ב"ה 18 Rabbonim & Mashpiyim Sign on a Joint Kol Koreh Yagdil Torah has recently released a Kol Koreh signed Avraham Osdoba - Brooklyn, NY; Avraham Boruch by 18 Lubavitch Rabbonim from around the world. Pevzner - Paris, France; Levi Yitzchok Raskin - London, The Kol Koreh is a declaration that discusses the great England; Shlomo Segal - Brooklyn, NY; Yehuda Leib importance of Torah learning, the precedence that it Shapiro - Miami, FL; Dovid Shochat - Toronto, Canada; holds over most other matters, and the effects that it Aaron Yaakov Schwei - Brooklyn, NY; Tzvi Hirsh Telzner has on one’s life both materially and spiritually. - Melbourne, Austraila; Yehuda Yeruslavski - Kiryat Malachi, Israel. The declaration also serves as a request to the entire community to further the campaign to support The Rabbonim were very thankful to Yagdil Torah for Torah study. its efforts to increase Torah study among Anash, and emphasized the importance of this type of constant The Kol Koreh is a project of Yagdil Torah, an organization encouragement. that works to strengthen Torah study among Lubavitcher Chassidim. Together with “If I can have any part in the prominent Rabbonim, Yagdil strengthening of Torah study, Torah compiled the Kol Koreh it would be my privilege in order to emphasize the [to sign the declaration],” importance of Torah study, said Rabbi Ofen, a Mashpia which Chazal say always in Israel. needs strengthening. Those who signed the The Kol Koreh’s two main declaration also stressed emphases, ‘kvius itim’ - its role in improving Torah setting significant fixed study in the community. time for study, once by day “It is necessary to come and once by night, and the out clear and to the point necessity of Torah study about the necessity of Torah whenever one is not occupied study,” said Rabbi Telsner, a in matters critical for one’s Rov in Australia. livelihood, were affirmed by the numerous Rabbonim In order for the Kol Koreh to who signed the declaration. be successful, the Rabonim and Mashpiyim declared that The declaration urged it must be followed by even members of the community more ways to make Torah to fix regular shiurim in learning accessible. nigleh and chassidus, both in public and private. It went on “[As a result,] Yagdil Torah is to encourage Anash to add presently preparing to enter beyond the shiurim of Chitas high gear in publishing more and Rambam, because the inspirational Torah materials Rebbeim clearly stated that and increase its Torah these institutions were meant only as an addition to programming,” said Rabbi Levy Browd, Yagdil Torah the already fixed shiurim in nigleh and chassidus. founder and director. Signed are Rabbonim and Mashpiyim: Mordechai Yagdil Torah considers the Kol Koreh to be a powerful Shmuel Ashkenazi - Kfar Chabad, Israel; Dovber Bell tool in assisting Anash to implement changes in both - Montreal, Canada; Moshe Bogomilsky - Brooklyn, their attitudes and lives. The goal is for community NY; Menachem Mendel Gluckowsky - Rechovot, Israel; members to view Torah as an integral part of their Yoel Kahn - Brooklyn, NY; Pinchas Korf - Brooklyn, existence, to attempt to learn Torah more qualitatively NY; Boruch Dov Leshes - Monsey, NY; Nisan Mangel - and quantitatively, as well as to promote its study Brooklyn, NY; Yosef Yitzchok Ofen - Yerushalyim, Israel; among others. Sign up to the Yagdil Torah email list! Signing up to the Yagdil Torah email list is the best way to find out about new Phone: 347-223-5943 shiurim, programs and publications as well as any changes that may occur. Web: www.YagdilTorah.org YOSSI COHEN MUSIC VAAD PRINTING INC. 718.221.9939 YONASON MUSIC The latest in sound technology. Professional Guitarist and Drummer: Freilach music that will make your wedding unforgettable. Invitations • Bentchers • Yarmulkes SUITS & BLAZERS Reasonable prices, negotiable plans. 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ASHKENAZI HARAV DOVBER HACOHEN BELL Torah equals all other mitzvos, and as is well known, it KFAR CHABAD, ISRAEL MONTREAL, CANADA is through learning Torah that we unite with HaShem in “an amazing unity to which no unity compares4”– in a manner superior to that of other mitzvos. In Halacha, the Shulchan Aruch rules that everyone – without exception – is obligated to fix times for Torah study HARAV MOSHE BOGOMILSKY HARAV M. M. GLUCKOWSKY 5 both during the day and at night . BROOKLYN, NY RECHOVOT, ISRAEL The Alter Rebbe explains6 that one cannot be content simply with having fixed times to learn; rather, he must learn at every available opportunity. To illustrate: “Even one who supports himself by working, and even one whose schedule for learning varies, is allowed by the Torah HARAV YOEL KAHN HARAV PINCHAS KORF to engage only in matters necessary for his livelihood… BROOKLYN, NY BROOKLYN, NY but not in totally useless concerns, whether in speaking them or hearing them, for whenever he is not involved in his livelihood he must occupy himself with Torah (the Alter Rebbe elaborates there with sharp words).” Additionally, Chazal and Chassidus explain that our power HARAV BORUCH DOV LESHES HARAV NISAN MANGEL to overcome the ever-scheming Yetzer haRah comes from MONSEY, NY BROOKLYN, NY learning Torah. As Chazal say, “I have created a Yetzer haRah – and I have created Torah as spices to counteract it.7” In HaYom Yom8, the Rebbe went so far as to say that “daily Torah-study is crucial to life itself. This applies not only to the soul of the one studying but also to the souls of HARAV YOSEF YITZCHOK OFEN HARAV AVRAHAM OSDOBA his family. It is through Torah that the atmosphere of the YERUSHALYIM, ISRAEL BROOKLYN, NY home becomes an atmosphere of Torah and piety.” HARAV AVRAHAM BORUCH PEVZNER HARAV LEVI YITZCHOK RASKIN PARIS, FRANCE LONDON, ENGLAND agdil Torah works tirelessly towards strengthening Torah study amongst Anash. The present focus is to Yraise awareness about the obligation to set fixed times for learning, and to increase Torah learning as much as possible. HARAV SHLOMO SEGAL HARAV YEHUDA LEIB SHAPIRO “The words of Torah need reinforcement” observe Chazal. BROOKLYN, NY MIAMI, FL This is especially true in modern times, when our time is occupied with many worldly distractions. Upon the request of Yagdil Torah, we are making a declaration to all of Anash sheyichyu delineating the importance and critical need to fix shiurim in Nigleh and Chassidus daily, both in HARAV DOVID SHOCHAT HARAV AARON YACKOV SHVEI public and in private. Another matter worth mentioning; TORONTO CANADA BROOKLYN, NY the shiurim of Chitas and Rambam are not enough, as the Rebbeim stated clearly, these institutions were meant as an addition to the fixed shiurim in Nigleh and Chassidus – not to take their place. May HaShem bless everyone involved in this matter and HARAV TZVI HIRSH TELZNER HARAV YEHUDA YERUSLAVSKI all supporters of this sacred work with all good, and in their MELBOURNE, AUSTRAILA KIRYAT MALACHI, ISRAEL merit may we very soon have the privilege of learning from the Torah of Moshiach. 1. Iyov 5:7 2. Sanhedrin 99b 3. Pe’ah 1:1 4. Tanya Perek Hei Those who would like a presentable copy of this 5. Shulchan Aruch Adhaz Orach Chayim 155:1 6. Shulchan Aruch Adhaz page to hang in their shul or beis midrash Hilchos Talmud Torah 3:6 7. Kidushin 30b 8. 4 Marcheshvan please contact Yagdil Torah 347.223.5943 ב"ה 18 רבנים ומשפיעים חתמו על “קול קורא“ משותף בצעד מאוחד ונדיר, רבני חב״ד ומורה הוראה בקהילות על החתום באו הרבנים החסידים והגאונים: אברהם אנ״ש ברחבי תבל יצאו החודש ב״קול קורא״ משותף אזדאבא, יוסף-יצחק אופן, מרדכי-שמואל אשכנזי, משה וראשון מסוגו הפונה לציבור הרחב ״להתחזקות בלימוד באגאמילסקי, דובער בעל, מנחם-מענדל גלוכובסקי, התורה״ ולסייע ללומדי תורה. צבי-הירש טלזנר, יצחק-יהודה ירוסלבסקי, יואל כהן, ברוך-דוב לשס, ניסן מאנגעל, שלמה-יהודה סגל, ״בפרט בדורנו אשר מתחדשים ומתרבים הטרדות אברהם-ברוך פעווזנער, דוד שוחאט, אהרן-יעקב שוויי, והנסיונות יום יום.. ראינו לנכון לצאת בקריאה של יהודה-ליב שפירא, פנחם קארף ולוי-יצחק ראסקין. חיבה לכל אנ״ש שיחיו לעורר אודות נחיצות והכרח קביעת שיעורים בתורה בנגלה וחסידות בכל יום, ביחיד הרב טעלזנער, מורה צדק לאנ״ש במלבורן, אוסטרליה, וברבים״, 18 הרבנים כתבו במכתב שיחולק בריכוזי הסביר: ״חשוב היה לצאת ולהדגיש בבירור את החשיבות חב״ד העולם. של לימוד התורה״. העצומה היא חלק מקמפיין הרבנים שיבחו את פעילות של ״יגדיל תורה״, ארגון הארגון במילים חמות. ״עושים שבסיסו בניו-יורק הפועל בזה גדולות ונצורות, בפרט לחיזוק לימוד התורה בקרב על-ידי ייסוד שיעורי תורה חסידי חב״ד ליובאוויטש. רבים״, נכתב. את הקמפיין יחד עם הרבנים החשובים, עצמו הם כינו ״תעמולה הארגון חיבר את ה״קול הקדושה״. קורא״ להדגיש את החשיבות של הלימוד, כפי שחז״ל אמרו ״יגדיל תורה מתכונן בימים )ברכות ל״ב ע״ב( ״דברי תורה אלו להתחיל בהדפסת יותר צריכים חיזוק״.
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