jpt* . SENEALOGFCAL DEPARTTUFNT CHURCH OF JESUS Cf-lr^STOF LATTER-DAY SAINTS it i: THE 5WARTZ FAMILY OF THE SHENANDOAH VALLEY, VA. Iff PHILIP ALLEN STAKTZ DATE MICROFILM ~ 11 EM ON ROLL r* „ «$$ CAMERA NO. ;# •i CATALOGUE NO. \| Pifclishsd by the author POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y. GENEALQ?!CA! DEPARTMFNT CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS THE SWARTZ FAMILY OF THE SHENANDOAH FOREWORD Trie'morning sun is casting a golden path across the rippling waters of Can­ died ZZ Z tS. summer morning. The ^^J^.^^^^^1 soon ba heard. Already vacationists are pushing their way back to their V— , and^tomorrow I must also undertake the duties of my vocation after weeks of rest, r. twofoS manner I am impelled to undertake at last, the completion of a fas- JiiatSg fielH? study andresearch in presenting here some findings about our rapidly growing family. For over twenty years I have frequented on repeated occasions some of the nationalirLSm librlries to glean information about our various collateral Kn£TbTSL seeZ to havf come to share this information with you. Herein I list son* da^T that has come into my hands from similar studies made by my father, WUliam P. Swartz, and by my grandfather, Joel Swartz, by my cousin M Alberta Swartz of Philadephia in "Three Interesting Families." My great, sreat ^cle, Augustus L. Allen also published sometime in the last years of his fcZ iSe a small volume on "The Allen Family." To their records I have added Results o? considerable independent study. Resource material concerning Sterallines' has been carefully checked, and here and there in cases of doubt tiTproblem has been explained where possible, or the reasonable inference has been Indicated. Of course under certain circumstances the lineage may be claim­ ed eren tho names and dates of certain generations may be m doubt. Not only is this important to bring forth the results of study but this is also the one hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary of the birth £££ It must have been just such an auspicious day on August 18, 1827 whan Joel Swartz opened his blue eyes and lifted up his voice for the first time. He lived to ITcot one of th/most eloquent of his tines and has bestowed on us a gr.jat heri­ tage which all his descendants are to acknowledge and zealously safeguard to pass on to those who shall come after us. August 18, 1952 Philip Allen Swartz B ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS FOR THIS FIRST EDITION OF THE SWARTZ FAMILY OF THE SHENA.NDOAH VALLEY The publication of this family record has been possible by use of spare time in crowded weeks of regular work, often in travel, and many hours of vacation periods. The result is certain lack of uniformity and consider­ able variation in style and composition due to prolonged intervals between writing different sections. I ask for the readers1 indulgence where obvious errors occur in the typo­ graphy, due at times to mimeographing before proof reading. Some errors in information may be discovered by those most concerned, I invite you cor­ respondence. In fact more correspondence from our far flunp; clan would be helpful in preparing future supplements at appropriate intervals, easily added to this material, I personally desire important career data to be supplied by those in active years of life. Page for Correction Correction underlined p, 3 -line h extant 5 P3-12 Louis~XV p.^ 1,8 - intervention p.13 & 17 substitute 7 or 6 in 1126 etc. p.20 P.U 1.6 Second Lutheran Church p.22 last 1. Suzanne Coupel, Apr. 5, 1919 Dec, 30, 191+3 p.30 last P. 13ii33 - Ruth HulTrilir33TT: June~~T5, Tfe? llti332 b. WF~.9, 1WT~ m, Dec, 29, 1951 P.31 P.l 11U35 - President Charles Wesley Hunt arid Mrs."Hdna Klaer Hunt 11U351 -~bTlar. 27, 1951 111*353 Christina P.U5 11U212 Associate General Secretary since 195U 11U213 Associate Pastor, Meriden, Conn. PfU8 IH42232 John BULLington Frederick, b. July 2k, 195U THE SWARTZ REED FAMILY p.252 P.li 1.8 Robert Treat p.252 last P 1.2 Covenant P.25U P.2-1.1 Henry"l p.258 P.1-1.6 Ella Reed Wright lists 989J4 descendants, p.288 Ministerial Forebears of the Swartz Family, Poughkeepsie, Add the name of Rev. William Pereson, lUliO, Rector of Thoreby, York, who was great gaandfather of the grand­ father of Rev. Abraham Pierson of Southampton, Branford and Newark. THE SWARTZ FAMILY CF, THE ,SHENANDOAH C TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD A A CKNCWLEDGEMENTS "' B TABLE OF CONTENTS . - ... C INSCRIPTION E THE SHENANDOAH VALLEY Early Documentary Records - Peter and John Swartz 1 THE SWARTZ FAMILY IN AMERICA V 2 Historical Background - Early Arrivals THEORY OF YOUNG IMMIGRANTS 6 Longevity Theory - Second Generation Theory THE SWARTZ LINEAGE 3 First, Second and Third Generations THE FUNKHOUSER FAMILY 11 Collateral Lines of First and Second Generations THE FOURTH GENERATION - The Virginia Branch 12 Sons and Grandsons of William and Amanda H. Swartz 13 THE FIFTH GENERATION - The Virginia Branch Jh THE FOURTH GENERATION - The Ohio - Pennsylvania Branch 18 REV. JOEL SWARTZ, D.D. T_6 THE FIFTH GENERATION - The Ohio - Pennsylvania Branch 22 Sarah Swartz Hildebrand 22 William Paley Swartz, Ph.D. 23 Charles Kephart Swartz, Ph.D. 29 Herman Frank Swartz, D.D, LL.D. 32 George Otto Swartz o£ THE SIXTH GENERATION 35 Joel Henry Hildebrand, Ph.D. 37 Children and Grandchildren of Joel H. Hildebrand 39 The Hildebrand Lineage ^0 The Alexander - Andrews Lineage The Fitch - Grunewald Lineage hi Margaret Hildebrand and Dr. William A, Sawyer Family h2 Howard Homer Hildebrand Family ho Philip Allen Swartz Family [J Charles Benjamin Swartz Family h6 The Long Richards Lineage I18 • Howard V. Swartz Family The Wiswall Lineage 50 The Penfield Lineage £0 Joel Howard Swartz ,.. Ph»D,. £2 William Hamilton Swartz 53 Frank McKim Swartz, Ph.D. tfc Charles Dana Swartz, Ph. D. Philip Kinsell Swartz 56 Benjamin Kinsell Swartz 57 Elizabeth Kinsell Swartz Thunen 58 Herman Frank Swartz ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF THE SWARTZ FAMILY 60 DESCENDANTS OF JOEL AND ADELIA ROSECRANS SWARTZ ?0 MARRIED SWARTZ FEMALES AND THEIR HUSBANDS 72 REGISTER OF BIRTHS FROM 1955 7$ REGISTER OF MARRIAGES OF SWARTZ MEN 77 REGISTER OF MARRIAGES OF SWARTZ WOMEN 7P REGISTER OF DEATHS FROM 1955 79 CAREER DATA OF OTHER OF RECORD GO - D - TABLE CF CONTENTS (cont) PENNSYLVANIA IMMIGRANTS NAMED SWARTZ OR SCHWARTZ PENNSYLVANIA CENSUS OF 1790 Surnames Swartz, Schwartz, or SwartB EIGHTEENTH SWARTZ FAMILIES IN PENNSYLVANIA OWNER'S RECORD OF FUTURE GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH COLLATERAL LINES OF JOEL AND A DELIA ROSECRANS SWARTZ 101 OUR DUTCH ANCESTORS IN NEW NETHERLANDS 102 THE ROSECRANS FAMILY IN ULSTER COUNTY AT WILTWYCK 103 THE ROSECRANS LINEAGE HI THE BEACH LINEAGE #U38 HJ, THE HITCHCOCK LINEAGE #938 IK THE MERRIMAN LINEAGE #1038 IK THE HARRIMAN LINEAGE #839 117 THE CARTER LINEAGE #7U0 H9 THE IOCKWOOD LINEAGE #5Wi 12o THE ARNOLD FAMILY #531 IZjj THE KTERSTEDE - ROOSA LINEAGE #825 125 THE SIXTH GENERATION continued from preceding page) TiFilllam Crosby Swartz Family 51 PART n 251 THE REED FAMILY 25l COLLATERAL LINES OF FLORENCE REED SWARTZ 255 THE REED LINEAGE- Swartz Family Poughkeepsie Branch 257 REV. VILLEROY DIBBLE HEED, S.T.D. 258 THE ALLEN LINEAGE #375 261 THE JOHN PRESCOTT LINEAGE #78? - 69 Generations 263 THE BULKELEY LINEAGE #887 - Ancestors of Ela Devereaux 268 THE GALLOWAY LINEAGE 269 THE WINCHESTER LINEAGE 270 THE LEICESTER LTNE1GE 270 THE SALISBURY LINEAGE 270 THE HOUSE OF VITRE 271 THE GROSVENOR LINEAGE 2fX THE RICHARD ALLEN LINEAGE 272 THE PUTNAM LINEAGE #582 27l| THE HALL LINEAGE #686 _• 27_U THE BREWSTER - HILL LINEAGE — ~~ 275 THE GOODELL LINEAGE #781 277 THE AVERILL LINEAGE #W6 278 THE HENDEE LINEAGE #692 279 THE IARNED LINEAGE #793 279 THE KELLOGG LINEAGE #752 280 JASPER CRANE #95U 281 THE BELL - KITCHELL LINEAGE #85U 262 REV. ABRAHAM PIERSON #955 283 REV. JOHN HHEEIWRIGHT #1155 286 ACKNOVifLEDGEJENTS AMD CONCLUSION 287 INSCRIPT ION TO THE WIVES AND MOTHERS OF ALL SWARTZ MEN To the fair'and beloved women who have long since joined the great company of our ances­ tors, To the fair and talented women of today who are still giving so much devotion and skill to family duties, so much charm to otr homes, incentive to family enjoyments, and loyalty to our highest social causes, and to our Christian faith, I inscribe this record of "THE SWARTZ FAMILY OF THE SHENANDOAH VALLEY1' with the assurance that the men and women of tomorrow will serve their generations with equal devotion to truth and wisdom, with keen social sympathies, and with complete commitment of their highest tal­ ents to the well-being of all mankind. 'With gratitude and personal indebtedness to the women of my own family whose love has rewarded me beyond measure, whose un­ derstanding has accepted me as I am, and whose strong physical endowments and wor­ thy cultural and spiritual heritage have strengthened and enriched our fanily life. To these few I owe my special thanks - ' Lillian Belle Gleason, my wife, Florence Eleanor Swartz, my daughter, Carol Tibbott, wife of'William Allen, Virginia Amerio, wife of Philip Gleason, Helen Morrison, wife of Guthrie Reed, all three both daughters - in - law and daughters - in - love. - F - ABBREVIATIONS AND NUMBERS For-Academia Degrees see any dictionary if unfamiliar. Frequent use is made of the following abbreviations: b. - born f• - father ca — about 1.— line of.- compare with authority m.(with date) - married d«(with date) - died m.(with name) - mother d.(with name) - daughter p. - page s. - son P. - Paragraph bpt. - baptized qv - which see THE NUMBERING OF INDIVIDmLS Consecutive numbering for the early family will be fomd for the first three generations of the Swartz Family and for the William Swartz family of Virginia.
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