FEB 1 7 2000 — heck out the McWhTnney's local haunts for goals lead UM Halloween past rival FIU ACCENT page 7 page 5 III HlJRRICi Gables, Florida Since m • ••! •mill |~1u»lll || .| 1 il ^PMIIJ )»>»l^|Mp»..»..Tll»irtHe-Ta.aa.pr.—a^aawiiy | 7t8umb* \£ WWW.HURRICANE.MIAMI.EDU Friday, October 29.J939 Commuter Days features Laser Tag University Village will replace Apartment Area Up to 750 students Barbara White, Universitv architect, didn't start the project sooner," said said each apartment will contain four sophomore Emily Stieren "I think a lot will call complex single bedrooms, one phone line, "t students would have liked to see the brand new furniture and computer new apartment area built before the home by fall 2001 connectivity. old one was destroyed," "The pni-ect is in pre-design, which The city of Coral Gables approved in By Adam RatzHen means that balance, scope, design and I9V2 the University's Master Plan, Humcane Staff Writer cost are being considered," said White which included the Ryder Center and Although the old apartment area is White said it is not yet known how University Village. now rubble piled on the Ryder Center many buildings or stories each building According to the original design, site, a new apartment area, Universitv will be in the Village and whether the Universitv Village apartments con­ Village, is scheduled for completion in facilities will be equipped with elevat. >rs tained two double bedrooms instead the fall of 2001, said Dr. Patricia "There will be community living ot tour singles. Whitely, vice president for Student arrangements and parking spacei tor lack of financing and steady en mil Affairs. every student," said Whitely. ment rates, however, delayed construc­ This new apartment area will house University Village residents may not tion, said Whitely. as many as 750 upperclassmen, need to purchase parking permits, "I'm really happy that the University Whitely said. Whitely said. has made plans to increase the University Village will be located New apartments will not be avail­ amount of students who live on cam­ directly behind Fraternity Row between able to freshmen and will bear higher pus." said Tracy Kroll. "1 only wish that Mataro and Scodella avenues, UM offi­ prices than other on-campus housing University Village was ready after I had cials said. The student complex will be a facilities, Whitely •said finished my one year requirement of gated community with 24-hour security "I'm a little upset that the University living in the dorms" SG: emergency team And httL lacks student input WHERE: Rattiakeltor WHEN: Ton^t. 9 p.m WHAT. Halloween party Operations group Fish. "Hurncane Irene formed much PRIZES: $100 for best costume more quicklv than Floyd." comes under fire after The Emergency Operations droup meets frequently to review informa­ Rat plans Hurricane Irene tion during emergencies, but only Foote has the authority to close the JON HARPER f Hun cane Staff By Karen Sloan University, said Fish. BATTLEGEAR: Junior Rubin Jean puts on a laser tag vest before playing Tuesday on the .ane Staff Writer "Senators are concerned as to who 'biggest University Center Patio during Commuter Days Criticism of the University's han makes the decisions about closing the dling of Hurricane Irene prompted school," said Batista. Student Government to discuss pur |ohn Gurnev, K'l Supreme ( ourt party ever' suing the addition of student input in Chief Justice, said student input is deciding when to close down for a important in the decision-making By Becky Qero major storm, said senior Laura process. Special consideration for the Humcane Batista, Speaker pro tempore of the safety of commuter students should Billed as the biggest event in Senate. be taken into account by the EOG, he Rathskeller history Heaven or Hell, The Emergency Operations Group, said. a Halloween costume party, will made up of senior UM officials who "It is important to have a student take place tonight at 1 p.m. make recommendations to President viewpoint,' said junior Maryann The Heaven and Hell theme is Edward T Foote 11 during hurricanes, Tatum. "We are the ones that have to being carried through different currently has no student representa go to class in 90 mile an hour winds" aspects of the party Zapped tive. Dr. Patricia Whitely, vice president The bottom floor of the Rat will "Some of the senators thought it tor Student Affairs and an EOG mem­ be decorated as hell and the top *m%m X was very irresponsible of the ber, said she represents student issues floor as heaven. In hell, beer will be University to open at all on Friday," in times of emergency and that stu sold and in heaven, champagne will By Jessica McNeill UC Patio days to get involved on campus. said Batista. dent salety is alwavs the main con be available A giant yellow pavilion was set up The University decided at about cern. The theme is also being used When Commuter Week was brought on the University Center Patio Tuesday noon on October 15 to cancel classes "I don't believe a student represen­ with the costume contest transformed baik to the University of Miami two for a game of laser tag, sponsored by from 1 p.m. on. According to Batista, tative is necessary," Whitely said "I According to ( hns Roby,director u.irs ago, there were some problems, the Association of Commuter some members ol SG thought the don't believe it would have changed ot Student Activities, there will be into laser said Tricia Shatley, assistant director ol students, Commuter Student Affairs decision to close the University the Irene decision or any decision in prizes awarded tor each of these Student life and Commuter Student and Hurricane Productions. should have been made by midnight the future." tour categories Best Costume, Affairs hiod was served on the Patio Thursday. The EOG is made up of two groups, Most Iievihsh, Most Angelic and tag arena had a lot of student ' Iback Wednesday and a billiard tournament The EOG began monitoring said Fish Most Creative First prize for best that asked why ct -rr-iters only had is scheduled for today. Hurricane Irene on Thursday, said The Emergency Response icarns costume is $100 and the other cate­ one week out of the year," Shatley said. Shatley said she, senior Carolina coordinator Alan Fish, also assistant includes 10 to 12 key senior admims gories carry $50. "We realized students may have a Hernandez, chief of staff for Student vice president of Business Services trators and communication special­ Anonvmous ludges, who are Ntrixstul week or may be out of town, Government, and members of ACS At that time, reports indicated Irene ists, Fish said. The second group, members of the Rathskeller so it wouldn't be possible for them to decide how and when commuter days would move toward the Tampa area, called the Emergency Advisory Advisory Board, will be walking make it" will be held. said Fish. Committee, is made up of about 75 around the crowd during the party Now, rather than only one week, "Whenever a hurricane is within deans and key UM officials, he said and choosing contestants. The commuters have days each month has See COMMUTERS • Page 2 1,000 miles of Miami, the Emergency Operation^-roup monitors it," said feeiOQ • Page 2~ See RAT • Page 2 " • Volunteers help be placed in special boxes • Nursing 400 plus men and women, • SG ti the stadium • Baseball hosts by McArthur Dairy Attendees located throughout campus who attend the school money haa can meet the 1999 National the homeless On Thursday. November 4, receives grant Theodore Schwartz's grant Student Goi to the haunted house Champions, who will bs avail­ Orange Bowl Students Together Ending there will be a sleep out and The School of Nursing will was a surprise 20th wedding f efforts Hurricane Baseball will hold able for autographs, game* United Way Poverty it a University ot Miami vigil in the University Center receive a $5 million gift from anniversary preaent to his wife, the tourth annual Howling and prizes The costume con­ uledtor volunteer group that will be Patio from 6 pm to 10 a.m The Theodore G Schwartz Chris, a nurse and nurse edu­ Hurricanes Haunted House test will be ludged after the during me fi getting a heaa start on National Students will sleep in card­ Family Foundation as a contn cator The new building wiH be and Trick -or- Treat Around the event Children can play sus taMtt jPgima Hunger and uomeiessruts board boxes to show then sup­ button to the school's fund- called the M Christine Bases on Sunday, October 31. games in tha Happy House who itejpT the Week um a series of events port tor the homeless. For vol­ raising campaign The money Schwartz Center tor Nursing at the University ot Miami's For more information, call lir scheduled loi November 1-5 unteer Information call 305- will finance a modem, state- Education Mark Light Stadium trom 6 to 305-284-4171 first C-nned food donations should 284-4483 of-the-art facility to house the 8 p.m The event is sponsored The Miami Hurri« ONE DAY N LY ! FRIDAY, OCTOBER NEWS SG attendance issues blamed on transition •y. threw us off a little bit" midterms or medical excuses," Hurricane Staff Writer When Special Events meets today, Zuckerman said. "Sometimes it's Th< transition betwefn Student it will be discussing philanthropy justifiable, but we can't exiuse Government Senate elections is the for SG and senators' individual pro everyone all the time." reason for recent poor attendance at jects, Guallar said.
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