ISSN (Online): 2455-3662 EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal Volume: 6 | Issue: 12 |December 2020 || Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor: 7.032 ||ISI Value: 1.188 THE ROLE OF TOURISM BUSINESS PLAYERS IN SUPPORTING TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN NORTH TAPANULI REGENCY Benny Simanjuntak1 Sirojuzilam2 1Department of Regional and Rural 2Department of Regional and Rural Development Planning, Development Planning, University of Sumatera Utara, University of Sumatera Utara, North Sumatra, North Sumatra, Indonesia Indonesia Agus Purwoko3 3Department of Regional and Rural Development Planning, University of Sumatera Utara, North Sumatra, Indonesia ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze the role of tourism business actors in supporting tourism development in North Tapanuli. The research was conducted in North Tapanuli Regency. The analysis method used in this research is multiple regression analysis and descriptive analysis. The results showed that the role of tourism business actors which includes the attractiveness of tourist attraction products (X1), facilities and infrastructure (X2), information and promotion (X3), service and hospitality (X4), and the level of visitor satisfaction (X5) has a positive influence and significant towards the tourism development of North Tapanuli Regency. The efforts made by the government to increase the capacity of SME entrepreneurs in the North Tapanuli Regency which include institutional variables, guidance, capital, and capacity building for business actors are positive. KEYWORDS: tourism business actors, tourism development, government efforts 1. INTRODUCTION Tourism is a modern form of industry that can Getz (2008) states that to achieve the success provide rapid economic development in terms of job of the tourism targets of an area, efforts are needed to opportunities, income, living standards, and the organize an adequate tourism system in the form of activation of other tourism-receiving development promotion and development of tourism potential sectors, including art, souvenirs, hotels, supported by production designs and activities held transportation, and other industries (Wahab 2003). by the local government. Gunn (1994) notes that without knowing the The number of foreign tourists visiting North mutual relationship between certain sections of the Sumatra through three entrances, namely: Kualanamu supply side, especially when it comes to market Airport (Airport), which was previously Polonia demand, tourism can not be expected. These two Airport, Belawan Port. and Teluk Nibung Port, as can components form one unit, where the tourism supply be seen in Table 1. includes things provided by the destination, which are very closely related. 2020 EPRA IJMR | www.eprajournals.com | Journal DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2013 40 ISSN (Online): 2455-3662 EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal Volume: 6 | Issue: 12 |December 2020 || Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor: 7.032 ||ISI Value: 1.188 Tabel 1 Development of the Number of International Tourists Coming to North Sumatra in 2005 - 2015 Tanjung Balai Year Airport Belawan Seaport Total Asahan Seaport 2005 106.083 9.181 5.788 121.052 2006 109.574 6.936 5.336 121.846 2007 116.614 7.312 10.204 134.130 2008 130.211 7.011 15.271 152.493 2009 148.193 5.075 9.981 163.249 2010 202.296 18.260 14.962 202.296 2011 192.650 18.975 11.501 223.126 2012 205.845 22.132 13.856 241.833 2013 225.550 22.631 11.118 259.299 2014 234.724 24.769 11.344 270.837 2015 197.818 20.916 10.554 229.288 Source: Central Statistics Agency of North Sumatra Province, 2016 Natural potential that can be developed as a tourist attraction in North Tapanuli Regency. For more details, see Table 2. Table 2 Potential Tourism Objects in North Tapanuli Regency No. Tourism Object Type of Tourism Location 1 Panorama Alam Hutaginjang Natural tourism Muara 2 Pantai Muara Natural tourism Muara 3 Air Soda di Parbubu Natural tourism Tarutung 4 Hutabarat Hot spring Natural tourism Tarutung 5 Saitnihuta Hot spring Natural tourism Tarutung 6 Ugan Hot spring Natural tourism Tarutung 7 Sipoholon Hot spring Natural tourism Sipoholon 8 Siborongborong Horserace Natural tourism Siborongborong 9 Sopo Partungkoan Natural tourism Tarutung 10 Natumandi Cave Cultural / Historical Tourism Tarutung 11 Hindu Hopong site Cultural / Historical Tourism Simangumban 12 Cross of Love Siatas Barita Spiritual Tourism Siatas Barita 13 Munson and Leman Graveyard Spiritual Tourism Adiankoting 14 HKBP Main office Spiritual Tourism Pea Raja - Tarutung 15 Sipoholon Seminarium Spiritual Tourism Saitnihuta Tarutung 16 Nommensen Monument Spiritual Tourism Saitnihuta-Tarutung 17 Onan Sitahurung Spiritual Tourism Saitnihuta-Tarutung 18 Dame church Spiritual Tourism Saitnihuta-Tarutung Pancur napitu - 19 Johanes Pastor Graveyard Spiritual Tourism Tarutung 20 Johanes Siregar Pastor Graveyard Spiritual Tourism Muara Sumber : Dinas North Tapanuli Regency Tourism 2020 EPRA IJMR | www.eprajournals.com | Journal DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2013 41 ISSN (Online): 2455-3662 EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal Volume: 6 | Issue: 12 |December 2020 || Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor: 7.032 ||ISI Value: 1.188 The large number of tourists visiting North aims to determine the relationship between two or Tapanuli Regency will open business opportunities more variables (Rusiadi, et al, 2014). for the community in providing various kinds of The research was conducted in North Tapanuli tourist needs while in the tourist attraction of North Regency with the object of research on the role of Tapanuli Regency. This opportunity is utilized by the tourism business actors in supporting tourism community by offering various services or goods development in North Tapanuli Regency. Tourism needed to attract visiting tourists. The increasing potential in regional development is carried out in 7 demand for services and goods needed by tourists has (seven) sub-districts, namely: Muara, Tarutung, an impact on increasing people's income in the tourist Sipohon, Adiankoting, Siborongborong, area of North Tapanuli Regency. Simangumban, Siatas Barita. The population in this Tourism activities in the North Tapanuli study are all business actors associated with the Regency tourism area should be accompanied by an development of the tourism object mentioned above. increase in the welfare of the local community, such Based on data from the North Tapanuli Regency as income, and an increase in the level of welfare, Tourism Office (2016), in 2016 there were 2,816 which is the basis of this study. business actors associated with tourist objects (hotels, weaving, sihobok beans, and blacksmith). 2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Sampling was carried out using probability It is appropriate to group this study into two sampling, which is a sampling technique that qualitative and quantitative data according to the provides equal opportunities for each element form of data and analysis. Qualitative data is in the (member) of the population to be selected as sample form of words, sentences, schemes, and images. members (Sangadji and Sopiah, 2010). Furthermore, Quantitative data is data that is measured (scoring) in using the Slovin formula, the total sample size is the form of numbers or qualitative data. According to 96.57 business actors and rounded up to 97 samples its degree of manipulation, the method of analysis is or respondents. quantitative/associative/correlational and this study Tabel 2 Population and Sample per sub-district No. Sub-district Number of Business RT Sample (people) Actors (People) 1. Adian Koting 421 421/2816 x 100 = 14 2. Sipoholon 410 410/2816 x 100 = 14 3. Tarutung 562 562/2816 x 100 = 19 4. Siatas Barita 198 198/2816 x 100 = 7 5. Simangumban 572 572/2816 x 100 = 20 6. Siborong-borong 394 394/2816 x 100 = 14 7 Muara 259 259/2816 x 100 = 9 Jumlah 2816 97 Source: Central Statistics Agency of North Tapanuli Regency (2016) Data collection techniques used are literature study, moderate welfare level of 75%, then a high level of observation, interviews. The data collection tools welfare is 22%, and the smallest is a low welfare used in this research were interview guides and level of 3%. questionnaires. To analyze how the role of tourism OK Henry (2008) conducted a study "The business actors in tourism development in North Impact of Theme Park Tourism Locations on Tapanuli Regency uses multiple regression linear Community Income and Regional Development of analysis Pantai Cermin District", concluded that community income was still not significantly adequate with an 3. LITERATURE REVIEW indication that employment, entertainment, in Hiariey and Sahuslilawane (2013) conducted a carrying out their main work, the attention of local study "The Impact of Tourism on Income and governments, knowledge, family education, Welfare Levels of Business Actors in Natsepa Beach community organization activities, meeting food Tourism, Ambon Island". The results showed that the needs, housing, saving have not increased. factors affecting household group income were the number of family members, the level of expenditure, Suharto (2007) states that the availability of and the amount of time spent working. Based on the hotels and the ease of accessing them will provide level of welfare, most households who use the satisfaction for tourists in the Ubud area of Bali. services of
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