., Happiness Is ... ·f . Vol. J 5, No. 53 Thur sJay, Dec. 30, 1976 Twenty Cents Qlrntral tiaim>" .e llerkly Nrws flagazine The Happiness Is •.• Nursery School was honored by a visit from Santa Claus at their Christmas party last week. The school, held sev1:: r al mornings a week, is directed by Nrs . Marie Hayes of the River Road in Milo.. (Trask Photo) Volleyball Champs AR TIC LES FOR INCLUSION IN 1976 ANNUAL REPORT OF MILO Town Manager Dale Green would like to inform cltlzen(s), clubs, groups, activities or organizations that desire to have an article(s) submitted in the Town Warrant for inclu­ sion into the 1976 Annual Re­ port of the Town of Milo, that the article(s) must be hi the Town Office no later than the January 15, 1977 deadline. Green states that this is to insure that all articles will be available prior to the printing of the Annual Town Report. In accordance .with the new Towil. Charter of Milo which becomes effective January 1, 1977, the annual town meeting will be held on the first Satur­ day of March which will be March· 5, 1977 at the Milo Town Hall~ ... ..-i.......... ..-..~ · - NOTICE The winners of the Milo Women's Volleyball League were the Superstars. (L to R) The Derby Mothers' Service Karen Smart, Debr a Smart, Debra Hearn, Linda Valente, Sandra Smith, Laurie Val­ Club will meet January 4th ente, Karen Whitten,. Absent were Kelly Banker , Evelyn Smith and Kathy Bavalaar. for an all day meeting with The Volleyball league was one of the many activities in the winter program of the Mrs. Alvina Cyr in Derby. Milo Recreation De pt. u,der the direction of Mur rel Harris. (Photo by Claude Trask) Members are asked to bring articles fo.r an auction. Page 2 December 30, 1976 THE TOWN CRIE R HOSPITAL PASSES INSPECTION -- MEDICARE THE TOWN CRIER is published each Thursday RECERTIFICATION EXPECTED SOON evening by the Milo Printing Company. We hope to Milo Community Hospital Trustees Chairman Lewis ValeritA be of help to the citizens of the towns in our cover­ announced last week that the hospital "is now in full complia,,_ J age through NEWS, INFORMATION, AND LOWPRIC­ with Medicare regulations and should be certified anytim~ ED ,ADVERTISING. The announcement was made after two last minute corrections W,e accept no financial responsibility for errors in of deficiencies were completed last week. advertising but will gladly print corrections. According to Valente, "A steel frame door arrangement for Copies of mostphotos appearing in THE TOWN CRI­ the basement entrance was required as well as back- up emer­ gency- call physician coverage committed in writing. Both re­ ER may ~ obtained through our office. quired changes have been implemented and appro-ved, paving If you have ~vs or available photos of any sort we the way for the Medicare recertification. In keeping with our urgeyou·tocall or dr op in. Deadlinewill be Monday September agreement with Medicare, recertification is ex­ Noon but we would app:r:eciate copy received earlier pected immediately. in the week. Valente concluded the announcement with assurances that Classified ad's 50 cent minimum including up ~1> 12 the precise date of recertification will be extensively com­ words, 3 cents for each additional word. Display municated when received, "so that citizens dependent on Medi­ care can use the full facilities of the hospital for the first time ad space by the column inch. since 1974. II He added that intensive efforts wlll soon follow to stabillze the hospital's financial situation and to increase CALL 943-7384 for Ad Space or with News physician coverage, He appealed to all citizens to "help out Joanne Brigham, Editor the hospital in any way they can, " FOR SALE EBEEMEE If you want to BUY, SEJ. "!"--, illhr {i;nmn [rter Log cabin on leased shore ) Subscript ion RENT or SWAP, try "Town lot. Beautiful view of Ebee­ Name ------------ Crier" Classifie4· mee Mtn. Good high location with sand beach - $4500, Stree• - ----------- FOR RENT Wheele<hairs, Walkers, canes F, French - 943- 2688 City _____ State------ Crutches, for sale or rent at· Daggett's Pharmacy in Milo. ·FOR RENT Please fin:! ~nclo.:;ec !circle c·ne, ~1:q for 52 weeks._S5. OO;o. 2? '\"ee'..s.) Call 943-7780. Have seven more one bed­ n:. ~- ~~~~~~~~~ room apartments for Senior FLOWERS Citizens at Pleasant Park. We have Fresh and Artificial Must be 63 or over. Includes CARD OF THANKS Flowers for all occasions. bedroom, kitchen, livingroom We wish to thank our many THANK YOU MILO F LOWER SHOP ON Mail and bath. Utilities, stove and friends and neighbors for the We would like to thank Char ­ Street, Milo 943-2638. "refrigerator included. Wall many acts of kindness and lie Bailey and H.A. Bailey Lum­ to wall carpeting ln living expressions of sympathy dur- ber Co. for buying bowling shirts VILLAGE GIFT SHOPP_E room. Security deposit re- ing our tlme of sorrow. for 0·1r bowling team. .F?r the u_nusual ~d differentqulred. Will be ready soon Gloria Lutterell Norman Pinette visit the Village Gift Shoppe, after January 1 1977 Walter Lutterell, Jr. Raddy Dickson Spring Stree, Milo. Inquire from Floren'ce Gil- Barbara Durant and family Cedt!c Rhoda bert, Highland Road, Milo. Gail and Larry Larson Ted Degerstrom WANTED and family Bob Ellison Club secretaries, earn cash Jayne and David Sharrow value for merchandise. Con- THE FOLLOWING VEHICLE and family tact Town & Country Clothing IS OFFERED FOR PUBLIC Martha Lutterell Store in Milo. 943- 2251. BID by The Merrill Trust Leonard, Carl and Mary l\TQ TICE CompanyatMain Street, Milo, Lutterell The State Bureau of Veterans SERVICE Come in or call 943-7332 or HELP WANTED Services Counselor will be at · Carpenter for hire by the 943-7333 and ask for Mr. Position available for a the Town Office in Dover­ hour. Remodeling, shop work Hogan or Mr. Bragdon: Parent Coordinator in the Foxcroft, Maine, January 4, .and finish. 1973 Pontiac, 8 cylinder, 2 Milo Heads.tart Program. 1977 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 Call H. R. Roy at 965- 8456 door. The bank reserves the Must have skills to work with a. m. He will assist veterans right to reject any and all disadvantaged familles and be and their dependents on claims FOR SALE bids. knowledgeable of community to the Veterans Administra­ Inexpensive ceramic paint­ resources. Must have insured tion and other veterans' af­ ing in time for Christmas. car in good working condition. fairs. Applicants for financial Painted on· plates, plaques, FOR SALE OR RENT Call or write Penquis Child aid known as World War As­ ashtrays, small standing easel One bedroom trailer. Call Development, P.O. Box 1162, sistance, for the dependents type frames, pallet trays, 965- 9462. Bangor, Maine 04401. Tel. of veterans who are incapaci­ etc. 947-6931 - Ext. 41. An equal tated and where there is 10--> Edythe Riiclne - Kineo St. HOUSE FOR SALE opportunity employer. All of income, will also be in\._, Brownville Jct. 17 Highland Ave. Large qualifled applicants welcome. viewed, Lot. Garden, Fireplace. Richard Chessa 943-8890 Page 3 DEFENSE DRIVING COURSE 'IO BE OFFERED IN MILO Drivers in the Milo area· will r~~~~~~~~~~~~, soon have a chance to enroll the Defensive Driving '-.:.ourse. The free workshop will be offered January 3, 10,· 17 and 24, 7 to 9 p.m., at the 1 ttEJbl&AY ~ ~ 1 Piscataquis County Civil De­ fe nse Center sponsored by the Civil Defense Center. The instructor will be Willis Lan­ caster. The Defens i ve Drlving P"'"t4 Course, according to Lancas­ ter, is an eight-hour course designed to teach the licensed driver how t.o prevent acci­ . r--------- -t4-l·I3J1>1mfl:C·X•!ifM:J --- -------- ~ dents by recognizing the haz­ ard, understanding the de­ fense, and acting ln time. 12 Exp. * 20 Exp. * I There will be an interesting ~ oE::~oP combination of lectures, dis­ cussions, films , and visual ~ KODACOLOR PRIOT KODACOLOR I aids, he reported. Tb.ere will be no course "grade." Lancaster said that those completing the course will be given a three point reduction ~ o-Jct 12.49 w~:~;:~· o-Jcts3.49 ~ or credit on their driver hls­ t.ory record. He advised those wishing to I Reg • $3 • 6 6 • ood <om po •ob I• P'O"" fllm• Reg • $ 5. 58 ·I enroll to do so quickly, s ince registration is expected t.o be brisk. Those interested I ONE ROLL PER COUPON Offer expires January 8, 1977 n ·'!)ould contact the Civil De- nse Center at 943- 2237. 'jJ_ 1 DEALER: STAPLE COU PON TO FILM EN VELOP E' ~ ~ -----~---------------~~------~ · ~ Rexal.I i HaPPY 'DatJfjdt_4 NEW ~ 943- 7780 ~~ h~~~~~~ . -- - .. ~~~~~ YEaR Claude N~ Truk 3 .Maln Street, .Milo Agency I Inc. WHEN YOU NEED SERVICE , 24 hours in any given day COME IN AND SEE US FOR ALL YOUR We have t he right people INSURANCE NEEDS To take care of any emergency For all our customers IY our/ nd ep end en tAgen CHASE I lllBAll' Olt Cl. Call our Toll Free Number 1- 800- 432- 7841 Lois & Fred Trask ~ Claude Trask, Agents Page 4 December 30, 197G THE TOWN CRIER helped draft the Customs Paperwork Reduction Bill, to help small businesses which import small quantities of commercial goods. La<>t summer, the Commission issued a set ~f anti- • paperwork recommendations dealing with OSHA rel?1-tlat1ons, After the Commission issues its report, the Office of M~ bill cohen agement and Budget will review its recom~end~tions and re­ port every six months to Congress on act10ns it has taken to FROM CONGRESS deal with the problem.
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