f • • •J H. /• ^ < Sunny and Cool THEDAILY Sunny and cool today, Clear, cool tonight. Cloudy, mild to- FINAL toorrow and Sunday. j EDITION Monmoutli County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL.94 NO.73 RED BANK, N.J. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8,197J Phase 2: Curbs on Pay And Price Hikes, Profit s WASHINGTON (AP) - President Nixon has out- when the current 90-day freeze ends Nov. 13. "We will permit some adjustments of prices and: lined a second-phase attack on inflation, based on The- President's anti-inflation goal, said the wages that fairness demands, but we will not permit wage and price controls and "voluntary cooperation White House, is to hold consumer prices to a 2 to 3 inflation to flare up again," Nixon said in his ad- of the American people." per cent annual rate of rise by the end of 1972. dress. There will be no ceiling on profits. But Nixon Some economists said that could mean a guide- Reaction to the presidential message generally Said his administration will call for cancellation of line of 5 to 6 per cent a year for average wage in- was restrained. Economists said they found his price increases that might result in profit windfalls. creases, but the White House did not confirm that es- battle plans encouraging but probably hard to ad- The President wants standby power to control timate. minister. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce said the- interest rates and corporation dividends—but only Nixon's address disappointed many who had President "has done what he feels he had to do," but: "as a safeguard." He "will ask Congress shortly for hoped to hear from him the new guidelines for per- it called for return to "a free economy without in- the authority and for a one-year extension of the mitted wage and price increases. Officials ex- flation" as soon as possible. Economic Stabilization Act under which he froze plained: The guidelines don't yet exist, The new Labor's reaction was almost nil. AFL-CIO Presi- prices; wages and rents on Aug. 15, and op which he boards still must draft them. dent George Meany and many other top union lead- is basing Phase 2. The Cost of Living Council headed by Secretary ers simply refused to comment, Even so, Commerce He announced in a nationally televised address of the Treasury John B. Connally, will keep the top- Secretary Maurice H. Stans said he is confident last night that he will appoint two new quasi-inde- level supervisory role it is exercising over Phase 1. Meany, a persistent critic of Nixon's economic pol- APWIrtftnl* pendent bodies — a 15-member Pay Board with three The two new boards will be "quasi-autonomous," a icies, will be asked to serve on the Pay Board. LOOKS AHEAD - President Nixon is pictured at his desk at the White representatives each from labor, industry and the White House official said, but the council can over- Members of Congress indicated they plan some House last night after his nationwide broadcast outlining future restraints public, and a Price Commission of seven public rule their price or wage criteria if it feels they would, rewriting of the stabilization law, instead of granting lor the economy. ... members to administer price-wage-and-rent controls not meet the anti-inflation goal. Nixon's request for a simple extension. County Landfill Site Plan Announced by Freeholders By WILLIAM J.ZAORSKI This new location is just officials and then took a look neer to the freeholders. He landfill for a long time" he re- west of the one recommended at the possibility of leasing recommended acquiring ported, "and it could be put FREEHOLD — The county by a New York consulting en- the governmental lands. 132.11 acres in Colts Neck; 71 into ODeration very quickly. Board of Freeholders yes- gineering firm. However, af- The acquisition of the land acres in New Shrewsbury and "It has .the advantage of terday announced plans to ac- ter that site was announced, in the three towns was recom- 185 15 in Wall Township. being in an isolated area quire 388 acres in Cplts Neck, county officials ran into oppo- mended by Claude W. Birdsall "This area would furnish which is now zoned industrial New Shrewsbury and Wall sition from New Shrewsbury of Belmar, consulting engi- the region with a sanitary See Cowrty, Page 1 Township for a regional sani- tary landfill and hopes to have it operational late next year. At a news conference, Free- holder Director Joseph C. Ir? win explained that the county could not proceed with its ., SOLID WASTE SOLUTION — Plans for a centrally located county solid plans of acquiring land in the waste disposal area are described by Claude W. Birdsall, center, c6n- Earie Naval Ammunition De- sulting engineer to the Board ot Freeholders/ at a press conference In pot because test borings re- which the participants included Freeholder Director Joseph C. Irwin, left, vealed a high water table. and Robert D, Halsey, director of the County Planning Board. The board is "definitely committed" to the purchase of the lands in the three towns for the' landfill, said the free- holder director, adding that No Dishonesty Found the county will soon negotiate with the four property owners and will use condemnation as a last resort. Taxpayers' Aid In Park Soil Probe The regional landfill is ex- pected to aid the taxpayer by By HALLIE SCURAEGER The grand jury said the * tfteir professional- director, halting the soaring refuse col- "bad judgment" was evi- < Bepjamin Schaffer, decided lection costs which all Mon- FREEHOLD - A Mon- denced by the facts that: that there was a need for two mouth municipalities are ex- mouth County grand jury Errors Cited additional baseball fields at periencing yearly^ While the which probed a soil removal —"Other proposals were not their Thompson Park in Lin- county will not operate a re- and park development under- solicited to assure that the croft; that there were no fuse collection service, it will taking by the Middletown contract made was in fact the funds, and that a contractor provide towns with a place to Township Parks and Recrea- best one available. :was available who would dump their solid wastes. tion Commission yesterday —"Legal advice was not swap unneeded landfill — Riglitn staff n»«> The county initially plans to LUNCH TABLE TALK — Monmouth County Sheriff Paul Kiernan, left, who Is seeking election to his concluded that "there was sought. ,-.. much of it from a former gar- operate the landfill in the con- bad judgment, but no dishon- —"The Township iCom- bage disposal area —' in re- third term, addressed yesterday's luncheon meeting of the Red Bank Rotary Club'ln the Molly Pitcher ventional manner but hopes Inn. Presiding is Melvin Lowenstein, club president. • . esty that we could discover." mittee was not consulted in turn for clearing and leveling •within a year after operation The investigative panel, advance, and to make playing fields pos- to pulverize the trash which Which was held over twice to —"Soil removal permits sible. has many benefits over the complete municipal in- - were not obtained as required "The evidence is clear that typical landfill practice. vestigations in Middletown by ordinance. the township's taxpayers re-' This means that Monmouth and Bradley Beach, heard 11 "The hastiness of the action ccived a benefit. Had it been could become the second Sheriff Keys Guards' Pay witnesses in its probe into an was unfortunate," the panel necessary for the township to county in the state to operate agreement between the recre- added. remove the soil'and dispose of a landfill and could be the ation commission and the The grand jury stated its it, the cost would have been first in the state to use the Holmdel Excavating Co. findings In a presentment prohibitive; The kind of deal pulverization method. The commission agreed to lianded up to Superior Court that was made was the only The new site extends from To Training Lack at Jail trade 10,000 to 12,000 cubic- Judge Francis X. Crahay, the practical one since there Colts Neck, near Asbury Avc. them... "Mr. Kiernan said. yards of dirt from Thompson wasn't money available. By DORIS KULMAN insisted yesterday, he had requested the ACA re- county assignment judge. It and Earle, southward into • Questioned by a reporter af- He said there's a high turn- port, welpomes it, "and we Park, Lincroft, for construc- stated, in part: "On the other hand, the con- Wall Township to Shark River over in personnel at.the jail tion ot two ballftelds by the tractor made a good arrange- .RED BANK - Monmoutli ter his luncheon address to will follow its suggestions. "Simply enough, the com- Station Road. A portion of County can't require training the Red Bank Rotary Club in and difficulty in hiring "Not only us, but the Board company. missioners under advice from ment for himself because he land from Colts Neck extends guards. And that, he said, is a had a ready market for the programs for Us jail guards the Molly Pitcher Inn, Sheriff of Freeholders got recommen- eastward into New Shrews- unless it pays them more Kiernan didn't refute a jail direct reflection of the salary dations," Mr. Kiernan said, soil, most of it low grade in bury. scale. quality, and a much shorter money, SlHTiff Paul Kienian guard's statement that a new- noting the report's sugges- trucking distance from where ly-hired guard "... goes The statement about the tions for correcting some A Special Report he might have been otherwise along with one correction offi- lack of training was made by faults in the jail construction required to haul to meet his cer for a day-if lie's lucky.
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