BUSINESS to BUSINESS www.bayareahouston.com BAHEP extends its sincere appreciation for the continued support of THE DAILY NEWS through this monthly supplement. August 2020 Ellington’s Col. Barker speaks of current missions, future possibilities In its continuing series Barker speaks of Guard con- Operations Squadron could get one of those mis- of virtual general member- Ellington’s missions trollers. They (ASOS) which is made up sions.” ship meetings, the Bay Barker then spoke of El- flew a 10- or of battlefield airmen who There has also been Area Houston Economic lington’s MQ-9, a remotely 12-hour mis- deploy with the Army. They much discussion and ex- Partnership hosted Col. piloted aircraft or RPA. He sion doing are able to bring combat air citement about the future Matthew Barker, 147th said, “From the operational those types of power to bear in the form home of the United States Attack Wing Commander, side, it is flying local train- imagery and of air strikes from joint Space Force headquarters. Texas Air National Guard, ing missions and also has a s s e s s m e n t attack aircraft for the ma- Gov. Abbott has commu- Ellington Field Joint Re- the capability to do combat requests that neuver unit commander. nicated to the president serve Base, on July 30, operations anywhere in the their state They are experts in close air that Ellington Field should 2020. Barker spoke of world from Ellington Field. would require support. be a preferred location. current operations of El- The MQ-9 is about the size in the event Barker detailed plans to Barker explained, “Those lington’s 147th Attack of an F-16, a regular fighter of a natural improve the quality of life deliberations are compli- Wing, the exciting MQ-9 airplane, and can carry disaster due and infrastructure at Elling- cated, and we are working Remotely Piloted Aircraft about the same amount of to an earth- ton. He said, “The real ex- with our municipal partners program, and future possi- bombs and missiles. It can quake. citement of Ellington Field and the fact-finding team bilities. stay up for upward of 12– “The RC- JRB’s installation develop- to the extent that it is ap- BAHEP President Bob 15 hours without having to 26 is what I ment plan shows that senior propriate.” Mitchell welcomed the refuel. That makes a very fly. It’s a rela- leaders outside of Texas in Barker then reported, virtual attendees to the flexible, a very capable tively small, the Air National Guard and “On July 29th the Secretary meeting and talked about weapon system. We are but very capa- Col. Matthew Barker the Air Force think that of Defense announced that current BAHEP initiatives. unique in that we are one of ble, twin en- Ellington and its missions AFRICOM (the United Robbie McAfoos, presi- only three air national guard gine reconnais- have great longevity – States Africa Command) dent of Barrios Technol- units that has both of those sance aircraft. Only the Air der. Primarily what we have enough to invest the thou- headquarters in Stuttgart, ogy and 2020 chair of the capabilities.” National Guard flies that used it for is on counter sands of dollars it takes just Germany, which is the BAHEP Board of Direc- Ellington Field is also the airplane. We are one of only drug missions. We have had to write this plan so that we major combatant com- tors, spoke of Barker’s home of another flying 10 states lucky enough to great and quantifiable re- can link it to a disciplined mand for any operations by extensive background in asset – RC-26. The colonel sults in terms of some very and well thought out pro- any U.S. military unit in or his introduction. related that during Hurri- large, high profile seizures.” grammatic construction supporting or touching the As he began his presen- cane Harvey in 2017 that Barker also talked about plan for what the next dec- African continent, is mov- tation and throughout it, the RC-26 handled about Ellington’s Air Support ades at Ellington Field are ing from Stuttgart to a lo- Barker spoke passionately 600 infrastructure requests going to look like for what- cation to be determined. about the mission of the from the city engineers to ever mission sets might Ellington Field has long Texas Air National Guard, go to Barker Addicks Reser- come along.” been discussed as a candi- the quality and dedication voir to look for areas that date for Headquarters AF- of its personnel, and its might be problematic. He Future missions, RICOM. We’re excited to ongoing recruitment of added that the MQ-9 can future possibilities watch those develop- talented people to fill also help out in that regard related ments.” openings in its many spe- and has assisted other states In 2024 the Air National Following the colonel’s cialties. At the start of his during fire seasons. Barker Guard is going to find out presentation, he answered presentation he empha- spoke of another mission where the next two F-35 several questions submitted sized, “The one thing that saying, “Last year we flew bases will be located. The by the virtual attendees. To I need you to come away an exercise with Tennessee Bob Mitchell first two were awarded to view the virtual general with today is that this is a regarding the numerous Alabama and Vermont. The membership meeting on family business, and we are fault lines in that state. We have it. In the past, we’ve colonel stated, “We have a YouTube, go to https:// your neighbors. We are launched our aircraft from done some good work help- long history as a fighter www.youtube.com/watch? your 147th Attack Wing. Ellington and handed it off ing our federal law enforce- unit; so, there’s the poten- v=WP6A_tCRGNM&feat We are your Texas Air to Tennessee Air National ment partners on the bor- Robbie McAfoos tial down the road that we ure=youtu.be. National Guard. About 30 percent of our workforce is full-timers like me, but 70 percent of our great Texas airmen are right alongside of you in your BAHEP welcomes two new members schools, factories, stores, and hospitals. It’s a ASRC Federal Federal’s expertise provides sive space flight mission- ganization. Higginbotham’s services uniquely symbiotic rela- We are pleased to announce mission critical services to a relevant capabilities and BAHEP President Bob saying, “No matter what tionship. We’re always that ASRC Federal has be- number of our nation’s offerings provide a unique Mitchell stated, kind of insurance plan a hiring, and you know come a member of the Bay important agencies. We are combination that deeply “Higginbotham was company needs, where to find me.” Area Houston Economic very pleased to welcome resonates with me and I am founded in Ellington Field JRB is Partnership. ASRC Federal to our or- confident will resonate with 1948 and home to all branches of ASRC Federal comprises ganization.” the broader Houston com- now has the Department of De- a family of companies that Jennifer Felix, ASRC munity.” more than fense as well as the Coast deliver software and appli- Federal President and CEO ASRC Federal is head- 1,000 em- Guard and NASA, which cation development, ad- added, “ASRC Federal is quartered just outside of p l o y e e s includes approximately vanced analytics, digital delighted to join BAHEP as Washington, DC, with of- throughout 7,000 full-time and part- operations and IT moderni- we look to integrate our fices in Cocoa Beach, FL, Texas as well as in Califor- Higginbotham can provide time personnel. Barker operations into the Hous- Colorado Springs, CO, nia, Georgia, and Okla- options for it. But we don’t explained, “We are the ton community, and bring Huntsville, AL, and Reston, homa. The company’s stop there. We support only major military pres- our depth and breadth of VA, among others. For growth and longevity un- clients after we place their ence in the third largest capabilities in support of additional information, doubtedly reflect its level of coverage. It’s what city in the nation – a city NASA Johnson Space Cen- email Kranz at expertise. We are happy to Higginbotham calls Day of over 80,000 veterans.” ter missions. I’m confident [email protected], have Higginbotham’s Hous- Two Service because we’re that our Houston-based call 301.837.9053, or visit ton office as a member.” involved throughout the zation, engineering solu- team, led by Jeannie Kranz, www.asrcfederal.com. Managing Director John term of their insurance BUSINESS to tions, professional services, will make a positive impact Petrosky and Producer Joy policies, not just at renewal. BUSINESS is a monthly and facilities and base op- both in the community and Higginbotham Simpson will represent Our Day Two Services Bay Area Houston erations to U.S. civil, de- at JSC.” Higginbotham is a single Higginbotham within BA- encompass everything a Economic Partnership fense and intelligence agen- Jeannie Kranz, who is source solution for insur- HEP. Petrosky commented, business needs to manage publication in partnership cies. From enabling human well-known to many in the ance and financial services “BAHEP is an outstanding their risks, limit their liabil- with THE DAILY spaceflight, to satellite op- Bay Area Houston region, that provides commercial organization that supports a ity, administer their plans NEWS. BAHEP is a erations, to securing space will represent ASRC Fed- and personal property/ number of different busi- and control their costs.” member-driven organiza- assets for national security, eral within BAHEP.
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