![Ex Libris. Paris : American Library in Paris, 1923-[1925]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Ex libris. Paris : American Library in Paris, 1923-[1925] https://hdl.handle.net/2027/uc1.$b199672 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#cc-by-nc-nd-4.0 This work is protected by copyright law (which includes certain exceptions to the rights of the copyright holder that users may make, such as fair use where applicable under U.S. law), but made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license. You must attribute this work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). Only verbatim copies of this work may be made, distributed, displayed, and performed, not derivative works based upon it. Copies that are made may only be used for non-commercial purposes. Please check the terms of the specific Creative Commons license as indicated at the item level. For details, see the full license deed at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0. - | £S/#2E $22'0N.- % C 'E | - 's y | | .." T N D 2 : - *- -i. - - - - L * | | || |- - *.*.*. ..., S.A. - E/ - - .."." -- . - 2. | - . | .. : *.*.* ... ". | - - T : ... | rt- - - ". - * | ** - * * * ". ". ** - - * - - T T - ". ." - - - - - - - I .. ***". r ". .. - - ". : • Will'.” JANUARY 1924 - 1 Volume Number 7 Price : 2 Francs. - ** - * Book-Stalls on the Quays The CHARLES L. SEEGER N Book Reviews - -* #4 × Selected French Books". \ - ** Current Magazines - IN STARTING THE W.EW YEA1I EX LIBRIS takes occasion to remind its thousands of readers that the following advertisers have in large part made possible its publication during its first six months of life. Their apparent. May they continue to have your patronage! Hotchkiss. H. A. V. Coles. Bank*. "Photostat". American Express. Tourist Film Service. Bankers Trust. Guaranty Trust. Lecram Press. Lloyds & Nat. Prov. Foreign Bank. National City Bank. Galerie de I'Estampe. Beauty Specialist. Radio. Mrs. E. Adair. Le Materiel Telephonique. Books. Railroads. Brentano's. Canadian Pacific. Galignani, Riding. W. H. Smith & Son. Mrs. Walcott. Cable*. Sanitary Western Union. Crane Co. George Jennings. Children's Wear. Robert's. Schools. Auteuil Day School. Clippings. Ecoles Internationales. "Lit Tout". Miramar. Mondover. L'Economique. Montmorency. Flowers. Philip Moore. A. Baumann. Food & Drink. Walkover. Chiroux. Shopping Guide. Corcellet. Livre d'Adresses de Madame. G. Bureau. Steamship Line*. L. Fontaine. Canadian Pacific. French Societe Libby. White Star. Coca Cola. Tea Rooms, Restaurants. Wines of France. Louis Sherry. Yestereggs. Rivoli Tea Room. Heating and Lighting. W. H. Smith & Son. Alfeu. Tires. Cie. Nat. des Radiateurs. Goodyear. Juglar & Cie. United States. Languages. Tours. Abbe Tartaix. American Express. Alliance Francaise. Canadian Pacific. Mile. Gaudel. Franco Belgique. Moving Pictures. French Line. Tourist Film Service. Swedish Travel Bureau. Newspapers. Yana Tours. Chicago Tribune. Typewriters. New York Herald. Typewriter Emporium. New Yrok Times. John Underwood & Co. Pencils. Undertaker. Venus. Bernard J. Lane. Addresses, phone numbers, and fuller details may be found in the respective announcements Detcrtpitve leaflets of EX LIBRIS adoertiten may be obtained ct tti Information Bureau, rcz-dc-chauwfc, 10 tue de VElysee. For the Person Without an Office or a Responsible Secretary in Paris International Secretarial Office PROVIDES SECRETARIAL SERVICE by the hour, day, week, or month. OFFICE ACCOMMODATIONS IN THE HEART OF PARIS including Telephone, Messenger, etc. HEAD OFFICE OR NAIL ADDRESS for Foreign Clients. TRANSLATIONS REPORTING IN IN ALL LANGUAGES. ENGLISH, FRENCH. SPANISH. FULL INFORMATION AND RATES ON REQUEST I. S. O. 47. AVENUE DE L'OPERA, 47 Telephone Central 18-45 PARIS Deaertpltve leafiaU of EX LXBRIS adoerttiers tnay be obtained at tti Information Bureau, rez-de-chauue'e, 10 rue da VElysie. The (Baliunani fibrary 224, Rue de Rivoli English always largest Oldest and American ~! Have selection bookstore on the Continent. # of the best current literature. U Scarce anë out-of-print books sought ano reporteč free of charge. R. C. Seine to8,822 AUTON1 OB I LES | 2 & 18 H P : 1 5 4 = AVE NU E = DES CHATTPS ELYSEES O = ~ A R S = La voiture construite avec la meme precision AN que la celebre mitrailleuse: |Arme de la Victoire. R. C. Seine 30-280 Descriptive leaflets of EX LIBRIS advertisers may be obtained at its Information Bureau, rez-de-chaussée, 10 rue de l'Elysée. Volume 1 JANUARY Number 7 ^EX LIBRIS - 1924 - The Book-Stalls on the Quays Charles L. Seeger. "When all is said and done, I know of no from the young man who has been urging the pleasure more peaceful than that of looking for books on the quays. From the dust which attractions of the latest "best seller". covers the contents of those humble stalls one But do not delude yourself with the idea evokes a thousand ghosts, some terrible, others charming. One converses with the multitude that you will eventually escape the humble of the dead, whom one meets there. The book-stalls with a full purse. The very day Elysian Fields, so vaunted by the ancients, offered nothing to the wise after death that the when you feel no immediate need of adding to Parisian does not find on the quays in this your library may witness your return home, life If I have ever tasted the sweetness of having been born in the city of generous burdened with half a dozen volumes, ranging thoughts, it has been while sauntering from the from duodecimo to in-quarto, done up in an Palais Bourbon to Notre Dame. All the way one hears the very stones telling of the most old newspaper, with perhaps a few more peeping beautiful of human adventures,— the history from your pockets. It is my firm belief that of ancient and modern France. It is there that I feel most keenly the labors of generations, the an inventory of the real booklover's library progress of ages, the continuity of a people, will reveal a greater number of books, purchased the sacredness of the deeds done by our fore fathers, to whom we owe our liberty and our by chance on the spur of the moment, than " studious leisure those deliberately selected. This is especially Anatole France. true of the collector of limited means. It is is a fascination in a few rows of old generally the parvenu who possesses complete THEREbooks, exposed for sale in the open air, sets of the "standard authors", in bindings far more compelling than that of a like to match the color of his bookcase or his wall collection stacked neatly on the shelf of a book paper. shop. They are so hospitable and friendly, It will be seen, then, that the humility of the those dusty volumes, willing and even anxious book-stall is not without its financial advantage, that you should make their acquaintance, ready but this detracts not in the least from its fasci to go with you at once and be your companion nation, which is common to its kind, whether it be for the rest of your life if you will but choose. located on the noisy pavement of Fourth Avenue, How often it happens that we turn reluctantly below Union Square, in New York, under the away from a window filled with attractive books, awnings of Charing Cross Road in London, unwilling to lift the latch because of that instinct along the Prado in Madrid or tucked among ive dread of an undignified and apologetic exit the booths of a village fair in Italy. None of without having made a purchase! The book these, however, can pretend to equal in extent stall, on the contrary, demands no sacrifice of or in interest the long line of etalages, stretching delicacy nor of self-esteem. "One converses from the Quai d'Orsay to the Quai de la Tour- with the multitude of the dead" without sense nelle. One need not be a Frenchman, nor be of intrusion and, if the conjunction of the gifted with the genius of an Anatole France to desirer and the desired fails to occur, there be thrilled by the magic which he so charmingly is no gauntlet to be run, no tomahawks are describes. It is a long walk, a journey into thrown in the shape of supercilious glances the past, if one starts opposite the Gare d'Orsay 195 amidst the hubbub of present day transportation must read just one more chapter. And so one and saunters toward the quieter precincts of wanders on. Treasures, by the way, are very, the Quai Voltaire. The books to be found very scarce, as is quite natural when one thinks between the great railway station and the of the thousands who pass, to say nothing of^the Pont Royal reflect the character of that busy bouquinistes own knowledge of his wares. He is quarter and appeal rather to the traveller, who apt to be something of a bibliophile himself wishes to beguile the weary hours in the train and if a rare volume falls into his hands, either with a detective story, than to the studious. he knows the collector who will pay the highest But the better books are not absent even here, price or else he writes in pencil on the fly-leaf the prices are most elastic and the bouquinistes a figure which dashes the hopes of the treasure- lack the hauteur of their colleagues to the seeker. When reproached for his high preten eastward. sions he has been known to put an end to further Just beyond the Pont Royal, when you have negotiations by stating that he prefers to keep succeeded in threading your way between the it for his own delectation. interminable line of taxis, hurrying back and A connoisseur of some thirty years' experience forth over the bridge, you will find several once told the writer that the only place to find stalls filled with novels and back numbers of a veritable treasure was in la boite de dix sous, magazines in En^ish, presided over by an amiable which corresponds to those disreputable piles lady who replies in perfect Cockney to the on English and American book stalls labelled foreigner's inquiries in halting French.
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