adams had placed It. Another to the OrO. hospital for emergency te nsen. Other prizes were gi\'en as a• le 1 11 0\\\.e rled to succanua Hurt of Lucus I morning four young people miraculously escaped with only minor in- Clell lOt' 'to b h. ~I a 0 }t pass, 1"la,gg to Cochron e, scored the ueatnient after which Mrs. Long {o!IO\\s: The I)l.dio to Vera Kusek, ~I C'OUI11 YIO'a wa. T WOllenehlldr we'e"r IJunes, thaug I1 a 11 nug. IIt have been k'Ill.'.1 0. The four were Be nu ie. and nol dI Glen De \.Ig1bl man IWIHtld I ,i 1'- extra. potnt. and the little girl were taken to of Ord; a congolcuui rug to Mrs. born to this ma rrlage both of whom Vencil Skala and the Misses Ado ius and Paddock I'" t' Au e alnt . I u mg Third OrO. score w~s n.lade the ~lrs. Katie Long's home where they Frank Ka pustka , of OrO.; a corigol­ di 0. f • f 1I"f d' • . , carson s rong contem ers arid a <: n 111 anvy. IS WI e die 111 Couc re te and steel work on the bridge is completed but the an- number of others 'eltin~ on to hard way, Cetak IUgglllg It across will be cared for until they are well eum rug to OILl! He ll.iuger, of Ar­ proach~s se~ond thr~ugh center from the two prO. enouoh to retul n to G1".1I1d I.land 'Cadia; a 32-plece set of dishes to 1908... had not been filled, so the Skala car plung<:d into a hole aI- thr<:e Yotes. 'L" on fIle eb 1_ line. Flagg held \~hile Cetak boot- " ' . Lawrence Hunge, of Omaha; 24 :\11'.. L1I1dsay. was nlar!·ied. a sec- must el~ht feet deep ',lIld w.as. Crushed. like an eggshell. Scratches, cuts lot Clement, ,flnold and Pears~n ed a perfect field goal to make the one· quart cans of oil to 1". L. Osen- ond lime to Nanty J. Norns, :\laY and brUises were the only ll1Jurles sUlfered by the Occup,lnts. were high b la··' . j .'t'., d rl'I' 7, 1914 who died in Xovember of The Skala cal· knocked down a light barricade, went through a pile thus becam/ me\~ben~a °fl \h~~ an ("Qunt 21 to O. Ce-tak also made towskl, of. OrO.; a Coleman lamp to ~lis. o~ hit~ing Ord's next touchdown with a 35.101111)S011 Nanled !Charles vancura, of 01'0.; pillow 1936. He made. his. home ,,:ith gra\C1 and ?\'Cr. a pile of lJridge timbers b.efore the bridge cial board. I 0 e offi­ yard run down the left side of the cases to W. 1<'. Williams, of Grand stepson, ~. O. ~onls and hiS wlft·,I·auutment:, slowII;g Its spe~d and prob~bly sanng the Ines of all ~~ur Discussion on holding a fail' next at KnOXVille, Ia., for a numb"r ~f jPeople.
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