DEPARTMENT OF URDU PART-I - LANGUAGE – URDU SEM COURSE COURSE TITLE HRS/ CREDIT INT SEM TOTAL CODE WEEK MARKS MARKS MARKS I 20U1LU1 Nasr AurQuawaid 6 3 25 75 100 II 20U2LU2 NazmAur Ghazal 6 3 25 75 100 Mukalama, TarjumaAur III 20U3LU3 6 3 25 75 100 Rubaiyath IV 20U4LU4 AfsanaAurKhutootNavesi 6 3 25 75 100 PART-IV–Generic Elective (URDU) SEM COURSE COURSE HRS/ CREDIT INT SEM TOTAL CODE TITLE WEEK MARKS MARKS MARKS Urdu for III 20UUR3N1 2 2 -- 100 100 Beginners Functional IV 20UUR4N2 2 2 -- 100 100 Urdu Title of the Max. Internal External Semester Code Course Hours Credits Course marks marks marks PART I NASR AUR QUAWAID LANGUAGE (PROSE, GRAMMAR & I 20U1LU1 6 6 100 25 75 URDU – COMPREHENSION) COURSE I Distribution of Marks Nasr –65 Quawaid –10 Comprehension –10 Course Outcome: To study the classical and Modern Prose writing. To know about the different styles of Prose writing. UNIT I 18 hours a) KamiyabiKaQurani Rasta-AbulKalam Azad #AbulKalamAzad -Tafseer # b) Lafz, Kalima, Mohmal. UNIT II 18 hours a) Mujhe Mere Buzrugon Se Bachawo – KanhiyaLal Kapoor# MizahiyaMazameen # b) Ism,Fel, Harf, Ism-e-khas, Ism-e-Aam,Zameer UNIT III 18 hours a) Shehed Ki Makhi # Shehed Ki Makhi-Honey bees working # b) Fayil, Mafvool, Sifat. UNIT IV 18 hours a) Umar bin AdbulAzeezkiKuchKhususiyaat – AllamaShibliNoamani # ShibliNoamani -Honesty # b) Muthakallim, Mukhatab, Ghaib. UNIT V 18 hours a) Comprehension b) Mazi, Hall, MustaqbilFel-e- Lazim, Fel-e-Mutaddi. # Self-study portion Prescribed Text Book 1. Intekhab-e-Nasr Urdu Published by National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language, New Delhi 2. Adab E Jameel, compiled by Dr. K. Habeeb Ahmed, Dr. S. Mohamed Yassir& Dr. S. Mohamed MuddassirPublished by C. Abdul Hakeem College, Melvisharam. 3. Urdu Grammar, Edited by YacoobAslam, Published by Javeed Publishers, Vaniyambadi UNIT I Chapter 1 UNIT II Chapter 2 UNIT III Chapter3 UNIT IV Chapter 4 UNIT V Chapter5 LessonsPrescribed: a) PROSE 1. Kamiyabi Ka Qurani Rasta-Abul Kalam Azad 2. MujheMereBuzrugon Se Bachawo-KanhiyaLal Kapoor 3. ShehedKiMakhi. 4. Umar Bin Abdul AzeezKiKuchKhususiyaat-ShibliNoamani 5. Comprehension b) GRAMMMAR: Lafz, Kalima, Mohmal, Ism,Fel, Harf, Ism-e-khas, Ism-e-Aam, Zameer, Fayil, Mafvool, Sifat, Muthakallim, Mukhatab, Ghaib, Mazi, Hall, MustaqbilFel-e- Lazim, Fel-e-Mutaddi. Title of the Max. Internal External Semester Code Course Hours Credits Course marks marks marks PART I NAZM AUR GHAZAL LANGUAGE (POEMS & ODE) II 20U2LU2 6 6 100 25 75 URDU – COURSE II Distribution of Marks Nazm –45 Ghazal –30 Course Outcome: To study the different forms of Urdu Poetry and to inculcate the poetry enjoying attitude. To train in poetry appreciation. UNIT I 18 hours a)Nazm;Jo Diya AeKhuda Diya Tu Ne- Dagh # HamdkiTashreeh- Dagh # b)Ghazal:KoiUmeed Bar NahiAati-Ghalib UNIT II 18 hours a) Nazm:Nabi E AkramShafi E AzamDukhiDilonKa Salam Le Lo-QariTayyab # NaathkiTashreeh- Tayyab # b) Ghazal: Asar Us Ko Zara NahiHota-Momin UNIT III 18 hours a) Nazm:Tarana E Hindi- Allama Iqbal #NazmFahmi # b) Ghazal :Un Ka Anchal Jo Kabhi Sar Se PhisalJata Hai- YaqoobAslam UNIT IV 18 hours Nazm: Parinday Ki Faryad- Allama Iqbal Misra, Hamd, Sher UNIT V 18 hours Nazm: WatanKo Hum, Watan Hum Ko Mubarak-Brij Narayan Chakbast # Shergoyee # Thakallus, Naath, Nazm. # Self-study portion Prescribed Text Book 1. Aasan Urdu ShayiriPublished by National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language, New Delhi UNIT I : Chapter6& 7 UNIT II : Chapter8 & 9 UNIT III : Chapter10 & 11 UNIT IV : Chapter12 UNIT V : Chapter13 LessonsPrescribed a) MANZUMATH 1. Jo DiyaAeKhudaDiya Tu Ne- Dagh 2. Nabi E AkramShafi E AzamDukhiDilon Ka Salam Le Lo-QariTayyab 3. Tarana E Hindi- Allama Iqbal 4. Parinday Ki Faryad- Allama Iqbal 5. WatanKo Hum, Watan Hum Ko Mubarak-Brij Narayan Chakbast PARTS OF POETRY Nazm, Misra, Sher, Takhallus, Hamd, Naath. b)GHAZAL 1. Koi Umeed Bar NahiAati-Ghalib 2. Asar Us Ko Zara NahiHota-Momin 3. Un Ka Anchal Jo Kabhi Sar Se PhisalJata Hai- YaqoobAslam Title of the Max. Internal External Semester Code Course Hours Credits Course marks marks marks MUKALAMA, TARJUMA PART I AUR RUBAIYATH LANGUAGE III 20U3LU3 (DIALOGUE, 6 6 100 25 75 URDU – TRANSLATION & COURSE III QUATRAIN) Distribution of Marks Mukalama –30 Tarjuma –15 Rubaiyath –30 Course Outcome: To train the students in the day-to-day usage of Urdu Language and introduce the students, the art of translation from Urdu to English and Vice Versa. UNIT I 18 hours a) Mukalama-Lesson 1 b) Simple Words-From Urdu to English c) KiyaKiyaDuniya Me Sahib E Mal Gaye-Mir Babber Ali Anees UNIT II 18 hours a) Mukalama-Lesson 3 b) Simple Words-From Urdu to English c) Is Nam kiZindagi Me Kuch Jan Tho Ho- Ahmed Husain AmjadHyderabadi UNIT III 18 hours a) Mukalama-Lesson 6 b) Simple Words-From Urdu to English c) DhundaThoKitabon Mein Sadaqath Na Mili-Mohammed Ismail BaigAsgarVellori UNIT IV 18 hours a) Mukalama-Lesson 11 b) Simple Words-From English to Urdu c) Adam KoAjabKhuda Ne RutbaBakhsha-Mir Babber Ali Anees UNIT V 18 hours a) Mukalama-Lesson 12 b) Simple Words-From English to Urdu c) Her Aak Ku NaukariNahi Milne Ki-Akbar Allahabadi # #Self-study portion Prescribed Text Book MUKALAMA Lesson 1, 3, 6, 11,12 TRANSLATION Simple Words. From Urdu to English From English to Urdu RUBAIYATH 1.Kiya KiyaDuniya Me Sahib E Mal Gaye-Mir Babber Ali Anees 2.Is Nam kiZindagi Me Kuch Jan Tho Ho- Ahmed Husain AmjadHyderabadi 3.Dhunda ThoKitabon Mein Sadaqath Na Mili-Mohammed Ismail BaigAsgarVellori 4.Adam KoAjabKhuda Ne RutbaBakhsha-Mir Babber Ali Anees 5.Her Aak Ku NaukariNahi Milne Ki-Akbar Allahabadi UNIT I Chapter14, 15&16 UNIT II Chapter17, 18 &19 UNIT III Chapter 20, 21 & 22 UNIT IV Chapter 23, 24 & 25 UNIT V Chapter 26, 27 & 28 Title of the Max. Internal External Semester Code Course Hours Credits Course marks marks marks PART I AFSANA AUR KHUTOOT LANGUAGE NAVESI IV 20U4LU4 6 6 100 25 75 URDU – (FICTION& LETTER COURSE IV WRITING) Distribution of Marks Afsana -55 KhutootNavesi -20 Course Outcome: To introduce the students, the art of writing fiction, understanding fiction, various types of fiction writing and Letter writing. UNIT I 18 hours Fiction Bade Ghar Ki Bati-Prem Chand # Fiction kyahai # UNIT II 18 hours a) Fiction SherAur Brahmin KaQissa-Nihal Chand Lahori # Story Telling, Reporting Skills # b) Personal Letter Father, Mother # KhutootNigari# UNIT III 18 hours a) Fiction Ultapansa-YaqoobAslam # Tamil Nadu keafsane # b) Personal Letter Friends UNIT IV 18 hours a) Fiction Dastgeeri-Deputy Nazeer Ahmed #IslahiMuashara# b) Official Letter Principal UNIT V 18 hours Fiction KahaniChor-Anwar Rabbani #KahaniLikhnekaTariqa# # # Self-study portion Prescribed Text Book Adab e Jameel – Published by C.Abdul Hakeem College, Melvisharam. UNIT I Chapter29 UNIT II Chapter 30 & 31 UNIT III Chapter 32 & 33 UNIT IV Chapter34 & 35 UNIT V Chapter 36 Lessons Prescribed: FICTION 1. Bade Ghar Ki Bati-Prem Chand 2.Sher Aur Brahmin Ka Qissa-Nihal Chand Lahori 3. Ulta pansa-YaqoobAslam 4. Dastgeeri-Deputy Nazeer Ahmed 5. KahaniChor-Anwar Rabbani LETTER WRITING 1. Personal Letter- Father, Mother. 2. Personal Letter- Friends. 3. Official Letter- Principal Title of the Max. Internal External Semester Code Course Hours Credits Course marks marks marks II 20UUR3N1 Generic Elective 2 2 100 - 100 URDU FOR BEGINNERS Course Outcome: To introduce the students the basic knowledge in Urdu. Eligibility: II Semester students belong to any discipline are eligible for admission into this course. UNIT I 6 hours 1. Vowels - Pronunciation and method of writing. 2. Consonants - Pronunciation and method of writing. UNIT II 6 hours 1. Joining Letters – a) Vowels with Consonant b) Consonant with Consonant UNIT III 6 hours Usage of words in day-to-day life: Parts of body, Names of animals, birds, metals, house hold articles, dresses, ornaments and food grains UNIT IV 6 hours Usage of words in day-to-day life: Vegetables, fruits, trees, relations, professions, colors, months and days. UNIT V 6 hours a. Numerical – Cordials only (1 to 100) b. Parts of speech and their functions in the sentence. 1. Noun 2. Pronoun 3. Adjective 4. Verb DETAILED SYLLABUS ORTHOGRAPHY 1. Vowels - Pronunciation and method of writing. 2. Consonants - Pronunciation and method of writing. 3. Joining Letters – c) Vowels with Consonant d) Consonant with Consonant ETYMOLOGY –WORD Usage of words in day-to-day life: a) Parts of body, Names of animals, birds, metals, house hold articles, dresses, ornaments, food grains, vegetables, fruits, trees, relations, professions, colours, months and days. b) Numerical – Cordials only (1 to 100) ETYMOLOGY –PARTS OF SPEECH Parts of speech and their functions in the sentence. 1. Noun 2. Pronoun 3. Adjective 4. Verb Book Prescribed: Urdu for All by R.K. Bhat Published by National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language, New Delhi. Question Paper Pattern Urdu for Beginners Code: 20UUR3N1 Section - A Time: 3 Hours I. Answer all any fivequestions 5 x 8 = 40 Marks 1. Question from I Unit 2. Question from II Unit 3. Question from III Unit 4. Question from IV Unit 5. Question from V Unit 6. Question from I Unit 7. Question from II Unit 8. Question from III Unit Section - B II. Answer all any five questions 5x 12 = 60 Marks 9. Question from I Unit 10. Question from II Unit 11. Question from III Unit 12. Question from IV Unit 13. Question from V Unit 14. Question from III Unit 15. Question from IV Unit 16. Question from V Unit Title of the Max. Internal External Semester Code Course Hours Credits Course marks marks marks PART IV - III 17UUR4N2 NON MAJOR FUNCTIONAL URDU 2 2 100 - 100 ELECTIVE Course Outcome: To introduce the students the functional usage of Urdu.
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