,»>1r§1i,;>f»:;<5 ai;=l;m.;w,l,la Q :'1§iW7ii -Q-~al.;.1 in ‘E \LJ.£,,u£ e #KLM M .i 2 ‘ IE; , » 9 it 3 “ imLil SMPTE Test Materials E 11 ?:=‘l;é.€ For H12 Q \§4:_;_:;¢: Jil" -wi. Motion Pictures 4 ,e lg g fl ei-~M,] 15 And “lilimi;;iméT@i 41; Qi EL V" itil; la Television ,~»~ i.-fel 'ii *rim mu.,r ei fi’ 555 111 ,Jfhiusillilif >l@;;Mm;;;i, Society ol Mollon Plclure and Television Engineers 862 Scarsdale Ave. Scaredale N Y. 10583 (914) 472-6606 A“‘MWi< <l Telex: 4995348 7. All test lilms are fragile. They wear out with use and WHAT IS THE SMPTE? watched and films Televlslon Engineers with age. Reliability must be carefully The Society of Motion Picture and replaced when questionable. Color films lose their color is one of the worId’s foremost engineering (SMPTE) balance alter one or two years, societies in the fields ol motion pictures and television. to a emulsion post- Since 1916 the SMPTE has played a maior role ln stan- 8. Attention should be given li|m's RP 39 dardization, and has been a strong influence in encour- tion. SMPTE Recommended Practice glves speci- At in industry. For its fications for maintaining an “emulsion-in" position. aging good engineering practices the picture-with- engineering work, the SMPTE has received an Oscar present, 35-mm SMPTE picture-only and Color lrom the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, sound test films, as well as the 35-mm Subjective and the photographic 35-mm sound- an Emmy and two Citations from the Academy cl Reference test lilms in the "tall-out, Television Arts and Sciences. only test lilms, are supplied to the user position on 2-in cores. They should be at SMPTE Heed- emulsion-in" SMPTE maintains an engineering stall rewound by the user “emulsion-ln" on 3-in cores lor engineering com- quartets to oversee and coordinate storage. Some 16-mm and super B-mm test films are mittee actlvltles. SMPTE test films are produced under supplied in “emulsion-out" configuration. others as the supervlslon ol the engineering stall. "emulsion-in" items, as the case may be. Wherever the SMPTE sponsors two National Standards Committees "emulsion-in” condition can be achieved and underthe American National Standards Institute (ANSI) maintained, improved performance will result. However, and operates the Secretariat of the International Stan- care should be taken that the equlprnsnt has been dards Organization Technical Committee on Cinema- designed to allow the use ol "emulsion-In" rolls, tography (ISO/TCSS), because olllemlse the flrsl run could damage the As a membership organization with over 9.000 individ- lilm permanently. ual members and 216 Sustaining (company) Members, 9. More details on the care and handling of test films are SMPTE’s activities include the publication ol the monthly available from SMPTE headquarters, Recommended SMPTE Journal, and sponsorship ol annual technical Practices pertaining to all lilms are also available from conferences and equipment exhibits. Additional informa- SMPTE Headquarters, SMPTE Recommended Practices tion about the SMPTE may be obtained from SMPTE RP 39 and 45 give especially useful advice on the use Headquarters, B62 Scarsdale Ave., Scarsdale, NV 10583. and care of test films. LIMITED WARRANTY SM PTE TEST MATERIALS SMPTE Test Materials are made In accordance with The test materials in this catalog were planned by tech- SMPTE Recommended Practices, nlbal committees of the SMPTE alter considerable re- lf, for any reason. the purchaser is notsatisfled with any search and consultation, They have many uses In the test materials purchased from SMPTE, the materials may motion-picture and television fields, SMPTE test films be returned, postage prepaid provided they are in good provide simple equipment performance checks without condition and are not damaged by mishandling, misuse, the use of expensive, complicated test equipment. or alterations. SMPTE warrants this product lo the original purchaser to be tree from defective materials and workmanship, and to furnish a new or equal part in exchange if any A FEW WORDS ABOUT FILM USE, such defect is found. CARE AND STORAGE The period ol this warranty covers ninety (90) days from Test films are precision measuring tools. For their con- date of purchase. This warranty entitles the original tinued usslulness and reliability they should be given purchaser to have the warrenteed item rendered at no reasonable care in use and storage. The following cost forthe period of the warranty described above when specific recommendations and precautions applicable delivered to SMPTE with proof of purchase. to all test films should be recognized: This shall be the exclusive warranty and neither this 1. Equipment should be checked for normal mechanical warranty nor any other warranty expressed or implied functioning and operation prior to running any test fllm, shall extend beyond the period of time listed above. In to Insure that the film is not damaged during use. no event shall SMPTE be liable for consequential 2. Physical distortion, dirt. scratches, and similar economic damage or consequential damage to property, detects, generally render any test lilm inaccurate, The film should be stored on good quality reels or cores in a protective enclosure. and should be inspected INDEX periodically. Receiver/Monitor Setup Cassette ...... _ , 3 upon teet 3, When critical judgments are to be based The Jllly Sound and Picture Proiector performance, it is good practice to maintain two lllm Performance Film .,.,....,,_..,_,_.. __ 3 as a control. By copies: one in active use and the other Projector Performance Test Films (silent) periodically comparing the control with the working Image Quality and Alignment .,....,..... 4, 5 copy, changes in the film can be distinguished from Registration 5 under test, ._...,..............,. changes inthe equipment Sound Test Films 4. A statistical log should be kept ol test lilm run results Magnetic Sound .,...._. .__._... ..__ B on a particular piece ol equipment. This will be useful Photographic (Optical) Sound ._._ .7, B in determining the need and effectiveness of equipment Television Color Reference Films _ 8 maintenance, Univeral Leaders .._.__.__ __.__ __.. 9 5. All test lilms are on salety base stock. Television Test Patterns ..,..._...__.,____ 9, 10 6. Magnetic lilms should be kept away from power lines Order form .__._......_. ..,_._..__ ____.. 1 1 and magnetic sources. 2 Now Available in %-inch and %-inch Formats. The SMPTE Video Tape Cassette For Receiver/Monitor Setup SMPTE’s is test tape cassette used forthe sub'ec-l (e) Patterns for Safe Action and Safe Title Areas. tive evaluation ol receiver or monitor setup and for (f) A crosshatch pattern to check scanning checking out the overall video and audio perform- linearity. ance of magnetic helical-scan tape reproducers, (g) A dot pattern to check picture tube having provisions ior reproducing the NTSC signal. convergence, Here's what this unique test cassette contains. (h) Afull red field to check picture tube purity Video having the same luminance and chromi- nance as the red har ln a 75 percent color (a) A recorded seven-step gray scale slgnal. bar signal. Audio (a) Commentary describing the scenes and calling attention to the reference material and Its relationship to proper receiver/ monitor setup. (b) Orchestral music for evaluation of general audlo reproduction. No last Instruments are required. A commentator describes each scene and what It ll Intended me ,.,t.t.t.m.»t N to check. naulutuiltttflfft 5" Each canatte comes in a case and ia accom- panied by a Wratten 41B blue filter (or equivalent) and an instruction sheet on tape usage. (c) Closeups ol female and male models for skin Made In accordance wllh SMPTE Recommended tone evaluation and general definition. Practice HP 96 (d) Selected Indoorscenes showing samples of va-nuts __,__ ,__.__ ,,___ w Typo E tu) |=°mm V2-RMS-B1 .‘/2" Typl G Orll Hollr (Ella) Formlt sky, architecture, and human with models vz-me-ez __ __ __v1~~ryp¢o me Hour (em) Formal outdoor illumination. vz-ms-v ____ ___ v1~ryp¢ H me new ivns; Formal Announcing SMPTE’s Brand New 16-mm Color Jiffy Test Film. THE JIFFY SMPTE Jiffy Test Films contain a SMPTE Recommended Practice » Compromise Sound Focus (pho» series of picture and sound samples RP 18, tographic sound version only) to help you subjectively evaluate The 1 films have R-3000 perforations. ¢ Frequency Response at Normal the performance of your projector, The SMPTE Jiffy films Program Level Tltles appear in each section to ln- check out dicate what is being tested and the these important functions: o Dialoguelntelligibility purpose ofthe test. The Iilm la easy For lound: to use. No special instruments are For plctura: required, Each film is accompanied o Faithful Reproduction of Wide- Range n General by an instruction sheet indicating Music Image Staadlness (verti cal and horizontal) the procedure to be used in check- a Piano Sound for Checking Wow ing out the projectors sound and and Flutter s Uniform Pro|ected Picture picture characteristics. ¢ Correct Soundtrack Guiding (buzz Brightness All versions ofthe Jllly test film are track for photographic sound 1 General Picture Quality (sharp- made as prints in accordance with version only) ness and contrast) Pia-PP-c. _(1uou,1a-mmeetov M15-PP-c. __ ___ (150 rt, 15-mm eater tum. prtamgrspme rum, magnetic sound) sound) PROJECTOR PERFORMANCE TEST FILMS SMPTE's prolector performance test fllms help you get the best possible image on the screen. The films are used to measure and adlust your proiector's optical and mechanical functions. Some of these fllms can also be used in the film laboratory to test prlnfers.
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