HORTSCIENCE 46(12):1598–1603. 2011. and Cobb, 1985). The growth responses of container-grown plants using deficit irriga- tion regimes have been investigated and Effects of Irrigation Frequency and acceptable growth was measured when the growing substrate was allowed to dry to 40% Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate on Water Stress, to 75% of container capacity before irrigation (Beeson, 2006; Welsh and Zajicek, 1993). Nitrogen Uptake, and Plant Growth of Cumulative actual evapotranspiration was sim- ilar between control plants grown at 100% container capacity and plants grown at 40% con- Container-grown Rhododendron tainer capacity (Beeson, 2006), suggesting Carolyn F. Scagel1 this range of water stress has little influence U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Horticultural on photosynthesis and carbon gain. Nutrient uptake is a function of nutrient Crops Research Unit, 3420 NW Orchard Avenue, Corvallis, OR 97330 availability in the rhizosphere solution. Tran- Guihong Bi spiration can cause large differences between the water content in the rhizosphere and that Truck Crops Branch Experiment Station, Mississippi State University, 2024 in the bulk growing substrate. Changes of a Experiment Station Road, Crystal Springs, MS 39059 few percent in water content of a growing sub- strate can induce 4- to 5-fold decreases in the Leslie H. Fuchigami and Richard P. Regan hydraulic conductivity of the substrate and Department of Horticulture, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97330 can potentially limit nutrient acquisition by plants (Raviv et al., 1999). Increasing irriga- Additional index words. nitrogen uptake, water use, Rhododendron ‘P.J.M. Compact’, tion frequency may increase availability of Rhododendron ‘English Roseum’, Rhododendron ‘Gibraltar’, nursery production nutrients and nutrient uptake efficiency and Abstract. The influence of irrigation frequency (same amount of water per day given at decrease the amount of fertilizer required for optimal growth. Several researchers suggest different times) and nitrogen (N) fertilizer rate on water stress [stomatal conductance (gS)], N uptake, and growth (biomass) of container-grown evergreen Rhododendron ‘P.J.M. increasing irrigation frequency could com- Compact’ and ‘English Roseum’ and deciduous Rhododendron ‘Gibraltar’ was evaluated. pensate for certain nutrient deficiencies, and Both N deficiency and high N rate increased water stress. Water stress was greatest in lower yields of plants irrigated less fre- quently may be a result of nutrient shortage plants fertilized with the highest N rate and gS of plants grown with the higher N rates changed more in response to water deficits resulting from irrigation treatments and rather than water shortage (Buljovcic and seasonal climatic changes. Watering plants more frequently decreased water stress of Engels, 2001; Silber et al., 2003; Xu et al., plants fertilized with higher N rates and altering irrigation frequency had little impact on 2004). alleviating water stress of N-deficient plants. Increasing irrigation frequency decreased Recently, we described the influence of N N uptake efficiency (N uptake per gram N applied), increased N use efficiency (growth per availability on growth and uptake and storage gram N uptake) and altered biomass allocation with little influence on total plant biomass. of N and other nutrients by container-grown Response of biomass allocation to N rates was similar among cultivars and response of evergreen and deciduous cultivars of Rhodo- biomass allocation to irrigation frequency varied among cultivars. Altering irrigation dendron spp. (Bi et al., 2007a; Scagel et al., frequency changed either the availability of N in the growing substrate or the ability of 2007, 2008) and observed an apparent in- roots to absorb N. Our results indicate that transitory increases in plant water stress can crease in water use with increasing rate of alter N uptake, N use, and plant form without detectable changes in total plant biomass. N fertilizer application. Improved knowledge of the combined influence of irrigation and nutrient management during nursery produc- tion of container-grown plants is needed to The production of high-quality container- crops are based on optimal water availability, develop integrated nursery production prac- grown nursery plants requires adequate nu- a condition that rarely exists in commercial tices that optimize nutrient and water use. trients and water during production. Negative production systems. Fertilizer management The objective of this study was to investigate growth responses to excess N can occur from effects on plant water use and drought stress the influence of water stress (as induced by increased salinity, disruption of the balance during production for many crops has not irrigation frequency) on growth and N up- between N and other nutrients, or increased been evaluated fully (Linder et al., 1987; Tan take of one deciduous and two evergreen water stress (Cabrera, 2004). Fertilizer applica- and Hogan, 1997). With some woody peren- cultivars of Rhododendron grown with dif- tion rates commonly used for container-grown nial plants it is possible that growth can be ferent rates of N fertilizer in containers. enhanced more by minimizing water stress than by increasing fertility (Rose et al., 1999). Materials and Methods The soilless substrate used during container Received for publication 27 July 2011. Accepted production of nursery plants has a low nutrient Plant culture. Plants used in this experi- for publication 4 Oct. 2011. This work was funded, in part, by the USDA- and water-holding capacity and large irrigation ment were two evergreen cultivars of Rhodo- ARS-Northwest Center for Nursery Crop Research, quantities can result in nutrient losses from dendron, Rhododendron ‘P.J.M. Compact’, the Oregon State University Agricultural Research the container. Maintaining plant-available water ARS#874 (PJM), and Rhododendron ‘English Foundation, and the American Rhododendron Society. near 100% field capacity in the growing sub- Roseum’, RHS#58 (ER), and one deciduous We gratefully acknowledge Jesse Mitchell, Suean strate is believed to maximize plant growth cultivar, Rhododendron ‘Gibraltar’, RHS#58 Ott, Lisa Tribbet, and Rose Jepson for technical (Beeson, 1992); however, this objective is (AZ), obtained from a commercial nursery as assistance and Monrovia Nursery, Dayton, OR, for impracticable in commercial practice. Re- 1-year-old liner (112-cm3 rooting volume) plant materials. duced irrigation volume in combination with stock of clonally propagated tissue-cultured Mention of trade names or commercial products increased irrigation frequency can be used to plants. Plants were transplanted on 25 Apr. in this publication is solely for the purpose of pro- viding specific information and does not imply rec- decrease runoff of nutrients and water in nurs- 2005 into 3.8-L (1-gal.) containers (GL-400; ommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Department eries (Fare et al., 1994). Increasing irrigation Nursery Supplies, Inc., McMinnville, OR) filled of Agriculture. frequency can increase growth of container- with a substrate of bark, sphagnum peatmoss, 1To whom reprint requests should be addressed; grown plants or have no influence on growth perlite, vermiculite, dolomitic lime, and gypsum e-mail [email protected]. (Beeson, 1992; Fare et al., 1994; Keever (SB-300; Sun Gro Horticulture, Bellevue, WA) 1598 HORTSCIENCE VOL. 46(12) DECEMBER 2011 and were grown outdoors in Corvallis, OR (lat. to a dry air stream was used and leaf tem- treatment as between-subject main effects and 45°59#04$ N, long. 123°27#22$ W). perature, cuvette temperature, and cuvette time of day (midday and late afternoon) as Nitrogen treatments. Twenty plants of relative humidity were recorded. Leaf tran- a within-subject repeated measure. each cultivar were randomly assigned to one spiration rate (mmolÁm–2Ás–1) was determined The influence of N05 rate and W05 treat- of four groups and fertilized twice a week from the volumetric flow rate. Stomatal con- ment on biomass, N content, and biomass allo- from 29 Apr. 2005 to 2 Sept. 2005 (N05 ductance was calculated using the measured cation was assessed using ANOVA in a full rate). During each fertilizer application, one values of relative humidity, leaf and air tem- factorial design with cultivar, N05 rate, and group received 250 mL of N-free fertilizer perature, and flow rate (Cowan, 1977; LI-COR, W05 treatment as main effects. The influence (1.06 mgÁmL–1, Cornell No N Eq. 0-6-27; 1989). Measurements were taken at midday of irrigation frequency on relationships be- Greencare Fertilizers, Kankakee, IL) and plants (between 1100 HR and 1300 HR) and in late tween N05 rate and N uptake (N uptake in the other groups received 250 mL of the N- afternoon (between 1500 HR and 1700 HR)on efficiency) and N uptake and growth (N use free fertilizer plus 35 mgÁL–1,70mgÁL–1,or140 the same leaves from five plants of each efficiency) were assessed using best subsets –1 mgÁL N(NH4NO3; Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, cultivar in each N05 rate and W05 treatment regression. Mallow’s Cp was the criterion for MO). The N concentration in irrigation water nine times between 17 July 2005 and 22 Oct. choosing the best subset of predictor effects was measured periodically from May to Oct. 2005. The same plants were used for mea- from linear and quadratic models. Intercepts 2005 using ion selective electrodes (Thermo surements at each date and sampling was and regression coefficients for relationships Electron Corp., Waltham, MA). Concentrations randomized between treatments within each were calculated for each cultivar and W05 of nitrate and ammonium in irrigation water cultivar during measurement periods. treatment combination. –1 –1 were less than 28 mgÁL NO3 and10mgÁL Nitrogen analyses and calculations. Sam- NH4, respectively. The N supplied from irri- ples taken for nutrient analyses were ana- Results and Discussion gation water was accounted for in calculating lyzed for concentrations of N by combustion the total amount of N applied to plants. (Tru Spec CHN; LECO Corp., St. Joseph, MI) Variation among cultivars in stomatal Irrigation treatments. Plants in each N05 (Bi et al., 2007b).
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