Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 2005-04-20 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (2005). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2997. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2997 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. '· Publishedsihee ·1915bvthe students,ofXaviei' University 90th year,'. issue 27 weeko/APRIL20, 2005 . www.xu.edu/newswirel -Hotel Rwanda manager New.. Student" .. ,, . Director, . ' checks fn to Xavier BARB FLICK world to educate others on the hor­ ··of I)iver~ity Named Contributing. Writer rors of.the Rwandan tragedy. "'History does repeat itself," said _Paul Rusesabgina,real-life Ho­ Rusesabagina a5 he addressed stu­ .TARA DIXON ... ·"We wanted someone who is Block has experience working in . tel Rwanda manager, may or may dents at the· Cintas Center, "The· · Senior News Editor approachable, not.especially ag-.· diversity issues and programming · not .have found a mint under his genocides, the massacres, left be­ gressive, but aggressive enough to• .. from· her high school and college · pillow during his ·stay at Xavier, Xay}er's Student Government h1nd a lot of disaster~. A million m3ke sure cases are handled for stu- experiences. but he was greeted by an arena full Associa~io.n is faking a proactive people _were killed, yet the whole _ dents;;' Aarons said:' . ·. "In my high school, I started a of fans and admirers. step foward addressing future. is­ ·world closed its eyes. We need edu­ _, .. The selectfon committee chose. minority student group that put em­ The. Brueggeman Center for sues ofharassmerit and discrimina­ cation to make change:" sophomore Courtney Block to_be phasis o~ minority achievement," Dialogue and Student Government tion with appointing a ·student Di­ Rusesabagina's desire to educate rector of Diversity. the Stu~erit Director of Diversity·· . she.said. Associatio11 were able to success­ for 2005-06 ..·· · others is what drives him to speak . The position iS geared to be a ·At Xavier, she has.been on SAC fully bring world famous Paul · . B~ock. is ~ public relati~ns ·and .for two years on the Special Events to college campuses like Xavier peer advocate and point of contact Rusesabagina tb campus to speak University. · within SGA for students who ·have cnmmal JUStlce double maJorfrom Commit~ee; Homecoming Commit~ to f{avier. faculty, staff; students James Buchanan, Director of the · .. tee, Weekend Committee, and En- and the .general public at 7 p.m. concerns related to discrimination . Brueggeman Center for Dialogue, richment ·Committee. last Wednesday, in the Cintas Cen­ and harassment issues. was pleasec;l to bring a speaker of ·The Student Director of Diver­ "Our goal, under the leadership ter. such importance and experience to sity will provide effective commu­ of Coliil Bru~, has been. to diver­ Rusesabagina, whose character CanJ.pUS. sify entertainment," Block said. SAC was played by Don Cheadle in the nication for stiident clubs and di- "We were honored to have Paul activities Block has been involved critically acclaimed film "Hotel - verse student groups/aid SGA in Rusesabagina here at ·the Cintas in include Holocaust.Awareness and Rwanda,'' addressed students on responding to imy discrimination Center and to partner with Student Women'sWeek his real life experiences during the or harassment issues that may arise, Government Assocation on bring­ . She wants to work _to create a 1994 Rwandan · genocide. as well as foster awareness and dia~ ing him· to Xavier University," logue about.diversity on campus. more tolerant, accepting, and re-. Rusesabagina's falk gave students Buchanan said .. A ·selection committee consist­ ·spectful atmosphere on campus, a closer look into the courageous "His life, his message, and his ing of senior Student Ac­ · _ J3lockwoilld liketo plan an event deeds Rusesabagina and many 2004~'<)5 courage in the face of such extreme tivities· coU'n'cTl':. John•• :.,:'. in theJalLto. c~leb,rate., g~y. l~.s.b.i;m, other Rwandans did: just· to stay chafr circumstances serve as a ~odel for ' Matthews, · · · bisexual,. and transgender hetifage: alive and :save thefr foved bries (curren(sophdinor~) all of us. · · 2005-06 Administrative Vice · "r want to have a large scale event ..during such a ho~ifyihg time. "His presence should also re­ President Omari Aar~ns,. (current geared toward all areas of diversity, · _Nearly 11 years ago, the coun­ mind us that while the genocide in junior) 2005-06 ·Senate Coordina­ including religion, culture, race, try of Rwanda descended into Rwanda is over, genocide contin­ tor Alex Thomas; and Assistant gender, and sexuat'orieritation. I· .·madness, which led t~ couritry­ ues in such places as the Sudan and Vice President of Student Life Dr. want all of these things to be in· an · wide. genoCide between two con­ that the human suffering we see in ,Luther Smith reviewed applic:a- ev.ent like ciub Day on the Malit~ . flicting ethnicities in Rwanda,' the' · Africa is a call to each of us to do tions from ten candidates. let people know these groups are ou·t . Fiutus and the Tut8is. , . something to help alleviate it in the Candidates were interviewed ·. PHOTE COURTESY OFTARA OIXON the.re," she said. · . , · . R.. ··· usesa b agJna,.··: · a·· middle·· class name of our own humanity." on, April 12, and April 14 ..These-. Courtney Block preparing for .· She would like to plan events ·Hutu married to a Tutsi and the fa­ . new role as Diversity Director Matt Bigelow, a junior at Xavier lection.coinmittee rriet on April 15 focusing ori ·minority religions and ther of four children, found him­ · and chair of the SGA Lecture Se­ to make a selection. ·Dallas, Texas. She is a member of different types of lifestyles, includ- self·in the midsf of a challenging ries, played an intergral role in "We reviewed each candidate. the e":ecutive board of the Black ing urban, rural, tipper and lower struggle for survival. ·. bringing Rusesabagina to campus, We ~ad the option to.recommend Student Association, Office of class lifestyles. The Milles Collines, the hotel . and. he comments on more than orie name to [(current Multicultural Affairs Smooth Tran­ "I have a very strong voice and where Rusesabagina was manager, Rusesabagina's giobal influence. junior) 2005~06 SGA President] sitions Mentor, a member of the personality and I want to use that I · soon became a shelter for refug~es "His story is so relevant to what Williaxn Buckley." Multicultural Student Concerns want people to feel secure and com- . fleeing from violence. is happening in Sudan coupled "He interviewed each member Committee, and a me~ber of the . fortable in coming to me. I am a very It was Rusesabagfoa's wits, iri- with the success of the movie. No~ of the selection committee to gen- Gospel Choir. professional person, and what hap- . ternational. contacts and over­ is the critical time to get his mes­ erally see what they thought ·of "I think Courtney,. being the pens professionally will stay there,'' whelming compassion that en­ sage in people's conscience," said each person," Aarons reported. type _of individual she is, has the · Block said .. · · . abled him to keep_ the Milles Bigelow. "[Monday] it was put in.front of opportunity· td take the position "I will use all rriy energy, drivei Collines as a sanctuary for the refu- . Bigelow, along with junior SGA the Senate and they voted to ap- and shape it into how it is going to · and motivation to inspire change on gees for . three months. Presid~nt Constance Fowler and prove," Aarons said. exist on Xavier's campus for the this campus,'' she ·said. Rusesabagina ·and his staff were junior Rebecca Foley, put in many The candidates came frcim a va- next.several years," Aarons said. ''William, Joe [Ring, (curientjun- . able to keep 1,268 refugees alive tfreless hours in conjunction with . ...riety of backgrounds anp experi- "I'm completely confiden~ ior) 2005-06 Legislative Viee Presi- during this wave of violence. the Brueggeman Center to make ences. "Everyone had their own set Courtney w!H definitely be able to dent], and I are very excited about After the 1994 genocide, Rusesabagina's message available . of qualifications, whiehJ.think:was · take this position to students· and working with Courtney. HerSAC ex- R.usesabagina and his family were · to students. · great,". Aarons said. · to· make the climate change that · perience will prepare her and has able to flee to Belgium as refugees. ''AtXavier, we are in an envi­ There was a general set of quali- needs to c>ccur here at Xavier," . prepared her totake over the rol~:of Since then, Rusesabagina has . fications the committee was .look- Aarons said. ' .. Student Director. of Divers.ity," wqrked as abusinessman, owns his· ronment that has the potential to foster great discussion and dia­ ··· ing for. Block has a lot of ideas she Aarons s~id. own transport company, began his logue: and we are gaining the power The candidates had to be fuli- would like.to see implemented. "I· -Aarons anc;l'Blo".k encourage stu- own charitable· organization. aid- and ability through our education time. sttldents; ·availabl~ to folfill have a lot of ideas; :~nd I kriow that dents to feel comfortable to ap- · ing survivors of the Rwandan trag- · · to affect change," said Foley. office hours tQ meet with students, "Cm Xavier's campus 'there ar~ a lot proach Block}fthey have any ideas edy calledthe "Paul Rusesabagina · Hotel Rwanda continued on and be.
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