Paramita:Paramita: Historical Historical Studies Studies Journal, Journal, 29(2) 29(2) 2019: 2019 119 -129 ISSN: 0854-0039, E-ISSN: 2407-5825 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15294/paramita.v29i2.16217 NATIONAL HEROES IN INDONESIAN HISTORY TEXT BOOK Suwito Eko Pramono, Tsabit Azinar Ahmad, Putri Agus Wijayati Department of History, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Semarang ABSTRACT ABSTRAK History education has an essential role in Pendidikan sejarah memiliki peran penting building the character of society. One of the dalam membangun karakter masyarakat. Sa- advantages of learning history in terms of val- lah satu keuntungan dari belajar sejarah dalam ue inculcation is the existence of a hero who is hal penanaman nilai adalah keberadaan pahla- made a role model. Historical figures become wan yang dijadikan panutan. Tokoh sejarah best practices in the internalization of values. menjadi praktik terbaik dalam internalisasi However, the study of heroism and efforts to nilai. Namun, studi tentang kepahlawanan instill it in history learning has not been done dan upaya menanamkannya dalam pembelaja- much. Therefore, researchers are interested in ran sejarah belum banyak dilakukan. Oleh reviewing the values of bravery and internali- karena itu, peneliti tertarik untuk meninjau zation in education. Through textbook studies nilai-nilai keberanian dan internalisasi dalam and curriculum analysis, researchers can col- pendidikan. Melalui studi buku teks dan ana- lect data about national heroes in the context lisis kurikulum, peneliti dapat mengumpulkan of learning. The results showed that not all data tentang pahlawan nasional dalam national heroes were included in textbooks. konteks pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian Besides, not all the heroes mentioned in the menunjukkan bahwa tidak semua pahlawan book are specifically reviewed. There are only nasional dimasukkan dalam buku teks. Selain a few heroes that are specifically reviewed be- itu, tidak semua pahlawan yang disebutkan cause they have links to basic competencies in dalam buku ini ditinjau secara khusus. Hanya the 2013 curriculum. The most popular heroes ada beberapa pahlawan yang secara khusus in the history textbook are (1) Pattimura, (2) ditinjau karena mereka memiliki kaitan ke Diponegoro, (3) Sukarno, (4) Mohammad kompetensi dasar dalam kurikulum 2013. Pah- Hatta, (5) Hamengkubuwono IX. This hero is lawan paling populer dari dua buku yang di- mostly reviewed for KD class XI numbers 3.2, analisis, yaitu (1) Pattimura, (2) Diponegoro, 3.6, and 3.9. National heroes have curricular (3) Sukarno, (4) Mohammad Hatta, (5) relevance, which has now been integrated into Hamengkubuwono IX. Pahlawan ini sebagian history learning. This study analyzed the posi- besar relevan untuk KD kelas XI nomor 3.2, tion of national heroes in the compulsory In- 3.6, dan 3.9. Pahlawan nasional memiliki rele- donesian History learning curriculum at the vansi kurikuler, yang sekarang telah diinte- high school level. grasikan ke dalam pembelajaran sejarah. Penelitian ini menganalisis posisi pahlawan Keywords: national heroes, history learning, nasional dalam kurikulum pembelajaran Se- Indonesian history jarah Indonesia wajib di tingkat sekolah menengah. Kata kunci: pahlawan nasional, pembelajaran sejarah, sejarah Indonesia Author correspondence Email: [email protected] 119 Available online at http://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/paramita Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 29(2) 2019 INTRODUCTION respond to global changes throughout his- Indonesia is facing a problem that threat- tory. Third, character development re- ens disintegration. Various non-terrorism, quires exemplary best practices from the religious radicalism, and multiple cases of heroic values contained in history lessons. intolerance cause the national joints to be Through learning history, the benefits of torn apart. This problem has prompted the exemplary and heroism can be transmitted need for character education for the com- to students. munity. Following up on this, the govern- One of the advantages of learning ment, through the Ministry of National history in terms of value inculcation is the Education in 2010, has designed guide- existence of a hero or hero who is made as lines for implementing character educa- a role model. Historical figures become tion in a book entitled Pengembangan Pen- the best practice in investing values. In didikan Budaya dan karakter Bang- history learning, there are protagonist fig- sa (Puskur, 2010). The document requires ures, such as heroes who set an example that learning in schools must include char- for positive values. Besides, there are also acter content in it, including in history antagonistic figures, such as the invaders learning. who are the trigger factors for the emer- History education has a vital role in gence of the importance of a value building the character of society. Through (Ahmad, 2014). history subjects, character education can Based on research from Julaeha be integrated into the subject matter and (2012), the cultivation of heroic values has the learning process. Historical lessons positive implications for character devel- play a role in character education because opment. The results showed that by apply- they have values that can be applied in ing the exemplary hero strategy, it could their materials. Learning history can pro- make a significant contribution to the de- vide motivation for students and introduce velopment of the nation’s cultural charac- them to the nation and its struggles in the ter of the students. Of the 18 indicators of past. Related to this Hasan (2012: 81-95) the nation’s cultural character studied, all explained that “historical education mate- experienced a significant increase, and the rial is able to develop the potential of stu- sign that suffered the most massive in- dents to recognize the values of the nation crease was the points of responsibility. that were fought for in the past, main- The Julaeha study is in line with research tained and adapted to present life, and conducted by the researchers in various further developed for future life. front”. A parts of the world, such as Sanchez similar sentiment was also expressed by (1998), Colby (2008), to the latest research Sardiman (2010) that “Our education has from Perrotta (2017). These studies con- not been able to build paradigmatic inter- firm the critical role of heroes in learning actions between aspects of servitude and the history and the inculcation of charac- caliphate. As a result, our school becomes ter. less meaningful for complete and essential A relatively classic study of the role human life. “This is what reinforces the of heroes was carried out by Sanchez need for character education in society. (1998). In his study entitled “Using Stories The vital role of history education about Heroes to Teach Values”, he as a part of character education is caused emphasized that character education can by several things (Ahmad, 2014). First, be done by presenting a hero in learning. many moral problems damage the stu- Various values can be emulated from the dents’ personalities. Various issues such as figure of a hero. These values can be seen brawls, cheating in exams, until promiscu- from the attitude of self-sacrifice and the ity are now rampant. Second, the chal- act of prioritizing the interests of the wider lenges of globalization require wise atti- community. Thus, the hero can be an tudes based on public wisdom. Therefore, inspiring figure for students. In his study, it needs to strengthen the community to Sanchez recommends the development of 120 Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 29(2) 2019 various sources and learning media so that are the latest revised editions of 2017 the learning atmosphere becomes more (classes X and XI) and 2018 (class XII) active. (Gunawan, Lestariningsih, & Sardiman, Another study of the importance of 2017; Gunawan et al., 2017; Sardiman & heroic value-based learning was echoed by Lestariningsih, 2017b, 2017a). Second, Colby (2008) in an article entitled textbooks are published by Erlangga “Energizing the History Classroom: publishers (Hapsari & Adil, 2016a, 2016b, Historical Narrative Inquiry and 2016c). Student books published by the Historical Empathy.” In his study Colby Ministry of Education and Culture (from emphasized the importance of narrative- now on referred to as the Ministry of based learning. In this case, students are Education and Culture) were chosen invited to conduct an investigation based because this book became the primary on the stories of the heroes as historical guide in learning and was available actors. Through learning by analyzing the online. The textbook was selected by life story of a hero, it has been able to considering aspects of accessibility and facilitate students in achieving a more completeness. The mandatory government humanistic and empathic understanding edition book was chosen as the official of history, as well as understanding how version of the country. Then the textbooks perceptions of historical actors towards published by Erlangga were selected as a the past. comparison to the government-published The most recent study on the value books. Erlangga has been popular as a of heroism and efforts to grow character in publisher of textbooks since 1952, so it is learning is done by Perrotta (2017) in his relevant to be used as a comparison in study titled “In the eye of the beholder: view of its long-standing role in the field Student assessments of” heroes “and of textbook writing. historical thinking with local history research projects.” In his research, he RESULTS AND DISCUSSION observed how students reconstruct the A Portrait of National Heroes in Indone- concept of a hero for a local context. By sia in Learning Indonesian History using primary documents, students are From 1959 to 2018, Indonesia had 180 invited to investigate the existence of local national heroes, which means that in one figures in their neighborhood. With this, it year, three national heroes were appoint- turns out that the students’ historical ed. Forty-nine raised by Sukarno; this thinking abilities are awakened. On the could be the most numerous in the world.
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