E H M I LL ER W ARR N . m E d it o r Field an d S t r ea . ‘ ’ THE B OYS B K or HUNTI N D F G OO G AN ISHIN , “ ” CAMP CRAFT, ETC . H. DORAN COMPANY COPYRIGHT, 1 91 7, BY GEORGE E . DORAN COMPANY 24 I 9” 1 BY T F L ' COPYRIGHT, 19 1 1, 9 1 7, HE IE D AND STREAM PUB . CO PRINTED I N THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ! cm4 8 05 6 8 PREFA CE A C as Every merican itizen should be a good shot , forefathers were before us . That ability has been f strength during the short li e of the Republic , and reputation of being a nation of r iflemen will con tin ue to be our surest guarantee against foreign in vas io n . , so long as each generation lives up to its duty ~ In this era of preparedness , I have not failed to put in a complete treatment of the military rifle, mili tary shooting positions , and the curriculum of the s onal Rifle As ociation, the more needful since information is n o t accessible to the general pub being for the most part contained in the Small s n d t Arms Manual , i sued only to the Army a Na ional ‘ ene r al sa le Guard and not on g . “ ” ’ Rifles and Shotguns is the gist of the author s experience dur ing many years of big game and e feathered game shooting. Setting all th ories and s general average methods aside , what the portsman needs is a system of rifle and shotgun shooting that will bring home the meat , and that will not crumple and fail in the tense excitement of the supreme mo m ent , that fleeting instant when your gunsights are trained on wild beast or bird making good his escape ” W ith every power at his command- and success or chagr in will depend upon the truenes s with which the e bullet is sped or the charg of shot placed . V vi PREFA CE A n d for the hunter it must be realized that ut systems , designed to make target scorers o e general average of humanity, will not fit one fo r th n n or a crucial moment of big game shooti g, will tr p s hooting ever make a wing s h o t who can knock down o - his bird with a swift snap in the thick brush . L ng th e experience , of the kind that must not fail to get meat or else go hungry, as an alternative , has taught me what to discard and what to concentrate on in ’ making of one s self a successful big game or fe ath ered game shot , The sights that will not fail you in the dense timber ; the method of gun po mtin g that loses no instant before connecting shot charge an d flying bird ; details of gun fitting that count for accu racy ; training that will prepare the novice so that he will not have to begin all over again when his p r o fi c ien cy is actually tested out on game ; these are set forth in this work so that the beginner can assimilate them . M W A RREN H . ILLER. n . 1 1 . Interlake , N . J , 9 7 FOUR CENTURIE S OF FIREARMS RIFLE MECHANICS R L IF E. SIGHTS A BI G GA ME IMING AT . TRIGGER RE LEASE RIFLE TARGETS TW O RI FLES FOR THE POOR MAN THE 2 2 v R E . IFL THE U . R S . MILITARY IFLE KNOW YOUR GUN THE MAN ’ S GAME OF TRAPSHOOTING T E E CLAY BIRD . PRAC TC AFI LD SHOTGUN MECHANICS SNAP SHOOTING CARTRIDGES AND TABLES L Edi r Field a d S tream H. o n W ARREN MIL ER, t E I . E N FI G . ARLY SCOPETTES AND PETRO ELS TYPES OF PERCUSSION CAP REPEATERS THE EARLIEST BREECH LOADING MUSQUETOON LONG BARRELED SIEGE GUNS OF THE 1 7TH CENTURY R E G G A G FI G. 2 . N AMPART SI GE UNS , REN DE U S M ULTI FI RE WE APONS DOUB LE FIRE GUNS ’ O E L 86 ACTION F THE WINCHEST R, MODE ’ A E E L CTION OF THE WINCH STER , MOD 9 4 E ACTION OF THE . 3 5 CAL R MINGTON AUTOMATIC ACTION OF THE STEVENS SINGLE SHOT FA VORITE ’ A THE CTION OF WINCHESTER , MODEL 9 5 A REMINGTON . 3 5 CALIBRE UTOLOADING MARLIN REPEATING RIFLE ’ SAVAGE MODEL 9 9 4 2 V ’ “ T . U S . R F HE SPRINGFIELD MILITARY I LE, MODEL OF 03 4 6 T E - HE SAU R MAUSER 8MM . 4 6 HE T MANNLICHER 9 MM . SPORTING RIFLE SIGHTS OF THE . 2 2 RIFLES AND ARMY BATTLE SIGHT I G E G E F VORY, OLD B AD AND LOB RONT SIGHTS ANTELOPE TARGETS FOR CELLAR RANGE CAMP FIRE CLUB RISING BEAR TARGET X FOLDING BA R' AND LEAF REAR SIGHT FOLDING PEE P SIGHT THE U . S . GOVERNMENT CARTRIDGES SHOW ING THE EFFE CTS OF CANTING THE RIFLE Fo x AND D EER CARTRIDGES To o FINE SIGHTING CARTRIDGES USED IN TW O RIFLES FOR THE POOR MAN CORRECT TARGET SIGHTING ’ E E E 86 R E G R TUB LA R WINCH ST R MOD L EP ATIN IFLE , MAGAZINE ’ E E RE E R B o x Z E WINCH ST R P ATING IFLE 9 5 , MAGA IN A PARTY OF B EAR HUNTERS I OO Y THE CAMP FIRE CLUB RISING BEAR . RANGE ARDS ’ THE AUTHOR S PENDULUM DE ER ’ THE WINCHE STE R MODEL 9 2 T - E HE SPRINGFIELD MAUS R , MM THE SPRINGFIELD- MAUSER ALTERED To A SPORTING RIFLE 2 2 . RI . CAL FLES CAT RIFLES TOP VIEW AND VE RTICAL SE CTION OF THE ACTION OF THE , ARMY SPRINGFIE LD 1 2 2 V T THE U . S . A STANDARD MILITARY ARGETS USED BY RMY, NATIONAL GUARD AND NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION PLAN FOR AN OUTDOOR RIFLE RANGE TAKING OFF EXTRACTOR TAKING OUT BOLT TAKING STRIPES OFF FIRING PIN SLEEVE UNSCREW ING SLEEVE NO AND THE CORRE SPONDING HITS ON LOAD FULL CHOKED AT 4 0 YARDS UM CHOKED RIGHT AT 30 YARDS 6 OFF CENTER FULL CHOKED LEFT AT 4 0 YARDS FULL CHOKE D LE FT AT 30 YARDS IN 2 4 CIRCLE MOUNTAIN SHEE P TARGET AT 300 YARDS SCE NE AT THE GRAND. AME RICAN HANDICAP TRAPSHOOT THE TRAP PULLER AT WORK TRAPS OF THE ASBURY PARK GUN CLUB THREE CLAY BIRD TRAPS SET B EHIND BOARD SCREEN DOUBLE TARGETA UTOMA TIC CLAY BIRD TRAP I NTERI OR OF TRAP HOUSE 2 A FINE I THACA 1 GA . SHOTGUN - D E O NE 1 2 . THE L . C . SMITH TRIGGER OUBL GA SHOTGUN PARKER I O AND 2 0 GAUGE D OUBLE GUNS 2 D E LE FEVER 1 GA . OUBL GUN I REMINGTON REPEATING SHOTGUN A HIGH GRADE SINGLE TRAPGUN WINCHESTER REPE ATING SHOTGUN ACTION OF THE LE FEVER SHOTGUNS ACTION OF THE PARKER W ITH AUTOMATIC EJECTOR Y SHO OTING W ITH FOU R CENTU RIES OF FIREA RM S I N 19 07 it was my good fortune to be residing I n France , and furthermore to be in close touch with the ’ é A r ill r HOt l Mus e d t e ie in the e des Invalides in Paris . m n n m t . le Co d a L My good friend M a , , Hardie , then er mi s s i o n curator of the museum , gave me p , as an an d American author and sportsman, to photograph handle the firearms in that vast collection to my ’ heart s content, and I was not slow to take advantage of the opportunity . Perhaps the most complete bridge in the gap between the antique bo mbard and the mod — ern automa tic high - velocity rifle of to day 18 that col n - 2 00 ff lectio of firearms in the Invalides , 5 di erent pieces , arranged in five great halls . I have seen the o n collections at Dresden and Berlin , the Tower of L o wn don collection , and our magnificent exhibit in the Metropolitan Museum of Art , but it is safe to say that none of them approaches in completeness and extent ’ the great collection in the Paris Musée d A r tiller ie . The photographs herewith of the more interesting m groups of hand firear s were taken by the author , l eaving out th e artillery section of the collection as 15 ‘ 16 QRIPLE S may be class ed the hundred years the cannon or bo mbar d was th e through which gunpowder was slowly develop excellence where it could yield a velocity suit hand firearms using comparatively small mis against armour plate . The arbalest and the still held sway in the XI Vth Century as hand shoot On e mg arms, the bow, three inches wide by one and ‘ a d o half inches thick at the centre , n seven feet l ng, being capable of penetrating all smaller pieces of armour plate , and the arbalest, with its great , steel it ' u d iv fi waggon springs and geared winch to wind p , r ing a steel bolt right through the strongest part O f any armour , provided it hit square on, at close range . But gunpowder could give no such force or pene t r atio n im , for, until you pass a certain velocity, it is possible to penetrate steel plate, no matter what the z S i e of the ball .
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