Bryn Mawr College Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr College Publications, Special Bryn Mawr College News Collections, Digitized Books 1949 The olC lege News, 1949-03-02, Vol. 35, No. 16 Students of Bryn Mawr College Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: http://repository.brynmawr.edu/bmc_collegenews Custom Citation Students of Bryn Mawr College, The College News, 1949-03-02, Vol. 35, No. 16 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1949). This paper is posted at Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College. http://repository.brynmawr.edu/bmc_collegenews/778 For more information, please contact [email protected]. , , VOL. XLV, . .. NO. 16 ARDMORE and B�YN MAWR, PA., WEDNESDAY, 2, 1949 COlIyrl.ht, Tr . e. 0' MARCH •••• 15 lI" . ...JoI " Coll J •• , PRICE CENTS Bryn Mawr Innocents Puzzled Politzer Readsf I Both Playwrights' Nights Successful; . By Home Journal Questionnaire Plays Show Contrast and Competence , TranslatiOns by non.a nolbo,. '50 etc! Why! A. Thal's just it ... The Ladies Home Journal, an er· Collier, Jones Present Goldberg, DysolI, Lynch 16 Q. A,. ..o.t .tude.. " h.,d wo,k- udite and stimulating magazine, ers or "Ioungers?" Originul PI"ys Present Scripts has sent us a questionnaire com· Eng. Poetry A. Yes. Friday Satllrday posed by one Mill Weyl, who Q Of . What makes a girl popular! writes that she is interested in . by Bet.l)' '5% By Joan McBride. '52 Opens With Discussion A. .Because ... 1M, . "collecting more malerial on the Q. Describe your ideal man. Skinner Work8hop, Feb. 25.Two Three original scripta were pro-­ Of Translator's tun side of college." Feeling that A. Cre-lliagnetic. original plays were produced Fri· duced at the Skinner Workshop on the time haa come to lace the facti, Problems Q. 00 most men (and girls) pre­ day evening, the first Playwright's Saturday night, February 26, the we reproduce both questionnaire nn Bolborn, fer dales from other aeboob Night. The play. were writ-ten in aecond Playwrirhts' Night. Inherit By Ua a '50 and answers, in the hope that all to dates from your school' Mr. Thon's Playwrighting cla!!s the Wind, by Helen Goldberg, was may benefit from this vital and all� For anyone who attended the A. Definitely. You see, the girl. end directed, staged and acted by a play about a girl with the wan· inclusive aurvey. German Club presentation of "The at Bryn Mawr ... the authors. derluat and her attempt to break G nU Art. �. Do the students at your school �. e e of TranaJation," there iWhy' The first play "How Like An An· away from the attentions of her have fun! can be absolutely no doubbt that \. Princeton is so much nearer .. gel" by Reg Collier, acted by Lois family. Though the situation w... A. Well, y-e-e-e-.. pro Heinl Politzer ia a poet of the :l. What is the dating deadline Mille.r, Sam Henderson and the au· rather unconvineing, because much Q. How? fint order. We hope he will pu� for girll? thaT, had a magazine·like theme of the building dialorue was with· A. Hegel haa said, and we agree \. 13 li.h bia beautlful and seillitive bells. but was well developed .nd writ· out significance, there were prom. German translations of .ixteen l For boys? ten. The dialoguing was convinc. ising character developments and. Q. Do most atudenta walt until . \ Englisb poems ranging from the . Next belle. ing, but some uncomfortatbly long quite a few amuaing linea. Also the last minute to Itudy for 18th to the 20th centuries; most of �. How would you define 'making black..outa made the productio'l. commendable was the contraat b&­ exam., write term papers, them are unsurpauable. love' aa is meant at your drag and lose contact. tween the happlneaa of the famU, Dr. Polltzer prefaced his read· achool! The &eCond one·act play, "The in the beginning and the eventual jng with a short discussion of the StearnsExplains A. The proper study of mankinrl Wbite Witch of Rose Hall" by Ev­ di!!solution into quarrels and bit. nature and metboda ot tramlation. is man. an Jones, caused mueh auspenae ternell. There wal rood observa.­ German literature, he said, is given Quality of Self ). Do you ma'ke love on most bec.use of the excellent acting ?f tion in the indecision of the family a jn much ohigher degree to trans· - --: :----, Lola IMary Egan, Richard Johnson .s to where to hang the picLure, lation than any otber language, 1--:-:- -- - although the whole epl.ode was Seniors are reminded that the I and the author. The acene was and a large number of the fore. In Philos. Paper poorly contrived. deadline for the 1M. Carey Tho. laid in the West .Indies where Il moat Gennan writers have trnns· Common.s iRoom, February 24.­ Kramer Animated mas Prize is May finL The white witch W&II thought to haqnt lated foreign and c)aasical works The cast included" Margo Vorys, Reading a paper at a m�ting of prize is not restricted to essay", Roae Hall, an old mansion· bought .and used them as sources. Among the Philosophy Club, Miss Isabel Nancy Riley, David Thomns, Sue IS infonnation in the College by an estranred Am!!rican couple, such outside influences, the greaf.. Continued on Kramer, and Harriet Rhodes. The Stearns presented an analysis of Calendar implies, but is award p.ge 2 best. -est haa been Shakespeare ("an "The Nature of the Person." She ed for any 'kind of writing, cre· part, that of Mrs. Gone, the essentially German poet translated postulated that the self, in this talkative visitor, was given to Sue alive or c.ritical, prose or poet. into Englissh by an unknown man Kramer, and she did an expert context identical with the person, ry. Entries should be taken to Delegates Meet n a m e d William Shakespeare"), job with it. In her bouncing walk, could not be defined significantly �fiss Campion in the President's strong in every .generation of Ger· merely in terms of its being or ftight.Jy gesture., and inceaaant Office. The judges will be Miss man writers up to the present.This becoming. A third concept must In Mock Session chatter, she succeeded in portray. Stapleton, Atiss !Meigs, and Mias Continued on page .. ing "t.he closest thing to an ani· oe added to these two before the Linn of the English Depart. mated cartoon." David Thomas, ..nalysi!! ean be completed: that f)f ment. Of UN Council _____________ , _ as the disappointed father, waa the self as "that which mediates 1 The first sl!8sion of the Model its own change" bet.ween ita actual also sympathetic and convincin" N.S.A. Will Send dates? Security Council wal held on Feb· nature manifested in ita past and Harriet Rhodel, though she 8!1 Well, that ... ruary 23 at Bryn Mawr. Delega�s Rctivity, and its potential nature, started off slowly, warmed up to 10 \. What proportion of the eve· from seventeen schools in the Phil· Tours Abroad her part-in the end. as manilested In the proceas of �. adelphia area gathered at the The INSA has planned a summer ning? i n actualization through the self's be· The aecond play, Intrus o in 1949, E equals mc squared. Deanery to discuss the admission program for which includes A August. was written by John Dy· coming activities in the present . • o( Spain Into the UN. Amidst ten .tudy·tours to Europe and 2. Do you think some/many/ with direct reterence to the luturt'. much butzlnr-("but Great Brit­ son and seemed uncomfortably Latin4merica, five work eamps in most roods have gone farther? "In a sense, the self is an inten· ain reminiac:ent of previous and better There's a new book out by a isn't realiy for it:" "Well, sbe's Europe and a seminar in Italy. tional continuum ...manifested :n -\. dramas on the same subject. The man nRmed Kin ... going to be tonight"-"We passed At iSorrento, a seminar will be entire play was much too dramatic; ita conative nature, its dynamic Argentina on the way up-it'll be Q. What do you talk about in 'bull conducted in .Latin literature, arch· thru!!t." The person, Mill Stearns and the symbolism of the mother, selSions? here any minute."-"But what do itecture, Roman history and arch· Continuer page .. went on to explain, is at the same you do in a Deanery?") - the on aeology. Trips have lbeen planned A. There's a new book out by a time being, becoming, and existent; delegates took their sea'" around to Rome and Naples, and to the man nsmed Kin ... it carnes with it always the triple a placard.laden conference table. Uibrary of the philosopher BeneM COntinued on page 3 reference to past, future, and pres· Frances Edwards, chalnnan nf E·SU to Award detto Croce. ent. The quality of the lelf chnr· the meeting and head at the Bryn Other tours are planned to every acteristie of its nature as deter· Mawr-Haverlord delegation, reprt"· Prize for Essay country in Western Europe: th*, mined by the past is that of reten· Violoncello, Piano Benting Egypt, announced that the The English·Speaklng Union Is tri·nation tour to France, Holland, tiveness or conservation; at the proviaional agenda would be fol· a sponsoring an tssay conteet for and England; northern tour to present, re8exiveneaa; of the fu· lowed.Despite the dismayed whi,· Will Play Sunday the purpose of "greater under· England, Holland and Scandinavia: tUre, transcendence.
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