. 40110 1165 The London Gazette b? Registered as a Newspaper *% For Table of Contents see last page TUESDAY, 23 FEBRUARY, 1954 At the Court of Saint James, the 10th day of parish of Besselsleigh, upon .the north west by February, 1954. the parish of Appleton and upon the south west PRESENT, by an imaginary line commencing on the boundary which divides .the parish of Fyfield with Tubney Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother. from the parish of Appleton at a point in the Her Royal Highness The Princess Margaret. middle of the footpath crossing an unnamed stream His Royal Highness The Duke of Gloucester. which forms the northwestern boundary of close Lord1 President. number 3 on the map and continuing thence south Lord De L'Isle andi Dudley. eastwards to and along the middle of the last Mr. Buchan-Hepburn. mentioned footpath (thereby crossing closes num- Captain Thorneycroft. bered 3, 7, 8 and 23B on the map) to the point Mr. Boyd-Carpenter. where it meets the road or track leading from Sir Lionel Heald. Bessels Leigh Manor to the Farringdon to Oxford WHEREAS Her Majesty, in pursuance of the Road and continuing thence in the same direction Regency Acts, 1937 to 1953, was pleased, by and in a straight line across the last mentioned Letters Patent dated the 20th day of November, road or track to the boundary which divides the 1953, to delegate to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth parish of Fyfield with Tubney from the parish The Queen Mother, Her Royal Highness The Prin- of Besselsleigh. cess Margaret, His Royal Highness The Duke of " (b) The territory to be annexed to the parish of Gloucester, Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal Appleton:— and the Earl of Harewood, or • any two or more "All that part (coloured green on the map of -them, as Counsellors of State, full power and annexed hereto) of the parish of Fyfield with authority during the period of Her Majesty's absence Tubney which is bounded upon the east by the from the United Kingdom <to summon and hold parish of Marcham, upon part of the north east on Her Majesty's behalf Her Privy Council and by the parish of Besselsleigh, upon the remaining to signify thereat Her Majesty's approval of anything part of the north east by that part of the parish for which Her Majesty's approval in Council is of Fyfield with Tubney hereinbefore annexed to required: <the parish of Besselsleigh, upon the north west And whereas iflie Church Commissioners have by the parish of Appleton and upon the south duly prepared and laid before Her Majesty in Coun- by an imaginary line commencing on the boun- cil a Scheme bearing date -the 29th day of January, dary which divides the parish of Fyfield with 1954, in the words and figures following, that is Tubney from the parish of Appleton at a point to say: opposite the western end of the wall or fence "We, the Church Commissioners, acting in pur- which divides close number 29 from close number suance of the New Parishes Measure, 1943, have 34 on the map and continuing thence generally prepared and now humbly lay before Your Majesty south eastwards to and along the last mentioned in Council the following Scheme for altering the wall or fence and along the walls or fences which boundaries of 'the parishes of Fyfield with Tubney, divide close number 30 from closes numbered 34 Besselsleigh, and Appleton all in the diocese of and 37 on the map to the Farringdon to Oxford Oxford. Road and continuing thence first south eastwards "Whereas we are satisfied that it is desirable to and then north eastwards along the middle that the boundaries of the said parishes should be of the last mentioned road for a distance of 39 altered in the manner hereinafter mentioned: chains and continuing thence due south eastwards "And whereas the Right Reverend Kenneth, in a straight line for a distance of 12 chains to Bishop of Oxford, consents to the proposed the boundary with divides the parish of Fyfield arrangements (in 'testimony whereof he has signed with Tubney from the parish of Marcham this Scheme): (thereby crossing close number 40 on the map)." "Now, therefore, we, the said Church Commis- And whereas the provisions of the New Parishes sioners, humbly recommend and propose that from Measure, 1943, relating to the preparation and sub- and after the day of the date of publication hi mission of this Scheme, have been duly complied the London Gazette of any Order of Your Majesty with: in Council ratifying .this Scheme the boundaries of the And whereas the said Scheme has been approved said parishes of Fyfield with Tubney, Besselsleigh, and at the Council held under the authority of the Appleton shall be altered in the manner described said Letters Patent: in the Schedule and delineated on the map annexed Now, therefore, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The •to this Scheme. Queen Mother, Her Royal Highness The Princess "THE SCHEDULE. Margaret and His Royal Highness The Duke of " (a) The territory to be annexed to the parish of Gloucester, being authorized thereto by the said Besselsleigh: — Letters Patent, have taken the said Scheme into " All-that part (coloured pink on the map annexed consideration, and do hereby, by and with the advice hereto) of the parish of Fyfield with Tubney of Her Majesty's Privy Council, on Her Majesty's which is bounded upon the north east by the behalf ratify the said Scheme and order and direct.
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