^^fw- "Justice to.tfl; Evtijf .-A malice toward none." BXCOKD 1ETH YEAJt IfO. SUMMIT, N. J., IG, OCTOBER 7, 1938 4- There ia a neighborhood dub Grand and Petit Jiq|f& jgpt Place Graduat In need of, a victrola or radio. CoOefe Clob Uses Freeholder Bauer p Birch Raised to Anyone wishing to dispose of Win ttonors at Smith arty Named for Year one, kindly call the Y. W. C. A. Summit >1«2. V Among Or. Mar jerie Hope Nicholson, Old Guard Speaker •The next meeting of the Women's Police Sergeant drawn for,service dean of Smith College, who' will- Auxiliary . of Overlook,, Hospital '.. .".I., •— '' - •' • With the 1938 awards, which hare Grand Jury Ihta week be remembered as the commence- will b* held;on Monday, Octolter Names Officers- Lloyd Thompson by tment Bpeaker at Kent Place, last Presented by John W, C-lift, Just been paid to the four girls now THE SUMMIT HERALD, charleu J7th, .ati.lhe Uttte White House of Council Confirms Mayor's holding College Club scholarships, Alex C. Campbell and Ja June, has notified Mtes Harriet id Commissioiief's The Thrift Shop Is open daily miasioner William Larned Hunt, head of the school. L. Bauer of the' I'nlon County the. Y.'W. ('.A. in Morris ayenn*« Appointment By Split the total amount paid put by the at 10 a. m. of Assistants- after October 1st from 9.30 a. m. College Club in scholarships since Louis DeV. Day, 22 bf the appointment of Miss Atleen Board of'Frt.ehoidcrs told the meni: Vote-^-Ta Supervise to 12 noon and from 2 to' 4.30 . 1926 bus reached |s\793. The scho- Oakley M. UVance. 9 Ward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.bera of ihe Old Guard of bis thirty- Mrs. R. I. D. Nicoll, president of ice District Con. p. nuas well as Saturday morn- I larships covered by this sum have George D. Cornish, 80 Oak. Waidron M. Ward of Whittredge five years a* a title searcher in thej'the auxiliary, urges the attendance j Wofk Of Day M lag, and welcomes any con- been held by nine graduates of theavenue, John L, Deltche, Jt road..AS a Sophia Smith Scholar. county, at their meeting last Tues- of overy member of that organiza-1 Aimslfo77tiie Year trfbutions. If you are unable lo Summit High, School, four of whom Ridge avenue, all of BTOBltt Tnis is one of the highest honors day. • ' _^ - .••.•.-•.-• tion and all other women leave your contribution at the. have received them during their en- Clifford Schsifer, Mountain avefWe, that the college bestows. Stressing the wisdom of a thor- may be interested, as the Council in Long Session •hop, please, call Mrs. Paul New Providence .township. search in tire four year course. The colleges Miss Ward'who was gauaegraduated!?"d ^ be referred to a case of tjje meeting is chiefly concern^ Clifford Bernard, chairman of. Tiemer, Summit 6-2009-W. The list of one hundred •*»»• from Kent Place with honors in I L de e "tSnipdimoinihg to you, dear seN attended by - the scholarship. hold- om Kent Pl ith h i I ^ V / /T!iV'? ed with the annual bridge to be Summit District, of the Boy ers have Included Mt. Holyoke, Bad- drawn for the petit jury for the Oc- '? gea'nl." was the greeting"awafting- I Wednesday announced the tober term includes the out because of a'bUnliet!hcld. '1 Hobby Hall at the Beech- cllffe, Hampton Institute, Syracuse at Smsth. She i)fficer Charles C. Birch', the num- AtttA organisationof the dls- Hotel On afternoon of University, Bucknell, New Jersey from Summit. F, I. Rowe, named in the dean's honor list. ._ covered the p op- ber eleven man on the list of Sum- for the turning) year. In ad-Business Men Name College, for Women, University of man road, Frank L.. Orr, 1M Sddltl6n to Miss Lore Alckelin ofj I Friday. Oc.tnt.ier 1'Sth, to raise i to the vice-chairmen, Russell funds for the linen which Overlook mit police off leers.-when be awoke [North Carolina and Pembroke. Wednesday morning becausejCom- - •rbv and Robert J. Murphy. Jr., Tupayerc' Coininittee Wih Pembroke. 7-,.AA irTluIrving vlUKBplac e »„an„d „„ fro,« Katharine Grimm of the home; need for Without exception the girls holding .providence borough. George Every year. as the" hospital mori Couricy on Tuesday night after dittrict administrative group College Club scholarships have N. .J.. another Kent owner. p of the commissioners; President Vincent Hall of the of Union' avenue. When Mr. Bauei< started search- gro»8. the linen requiremenq t in- more than two hours.deliberation tli maintained excellent scholastic rat- Ptace alumna, was also listed. ' • cre 8e Business Men's Aasoclation an- ing in 1906 one small room in thei » »- It is onlyl through the finally confirmed by a four to three , committee chairmen, and the ings In collegec . Several have bril- 1 ct cojnmittee chairmen ap- nounced this week the appointment Court HOUM held "all the records Rtrentious efforts of the auxiliary I vote the surprise' appointment of of members of the Taxation Com- llanliant recrecords.i : All have shown ex- When the- {and boom came larger and the hearty eo opefation and [Mayor' James W,Bancker naming ed by Mr: Bernard. • . ,•: ceptional qualities of leadership 7 test S. Hickok, district corn- mittee of {hat organization as fol- Athenaenm Secures 6jm Meetings quarters wet-e obtained in thenewly 'generosity of- the people of Suin-;Birch to a newjy treated sergeinc/ lows: George Marvin as chairman, wh^le in college, and those that built-annex. Today the |iall oflmit and thje- adjacent communities]to have d>rect supervision over alt*, [oner announced his staff of have graduated have entered upon,! intsfor the year: Commander Chester Henry. Jofin D. Hood, John ReVoris in-the Court House'lower j served 6y Overlook that this great • day menon tae force. • X Kent*, Carleton-Pierson, Henry, carters of. genuine promise. The surpasses anything of Its kind 1 Stile*. Carl Frosch. Keith Scholarship Committee of the Col- Of Women Voters •-- • in i need-in met. ' .'. | The appolqtment which-took the. and Joseph Prjror. Mr. Schmidt and Louis E. 8t*al. Thlii the state. Thos« who attend the meeting on iCouncilmen by surprise was committee will work wltnT the Bute lege Club has kept in close touch The largest owner of home prop- ti a new appointee, but well with the girls throughout their col- The of the Sum- October 17th will receive further.<. thought necessary by the Mayor be* n and well liked In Summit Chamber of Commerce la their ef- is now tbe.U; S. on this vital forts to keep municipal, county and lege course and after graduation, i capable scout .leader, and has been able to help have put ...,,- .. -•'- —IVIU.CIUUICUI, said the * speaker.' ' , j tallied at headquarters for day desk State taxes at a minimum compata- 1 /chairmen of the district com- their education to such excellent be. held on Monday, October 10th,rTnrongh the Federal Home Loan . ••'•*••••• • j-duty Is unable, ti ; give any supervl* ble with good government. |t)lon to the vaiious officers at niiyii'. «i were announced: Scout Ad- use. • • '.. • ••• '.'.•• with a luncheon at, the Beecbwdod Association many a i»uitdlng and Itment. Charles H. Beek; tamp^J tHotel. All Interested In not only \lokQ associatloou and many a bank * I particular posts, .The efficient Since the College. Glub first bei 1 Simuel E. Jones? cubbing. Ar- gan its scholarship '' work twelvo lhls meelng, but in learning more!was heiped out of a bad mess by •work of the night patrol under-Hi* bailey; finance. H. C. Jodje Hughes Referee years ago, it has received the ;of tne objectives of this organiia-;the granting of Federal loans to, Group, supervision of another sergeant Upson. Jr.; Health and Safety.! tiqn ire cordially Invited to mak«;pay ott ^^ due mortgagee But in j wu3 *^iven as an additional factor wholehearted support of the resi- reservations not.later than Friday.. u»e owner could not1 aalcolm S. Edgsr; leadership dents of Summit, many of whom many cagw ,. , in iitdueiiclug the appointaifiu. g. Amedee Spadone; organ- October 7th, by calling Mrs. Stanley (pay off the government so now the Clvir Aecn which.as president" Maxwell Leit••t, In $3,606,006 Estate have contributed w|th unfailing V1VIC rtS&U'.j,. e ii it. "Does not O.J«organ. Summit 6-3346. (upkeep of these properties will be-: of 01inc put En, Spencer M. Maben; public- generosity to the success of its an- mean the (Robert E. Woodward; senior The President of the New Jersey 'come another burden for the aol- ciation to Discuss Coun» i appointment or nual ' scholarship benefit. flow- State League of Women Voters. | vent taxpayers • u ing, Arthur F. Molltor. ever, no other type of College Club . ^~ . j r»" j men to the police force." Biricii Bemrd announced that the Named By Orphan's Court Mrs L. H. Robblns of Montclalr.j Tne Iate,t attempt on the part of ty uovemment and Re*'continue to nde & benefit has received quite such en- will be present as honor guest and government is the establish- ct'g aim3 for 1939 were four: of Umoo County lotiear thusiastic and widespread support the In patrolling traffic. A better appreciation. of the speaker. She will discuss the sub-,ment of n,anagement trusU to col- lation to Municipality I That the Birch appointment wr,.s as the Book Sale, which now prom- lect'of "State and National Issues Mito repair* and dls-j Oath and Law on the part of ExcepUons Filed By ises to be an annual event.
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