Centre Korean Studies ANNUAL REVIEW ISSUE 7: September 2013 - August 2014 LETTER FROM THE CHAIR Welcome to the CKS Annual Review of 2013-14. It has been a rewarding and exciting year, packed with seminars and workshops. Charlotte is also pleased to announce that our Centre has expanded, numbering now more than 20 core members, including permanent academic staff from seven departments across the School, in addition to Teaching and Research Fellows, CKS Research Associates, and library staff. This has been the third year of the Overseas Leading University Programmes grant that SOAS CKS is receiving from the Academy of Korean Studies. This generous support has enabled SOAS, University of London is the only the Centre to maintain and further develop its strong research Higher Education institution in Europe programme that includes publication projects, the hosting of talks specialising in the study of Asia, Africa and workshops, as well as financial support for Masters and PhD and the Near and Middle East. students. SOAS is a remarkable institution. Thanks to the Academy of Korean Studies grant as well as the EPEL Uniquely combining language scholar- programme, several lectures and workshops were held throughout ship, disciplinary expertise and regional the year on a broad range of topics. The popular Friday Seminar focus, it has the largest concentration Series totaled thirteen lecturers who were invited from leading in Europe of academic staff concerned academic institutions from Europe, Korea, and Japan. This included with Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Keio University, POSTECH, the University Diderot-Paris 7, and Saint Petersburg State University. In addition, four workshops were held On the one hand, this means that SOAS on various Korea-related subjects. Some workshops were open to all scholars grapple with pressing issues whilst others were held for selected specialists, signifying the Centre’s - democracy, development, human role as a disseminator of knowledge on Korea to various audiences. rights, identity, legal systems, poverty, religion, social change - confront- ing two-thirds of humankind while at the same time remaining guardians of 연구소장 인사말 specialised knowledge in languages and periods and regions not available 지난 2013-2014년은 여러 세미나와 워크숍으로 채워진 매우 흥미 anywhere else in the UK. 진진한 한 해였습니다. 저희 한국학 연구소는 소아스(SOAS) 내 일 곱 개 학과에 재직 중인 정규 교수진을 비롯하여 강사와 연구원 등 This makes SOAS synonymous with 스무 명이 넘는 회원들이 소속된 연구소로 성장하였습니다. 올해 intellectual enquiry and achievement. 는 한국학중앙연구원으로부터 해외중핵대학(Overseas Leading In September, Dr Anders Karlsson organised a one-day workshop It is a global academic base and a University Programmes) 연구비 수혜를 받은 지 3년째 되는 해로, on ‘Crime and Punishment in Chosŏn Korea’. It brought together crucial resource for London. We 이와 같은 지원 덕분에 다수의 출판 작업 뿐만 아니라 다양한 주제 scholars of Korean legal history from South Korea and the West to live in a world of shrinking borders 에 대해 여러 강연과 워크숍을 진행할 수 있었고 석사 및 박사 과 discuss Korean law in its historical and socio-cultural context. The and of economic and technological 정 학생들에게 장학금 지원도 할 수 있었습니다. workshop brought Korean legal history to the attention of a wider simultaneity. Yet it is also a world in audience and enhanced our understanding of pre-modern Korean which difference and regionalism 특히 인기가 많았던 금요일 세미나 시리즈에는 게이오 대학, 포항 state and society. In February, I ran a workshop on Chǒng Sǒn, one present themselves acutely. It is 공대, 파리7대학, 성페테르부르그 대학 등을 포함하여 유럽, 한국, of the most significant painters of the Chosǒn Kingdom. The event a world that SOAS is distinctively WHY CHOOSE SOAS? 일본의 유수 연구소에서 13명의 강연자들이 초청되었습니다. 9월 took the form of a lecture by Dr Park Jeong-ae, followed by a private positioned to analyse, understand 에는 안더스 칼슨 교수가 ‘조선시대 범죄와 처형’이라는 주제로 당 viewing of a little-known album in the SOAS Special Collections, and explain. Every year SOAS attracts hundreds of 일 워크숍을 조직하여, 법역사학 전문가들과 함께 전근대 한국 사 attributed to Chǒng Sǒn. In May and June, Dr Grace Koh organised students from around the world. 회의 역사와 사회문화적 맥락에서 한국의 법에 대한 논의를 진행 two talks with Korean novelists Gong Ji-Young and Bae Suah. The Our academic focus on the languages, 하였습니다. 2월에는 제가 조선왕조에서 가장 주목할만한 화가 중 events formed part of the London Book Fair 2014 Korea Market cultures and societies of Africa, Asia SOAS offers a wide range of 한 명인 정선에 대해 박정애 교수의 강연과 워크숍을 진행하였습 Focus Cultural Programme supported by The British Council and Arts and the Middle East makes us an undergraduate, postgraduate and 니다. 5월과 6월에는 그레이스 고 교수가 두 차례에 걸쳐 한국의 Council Korea. indispensable interpreter in a complex research degrees. Students can choose 소설가 공지영 씨, 배수아 씨와 함께 강연회 및 문학 강독회를 열 world. from more than 350 undergraduate 었습니다. 이 행사는 주한영국문화원과 한국문화예술위원회의 지 Each year, the Centre also acts as host to Visiting Scholars of Korean degree combinations and from almost 원을 받은 2014 런던 북페어 한국 문화 프로그램의 일환으로 구성 Studies from Korea and other countries, and this academic year we 200 postgraduate programmes (taught CONTACT US 되었습니다. 이밖에도 본 연구소는 해마다 한국과 해외 대학으로 welcomed many well-known academics from Korean institutions, as and distance learning) in the social 부터 한국학 방문연구자들을 모시고 있습니다. 올해는 ‘겨울연가’ well as Mr. Yun Sok-ho, Director of ‘Winter Sonata’ and other well- sciences, humanities and languages We welcome you to become part of 로 잘 알려진 윤석호 감독님을 비롯하여 한국의 대학과 연구소에 known dramas. with a distinctive regional focus and the SOAS experience and invite you to 서 오신 여러 학자들을 맞이했습니다. global relevance, taught by world- learn more about us by exploring our Finally I would like to thank Sangpil Jin, CKS Research Fellow, who renowned teachers in specialist website. 끝으로 한국학 연구소의 연구원으로 근무 중이며 한국학 연구소 organises the CKS Seminar Series and in other ways assists the faculties. www.soas.ac.uk 세미나 시리즈를 조직하고 여러 모로 애쓰고 있는 진상필 군에 Centre. I am also grateful to Mrs Jane Savory and Miss Rebecca 게 감사를 전합니다. 그리고 이번 연간 보고를 제작하는 데에 도 Trautwein at the Centres and Programmes Office for their support SOAS is consistently ranked among Admissions 와주신 CENTRES AND PROGRAMMES OFFICE의 제인 사보리 this past year, as well as their efforts in preparing and producing this the top higher education institutions www.soas.ac.uk/admissions/ (JANE SAVORY) 씨와 레베카(REBECCA TRAUTWEIN) 씨에게 annual newsletter. in the UK and the world. In 2014, 도 진심으로 감사드립니다. SOAS has been rated ninth in Europe SOAS Library We look forward to seeing you in the coming year which promises to and 26th in the world for Arts and www.soas.ac.uk/library/ 저희는 다음해에도 올해만큼이나 바쁘고 흥미로운 여러 강연과 행 be as busy and exciting as this year has been. Humanities by Times Higher Education 사들로 여러분을 만날 수 있기를 기대합니다. World University Rankings; it is one of Research London’s top four universities. www.soas.ac.uk/research/ Small group teaching remains an SOAS, University of London important feature of study at SOAS. Thornhaugh Street Our student-staff ratio (11.3:1) is one of Russell Square the best in the UK. London WC1H 0XG 2 SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/KOREANSTUDIES WWW.SOAS.AC.UK/KOREANSTUDIES SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 3 DEVELOPMENT FINANCIAL LANGUAGES AND LINGUISTICS STAFF NEWS CULTURES OF JAPAN Dr Dae-oup CHANG Dr Eunsuk HONG AND KOREA Dr Noriko IWASAKI Senior Lecturer in Lecturer in International Senior Lecturer in Development Studies Business & Management Language Pedagogy Dr Anders KARLSSON Expertise: East Asia, capital- Expertise: Foreign direct Expertise: Psycholinguistics, Senior Lecturer in Korean labour relations, state-society investment; emerging-market second language acquisition, Expertise: Korean language; relations, labour and social multinationals in East Asia; language pedagogy literature and society; history movement in globalising East applied spatial econometrics [email protected] of 19th century Korea Asia, TNCs and division of labour [email protected] [email protected] in East Asia [email protected] Dr Grace KOH MEDIA AND FILM Charlotte HORLYCK Jaeho KANG HISTORY OF ART Lecturer in Korean Literature Dr Jaeho KANG Lecturer in the History of Korean Art Lecturer in Critical Media and Cultural Studies AND ARCHAEOLOGY Expertise: Korean literature Lecturer in Critical Media (pre-modern and early modern), and Cultural Studies During the academic year of 2013/14, Dr Horlyck continued her During this academic year, Jae continued to teach the postgraduate Dr Charlotte HORLYCK with particular interest in Expertise: East Asia; Korea, research and teaching activities. She worked on a number of course on media and the city in East Asia, supervised various MA and Lecturer in the History Koryo prose; Korean literary China and Japan; critical publications, and gave several talks on Korean material culture at PhD dissertations on Korean media and culture, and gave interviews of Korean Art / Chair, Centre history and thought; East Asian theory; media theory; East institutions in the UK and elsewhere. In February she organized a on Korean society for various media in the UK. He organized and of Korean Studies prose traditions Asian cultural studies; political one-day symposium on Chŏng Sŏn, a famous 18th century painter chaired numerous academic and cultural events for CKS, including Expertise: Visual and material [email protected] communication; media and of the Chosŏn kingdom, supported by the CKS-AKS grant. She “One Fine Day: Korean Short Film and Media Art in London”. culture of the Korean peninsula; urban spaces in East Asian cities; continues to serve on the committees of the British Association of Pre-modern Korean burial Mrs Kyung Eun LEE new media and democracy; Korean Studies (BAKS) and the Anglo-Korean Society (AKS).
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