E766 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 23, 2016 community. Police work and defending the in- The Dolby’s generous philanthropic con- College, located in Lincoln, Illinois. For more nocent was in his blood. TJ even had a tattoo tributions have benefited science and medi- than 150 years, this school has uniquely that read, ‘‘Blessed are the peacekeepers’’, a cine for decades. They supported the Stem equipped students with the tools necessary to constant reminder of his daily work. TJ was a Cell Initiative and the California Institute for realize their full potential and achieve their hero in the truest sense, bravely giving his life Regenerative Medicine leading to a seed grant dreams. to serve and protect his community. at UCSF for the Ray and Dagmar Dolby Re- In 1853, commissioners began searching for TJ leaves behind his wife, Jessica, and their generation Medicine Building. They founded a new location for the university. It became two children, Braden and Blaiklyn. Additionally, the Ray Dolby Brain Health Center at Cali- evident that the best place would be Lincoln, I want to take this time to thank all of our law fornia Pacific Medical Center under the direc- Illinois, the first city in the United States to be enforcement officers in Georgia’s Eighth Con- torship of Dr. Catherine Madison. They in- named after Abraham Lincoln before his presi- gressional District for your service. You are creased funding of Alzheimer’s research at dency. On February 12, 1865, President Lin- true public servants, and our communities can UCSF, Stanford, the Buck Institute, the Glad- coln’s last living birthday, construction of the rest a little bit easier each night knowing you stone Institute and the Salk Institute. They first college building began. are protecting us. Thank you, TJ, and God funded the Zenith Society of the Alzheimer’s Today, students from all over the country at- Bless. Association which works on raising aware- tend Lincoln College to benefit from the institu- f ness. tion’s leadership-style teaching and various More recently, Dagmar provided funding of degree programs. This year, 273 students HONORING DAGMAR DOLBY new faculty positions at the UCSF Department graduated from the college and have become of Psychology. In collaboration with her son, proud Lynx alumni. These students had the HON. JACKIE SPEIER David, and daughter-in-law, Natasha, she is honor of welcoming Mr. Hal Holbrook as the OF CALIFORNIA engaged in increasing funding for the em- commencement speaker and honorary degree IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES powerment of women and girls. recipient at their commencement this year. Mr. Speaker, I ask the House of Represent- Holbrook is known for his Emmy Award win- Monday, May 23, 2016 atives to rise with me to recognize the tremen- ning portrayal of Abraham Lincoln in the TV Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor dous achievements and contributions that miniseries, Carl Sandburg’s Lincoln. Dagmar Dolby, an exceptional philanthropist Dagmar Dolby has made to society and the I am humbled to represent such an out- and tireless advocate for social justice, health well-being of others. Her altruism and fearless- standing institution with a faculty that prepares and the arts. She is being recognized for her ness when taking on difficult and controversial each student to become a leader in our soci- contributions and commitment to our commu- issues demonstrate her leadership and deter- ety. Lincoln College has upheld President Lin- nity by the Junior League of San Francisco. I mination to make the world a better place. In coln’s virtue of learning and self-improvement am very proud to call Dagmar a close friend. San Francisco where philanthropy is wide- with each graduating class. I applaud the insti- Dagmar did not grow up in a culture where spread no one comes close to Dagmar’s gen- tution’s service to our community as they edu- volunteering was commonplace. She grew up erosity. cate those who will assume roles of leader- in Frankfurt, Germany, lived in India for a year f ship, responsibility, and service in our society. and then spent ten years in London before IN HONOR OF LOREN C. AND Congratulations to all 2016 graduates from she and her late husband moved to San Fran- ELOUISE COLLINS SUTTON’S Lincoln College. cisco where she deeply immersed herself in 60TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY volunteer work for a long list of auxiliaries and f boards, starting with her son’s school. She HON. MIKE ROGERS served on the Town School Board of Trustees HONORING DR. STEVEN OF ALABAMA & Parents’ Association for nine years and the VANAUSDLE ON HIS RETIRE- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES San Francisco School Volunteers Advisory MENT AS PRESIDENT OF WALLA Council for twelve years. Monday, May 23, 2016 WALLA COMMUNITY COLLEGE In 1986 she joined the Board of Directors Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I for the Northern California Chapter of Achieve- ask for the House’s attention to recognize the ment Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS), 60th wedding anniversary of Loren C. and HON. CATHY McMORRIS RODGERS a group of women who have raised more than Elouise Collins Sutton. OF WASHINGTON $90 million for graduate students in science, The Suttons met at Southeastern Bible Col- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES technology and medicine across the country. lege in September of 1953 and were married Monday, May 23, 2016 From 1990 through 1992, Dagmar was the in Birmingham, Alabama on June 8, 1956. President of the Board. At the same time, she Loren and Elouise have been blessed with Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. Mr. Speaker, served on the board of San Francisco Univer- four children: Lorna Sutton Roberts and her I rise to honor Dr. Steven VanAusdle on his sity High School and later as the Parent Trust- husband Dr. Don Roberts, Elizabeth Anne retirement as President of Walla Walla Com- ee at Cate School in Carpinteria. Sutton, Timothy J. Sutton and his wife Glenda munity College. Dagmar also has a passion for the arts. She Houston Sutton and Dr. John Robert Sutton Mr. Speaker, Dr. Steven VanAusdle, who is volunteered her time and boundless energy on and two grandchildren: Dr. Michael Roberts retiring at the end of this academic year, has the boards of the Fine Arts Museum of San and his wife Nicole Dunn Roberts, and Allyson served Walla Walla Community College for 45 Francisco and the American Conservatory Roberts Schnarr and her husband Brian years, 31 of those as President. During his Theatre. Schnarr. Additional blessings include their four highly successful tenure, Dr. VanAusdle has In the mid-90s, Dagmar founded the San great-grandchildren: Austin and Luke Roberts positioned Walla Walla as one of the top com- Francisco Power of Choice Luncheon for and Livi Elise and Charli Delilah Schnarr. munity colleges in the nation. NARAL Pro-Choice America on whose board The Suttons have served in the ministry for As President, he has established a culture she has served for 16 years. Dagmar redou- 58 years. that fosters innovation and entrepreneurialism bled her efforts towards finding a cure for Alz- Mr. Speaker, please join me in recognizing on the campuses and in the communities heimer’s disease when her late husband, Ray the 60th wedding anniversary of Loren and served by the college. Dr. VanAusdle has de- Dolby, started showing symptoms of the dis- Elouise. veloped programs that meet the unique needs ease in 2011. Tragically, he passed away in f of Walla Walla’s students, developing young 2013. COMMEMORATING THE 2016 GRAD- men and women who have achieved and suc- Ray Dolby, the inventor and founder of UATING CLASS OF LINCOLN COL- ceeded to the benefit of communities through- Dolby Laboratories, was joined by his wife in LEGE out Eastern Washington. His vision and ac- many philanthropic efforts. After graduating tions have helped a rural region experiencing from the University of Heidelberg in 1966, economic decline transform itself into a di- Dagmar worked as a public relations specialist HON. DARIN LaHOOD verse regional economy highlighted by a thriv- OF ILLINOIS at Dolby Laboratories and a translator in Ger- ing wine industry. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES man, English and French. They have two President VanAusdle has focused on stu- sons, Tom and David. Dagmar is now the Monday, May 23, 2016 dent success and championed practices that President of the Ray and Dagmar Dolby Fam- Mr. LAHOOD. Mr. Speaker, today, I would increase participation, retention, and comple- ily Fund. like to honor a remarkable institution, Lincoln tion rates, especially for at-risk students. Walla VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:34 May 24, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A23MY8.023 E23MYPT1 emcdonald on DSK9F6TC42PROD with REMARKS May 23, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E767 Walla Community College’s successful initia- ABBY REMMERS NAMED TO school, a thrift store benefitting military fami- tives include workforce training as well as pro- NATIONAL TEAM lies, and an online Christian Academy for grams in healthcare, energy technology, water grades 3 through 12. His weekly messages of management and viticulture. Under his leader- HON. PETE OLSON faith have reached countless individuals, and it ship, Walla Walla Community College was OF TEXAS is believed that the church has averaged more named the 2013 co-winner of the Top Com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES than 500 salvations while climbing from 63 to munity College in the Nation by the Aspen In- more than 1600 members. stitute for Community College Excellence. Monday, May 23, 2016 Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the United States The White House named Dr.
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