VRE OPERATIONS BOARD MEETING May 21, 2021 – 9:00 A.M. VIA WebEx 1. Roll Call 2. Consent Agenda A. Resolution Finding Need to Conduct May 21, 2021 Meeting Electronically B. Approval of Agenda C. Authorization to Issue a Request for Proposals for a Construction Manager/General Contractor for the Alexandria Station Improvements Project D. Authorization to Issue a Request for Proposals for General Planning Consulting Services 3. Approval of Minutes from the April 16, 2021 VRE Operations Board Meeting 4. Chair’s Comments 5. Chief Executive Officer’s Report 6. Virginia Railway Express Riders’ and Public Comment 7. Action Items: A. Authorization to Execute a Contract for Delivery of Lubricating Oil for VRE Locomotives B. Authorization to Execute an Excess Facilities Agreement with Rappahannock Electric Cooperative for LOU Facility Electric Service C. Recommend Authorization to Enter into a Right of Way Easement Agreement with Rappahannock Electric Cooperative for LOU Facility Electric Service D. Recommend Authorization to Execute an Amendment for the First Option Period of the Contract for Maintenance Services for Commuter Rail and the First Year of the First Option Period E. Recommend Authorization to Execute an Amendment for the Second Year of the Second Option Period of the Contract for Operating Services for Commuter Rail F. Recommend Authorization to Execute a Contract for New Railcars G. Referral of the Amended FY 2022 VRE Operating Budget to the Commissions 8. Information Items: A. Spending Authority Report B. Board Electronic Participation Policy 9. Closed Session 10. Operations Board Member’s Time The Next VRE Operations Board Meeting will be on June 25, 2021- 9:00 A.M. 2 Virginia Railway Express Operations Board Resolution 2A-05-2021 Resolution Finding Need to Conduct May 21, 2021 Meeting Electronically WHEREAS, on March 12, 2020, the Governor of Virginia declared a state of emergency in Virginia in response to the spread of novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, a communicable disease of public health threat as so declared by the State Health Commissioner on March 7, 2020 (“COVID-19”); and, WHEREAS, in subsequent Executive Orders, particularly Executive Order Nos. 53 and 55, as amended, the Governor of Virginia, among other measures designed to ensure safe physical distancing between individuals, prohibited public and private in person gatherings of 10 or more individuals and ordered all individuals in Virginia to remain at their place of residence, with limited exceptions, to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 and prevent its spread; and, WHEREAS, the Virginia Railway Express Operations Board finds that it has a responsibility to demonstrate to the public, through the Board’s conduct, the importance of maintaining proper physical distance from others and to avoid gathering in public where the risks of infection are highest, and to take measures that promote physical distancing in order to protect the public health and mitigate the impacts and spread of COVID-19, including, among others, conducting meetings electronically whenever possible; and, WHEREAS, on April 22, 2020, the Virginia General Assembly adopted, and the Governor signed, budget bill amendments to HB 29 that expressly authorize “any public body, including any state, local, [or] regional body” to “meet by electronic communication means without a quorum of the public body . physically assembled at one location when the Governor has declared a state of emergency . ., provided that (i) the nature of the declared emergency makes it impracticable or unsafe for the public body . to assemble in a single location; (ii) the purpose of the meeting is to discuss or transact the business statutorily required or necessary to continue operations of the public body . and the discharge of its lawful purposes, duties, and responsibilities” among other provisions; and, Resolution 2A-05-2021 Page 2 WHEREAS, jurisdictions of the Virginia Railway Express Operations Board have adopted continuity of government ordinances pursuant to Va. Code Ann. § 15.2-1413 which ordinances, among other provisions, authorize regional bodies of which the locality is a member to meet electronically to transact business to assure the continuity of government; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Virginia Railway Express Operations Board hereby finds that meeting by electronic means is authorized because the nature of the declared emergency makes it both impracticable and unsafe for the Operations Board to assemble in a single location on May 21, 2021, to discuss and transact the business of the Operations Board listed on the May 21, 2021 Operations Board Meeting Agenda; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Virginia Railway Express Operations Board hereby finds that meeting by electronic means is authorized because the items on the May 21, 2021 Operations Board Meeting Agenda are statutorily required or necessary to continue operations of the Operations Board and the discharge of the Operations Board’s lawful purposes, duties, and responsibilities; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Virginia Railway Express Operations Board hereby finds that the items on the May 21, 2021 Operations Board Meeting Agenda are encompassed within the continuity of operations ordinances adopted by several member localities of the Virginia Railway Express Operations Board to assure the continued operation of the government during the disaster posed by the public health emergency resulting from COVID-19. Approved this 21st day of May 2021 ______________________________ Elizabeth Bennett-Parker Chair ____________________________ James Walkinshaw Secretary Agenda Item 2-C Consent Item To: Chair Bennett-Parker and the VRE Operations Board From: Rich Dalton Date: May 21, 2021 Re: Authorization to Issue a Request for Proposals for a Construction Manager/General Contractor for the Alexandria Station Improvements Project Recommendation: The VRE Operations Board is asked to authorize the Chief Executive Officer to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) to procure a Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) for the Alexandria Station Improvements Project. Summary: This resolution will authorize VRE to commence a competitive procurement process necessary for selection of a CM/GC, the alternate delivery method recommended by VRE staff for construction of the Alexandria Station Improvements Project. Background: In January 2019, the VRE Operations Board authorized the Chief Executive Officer to issue a task order under the General Engineering Consulting Services (GEC) VII contract to HDR Engineering, Inc. for design services for the Alexandria Station Improvements Project. The scope of work of the design task order included providing an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant, grade-separated pedestrian tunnel and elevator access between the two platforms at the VRE/Amtrak station in Alexandria as well as modifying and extending the east platform at the station to accommodate eight-car trains and enable the platform to service two trains simultaneously, from a track on each side of the platform. The west platform adjacent to the station building will also be modified to raise its height relative to the top of rail as part of the project. An alternative delivery method has been recommended for the Alexandria Station Improvements Project to engage a CM/GC while the final design effort is in progress to enable the CM/GC to participate in constructability reviews, coordination of schedule timelines, and value engineering services, with the goal of containing the eventual construction cost and lessening the potential for change orders during construction. The work as described would constitute the first phase of the CM/GC contract (the "pre- construction services" phase) and, once the design is complete, the CM/GC would then provide a "Guaranteed Maximum Price" (GMP) for project construction. The actual construction will be the second phase of the GM/GC contract. During this second phase, the CM/GC is responsible for managing the project and its subcontractors within the GMP, which is the cap the CM/GC will be paid for completing the project. Any additional cost beyond the GMP is the responsibility of the CM/GC. VRE staff believes the CM/GC project delivery method is preferable to the traditional Design-Bid-Build method for the Alexandria Station Improvements Project because of the complexity of the project, which requires a larger amount of design control, with full involvement from VRE, the designer (HDR) and the CM/GC. Having the CM/GC involved earlier enhances value engineering, constructability, and scheduling thereby resulting in a lower project cost through greater coordination and collaboration. In accordance with Section 2.2-4382 of the Virginia Public Procurement Act and Section 6.14 of the PRTC/VRE Public Procurement Policy and Procedures Manual, a CM/GC must be procured through a two-step competitive procurement process. In the first step, companies shall be requested to submit their qualifications in response to a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) advertised by VRE. The RFQ shall contain the criteria to be used to evaluate responses and other relevant information, including any unique capabilities or qualifications that will be required of the CM/GC. Based upon the information submitted and any other relevant information, VRE will select no more than five companies deemed fully qualified and most suitable for the project. Only those companies that are prequalified shall be invited to respond to the RFP to be advertised by VRE as
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