\ I 1 April1990 President's HCIIA Member Appointed To Fifth Circuit Rhesa H. Barksdale, HCBA member Among civic activities, he served in Column and partner in the Jackson finn of Butler, 1982-85 as chairman of the Mississippi Snow, O'Mara, Stevens & Cannada, was Vietnam Veterans Leadership Program. He appointed to the United States Court of is a layreader at St. James Episcopal Church, Judith J. Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on March 12, An avid runner, he has participated in three Johnson 1990. He began serving· on April 1st. marathoris. He is married to the former Born in Jackson in 1944, he is the fourth Catherine Carson Davis, and they have This is my last month as president of the of six sons of the late Mr. and Mrs, John three children. flindsCounty Bar Association. I have many Woodson Barksdale, Jr. He graduated in people to thank for their help and cncour­ 1966 from the United States Milittry Acad­ agcmcnt,espcdally the Board of Directors emy. A Vietnam veteran, he served in the and Officers, Leonard Van Slykc, Tommy U.S. Army from 1966 to 1970, He rose to Furby, Pat Bennett, Hal Miller, Jay Tmvis, the rank of Captain and eamcd decorations Rick Courtney, Richard Montague, and including the Silver Star, Bronze Star for Hall Bailey. In addition, I want especially Valor, Purple Heart, and Vietnamese Cross to thank and commend Pat Evans, who has of Gallantry with Silver Star. done a mastc.rful job as our new Executive Barksdale graduated first in his class Director. from the University of Mississippi School I want to recognize and thank the chair­ of Law in 1972. He was a member of the persons of the committees and their mem­ editorial board of the Mississippi Law bers who did the work I have taken credit Journal and of the moot court team for for: interco!lc giatccom petit ion and wa~scl cctcd Beth Clay and the Judicial Poll Com­ as tllePhi Delta Phi nationalgraduatcofthe mittee, who among other things had to year. He served as law clerk to United conduct two unexpected judicial polls on States Supreme Court Justice Byron R. short notice; Linda Greaves, who served in White in 1972-73. two capacities, as Editor of the Newsletter and Chairperson of the Hinds County Bar Association Bar Room Committee; Robert Gibbs and the Black Lawyer Involvement Committee; Don Nichols and the Law~ Reception for Judge Barksdale Related Education Committee, which spon­ sored legislative tours for the Jackson jun­ The honorable Rhe.<;a H. Barksdale will be invested as Judge on the U.S. ior high schools and an essay contest for Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on Friday, June I st. The Hinds County high school student~, among other things; Bar Association will sponsor a reception immediately following the investi­ Walker Watters and the Problems of Senior ture. The time and place arc to be announced. Lawyers Commiucc; CarterThompson and the Social Committee, who were responsi- ... continued on page 2 HINDS COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION LUNCHEON MEETING April 17,19911 12 Noon $8.90 Capita\ City P~lroleum Club T!t~ SPI'ilkcr \>ill be Lee Roy lllack, Cormnissioncr, State Department of Cotr!.'Ciions. CW: What about your long range goals'? Ohio. continued ... New Dean Named President's Column DS: The primary mission of the Ole Following graduation from Chicago, he Hinds County CLE CALENDAR For Ole Miss Law School Miss L'lw St:hool is to provide the highest was admitted to UJC Rhode Island bar and b!e for our very successful Chris!.ma~ p:uty; Lawyers' Wives Dy Carol c. West quality legal education to the studems en­ served as associate with a Providence law John Maxey ;md the Library Services OF EVENTS rolled in the program. In addition, the law firm. Committee; Lynn Fitch Mitchell and the The Hinds County Lawyers' Wives school seeks to provide service to the bench In 1977. he bcg:m his teaching career as Women in the Profession Committee; Katie organization wi II host its annual mcm­ April 17 HCBA Membership Meeting, Capital and bar and to advance the law in the state. a visiting assistant professor at the Univer­ Hester and the Professional Ethics Com­ bcrship coffee at U1e home of Robert City Petroleum Club, Jackson, MS.* The law school has been succcssful in sity of South Carolina, attaining full pro­ mittee; Peyton Prospcre and the Program and Bobbie King, 3671 Woodward meeting its mission. I want to build on this fessor slatus there in 1985. In tile interim, Place. The May II affair will be held Committee; Richard Robert<; and !he Small strong base. he served visiting professorships at Ohio frotn 11:00 a.m. till 1:00 p.m. All April 24 Finn Practice Commiuec; Ben Piazza and WiU1 respect to students-- applications St<1teand thcCollegeofWillirun and Mary. spouses of HCBA members arc in­ !VIS Construction l.aw. Sponsored by Fulton Thompson and the Membership arc up, the calibre of the student body is He teaches in the areas of intellectual vited to attend. National Business Institute. Jackson, MS. Committee. I want to especially thank excellent, and graduates can be placed well property, civil procedure, administrative Ful!on for his work on our pictorial direc­ Annual dues of $15.00 may be in Mississippi and :mywhcre else. law, legal and equitable remedies, and tory and on the fund raising for the Bar sent to Mrs. Tom Cook, 5140Clmton April24 The alumni arc extraordinarily loyal to domestic relations. His book, Room. David Grishman and the Legal Eco­ Height<> Drive, Jackson, MS 39211. Cargo Loss and Damage Claims. Spon­ Somh Caro­ the school and have a strong record of lina Administrative Law, is in it~ second nomics Committee; Lisa Bourdcaux and GucsL<;are welcome at a costof$3.00 sored by UM Center for CLEand CLESN. the Problems of the lfomclcss Committee; each. Proceeds from the coffee will Oxford, MS. support. The many letters of welcome that edition. He is coauthoring a copyrightca~e Clifford Thompson and UJC Legislative be used for a scholarship for an Ole I have received from alums arc making me book, which he expects to be published in Committee; Spencer Gillx.n and the Legal Miss Law School senior. (Each year April26-27 feel very welcome and eager to start work­ 1991. lie ha~ made presentations on copy­ Conference on Child Abuse. Spon­ Aid Committee; Eddie Edwards and the a scholarship is given, alternately, to MS ing with this group. I have tried to respond right to the American Bar Association's by MS Commiw:,c for Prevention of Budget and Finance Committee; Cindy an Ole Miss or an MC Law School sor\Xl to each letter; I am looking forward to annual convention, at meetings of U1e South Child Abuse. Jackson, MS. Perry and the By-Laws Commiuce; Zeke student.) getting to know tlle members of the alumni Carolina Rar, and at various continuing Downey and Harrison Mciver and the Serving as officers for 1990 arc association. legal education scmimus and workshops. April27 Bench and Bar Relations Committee. Zcke Mrs. Richard A. (Noni) Montague, Dean Shipley CW: When will you be in Mississippi? He is presently serving his fourth tenn Fundamentals of Bankruptcy. Sponsored kept us straight with the judges, while President; Mrs. C. Glen (Jean) Bush, OS: I will be at Law Weekend on April as a member of !he Carolina Patent, Tmde­ by Professional Education Systems. Harrison plannW the judicial receptions, Jr., President-Elect; Mrs. A. Jerry On a lovely March morning, I reached 6-8th. Officially, I bcgil\ work on July 1st, mark and Copyright Association's Board Jackson, MS. John Henegan and the Continuing Legal (Susan) Sheldon, First Vice Presi­ Dean David E. Shipley in his office at the but I will be moving to Oxford in mid-June. of Managers. Education Committee; and Belinda Ste­ dent; Mrs. Marcus (Martha) Wilson, law school of Ute Uni.vcrsity of South Caro­ I am planning to be at the Annual Meeting Dean Shipley and his wife, Virginia F. May 10-11 vens and UJC WcllnessCommittee, who got Second Vice President; Mrs. Lewis lina, where he serves as professor and asso­ of the Mississippi State Bar in July. Colcmun, have an eight-year-old daughter, (Ruth) Bell, Third Vice President; A Course in Practical Legal Skills, Spon­ our Lawyers Assistance Program ~>lartcd. ciate dean. The sunshine outside wa~cqu..1lly CW: What have you identified as UJC Shannon Coleman Shipley. Mrs. Collier (Beth) Graham, Secrc­ sored by MSB Young Lawyers Division Finally, I want to thank all of you for matched with the enthusiasm of Prof grc~ltcst need of the law school? l.ary; Mrs. Tom (Marlene) Cook, and Harrison County Lawyers Associa­ your support during this very chai!cnging DS: Funding. This may be a lean year Treasurer; and Mrs. Barry (Angclyn) tion. Biloxi, MS. Shipley as I asked him to talk about Ole and gratifying year. I am confident that Miss and the Law School. His desire to for education budgets. We wiH need in­ under the le.adership of Leonard Van Slykc Cannada, Membership Coffee Chair­ know the lawyers in this state and his crca~ed funding to maintain our position the Hinds County Bar Association will man. For more information, plca'ie Moy 11 MS Sales and Usc Tax. Sponsored by genuine interest in our bar activities were with respect to the other souU1eastern st.atcs. continue to grow in service to !he profes­ call Noni Montague at 981-4481. National Business Institute. Jackson, evident. Ole Miss receives quite a bit of private sion and the public.
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