Seed System Security Assessment HAITI R Seed System Security Assessment HAITI An assessment funded by: The United States Agency for International Development/ Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance August 2010 R Core Research Team International Center for Tropical Louise Sperling Agriculture (CIAT) Catholic Relief Services / Dina Brick Caritas J. Simon Ludger Joseph Benor Montgerard Mykel Louis Francois Yueto Nicolas Claudio SNS-MARDNR Emmanuel Prophete University of East A nglia/ Shawn McGuire International Development U N-FAO Philippe LeCoent Javier Escobedo Etienne Peterschmitt Carline Jean-Paul Gary Arestil Fritz Arne World Concern Bunet Exantus Pierre Duclona World Vision Donard Vyuoda Carine Bernard Chris Asanzi ACDI/VOCA Gardy Fleurantin Save the Children Mathieu Mickens Derival Guertho Jean Raoul Dominique Independent consultants Melinda Smale Budry Bayard, Agroconsult Dennis Shannon, Auburn University ii SEED SYSTEM SECURITY ASSESSMENT HAITI Acknowledgements Support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) made this work possible. In Washington, D.C., we greatly appreciate the financial backing and intellectual contributions of Julie March, Laura Powers, Eric Witte, David Delgado, Adam Reinhardt, Phillip Steffen and Ben Swartley. In Haiti, Julie Leonard, Al Dwyer, John Kimbough, Dennis McCarthy and James Woolley gave key insights at important points of the analysis. The management teams of the multiple and varied field partners were supportive, not just for conducting a seed security analysis but also in aiming to use the results. In this regard we thank Elcio Guimaraes, Joe Tohme, Steve Beebe and Mark Lundy (International Center for Tropical Agriculture, CIAT); Gaye Burpee, David Leege, Scott Campbell and Laura Dills (Catholic Relief Services, CRS); Christine Amaral and Yon Fernandez Larrinoa (UN Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO); Christon Domond and Nick Archer (World Concern); Emmet Murphy and Mathieu Lucius (ACDI/VOCA); Frank Williams, Lionel Isaac and John Russell (World Vi­ sion); Aysha Twose and Isabelle Pelly (Save the Children); and Dieudonné Desormes (CARITAS). CRS/Haiti also provided the much needed logistical coordination. We thank in particular Laura Dills, Mykel Louis and Antheneh Cherenet Abate. Most important, the insights of many people shaped this work: government ministry personnel, seed company managers, local seed producers, crop and livelihood specialists, development and humanitarian relief person­ nel, local traders and business people, and over 1000 men and women farmers. We offer a collective thanks and recognize that each of you contributed in distinct and useful ways. An abundance of detailed information was shared on current practice and diverse sets of reflections were proposed on how best to move forward. These are critical times for Haitian farmers. We hope that the positive opportunities for catalyzing seed security (recommended herein) are seized upon soon and with vigor. SEED SYSTEM SECURITY ASSESSMENT HAITI iii Acronyms AFUP Association des Femmes Unies de Poulie AID Association des Irrigants de Dubreuil AIW Association des Irrigants de Welch BAC Bureau Agricole Communal BCMNV Bean Common Mosaic Virus, necrotic strains BCMV Bean Common Mosaic Virus BGYMV Bean Golden Yellow Mosaic Virus BIA Agricultural Input Boutique (French) CADI Cooperative d’agriculture au développement de l’industrie CECOSAM Centre de Conditionnement et de Stockage des Semences de Maïs CIAT International Center for Tropical Agriculture CGIAR Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research CIMMYT International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center CIPDSA Commission intersectorielle de production et distribution des semences améliorées CIRAD Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (France) CNSA Coordination Nationale de la Sécurité Alimentaire CRDA Centre de Recherche et de Documentation Agricoles CRS Catholic Relief Services CRSP Collaborative Research Support Program, USAID DDA Direction Départementale Agricole DDAS Direction Départementale Agricole Sud DEFI Développement Économique des Filières EMMA Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis (methodology) FAC Fonds d’Aide et de Coopération (France) FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAMV Faculté d’Agronomie et de Médecine Vétérinaire de l’Université d’Haïti FFS Farmer Field School FGD Focus Group Discussion FLM Fédération Luthérienne Mondiale GPAS Groupements de Production Artisanale de Semences GRAMIR Groupe de Recherche et d’Appui au Milieu Rural ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics IDPs Internally displaced persons IICA Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture IITA International Institute of Tropical Agriculture iv SEED SYSTEM SECURITY ASSESSMENT HAITI ISTA International Seed Testing Association KNFP Conseil National de Financement Populaire LABSEM LABoratoire SEMencier MARNDR Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Ressources Naturelles et du Développement Rural MUSO Mutuelles de Solidarité NERICA New Rice for Africa NGO Non-governmental organization ODN Organization for Development of the North ODVA Organisme pour le Développement de la Vallée de l’Artibonite ORE Organization for the Rehabilitation of the Environment PIA Programme d’intensification agricole de la Vallée de l’Artibonite (MARNDR / Inter-American Development Bank) PICV Projet d’Intensification des Cultures Vivrières PNSA Programme National de Sécurité Alimentaire Project Taiwan Projet d’Intensification de la Riziculture dans la Région de Torbeck, Plaine des Cayes RACPABA Réseau d’associations pour la commercialisation de la production agricole du Bas Artibonite SEED SEED Ministries, agricultural technical school, college level SECID Southeast Consortium for International Development SENASA Service National des Semences Améliorées SERA Service de Recherche Agricole (early name of CRDA) SNS Service National Semencier (National Seed Service) SOCODEVI Société Coopérative pour le Développement International SOGESEP Société de Gestion, d’Exécution, de Supervision et d’Évaluation de Programmes de Développement SSSA Seed System Security Assessment SVF Seed Vouchers and Fairs UNDP United Nations Development Programme UPSA Unités de production de semences artisanales (Artisanal Seed Production Units) USAID/OFDA United States Agency for International Development / Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance UPR University of Puerto Rico WARDA Africa Rice Center / AfricaRice WINNER Watershed Initiative for National Natural Environmental Resources, USAID project WV World Vision SEED SYSTEM SECURITY ASSESSMENT HAITI v Table of Contents Acknowledgements...............................................................................................................................iii Acronyms.................................................................................................................................................iv Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................x I. Introduction .....................................................................................................................................1 II. Background to Seed Security + Aid Response .....................................................................3 III. The Stress Context, Methods and Sites...................................................................................7 IV. Seed Systems in Haiti: Overview............................................................................................ 14 V. The Fertilizer Sector ................................................................................................................... 35 VI. Field Findings: Across Sites..................................................................................................... 52 VII. Recommendations: Across Sites............................................................................................ 92 References .........................................................................................................................................100 Annexes The three annexes can be found at: http://www.ciat.cgiar.org/work/Africa/Documents/SSSA_Haiti_2010_final_report_annex.pdf Annex I. Field instruments: Individual and community interviews Annex II. Varieties recommended for use in Haiti as of March 15, 2010 Annex III. SSSA field results: site-specific tables (N = 117) vi SEED SYSTEM SECURITY ASSESSMENT HAITI List of Tables Table 1: Seed security framework: basic elements Table 2: Seed security problems and broadly appropriate responses Table 3: Typology of current seed system interventions Table 4: Investigative thrusts used in the SSSA work in Haiti, May-June 2010 Table 5: Zones (commune/section) of Haiti SSSA 2010 Table 6: Salient features of the 10 sites selected for SSSA Table 7: Amount of fertilizer available in Haiti, 2000-2010 Table 8: Distribution of fertilizer by agricultural region in Haiti Table 9: Evolution of fertilizer nominal prices in Haiti, 2000-2010, in gourdes Table 10: On-farm use of fertilizer in 2004 Table 11: Effects of earthquake on household (HH) size, site by site Table 12: Effects of earthquake on household (HH) size, by sex of households, all sites Table 13: Earthquake effects on food consumption Table 14: Post-earthquake purchases and sales, January to June 2010 (N = 983 households) Table 15: Income-generating activities added and dropped
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