Mt'') · 1'1i11 i c1111 M.1ri:l1i1irt(•, di' . ?21, ~1 .. •,!1111 ,; <.rt 'it.. 11 r i 'ii , t c111 r • r1 0;; 1 •1 ~. A·L·L·S·T·O·N ITEl\11: B·R·l·G·B·T·O·N Published Weekly In Allston-Brighton Since 1884 Friday, March 6, 1987 Vol. 102, No. 10 35 Cents The condo craze BBA says middle-income stock going fast By Bill Toole percent of total Allston-Brighton housing in 1980, now comprise over one-fourth of all its private resi· Traditional, middle-income Allston-Brighton dences. apart,;nents are being transformed into high-priced Developers argue that turning rented property condominiums at an explosive rate, according to into private residences enhances community stabil· statistics recently released by the Boston ity, since owners have more of an interest in main· Redevelopment Authority. Government officials taining the quality of their neighborhoods. and community representatives say this rising tide "We believed that at first," says Bob Gardner, of unrestricted conversions threatens to displace director of the Allston Brighton Heusing Alliance, scores of low· to moderate-income residents and rad· "even though we argued that it wasn't worth the ically reshape the character of local neighborhoods. price of pushing so many tenants out. But there The BRA's figures state that between 1980 and hasn't been any increase in stability." 1986, the total number of private residences in Gardner claims that condominium conversions­ Allston-Brighton grew just 3.5 percent, while the occuring primarily in moderately-priced or rent· number of condominiums expanded by almost 1,472 percent. Condominiums, accounting for only two continued on page 12 Housee like theee have been going condo in A·B. MODEL STUDENTS Everett St.· project is denied variance By Michaela Casey general contractor Metric Construe· tion of Brookline, more than $45,000. Eighteen inches has proved to be a costly mistake for the builders of the At issue was the placement of the Everett Street Condominium Resi· building's foundation 18 inches closer dences. to the street than the zoning code By a 3·2 vote Tuesday afternoon, allowed. the Zoning Board of Appeals reject· Metric's owner, Geoffrey ed a request for a sideyard setback Caraboolad, called the error "an hon· variance for the partially-completed project-a decision that could cost the continued on page l 6 Students •port •plaaby gowns laat Friday afternoon during a Chlneee New Year faahlon Bhow at Brighton High School, •pon90red by the VletnametJe Club and Culture Club. Everett Street condominium bulleting JULIA SHAPIBO PHOTOS BC, BU: Expel rowdy students? lcrmENI By Michaela Casey to declare that " . no reason for ate reason." (Dehaan v. Brandeis "' [such a] dismissal need be given." (An· University) In tb1s Issue •.• 88 P8f189 In 1928, a New York court upheld thony v. Syracuse University) In 1975, an appellate court in Utah Syracuse University's expulsion of a In 1957, a Massachusetts court overturned a lower court's decision to Rufo outHnee plan student, stating that " ... university made a similar decision in a case in· award $88,000 in damages to a authorities have wide discretion in de­ volving the suspension of a Brandeis Brigham Young University student to ease Jail woes termining what situation does University student for misconduct. who contested his expulsion for -Page8- and ... does not fall within [its regu· However, it offered a different violating the school's honesty code. lations], and the courts would be slow rationale- the university's stated The higher court based its reversal on indeed in disturbing any decision of policy was that it "reserves the right the determination that "the universi· IPOD: Stage II the university authorities in this to sever the connection of any student respect." The justices went so far as with the university for any appropri· continued on page 10 -rage 10- SMART SAVERS GET CLASSIFIED WITH THE GROUP! ONE CALL 2:32-7000- 224,000 READERS - - - --- --------------- PAGE2 Citizen Item March 6, 1987 / Your Old Mattress Is Worth Big Savings! Brighton High student seized on drug charges A 16-year-old Brighton High School An 18-year-old Chiswick Road woman youth was arrested at &ehool last Thursday was assaulted and robbed as she got out of on cocaine and marijuana possession a cab in front of her home last Friday just Now - enjoy comfort and charges. The officer assigned to the school after 2:30 a.m. Three black men, one de­ quality at great savings! that day reportedly accosted the boy just scribed as a 5'10" tall, 170 lb, 18- to 22-year before noon after learning from the assis­ man wearing a leather jacket with fur-lined TWIN 5995 MAnlll!H tant headmaster that the youth was 011 FOUNDATION carry­ hood and Pwna sneakers, struck the wo­ ing some type of drugs. man in the neck and face before ripping FULL 8995 MAnllHI When asked if he had any illegal sub­ several gold chains from her neck. The three 011 FOUNDATION stances in his possession, the student al· fled on foot towards Cleveland Circle. • ~ OUEEN ANO KING SIZES ALSO AVAILABLE leged.ly handed the officer two glassine 0 envelopes containing cocaine. A further Three white men in their 20 's tried to rob NEWTON HIGHLANDS search by police reportedly uncovered two a 23-year-old Euston Road man as he made Route 9-0pposite Purity Supreme packets of marijuana as well. The juvenile a call at a pay phone near the Deli King 244-6200 was charged with possession of class B and Restaurant on Commonwealth Avenue last Hours: Monday-Friday until 8 P.M. D substances and taken into custody. Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. The assailants, two Sat. 9:30 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Sundays 12-5:00 P.M. of whom were known to the victim, pushed . : Other Arrests the man up against a wall, threatened to kill him, and started to rifle through his pock­ Eight men were arrested last Thursday ets. The man broke free before anything at 8 p.m. when police raided an alleged gam­ was taken and ran to the Deli King where bling operation at a Washington Street an employee called police. The three men apartment. Police report the men, Zisiz fled in an old Ford LTD. Hatzieleftheriadis, 57, of Montfem Street; 0 Pantigiotis Dalamangas, of Main Street; An attendant at the Cambridge Street Stoughton; Max Hatziiliades, of Madison Store 24 was assaulted last Sunday when Street, Belmont; Milton Tsohandaridis, of he requested payment from a man who had Use Raymond Street, Cambridge; William eaten one of the store's sandwiches. The Karas, of Justin Street; Anthony Panos, of man, a 6' tall, 180 lb., 30- to 35-year-old Metropolitan A venue, Roslindale; Monclis black man with a mustache and two miss­ Stauakakis, of Child Street, Lynn; and ing front teeth, tried to punch the attendant 011rIRA. Dimitrios Tsipouras, of Highland Avenue, before throwing a garbage can at him. De­ Newton were caught playing cards at tables ~ i tectives planned to further investigate the in the apartment. incident. Also reported seized were 90 decks of 0 to~ rettuce playing cards, $30 in cash, and three record Two black men in their 20's robbed a books. Police report that the men arrested 59-year-old woman on Higgins Street last had cash on the tables totaling $1783. All Sunday at 5 p.m. The attackers, one of eight were charged with gaming. whom was 5'9" tall and 145 lbs. wearing a yourl986 0 black jacket with a red stripe, and the other Police, entering a Cambridge Street described only as 5'6" tall, fled on Allston apartment armed with a search warrant, ar­ Street towards Commonwealth A venue rested two residents, 28-year-old Richard with the woman's keys and pocketbook con­ taxes! Melroz and 18-year-old Trevor G. Duncan, taining $25. along with Matara R. Malone, 37, of Prospect Street, Cambridge, on marijuana 0 A 71-year-old Kilsythe Road woman was There's still time to get a good tax break for 1986. If possesion charges last Thursday at 8:30 p.m. Police report they found an un­ victimized by a purse snatcher last Monday you open a Greater Boston Bank IRA before April disclosed amount of marijuana and $300 in as she entered her apartment building just 15th. your contribution can be deducted from your cash inside the apartment. after 2:30 p.m. The thief, a 5'8" tall, thin taxable income. You'll pay less in taxes this year and 21-year-old black man, fled towards the interest you earn. year after year. is tax-deferred Cleveland Circle with the woman's purse until distribution. containing $17. Police searched the area Other Crimes ' and found the woman's empty purse There are other advantages to having your IRA nearby. at Greater Boston Bank. Additional deposits can be An attempt to steal a safe from a Com­ made whenever you want. And. of course. there are monwealth A venue Store 24 last Saturday Community Service Officer's Report no start-up charges or annual fees associated with a was foiled when thieves carrying the safe Greater Boston Bank IRA. set off a rear-door alarm as they tried to slip Community Service Officer Joseph Park· out. The store's manager told police that er reported that 20 residences and four mo­ If you want to get a tax break for I 986 and around 7 p.m., a 6'1" tall, 190 lb, 20· to tor vehicles were burglarized last week.
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