Welcome to the Southern University and A&M College Graduate School and thank you for your interest. Southern University has a proud history and tradition of excellence in providing quality education to students in the state of Louisiana, throughout the United States, and the world. Since its incorporation in 1880, Southern University has attracted students from every corner of the globe. The mix of cultures and ideas make Southern University and exciting environment for graduate studies. We offer a beautiful campus situated on the bluff overlooking the Mississippi River in a vibrant and growing capital city. Our faculty are among the finest in academia and include excellent instructors, scholars, distinguished researchers and mentors. The faculty and staff at Southern University are committed to providing our students with a beneficial and positive graduate experience. As you prepare to enter graduate school, this bulletin will introduce to you the many opportunities for advanced degrees, career advancement, and professional development at Southern University. I look forward to welcoming you to our campus. Please contact us if you have any questions or need additional information. Joseph A. Meyinsse, Ph.D. Interim Dean Southern University Graduate School SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY AND A&M COLLEGE | Baton Rouge, Louisiana GRADUATE STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY It is equally and personally your responsibility, as a graduate student, to know and to complete all requirements established for your degree program by the University, the Graduate School, your college and department. It is the responsibility of each student to know and meet these requirements. It is your responsibility to be knowledge- able about and to comply with the policies, procedures,and regulations of Southern University, its Graduate School and your chosen academic department. A student’s advisor or counselor may not assume that responsibility. Any substitution, waiver, or exemption from any established departmental or Graduate School requirement or academic standard may be accomplished only with the recommendation of the student’s department chair, the Dean ofthe Graduate School, and approval of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. )DLOXUHWRUHDGWKLVEXOOHWLQGRHVQRWH[FXVHJUDGXDWHVWXGHQWVIURP WKHUHTXLUHPHQWVDQGUHJXODWLRQVGHVFULEHGKHUHLQ NOTIFICATION This bulletin represents the current graduate offerings and requirements of Southern University. As such, it may be altered at any time and should not be regarded as an irrevocable or inflexible commitment on the part of the University. Any fee, charges, courses, programs, and related activities described herein are subject to revision, cancellation, or termination by the institution or the Southern University Board of Supervisors at any time, with proper cause. Students are advised to consult the online edition of the Graduate School Bulletin for program and policy changes. The online edition can be viewed at www.subr.edu/catalog. The University reserves the right to require a student to withdrawfrom the University for cause at any time. Southern University adheres to the principle of equal opportunity without regard to race, sex, color, creed, national origin, age,handicap, marital status, or veteran’s status. This policy extends toall programs and activities supported by the University. $QQXDO6WDWHPHQWRI2ZQHUVKLS)LOHG8QLWHG6WDWHV 3RVW2IÀFH2FWREHU The owner and publisher of the Southern University GraduateBulletin is Southern University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. It ispublished every two years at the Graduate School at SouthernUniversity. There are no bond holders, mortgagors, or other security holders, with Vested Interests in this publication. It iscirculated nationwide. This bulletin was compiled and edited by the Graduate School andproduced by the Southern University Office of Publications andElectronic Media. 3M. ACCREDITATION Southern University is accredited by the Commission on Collegesof the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033- 4097: Telephone Number404-679-4501; www.sacscoc.org) to award Associate, Bachelor’s,Master’s, Doctoral, and professional degrees. SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY AND A&M COLLEGE | Baton Rouge, Louisiana TABLE OF CONTENTS Accreditation .....................................1 Student Advising and Mentoring ................. 25 Administrative Officers ..............................3 Student Academic Grievances . 25 Baton Rouge Campus Administration. .3 Transfer of Credit. 25 The Graduate Council . .3 Withdrawal from Course(s)/University. 27 University Academic Calendar ........................6 Requirements for Masters Degrees .................. 27 General Information ................................10 Requirements for Ph.D. Degrees .................... 29 Southern University System. .10 Louisiana Residency: Criteria for Establishment. 32 Brief History ..................................10 On-Campus Housing. 36 Physical Facilities ..............................10 Expenses and Fees ............................... 36 Statement of Purpose ...........................10 Financial Aid Guidellines ........................... 38 The Graduate School ..............................11 Academic Programs .............................. 43 Organization ..................................11 Behavioral Studies (M.A.) ................... 43 History. .11 Mental Health Counseling (M.A.) ............ 43 Mission ......................................12 Counselor Education (M.A.) ................ 44 Vision ........................................12 Biology (M.S.) ............................ 52 Objectives ....................................12 Business Administration (M.B.A.) ............. 57 Graduate Degrees and Programs. .13 Chemistry (Traditional Chemistry and Admission to the Graduate School ....................13 Environmental Chemistry) (M.S.) ............ 64 Admission into a Doctoral Program ................14 Computer Science (M.S.) ................... 70 Admission into a Master’s Program. .15 Criminal Justice (M.S.). 76 Admission of Transfer Students ...................15 Curriculum and Instruction (Elementary Admission of International Students ................15 and Secondary Education) (M.Ed.) .......... 82 Admission of Students with Special Needs ..........16 Educational Leadership (M.Ed.) .............. 90 Readmission . .16 Environmental Toxicology (Ph.D.) ............ 101 Undergraduate Registration in Mass Communication (M.A.) . 108 Graduate Courses. .16 Mathematics (M.S.) ....................... 113 Non-degree Applicants. .16 Nursing (M.S.N., Ph.D.) (PMC) .............. 118 General Regulations ...............................17 Physics (M.S.) ........................... 132 Academic Standards ...........................19 Public Administration (M.P.A./J.D.) ........... 138 Probation .................................19 Public Policy (Ph.D.) ...................... 146 Suspension ...............................19 Rehabilitation Counseling (M.S.) . 155 Expulsion . .19 Science/Math Education (Ph.D.) ............. 161 Academic Appeals . .19 Social Sciences (M.A.). 168 Change of Major or Program of Study ..............19 History. 171 Commencement ...............................20 Political Science ........................ 173 Course Auditing ...............................20 Sociology ............................. 176 Course Loads .................................20 Special Education (Ph.D.) .................. 179 Course Numbering System. .21 Speech-Language Pathology ............... 188 Course Repetition . .21 Therapeutic Recreation and Course Substitutions ............................21 Leisure Studies . 194 Grading System ...............................21 Urban Forestry (M.S., Ph.D.) ................ 198 Nontraditional/Abbreviated Courses ................22 Special Facilities and Programs .................... 208 Incomplete Grades . .22 Office of Research and Strategic Imitations Change of Grades .............................22 (ORSI) ................................... 208 Preparation for Graduation . .23 Campus Services ............................... 213 Residency Requirements (On-Campus). .23 Graduate Studies Faculty Policy . 216 Senior Citizens Program (55 and Over) .............23 Statue of Limitations (Time Limitations) .............24 – 2 – SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY AND A&M COLLEGE | Baton Rouge, Louisiana ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS -DPHV/ORUHQV3K' -DQHW65DPL3K' *OHUJLSSVY +LHU:JOVVSVM5\YZPUN 0ZDOLPX-6KXMDD(G' (OOD.HOO\3K' ,_LJ\[P]L=PJL*OHUJLSSVYHUK7YV]VZ[ +LHU+VSVYLZ4HYNHYL[9PJOHYK:WPRLZ/VUVYZ*VSSLNL -DFTXHOLQH+RZDUG²0DWWKHZV3K' +DELE0RKDPDGLDQ3K' (ZZVJPH[L7YV]VZ[ +LHU*VSSLNLVM,UNPULLYPUN &HFLOLD*ULIÀQ*ROGHQ3K' 9HUMDQLV$3HRSOHV (ZZPZ[HU[7YV]VZ[ +LHU*VSSLNLVM,K\JH[PVU 0DUJDUHW6$PEURVH -R\FH2ҋ5RXUNH3K' :WLJPHS(ZZPZ[HU[[V[OL*OHUJLSSVY +LHU*VSSLNLVM(Y[ZHUK/\THUP[PLZ )ODQGXV0F&OLQWRQ0%$&3$ 7KHDFDGHPLFRUJDQL]DWLRQRIWKH%DWRQ5RXJH =PJL*OHUJLSSVYMVY-PUHUJLHUK(KTPUPZ[YH[PVU FDPSXVFRQVLVWVRIGLYLVLRQV 7DPDUD0RQWJRPHU\ 7KH*UDGXDWH6FKRRO 0U[LYPT(ZZPZ[HU[=PJL*OHUJLSSVYMVY:[\KLU[(MMHPYZ &ROOHJHRI$JULFXOWXUH)DPLO\ &RQVXPHU6FLHQFHV &ROOHJHRI$UWVDQG+XPDQLWLHV 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