Marshall University Marshall Digital Scholar The Parthenon University Archives Summer 7-7-1988 The Parthenon, July 7, 1988 Marshall University Follow this and additional works at: https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon Recommended Citation Marshall University, "The Parthenon, July 7, 1988" (1988). The Parthenon. 2583. https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon/2583 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Marshall Digital Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Parthenon by an authorized administrator of Marshall Digital Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Marshall University's student newspaper Sports Medicine PARTHE 0 See Page 7 THURSDAY, July 7, 1988 Vol. 89 No. 109 Reaching new heights Photo by Greg Perry Nitzschke appoints Gould to No. 2 post By Jack Houvouras campus to join the history department in Editor 1969 after teaching in Virginia. During the last two decades, Gould has served Although he was appointed Wednes­ Marshall in many capacities including day Marshall's Senior Vice President, as a history professor, department chair­ Dr. Alan B. Gould says he is still "first man, dean, and acting president. and foremost" a faculty member. Gould will suceed Harry E. "Buster" Gould said one of~-­ Neel in Marshall's second highest admin­ the most intriguing istrative position. Neel, former execu­ aspects of his new job tive vice president, recently accepted a will be his working position at the University of Nevada at relationship with Las Vegas. Nitzschke. "I really enjoy work­ "I'm gratified that Dr. Gould hae ing with the president. agreed to take on what amounts to a I believe very strongly 24-hours-a-day assignment," President in what he's doing for D·ale F. Nitzschke said. this institution," he Gould has served for eight years as said. "Anything I can dean of the College of Liberal Arts. do to help him I will do." Goul~ However, the challenge of the new posi­ tion doesn't seem to worry him. Gould Nitzschke said Gould will assist him simply sees the job as another opportun­ in the day-to-day operation of the presi­ ity to make a contribution to the dent's office and will be responsible for university. operating the university in the presi­ dent's abscence: "In administration, you feel there are things you'd like to see done. There are Gould has done just that during the many ways for people to effect decisions last week while the president was in the and administration is one ofthose ways," Middle East and at home in Iowa for his he said. mother's funeral. In Nitzschke's abscenre. In the past Gould has been involved in Gould played a role in petitioning West anumberofprojectsincludingtheMetro Virginia lawmakers to implement a pay Fee, the Regents Bachelor ofArts Degree raise for faculty and staff at Marshall. program, and the Search Committee on "My role in Charleston was simply to Recruitment of Excellent Students represent the university," Gould said. (SCORES). "Actually, much of the credit goes to the A Huntington native, Gould is also a entire Marshall group. Forty people from 19-year member ofthe Marshall faculty. Marshall, including staffmembers, went He earned both his A.B. and M.A. in up on a Saturday to lobby for the univer­ history at Marshall, and returned to sity. It had a great impact." Regents to hear plea A crane beside the Science Building Annex reaches new heights as for funds for stadium building materials are lifted to the roof of tile complex Wednesday. By Vina Hutchinson the tax exemption on soft drinks pur­ Managing Editor chased for home consumption. The $8 million this is expected to bring in will be The Board of Regents will receive a applied to funding the salary schedule. funding pitch for Marshall's football Grose offered two answers concerning Awaiting BOR action stadium when the board meets Friday a timetable for salary increases. "Being at Canaan Valley State Park. very optimistic, it's possible it could Senior Vice President Alan Gould said start August 1. Being realistic, it could Salary increases still unknown he, President Dale Nitzschke, and Athle­ be Sept. 1. It does take time to do these tic Director Lee Moon will attend the kind of things." No one is certain when faculty and to further discuss salary increases. The meeting Friday, where Moon and The BOR is waiting for Gov. Arch staff members will know how much board will then determine amounts of Nitzschke will make a presentation about Moore Jr. to sign the bill proposing the their paychecks will increase following increases for each school. funding for the stadium. elimination before they take any action, legislative action to partially fund the according to Grose, who added he is con­ A final decision on the new individual Nitzschke, out of town due to a death fident Moore will. state's salary schedule for higher salary levels is not expected until late in his family, was unavailable for com­ education. The board will also be told the bids for July. After the BOR determines individ­ ment. Moon also was unavailable for Marshall's proposed fine arts facility comment. Although the Board of Regents will ual salary levels, faculty and staffll\em­ were over the budget and have been bers will be given a "notice of appoint­ In addition, the board will discuss rejected. Grose said the bids were offi. meet Friday, Vice Chancellor of Admi­ ment" to explain the new allocations, nistrative Affairs for the BOR Edward faculty and staff pay raises made possi­ cially rejected early last week and the Grose, said the board will consider according to Herbert J. Karlet, associate ble by increased funding from the Legis­ architects were advised to redesign the "options in order to understand the legis­ vice president for finance. lature. Edward Grose, vice chancellor of project within budget. Grose added that lature's intent" in the additional fund­ Pay levels will remain at the current administrative affairs, said the BOR if the bids had been within budget he ing for salaries. Grose also said a special levels until the BOR takes action, Karlet needs time to discuss the legislative would have been recommending the low­ BOR meeting will be called in late July said. action proposed last week eliminating est bidder ,to th~ BOR., • • , . • • - Thcz Parthcz non July 7, 1988 - lZ PERSPECTIVES Meese says report is opinion, 'verbiage' Former attorney general: Investigator found no criminal activity WASHINGTON (AP) - Resigning The independent prosecutor also inves­ Attorney General Edwin Meese III said Edward MttK tigated an arrangement in which members Wednesday that any questions raised "He (McKay) 111----------------has now found that there was ... no criminal of a Washington real estate family about his ethics in a court-appointed conduct of any sort. So anything else that might be said is arranged to pay a $40,000-a-year salary investigator's 830-page probe of his con­ for Meese's wife and then won an office duct would be just excess verbiage. merely surplusage." lease renewal with the Justice Depart­ Asked about reports that independent ment. counsel James McKay's report - deli­ Resigning attorney general Each aspect of McKay's investigation vered in secret to a federal judge hours involved Meese's relationship with before Meese resigned Tuesday-paints he would respond personally to any sug­ appointees yet to face Senate confirma­ Wallach, who is under indictment for an unflattering portrait of the attorney gestions of unethical conduct raised by tion hearings, Meese said, "Not at all." alleged racketeering in the Wedtech McKay's 14-month investigaton. He said the people in those slots, includ­ general but does not suggest any illegal ing his top deputies, have extensive legal scandal. activities were committed, Meese said, McKay began his investigation after Wallach, interviewed Tuesday even­ four executives ofWedtech Corp. pleaded experience. ing on CNN's "Larry King Live" pro­ "That's really immaterial because wha­ The new deputy attorney general, tever may be in the report along that line guilty in connection with alleged bribes gram, said McKay "spoke to over 100 would only be commentary in his opin­ paid to public officials and began coop­ Harold Christensen, and criminal div­ witnesses, reviewed thousands and thous­ erating with authorities. ision chief, Edward Dennis, have been ands ofdocuments and came up without ion. It would have no legal force." on the job for little more than a month, Meese, making the rounds of network Detailing his decision to leave office, a single scintilla of evidence of wrong­ television's three major morning news Meese said he spoke to Reagan before while the department's No. 3 official, doing on Ed's part and, I submit, there­ programs, said McKay's only charter the president left for last month's eco­ Associate Attorney General Francis fore, on my part." had been to determine if the attorney nomic summit meeting in Canada, tell­ Keating, has been at work just two Republicans, many of whom saw Meese general violated any. laws. ing Reagan that he thought it would be months. as a political liability for the coming in "my best interests" to leave the govern­ Reagan, asked Tuesday whom he would elections, were generally pleased by his "He has now found that there was ... ment before the president's term expires name to succeed Meese, told reporters, "I decision to leave now. His announce­ no criminal conduct of any sort on my next January. have nobody in mind." ment brought expressions of relief from part," Meese said. "So anything else Meese, asked if he had been pushed "He said ifit was in my best interests George Bush's presidential campaign that might be said is merely surplusage." out, said, "Nobody tried to shove me and and a terse statement from the vice pres­ Noting that McKay is expected to tum - and I felt it was - then he could nobody could shove me, as a matter of the results of his probe over to the Jus­ understand that and he would go along fact." ident himself.
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