nr-' Fair teulght and Sunday; mod- 8,537 erate teenpereturee end moderate winds. ' ■'ita / Member of the Audit Bnicau ef Ctrettlatt-m -'X Manefcester— 4 Ciiy. of VUlago Charm (TW ELVE PAGES^ PRICE THREE CENTS (ClassISed AdvertialBg so Page Ifl) M ANCH ESTER , CONN., S A T U R D A Y , DECEM BER 18,1943 VOL. L X IIL , NO. 67 May Command Invasion Forces 5th Army Pincers 6th Army Occupies Nears San Pietro; Merkus Peninsula; Tanks in Battles Continues to Gain and to Hand Fighting ^ FaCtOVS Continues as Ameri- Takes Coinplele Control cans Dig Garmans Out Slow Gains Nazis Report Plans Shift O f Neck o f Land Of Pillboxes on Out- Flanking Arawe Har- Along 'Boot For Leader skirts o f Heavily Forti- White Russia bor; No Distinct Bat- fied Village Today. Of Invasion tleline Establisbcd; Italian Aid Le$$ Than Battle Heavy Scaltereil Enemy Re- Allied Headquarters, Al- Expected; Competing iers, Dec. 18.—K^)~^A Fifth sislanee Eliininated rmy pincers movement In Priorities; Rome of Ruflflians Strengthen En-\ Belief Is Expressed Mar- Bv Ainericun Forces. losed in today on the heavily Little Military Value. cirelenienl of Kirovo- shfdl to Stay in Pres- ortified village of San Pietro, grad; K ill 800 Colin-j ent Job; Eisenhotver General MacArthur’s Head- even miles southeast of Cas- By Wes Gallagher sino, as the Eighth Army re- ter - Atta<6king Foes. | To Direct Landings. quarters, New Guinea, Dec Allied Headquarters, ‘ Algiers, 18. — (JP) — Troops of th« ported capturing or destroy- bee. 18.—'.'PI—Three factors, as London, Dec. 18—(>P»—Troops of Washington, Dec. 18.—(/P(— The United States Si.fth Arm> ing 15 German tanks in a se- Important, if not more so, than ries of srmored battle* on the Gen. Ivan S. Konev's Second unofficial but usually authoritative have (fecupied the entii’4 terrain and weather, have played other side of the peninsula. Amer- Ukraine Army have strengthened Army and Navy registes-expressed Cape Merkus peninsula in th« ican troopa reached the outskirts large part In the alow progress their encirclement of the indus- belief today that revised plans Arawe sector of New Britaii of San Pietro, where hand to hand of the American Fifth and the fighting continued for the second British Eighth Army up the Italian trial city of Kirovograd, killing would place Gen. Dwight D. Elsen- island, and,are continuing t< straight day as the doughboys boot, it appears to me after a tour 800 counter-attacking Germans, hower in charge of the Invasion of advance. General MacAr- dug the German* out of their pill- of southern Italy. General Eisenhower, center, above, welcoming President Roosevelt at the airport In CMtelvetrano, Moscow announced today as Nazi we.'rtern Europe and that Gen. thur'a headquarters announced to. boxes one ty one. They are: , Sicily, may have been picked as commander of the Allied forcea to Invade Europe from Britain, ac- George... C. Marshall, previously night. This gave the invasios 1. The Italian surrender has sources reported new and heavy forces which landed four day* ago Only One Road to Escape cording to the Army and Navy Register. Elsenhower is to tackle the job * slated to take over supreme com- produced.far less in a military fighting in White Russia. complete control of the three-mill The ’ Americana how hold for Gen. Marshall, who. It is reported, is to remain in his position as chief of staff of the U. S. Army. would mand of Ahierlcan-Brltisb forces, sense than had first been hoped for. Capture of Kirovograd would continue in his present post neck of land flanking the Armwi heights north, east, south and Shown in the picture at the left Is Lieut. Gen. Geo rge S. Patton. seriously menace the German gar- southwest of the village, a mili- The Italian armed forces have not as U. S. Army chief of staff. harbor on the southwest coast ol yet proved of any great value, rison at Krivol Rog, principal The register, crediting "well-in- the big island, and leading to» tary commentator said, leaving source of manganese for Ger the Germans only one road to es- especially on land, and Italian formed sources" for its informa- ward the site of the presently guerrilla activity and sabotage has many's war machine. The Ger- tion, saldj'this reversal" of plant serviceable air atrip cape. s mans have held to this vital min- The attack on San Pietro was been negligible. Liquor, Taxes apparently stemmed from the re- Initisl Objectives of TI 2. This Mediterranean theater Big Munitions Plant ing center for months, hurling The peninsula, together with coordinated w'ith an assault on back rfpeated Red Army frontal cent Middle-East jionferenc# be- 1,000-foot Mount Lungo, to the is competing in priorities with tween President Roosevelt and the off^lying Pilelo teland wblcM south of the Rome road. Closing of other theaters which figure higher Twin Issues attacks. Prime Minister Churchill, stating was overrun the first day of the the pincers would chop off a large in Allied plans. Report Unusually Laconic 'some decision must have been attack, were deagtlbed aa the 3. ' Outside of prestige there is Blasted During Raid Today's Russian communique prime initial objectives of the section of the road near the en- reached___ that makes it more de- trance into the Casslno plain. little military value in capturing was unusually laconic, confining sirable for General Marshall to sea-borne * tr y « against Japanese Rome. It would not be worth the For Senate itself mainly to action around K1 occupation fn New Britain, theil Further inland Allied troops stay In Washington where his ad- captured Lagone, a 2.000-foot tremendous cost in infantry casual- rovograd, but Berlin reported ter- ministrative ahlUtiea, sjtrategical major has* in the Southwest Pa» ties to bring the campaign to a Swedish Engineer Tells Final Death mountain village two miles west rific battles in White Russia, pos- talents, and wise counsel,will be eifle area of Filignano in hard street fight- quick end.' Two-Fisted Floor Fight Of Violent Explosion sibly heralding the opening of a available to others of the top-side CHrr force neai Arawa eontln- Campaign Worth Cost ing. Three German attacks north- Shaking Berlin During full-scale Russian winter drive for at • home concerned with prosecu- ues-^ expand Ita position;*’ .a head- west of Venafro were repulsed, But despite the fart that there is Affecting---- Both Im- Toll likely the Baltic. tion of the war."---------------------- artsrs spoksanisn saiil «1w thB but in central lU Iy on the Fifth little chance that the drive can be pends; Hope .to Re- British Air Attack. Dispatches from Henry C. Cas- With Eisenhower directing th^, Sasis of developments through Army front Allied positions were 'seeded up. I am convinced that sidy, Associated Press correspon- tsrday. driven back by a fierce German the' campaign has been worth the lease Whiskey Held. To Hit 80 dent in Moscow, meanwhile, said (CoatlnoMl OB Pag* Twi No distinct battleline he* becB mountain lunge. Stockholm, Dec. 18.— (/P)— that Gen. Nikolai Vatutin's First established, the spokesman said, Reinforce Defense Hilla (Conttnoenl on Page Ten) One of Berlin’s largest muni- Ukraine Army, in smashing Mar but Americans in intermlttant The critical nature of the strug- Washington, Dec. 18—(iP)—Liq- combat eliminated scattered enemy tions factories ip suburban Mililary Folice .hal FriU_ von^ gle on the Fifth Aftny front was uor and taxes, which started out Weary 1 offensive in the Kiev bulge, ''hss resisUnce aa it waa encountered. Babelsberg was blown up by Storm Troop evidenced by the fact that the Ger- as separate congressional prob- And Wrecking Crews won a defensive victory ss 4mpor' Th* Japanese were reported te mans had reinforced their defense Lewis, Mine lems. turned out to be twins in the R.A.F.’s Thursday night tant as some of its offensive vic- have continued their air activity of the hills with a new division, over the sector in an effort to ham- the Senate today. A two-fisted raid, a Swedish engineer just Tug at Debris With tories. Leader Gives the Fifth Mountain division, which •The tknk battle west of Kiev per American gams, but thera bat a military commentator said had floor fight, affecting both, im- returned from the Reich cap- Winch Upon Truck. been no indication of any damage Owners Sign . ita\ said today. The engineer, has died down after five weeks of come direct from Russia. pended. frantic but futile German efforts caused. The enemy’s earlier aerial Around San Pietro the eACiny---- The link, setting up the prom- Karl Erikson said, “ it was Lumberton. N. C., Dec. 18—1,0 to break the Red Army’s main ^ Stler Blame was barricaded in innumerable light as day on the streets from (Onntineed oa Pag* Sevea Wage Terms ised scrap, was established this The task of extrtcaUng mangled Dnieper river salient," Cassidy concrete pillboxes and caves and way: fires and I counted 41 in a 15-min- ■ all approaches to the village were dead from the wreckage of two A t- wrote. The Senate Finance committee iite walk down the street. A quar- "Although the Germans gained;il-^ys Fuehrer Responfli- guarded with mines and booby- ter of an hour after I retired in lantic Coast Line trains which col- traps— making the progress of Dispute Close to. Set adopted a new tax bill to yield $2,- the important rail cities of Zhit 284,000.000 more next year, less the Hotel Excelsior, which waa lided near here Thursday sped for- mir and Korosten, and the hlgh- ble for Reign of Cruel- the Americans slow and costly de- practically untouched except that ff spite the fact that the Fifth Army tlenient as Railroad than a fifth of what the Treasury ward today, and the Red Cross I way junction of Radomsyl i^ p ro - ly in Soviet Union; Flashes! asked.
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