NZ SSS CHAMPS 2018 FINAL RESULTS There was some fantastic shooting in the final round, and I’m sure there are some very proud coaches out there. Scores of note for the round were: - 199.17 - Shania Harrison-Lee - 199.05 - Nikkita Cheesman (C grade) - 197.13 - Lanelle Millar-McArthur - 196.10 - Lachie McNair - 194.09 - Oliver Machill (D grade) But I’m sure there are many other individuals with scores they are very proud of. This type of competition is designed to build the pressure as each round progresses and it was great to see so many shooters responding to that pressure and performing so well. So congratulations to Shania Harrison-Lee (Ashburton College) our new Triple S Champion (and no wonder - shooting a 199.17 to finish). And to our defending champions Ashburton College taking out the team section for the fourth year in a row. Thanks for supporting the competition and we look forward to seeing your shooters back again next year. (If you have any suggestions/feedback, don’t hesitate to contact me.) Cheers Evan Little Brooklyn SRC Triple S Champs 2018 - Individual Results Place Name Grade School Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Total 1 Shania Harrison-Lee B Ashburton College 99.08 97.05 98.06 199.17 493.36 2 Nikkita Cheesman C Longburn Adventist College 97.02 98.03 97.05 199.05 491.15 3 Lanelle Millar-McArthur M Ashburton College 97.05 97.06 98.05 197.13 489.29 4 Lachie McNair B Palmerston North Boys’ High School 98.06 98.05 97.03 196.10 489.24 5 Piper Benbow C Darfield High School 97.05 97.03 95.04 193.08 482.20 6 Angus McIlraith C Amuri Area School 96.02 96.04 96.05 194.08 482.19 7 Emma Smith B Ashburton College 96.04 98.07 97.04 189.07 480.22 8 Samantha Bradbury C Dannevirke High School 95.03 95.02 96.05 193.07 479.17 9 Robert May B Hutt International Boys' School 97.03 95.02 96.02 191.04 479.11 10 Lester Stevenson B King's High School 97.05 97.03 93.05 191.04 478.17 11 Nic Brosnahan C King's High School 94.03 94.04 96.06 193.13 477.26 12 Oliver Machill D Rangiora High School 97.05 94.02 92.01 194.09 477.17 13 Kieran Caddick-Pointon D Rangiora High School 94.03 96.04 96.03 191.06 477.16 14 Ashley Marsh C Amuri Area School 92.01 98.06 97.01 189.06 476.14 15 Nic O'Connor C St Bede's College 98.06 93.02 91.02 192.06 474.16 16 Jack Brown D Whanganui High School 95.02 92.03 98.04 189.04 474.13 17 Tania Moller D Whanganui High School 95.00 94.02 96.04 188.03 473.09 18 Angus Auty C Upper Hutt College 95.04 95.03 97.04 185.05 472.16 19 Mathew Hodges C Cullinane College Wanganui 93.01 92.00 96.04 189.06 470.11 20 Jacob Spence D Darfield High School 94.02 94.03 92.00 189.06 469.11 21 Jack Cunningham D King's High School 93.03 95.04 93.02 187.06 468.15 22 Billy-Jo Wells C Amuri Area School 95.01 87.00 97.06 188.07 467.14 23 Ryan Goldsworthy C Upper Hutt College 96.04 91.00 88.01 192.04 467.09 24 Mac Williams C St Bede's College 88.02 95.06 92.03 191.05 466.16 25 Ben Nordqvist D Mt Hutt College 94.04 92.01 92.01 188.05 466.11 26 Meindert Harrison B Kaikorai Valley College 94.03 92.01 95.03 185.04 466.11 27 Samantha Plows B Rangiora High School 94.02 96.03 94.01 181.03 465.09 28 Cam Colson D King's High School 94.02 89.03 93.02 188.07 464.14 29 Cameron Bradley C King's High School 96.03 94.04 92.03 180.04 462.14 30 Ben Thomas D Ashburton College 91.01 94.02 98.06 179.01 462.10 31 Caleb Rosamond C St Patrick's College, Silverstream 91.03 87.00 96.03 187.06 461.12 32 Cody Falconer C Taieri College 91.02 97.02 90.02 181.02 459.08 33 Phil Beddingford D Dannevirke High School 90.02 95.05 90.01 183.02 458.10 34 Quintin Jane D Rangiora High School 82.00 97.01 93.02 186.06 458.09 35 Sam Smith D Ashburton College 96.02 87.00 94.02 181.00 458.04 36 Jakob Smith D Mt Hutt College 91.01 90.01 90.02 185.05 456.09 37 Boyd Lyford D Dannevirke High School 92.01 95.01 92.03 177.01 456.06 38 John-Luke Fenn D Rangiora High School 94.03 89.02 87.00 185.04 455.09 39 Eddie Millichamp D Mt Hutt College 93.02 90.00 88.01 184.06 455.09 40 Qiyun Goh C Samuel Marsden Collegiate School 87.01 91.01 92.02 185.02 455.06 41 Adam McKelvey D Rangiora High School 86.00 92.01 92.01 185.04 455.06 42 Brooke Rowe C Upper Hutt College 90.01 84.01 88.02 192.06 454.10 43 Shelley Cheesman D Longburn Adventist College 93.03 93.02 91.01 177.02 454.08 44 James Young B King's High School 96.02 93.03 93.03 172.00 454.08 45 Jayden Turnock D King's High School 89.00 90.00 85.00 189.05 453.05 46 James Gray D Whanganui High School 90.00 88.02 90.01 184.07 452.10 47 Fynn McLaughlin D Rangiora High School 92.03 89.02 92.01 178.01 451.07 48 James Goldsworthy C Upper Hutt College 93.00 83.00 88.01 186.06 450.07 49 Livvy Blake D Dannevirke High School 85.00 86.01 93.01 185.06 449.08 50 Logan Wood C Upper Hutt College 91.00 92.02 89.01 177.01 449.04 51 Emily Lockery D Samuel Marsden Collegiate School 90.01 93.00 86.00 180.02 449.03 52 John Fisher D Rangiora High School 90.01 90.01 87.01 178.03 445.06 53 Brie Daisler D Kaikorai Valley College 88.01 89.00 91.03 177.02 445.06 54 Thomas van Stipriaan D Palmerston North Boys’ High School 89.02 87.00 87.00 181.01 444.03 55 Patrick Boyes C Kaikorai Valley College 93.03 89.02 87.01 174.01 443.07 56 Alex Boyd D Amuri Area School 82.02 85.00 90.03 186.01 443.06 57 Callum Miller D Rangiora High School 88.01 90.00 90.02 175.01 443.04 58 Alex Fabian C Upper Hutt College 86.03 93.03 89.03 173.00 441.09 59 Luke Roberts D Amuri Area School 87.01 93.01 91.02 169.01 440.05 60 Tayla Price D Whanganui High School 79.01 91.03 90.01 177.01 437.06 61 Jess Power D Kaikorai Valley College 82.00 87.00 88.01 180.02 437.03 62 Marie Burling D Heretaunga College 92.00 90.00 92.00 163.00 437.00 63 Nic Ewart D Mt Hutt College 85.00 87.00 90.02 174.06 436.08 64 Josh Whitehead D Wellington College 86.00 91.01 90.02 168.00 435.03 65 Christopher Hills D St Bede's College 89.02 77.00 89.01 179.02 434.05 66 Cody Rutherford C Kaikorai Valley College 84.01 83.00 89.02 178.01 434.04 67 Finn Hastie C King's High School 87.01 84.01 85.01 175.03 431.06 68 Riely Caddick-Pointon D Rangiora High School 87.02 90.02 85.00 167.05 429.09 69 Annabelle Serra D Darfield High School 82.01 85.01 84.00 177.02 428.04 70 Zac Holgate D Kaikorai Valley College 80.00 82.00 84.00 176.01 422.01 71 Jayden De Boer D King's High School 84.01 93.01 80.00 162.01 419.03 72 Sean Marshall D Upper Hutt College 79.02 92.00 80.01 162.03 413.06 73 William Blunt D St Bede's College 73.01 70.01 89.00 180.02 412.04 74 Jack Day D Wellington College 71.00 84.01 81.00 171.01 407.02 75 Abigail Spinoglio D Kaikorai Valley College 83.01 88.01 84.00 151.00 406.02 76 Adam Williams D Wellington College 85.00 77.01 78.00 164.00 404.01 77 James Grafton D Darfield High School 85.03 77.01 69.00 168.02 399.06 78 Blake Siksik D King's High School 75.00 79.00 74.00 169.01 397.01 79 Braden Brosnan D Kaikorai Valley College 76.01 74.00 80.00 165.01 395.02 80 David Murphy D Palmerston North Boys’ High School 0.00 94.01 91.01 178.02 363.04 81 Jack Hitchcox D Kaikorai Valley College 79.01 62.00 73.01 147.01 361.03 82 Konner Alexander D King's High School 71.00 74.02 65.00 150.02 360.04 83 Neil Brown D King's High School 0.00 93.01 82.00 183.04 358.05 84 Logan Olding D King's High School 63.00 63.00 77.00 150.01 353.01 85 Beth Aiken D Taieri College 81.01 0.00 89.01 179.01 349.03 86 Flynn Longman C Southland Boys' High School 96.05 95.02 95.03 0.00 286.10 87 Amy Nathanson C Samuel Marsden Collegiate School 96.03 88.00 90.02 0.00 274.05 88 Aiden d’Souza D St Pat’s Wellington 83.00 91.01 93.03 0.00 267.04 89 Henry Cameron D King's High School 90.01 90.01 86.02 0.00 266.04 90 Callum Austin D Wellington College 86.00 88.01 90.00 0.00 264.01 91 Devin Watts D Southland Boys' High School 90.01 88.01 85.00 0.00 263.02 92 Ashleigh McKay D Amuri Area School 79.01 89.02 93.02 0.00 261.05 93 Hugh Guiney D Wellington College 81.00 83.00 90.02 0.00 254.02 94 James Joyce D Taieri College 80.00 86.01 73.00 0.00 239.01 95 Logan Merrett D Taieri College 73.00 81.00 84.01 0.00 238.01 96 Jasmine McKay D Amuri Area School 84.01 79.00 69.00 0.00 232.01 97 Casey Israelson C Wellington College 96.02 0.00 91.01 0.00 187.03 98 Jakeb Lawson D Southland Boys' High School 95.03 89.01 0.00 0.00 184.04 99 Matthew Ault D Wellington College 91.00 0.00 93.02 0.00 184.02 100 Kyle Beck D Southland Boys' High School 92.00 87.00 0.00 0.00 179.00 101 Amalamo Simi C Wellington College 92.03 0.00 86.00 0.00 178.03 102 Nathan Chamberlain D Wellington College 81.00 0.00 87.00 0.00 168.00 103 Eric Cahill D Southland Boys' High School 83.01 81.00 0.00 0.00 164.01 104 Evan Strachan D Wellington College 81.01 0.00 79.00 0.00 160.01 105 Hamish Wood C Wanganui City College 91.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 91.04 106 Klara Harrison D Ashburton College 82.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 82.01 107 Art Hurring D King's High School 69.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 69.00 108 Jordan Baker C King's High School 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 109 Tavarn Kareroa D King's High School 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 110 Marin McCarthy D Wellington East Girls' College 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 111 Wiko du Toit B Wellington College 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 112 Jackson Moyle D Hutt International Boys' School 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Triple S Champs 2018 - Graded Results Place Name Grade School Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Total 1 Lanelle Millar-McArthur M AshBurton College 97.05 97.06 98.05 197.13 489.29 Place Name Grade School Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Total 1 Shania Harrison-Lee B AshBurton College 99.08 97.05 98.06 199.17 493.36 2 Lachie McNair B Palmerston North Boys’ High School 98.06 98.05 97.03 196.10 489.24 3 Emma Smith B AshBurton
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