RA program rapped in anonymous letter by STEVE LAWRENCE DEAN—RA RELATIONS ter stated, “As an R A. don’t or writers of the letter re­ asked to devote any consider­ Managing Editor Hitting what was termed the count on holding your position mains a mystery. able amount of extra time dur­ The Resident Assistant pro­ Deans “ genuine humanitarian fo r a year. Sometimes in the ing Dead Week. He did say, gram and the Dean of concern for their ‘staff,’ the past those unpleasant ‘inci­ ADMINISTRATIVE REACTION however, that during Dead Week Students’ staff are the targets letter continued with this quote, dents’ of one sort or another Dennis Allen, Assistant Head and finals there is usually an of an anonymous letter placed apparently from an inter-staff have given R A.’s a new ap­ Resident in Anacapa, Indicated extreme amount of tension that in the mail boxes of Anacapa memo, “ During Dead Week and preciation of off-campus liv­ that a more appropriate pro­ must be dealt with in the halls. Hall R A ’s early Saturday morn­ finals you, as an R .A ., should ing... at cost, of course.” cedure should have been used He further remarked that an ing. be prepared to give your great­ to complain against the Deans’ effort has been made to inform Signed “ Society for the P re ­ est attention to those students NO COMMUNICATION Office. A “ more rational way prospective RA’s of their job vention of an R.A. Revolt,’’ who may be having difficulties. Emphasis was also placed on to air grievances” is avail­ status. “ Its such an obvious the letter began: “Dear Pros­ “ If your method of leadership RA - Dean “communication able, he said. thing,” Evans offered. “ None pective R.A.: Congratulations and direction in the hall, your problem s.” " . the ea rlier Expressing fundamentally the of us would be here if there on your selection as an indivi­ private life (which, incidentally report concerning RA.-D ean’s same sentiments, Dean Robert were no students here.” dual with the qualities neces­ is all but relinquished the first communication problems is un­ Evans stated that he would be Dean of Student Residents sary to serve as an R.A. on morning of R A . Workshop), or true. There is no problem in this glad to talk to anyone who felt Margaret Trainor, pointed out the Dean of Students’ staff next your personal convictions hap­ area whatsoever ....there is no they had a legitimate com­ that the one-year dorm con­ year. pen to conflict with those deem­ communication. ’ ’ plaint. Referring to the letter, tracts would be Instrumental “The Deans have a habit of ed most desirable by the The l e t t e r concluded, he commented that it “ doesn’t in solving the RA tenure prob­ being distressingly hard to be­ Deans,” the letter continued, “ . congratulations on your really represent anything.” lem . lieve from time to time,” the “ do not be surprised to hear selection as an R A . for next Concerning one of the letter’s Distribution of the letter was letter said. “ For example, at those cheering words: ‘We’re year. You 11 find it a challeng­ contentions, Evans said that he apparently limited to Anacapa an R.A. Conference held during sorry, but under the circum ­ ing position in many ways, in doesn’t “ really think there has Hall. Head Residents in Santa the Fall Semester, Dean R ey­ stances we feel that we have fact m ore ways than you would been any lack of communica­ Cruz and Santa Rosa Halls, and no alternative but to...’ ” nolds said: *We do not envi­ probably expect. tion.” Assistant Head Resident Steve sion a year contract for the Commenting on the recent “ Best wishes, good luck, and CONTENTIONS REFUTED Wilson in San Miguel Hall stat­ dorm contract controversy, and dorms if it can possibly be deepest sympathies.” Evans said that he was not ed that no one in their halls avoided.’ ” its effect on the RA, the let­ The identity of the writer aware that the R A ’s had been' had received letters^ Associated Students University of California Santa Barbara Phone 968-3626 Wednesday, May 13, 1964 V ol. 44 - N o. 76 Queen Contest finalists AS awards to be presented at dinner; annouced, three to vie Chancellor will bestow highest honor Beachcombers’ Holiday pitch; Scabbard and Blade, Queen finalists were selected grenade throw; Sigma Alpha Students w ill be presented the Annual AS Awards Banquet actlvlties will be awarded Hon­ Monday. Epsilon, coin toss; and Sigma awards for outstanding achieve­ this evening at 6 p.m. in the or Keys, and Lower Division They are Linda Morrisson, Kappa, panda bear pitch. ments during the past year at De la Guerra Annex. Awards will be given to the sponsored by Oceano - Santa Among the awards to be given most outstanding lower division Cruz; Lynne Foster, Consuelo will be the La Cumbre Honor man and woman. In addition, Santa Cruz; and Susan Plum - Copy Award fo r the student with Outstanding Man and Woman ley, Manzanita. the best-qualifications of lea­ awards for leadership, charac­ Students may vote on queen dership, character, scholar­ ter, scholarship, and service candidates Friday from 9:30 ship, and service over a four- w ill be presented. a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in front of year period. This award, the Besides these and other the library. The winner of the highest that any student can ob­ awards, the Alumni Associa­ Queen Contest w ill be announ­ tain, will be presented by Chan­ tion will present an award to ced at Friday’s dance being cellor Vernon Cheadle. the senior who has best re­ held in the Old Gym from 8 p.m. Three staff awards for EL alized the University’s pur­ to midnight. The organization GAUCHO, La Cumbre. and poses and the importance of sponsoring the winning candi­ KCSB staffs will be presen­ civic duty. The Max Caulk Mem­ date will receive a perpe­ ted for the most outstanding orial Award will be given« tual trophy. staff members. Students who The banquet is open to every­ Booth building for Beach­ have given outstanding service one at the price of $2 a ticket, combers Holiday will begin on to the Associated Students w ill which may be obtained in the Friday from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. be presented with the AS Presi­ AS Business O ffice. RHA ticket- and be completed on Saturday dent’s Award. holders may attend at a reduced from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. Activi­ Outstanding seniors in AS price. ties w ill be open to the public from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Trophies will be awarded for booth decoration and for com­ Board will pick petition in each of the cate­ gories of booths: food, game, entertainment, and novelty. Trophies will also be award­ ’64-’65 editors ed to the winners of the men’s BURDICK “ . to over-kill twenty-five is klnda fun.” and women’s surfing competi­ C arl Young photo Applicants for positions of slble for the compilation, print­ tion and the winner of the pad- 1964-65 Editor of E L GAUCHO ing and distribution of the hand­ dleboard contest. and «Gaucho Guide* will be in­ book, although he may recruit Burdick talks on chance terviewed and final selection volunteer helpers. FOOD AND FUN made by the Publications Board tomorrow at 4 p.m. in the SU Work on the «Guide” must be Participating living groups begun immediately after finals, of accidental destruction Conference room. and their booths are: Games- in order to have it ready for Eugene Burdick, whose novel, Letters of application must be Alpha Phi, pie-throwing booth; will occur on the millionth time, printing in July, and distribu­ submitted to Board Chairman Anacapa, kissing booth; Arbo- F ailsafe”, was chosen the RHA fo r any poker player knows the tion in August. lado, garter toss; Delta Gam­ Book of the Year, discussed his death blow may strike the firs t Rachel Gulliver before the in­ ma, dunking booth; Manzanita book before a crowd of over 500 time,” according to Burdick. terviews. The letters should Publications Board has re­ Hall, water balloon toss; San last Wednesday afternoon in The lecture hall was not the contain the qualifications of the quested a $75 remuneration for Miguel, egg throwing. Campbell Hall. only place students had to en­ applicant, his past experience, the «Guide” editor, but this has Kappa Sigma w ill sponsor a Often delivering himself in counter Burdick, co-author of and any plans or ideas he has not been made official. greased pole and surprise fish- a humorous manner, Burdick •The Ugly American” with Wil­ concerning the position being Selection o f editors for the lng booth: Santa Rosa, coke spoke of the one chance in a liam Lederer. applied for. two publications will be made million that nuclear war would During the day he spoke to EL GAUCHO editor receives by Board members Marcia be touched off accidentally, several classes where students the amount of his incidental Knopf, EL GAUCHO editor; Ra­ (Date changed | arguing that, when the stakes warmly welcomed his humor fees plus $400 fo r the year. chel Gulliver, La Cumbre edi­ The Beachcombers’ Holiday are as high as the havoc of and informal manners, as seen “ Gaucho Guide,” official tor; Rick Govea, KCSB mana­ dance, previously scheduled for nuclear warfare, even these in such remarks as ‘ 'The but­ handbook for new students, re ­ ger; Charles Lee, Spectrum Saturday night, w ill be held odds are none too good.
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