4867 Colchester aforesaid; and that a copy of so much with, commencing in the said parish of Waterbeach, of the said maps or plans, sections, and book of by a junction with an intended railway from Cam- reference, as relates to each of the parishes in or bridge to Ely, authorized to be made by the through which the said intended railway or railways, Eastern Counties Railway Company, passing thence branch railway and works, are intended to be from, in, through, or into the several parishes, made, will be deposited, on or before the thirty- townships, and extra-parochial or other places of first day of December, in the present year, with the Waterbeach, Land beach, Cottenham, Rampton, parish clerks of those parishes respectively, at their Wivelingham otherwise Willingham, and Over, or respective residences. some of them, in the said county of Cambridge, November 11, 1844. Stretham, and Thetford, or one of them, in the said Isle of Ely and county of Cambridge, and termi- Few, Hamilton, and Fews, Covent-garclen. nating by a junction with the said first-mentioned W. O. and W. Hunt, 10, Whitehall. railway in the said parish of Over, in the said county F . B.(y nPhilbrick, ' \> ,-Colchester, , , . v . of Cambridge. J.T S. Barnes, J And in the said Bill power will be applied for to deviate from the line or lines laid down on the plans hereinafter mentioned to the extent Ely and Bedford Railway, registered provisionally. thereon denned, and to vary or alter all such turn- pike roads, aqueducts, canals, navigations, and OTICE is hereby given, that application is railways, upon or adjoining the lines of the said N intended to be made to Parliament in the intended railways, as it may be necessary to vary ensuing session, for leave to bring in a Bill to in- or alter, for the purposes of such railways, or the corporate a Company, and to give to such Com- works and conveniences connected therewith, and pany power to make and maintain a railway, with also to authorize junctions with any railway or rail- all proper works, stations, and other conveniences ways, at the commencement or termination, or in connected therewith, commencing at or near the the line or course of the said intended railways. city of Ely, in the parish of Ely Trinity, otherwise And notice is hereby also given, that it is in- Ely of the Holy Trinity, and in the parish of Ely tended to apply for power to levy tolls, rates, and Saint Mary, or one of them, in the Isle of Ely duties for the use of the said intended railways, and county of Cambridge, passing thence from, in, and to grant certain exemptions from such tolls, through, or into the several parishes, townships, rates, and duties, and also for the powers usually and extra-parochial, or other places of Ely Trinity, conferred for the compulsory purchase of the lands, otherwise Ely of the Holy Trinity, Ely Saint Mary, houses, and other property to be described upon Ely College, Chettisham, Stuntney, Witchford, the said plans, and also fur power to vary or extin- Wentworth otherwise Wingford, Sutton, Hadden- guish all rights and privileges which might in any ham, Hillrow, A Idreth, Wilburton, Stretham, Thet- manner interfere with the objects aforesaid, and to ford, and Grunty Fen, or some of them in the Isle confer other rights and privileges. of Ely, and County of Cambridge, Waterbeach, And it is further intended by the said Bill to Landbeach, Cottenham, Rampton, Wivelingham enable the Company to be incorporated as afore- otherwise Willingham, Over, Swavesey, and Fen said, to sell or lease the said intended railways, or Drayton, or some of them in the county of Cam- any part thereof, to any existing Company, or to bridge; Fen Stanton, Hilton, Saint Ives, Bluntis- any Company to be incorporated by Parliament, ham, Bluntisham with Earith, Earith, Holywell and to enable such last-mentioned Companies to with Needingworth, Holywell, Needingworth, Hem- purchase or rent the said intended railways, or ingibrd Grey, Hemiugford Abbots, Houghton with any part thereof, and to exercise all powers and Wyton, Houghton, Wyton, otherwise Witton, other- authorities to be conferred by the said Bill, in con- wise Wytton, Hartford, Godmanchester, Portholme nection therewith, and to enter into such arrange- St. Mary, in the borough of Huntingdon, Hinchin- ments as to the said Companies respectively may brook, Brampton, Buckden, Stirtloe, Diddington, seem expedient. Boughton, Offord Cluny, Offord D'Arcy, Great And notice is hereby further given, that dupli- Paxton, Toseland Southoe, Little Paxton, Hail- cate plans and sections describing the lines and weston, Saint Neots, Eynesbury and Weald, or levels of the said intended railways, and of the some of them in the county of Huntingdon; and works and conveniences connected therewith, and Eaton Socdn, Little End, Wyboston, Devilhoe the lands to be taken for the purposes thereof, to- otherwise Dewlhoe, Eaton Ford, Little Barford, gether with books of reference to such plans, con- Chawson, Roxton, Tempsford, Blunham, Mugger- taining the names of the owners, or reputed owners, hanger, Great Barford, Ren hold, Willington Cople, lessees, or reputed lessees, and occupiers of such Cardington, Goldington, Eastcotts, Cotton End, lands, will on or before the thirtieth day of No- Harrowden, and Feulake, or some of them in the vember instant, be deposited for public inspection county of Bedford, and St. Cuthberts, in the town at the respective offices of the Clerk of the Peace of Bedford, in the said county of Bedford, and ter- for the Isle of Ely, at Wisbeach; for the county of minating at or near the said town of Bedford in Cambridge; at Cambridge, for the county of Hunt- the parishes of Saint Mary and Saint John, or one ingdon, at St. Ives; and for the county of Bedford, of them, in the said town of Bedford, in the said at Bedford; and at the respective offices of the county of Bedford. Town Clerk for the borough «f Huntingdon, at And also a railway with all proper works, sta- Huntingdon; for the borough of Godmanchester, tions, and other conveniences connected there- at Huntingdon; and for the borough of Bedford, E2.
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