Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 7-19-1995 Arbiter, July 19 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. I ,I " " '\~ i iJ 1\ I' i' I ,)·····1····.············.····.:: . '. ,< WEDNESDAtJULYl9,199SfHEAR,m ISUgeis IBIiUilllili1 AD. lUSH "Where necessary we'll upgrade finishes and Editor mechanical and electrical systems. Reconfiguration will take place in some spaces to provide the neces- .. ~"... Boise State University Head After three years of waiting, the ITT building sary departmental requirements and rooms," Hosford Football Coach Pokey Allen has finally belongs to Boise State University. said. been fighting a form of cancer BSU bought the building from Ronald Vanauker, a Stephanie Gossett, an executive assistant at the known as rhabdomyosarcoma. local contractor and developer. Raptor Research Technology Program, has some con- "He wanted to play golf, and, "The purchase price we bought the thing on is cerns about the move. of course, they wouldn't let $3.2 million. It wound up being "The space will be nice. From a him," defensive assistant Barry around $3.3 million, including standpoint of cohesiveness it frag- Sacks said. "So that made him interest," Vic Hosford,University ments us somewhat and that mad." Architect, said. doesn't make me happy. Some of "The university took an option our assistants teach classes and on the building and paid earnest won't be close to the Biology money in 1992 We did not close Department anymore," Gossett on the contract until late 199'1- said. That was because of the !'act that "We're excited Gossen is also concerned about As summer winds down and we knew we couldn't occupy the about the move. logistics. the dreaded fall semester thing until July of 1995," Hosford "If we can manage to get all the begins, the Student Programs said. Space wise, I' don't computer lines in and things we Board lovingly offers three The ITT facility consists of one need to conduct business that will consecutive Fridays of fun. two story building, a one story know. 1haven't . be nice," Gossett said. BSU students and the commu- building and a 240 stall parking lot. Darlene Travis, Chairperson of nity arc invited to attend Over seen the space. 1 The two story building is going to the Radiologic Sciences, has only Exposure VII. be occupied by the 'Radiological, think it's going to seen floorplans. Health Studies, and Respiratory ."We're excited about the move. Therapy Departments. The single be·crowded.'" Space Wise, I don't know. I haven't '5 story building is being considered seen the space. I think it's going 10 as a location for the Raptor - Darlene Travis,Chairperson be crowded," Travis said. Research Technology Program. of theRa~iologic Sciences Steve Schmidt, Director of The university acquired the Institutional Research, participated Dave Grohl's Foo Fighters have property during a time of uncer- in meetings to decide which arrived to provide mainstream tainty. departments would move. rock with a much-needed slap "When this property became Expense ruled some departments in the face. The former Nirvana available it was at a time when we out. drummer has single-handedly were uncertain as to appropria- "Nursing was considered but created an impressive album tions for some of our facilities, pri- we decided would be too costly. that recalls the heavy, guitar- marily our multi-use classroom building. Without Renovations in the new building and the building the . pop splendor of his last band knowing the future of that building we felt as nursing department would be leaving ruled that and adds a handful of other though it was rather imperative to acquire that piece department out," Schmidt said. influences into the mix. of property because of its proximity to the campus," Currently, the university doesn't have other acqui- 7 Hosford said. sitions planned in the area surrounding ITT. ITT had a lease with an expiration date of July 31, "There has been some interest in the BSU founda- __ G......_IIoo.o__ s__ Cl..- 1995, and is currently working on a new building. tion acquiring some of the open space. west of the BSU administrators are allowing ITT to stay until I'l'T building but I don't know where that plan stands. Vietnam, scholars, Larry Craig, OverexQOSure, September 10 of this year. We're really not targeting that space for growth. movies, cool science tricks, health and fitness After ITT leaves, the building will be renovated We're still concerned about access on Capitol advice, and so much more... and remodeled. Boulevard," Hosford said. 1910 Univenily Drive, Boise,Idaho 8372S Newsworthy Phaat (208) 345-8204 Fax (208) 385-3198 Two at BSUreceive sented to students at Ivy League and Allen's house .: Arbiter E-mGI [email protected] Eastern schools. Since the first auction in 1983, Fulbright Scholar the event has raised almost $1.5 mil- VOLUME 5 ... NUMBER 2."JULY 19 1995 lion for scholarships, the library and The ~. is the oIJidal sIUdent newspaper 01 Boise SloIe University. lis mission is 10 provide olorum lor awards an athletic gallery project. the ckKussion 01 issues impoding the c~ and the community. The Arbiter's budgel cOllSists01 lees paid Boise State University graduate Audion '95 raises by srudents 01 BSU and advertising sales. II is d"lSIrlbuted 10 the campus and canvnuni!y on Wednesdays student Terrie Rowley has received a Fulbright Scholar award for a Ph.D. $240,000 for BSU during the school year. The first copy is Iree, additional lopies are $1 m,payable at The Arbiter ollkes. program in geophysics at a Canadian scholarships, Graduate student IJIE VAFF university. Rowley is completing a master's pro.jed., . was seleded for Yr. Idrn Rush ManagiI'J Yror Kale Neff Bel PIIoto Yror Rid Kosorich Feahns Yror in geophysics at BSU. The Fulbright $18,000 scholarship Rhett TlMlIFil Elitor IJuo IJeIlpb Musk Elitor Jason SieveIs Sports Eelton Michele SchweOO, award will enable her to continue Student scholarship funds were Oris Slrotton Outcloor E.for Russ WodseV EnWollatntai E.tor Dan Skimer Copy Ecltor her research on groundwater conta- boosted $240,000 after enthusiastic Boise State University graduate Armndo SnV1h SeaIor Art Dlndor Scott Sdmaljohn Associat. Art D1rldor RyanDonohue mination as a doctoral student at the bidders were finished at Auction '95. Dora M. Gallegos has been awarded University of Waterloo in Ontario, , About 450 people attended the the $ 18,000 Ford Foundation 8lISfItss Manager Jell ~ Staff Wrfttn 1llMdllalmm, Nay llOOMv, Steve F5ck, K8WI Canada. , biennial auction on April ~9 at Boise Dissertation Fellowship to complete ~, Ka1fryn Grace; IllMdGrtw, PotriOO 6rel.u, K8WIHeckaIhom,Jan HiIe,1hJrk HaIoOOv,Joe ReIk, BSU now has two Fulbright Centre on the Grove. her dissertation in geologic research AIron 5mer, KeWl WIISbN, .Jan Wroten Staff PIIot~ Damv Fm, Joo Rel, TrishlIope, scholars for 1995-96. Jyl Hoyt of BSU Proceeds from the auction,which at BSU. The fellowShip was'awarded GanbI Sdxter ~ Manager 100 Wroten AdvtrflsIng Manager PlJ1Jkk fm1a <Jasslfltcl Radio received an award for three is co-sponsored by the Bronco through Washington State University Ads Maaager TJ Manisan R«tptIoa IJuo 1Je9xla, TJ Manisan, RhettTlJI1eIEcItoIIaI AdvIser IJoo months of research and travel in Athletic Association and the BSU where Gallegos, 41, is a doctoral stu- Naris Buslltss AdvIw WiIKm !kit Peru. Last year, all Big Sky schools Alumni Association,' benefit academ- d~nt Geology. combined received only two, in icscholarships and the athletic 'The fellowship, administered by THE WEATHER Fulbright awards. gallery project. The National Research Council, will Fulbright awards for gra.duate Hey On the auction block were abOut fund her research from June 1, study and research are highry~(om- 500 donated items, ranging' in value 1995-May 31, 1996. Wail petitive. Last year, there were 4,537 from $25 to $14,000, including rent Gallegos said she was thrilled to I've gal a new lamp/oint. -K.C. applications for 670 grants in 128 on an apartment for one year, car countries. Historically, the majority of receive· the award because it keeps leases, construction packages and a her in Boise with her family and her Fulbright Scholar award~are prec d dinner party at football coach Pokey research colleagues at BSU.. THEMlm. WEDNESDA~JULY19, 1995 ---------~----------...:...-NEWS3 The decision is supported by American businesses, which are eager to more fully (linton grants enter the 13th largest country in the world. ' Clinton has been criticized most by MIA , ... families and Sen. Bob Dole, R-Kansas, who say Vietnam should have done more to ,ecognltlon to account for the 1,618American servicemen who arc still missing in Vietnam Of that number, 55 had been seen alive in captivity. Hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese Vietnam have never been accounted for and 78,750 Americans are still missing in action from World War II, New York Times analyst RW. Apple]r. 'iNJiAiQ~" BSLJ'sMBA program gives Idaho a head start asserted that the reason it took the U.s.so Co-Enterfali"nent Editor' . long to grant Vietnam recognition is that "the u.s. lost in Vietnam. It is never easy for -: Whe~~; ••;:~'r~a' bUddin~·.~ili~U~········· I:, the big guy to shake hands after losing the speaker ora Spanish eultureaflclona-.
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