THE WESTFIELD LEADER Th* Leading And Moat Widely Circulated Weekly netnpaper In Union County SnUrea u 8*cond Clus Mall" YEAR-NO. 28 Hint O(ilc<, WvtHMd. N 1 • Pii WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1958 •very S2 Pag**—10 Caati; OP SenatorialRivalsTo Frankenbaeh pear In Session Here To Head Joint No Tax Rate Rise For School Plan, Civic Committee Concert Date Changed Board Says; Opposition Voiced Other Officers The Westfield Community Con- Selected at Meeting cert Association has announced Property Owners, Borough Girl Previous Five :. that the concert in Summit sched- Annual Meeting - t Tomorrow uled for March 29, has been chang- New officers unanimously elect- Planning Board Year Bond Issue ed to March 26. ' ed at the annual meeting of the Selected For inl Republican candidates for Joint Civic Committee Monday SUts Senate will.appear are Charles Frankenbaeh Jr., Cite Objections Brussels Fair Expires in 1960 ; Senior High School, chairman; J. Stuart Smart, vice and Radar Makes chairman; Mrs. Frank Plesmid, in ro«d. H»hway »venue, Opposition to the Board of Edu- "A natural question for a UxT n«w at 8:15 p.m. This is the secretary, and Ralph L. Atkinson, cation's $2,750,000 referendum for MOUNTAINSIDE—Miss Valerie payer to ask about any school opportunity the voters of Debut In Town treasure]". ' an addition to the high school and Mary Hnot, daughter of Mr, and building program," Mid 'Robert H. County will have to see and In accepting the leadership of to equip the new junior high was Mrs, Walter R. If not of 1524 Deer Muli-eany, chairman of the Board H« three candidates at the the group, Mr. Frankenbaeh stated indicated this week by the Plan- path, has been notified by the State of Education's committee on fi- , meeting: Rep. Robert W. Speeders Warned HECTOR CASELLI that "one of the main "goals of ning Board, Town Council mem- Department of her selection as one nance md budget, "is, 'How much • of Livingston, Congressman By Police Chief" the committee during the year, bers,1 and a property owners group. of the guide-demonstrators for the will it increase the tax ratet' , ne 12th District; Robert will be to acquaint the citizens The objections are primarily U. S. Department of State at the This question has been put to of Westfield more widely, wjth the Brussels Universal & International jlj of Point Pleasant, for- YMCA Dinner against 12,500,000 for a new wing board members miny tlmei dur. timiiel for 'he u> s- Sianate'a Westfleld police began opera- background and workings of Joint Exhibition. In* the past week, and the an* tion last week of the town's new Civic Committee and-of its screen- at the school, not $250,000 to com- mil Security Subcommittee radar device in an all-out effort plete and equip i the new junio" Miss Hnot is i 10-year-old soph- swer, 'not at all,' has amaied the' Btnurd M. Shanley of Speaker Changed ing committee, which plays such high. more at Sweet Briar College. She questioners. The explanation of" to cut speeding accidents and in- an important part in helping to why there will be no increase in jnjllc, former appointments juries in the town. • The property owners' group Is is on the dean's Met, and was 10th tlirjr to President Eisenhower, select candidates to present for In the graduating clans at Jona- the tax rate for the proposed high i opacity audience of more "This device is not a trap as South American nomination to Board of Educa- composed of persons who will lose school expansion bond issue Is tion posts." their homes or backyards if the than Dayton Regional High School, 11,000 is expected to attend. violators are prone to call it," To Be Guest She was the recipient of the first fairly simple. lj]( W. Crane, lawyer, former Police Chief Albert Pflrrmann referendum is approved. The Plan- VALERIE HNOT said. "It is one of the necessary James Burnt, retiring chairman, ning Board, which has taken the Mountainside PTA scholarship" of "Four years ago," continued 'Mr; :tr of Plainficld and former Hector Caselli, associate general thanked the committee and his of- (200. Miss Hnot mado her home Mulieany, "when plans for ele- nblynan from Union County scientific devices that are avail- lead in opposing the wing pro- able to law enforcement agencies secretary of the South American ficers for their "loyal support and posal, has filed a resolution with Poll Deadline n Belgium for two years where mentary school addition* were be* itrve is moderator. The meet- to curb the wanton and needless Federation of YMCAs will be the hard work" of the past year. He state officials objecting to several he attended an all-French school, ing studied, members of both the j» pioneer effort to present destruction of life and property. main speaker at the annual meet- also enumerated several accom- features of the project. Tonight at 5 P.M. the College Marie-Jone in Ant- Board of Education and the edu- Iqnfblican candidates at one Ing of the Young Men's Christian plishments of the committee, ope werp. She won honors in lan- cational facilities committee of the tjif, sponsored by the newly "When motorists who use our of which was the filling of speak- Voters In the referendum, set Deadline far voter regis- guages in high school and is ma- PTA Council recognlted this faeti" highways and local streets will Association Wednesday at 6:30 for April 29, will be asked to cast «d Council of Republican Or- p.m. at the Y. Mr. Caselli will re- ing engagements to the Plftinfield tration for tne tpecie.1 icheol oring In languages at Sweet Briar, That during the next live, ten or ulions in Union County. not conform to the laws of so- League o( Women Voters and to ballots on three questions: $2,500,- election April 29 !• S p.m. If Congress appropriates funds, fifteen years—depending on' ths ciety, we in law enforcement are place M. G. Dharmaraj of India, the Rahway Citizens Committee, 000 for bhe addition; $250,000 to L addition to the Senatorial compelled to use every means who was previously reported as today, according to Mrt, Jane which appears likely from recent rate of enrollment increaie—it by 'Mrs. Malcolm Robinson, re- equip the new junior high and the D'Angelo, town clerk. committee approval, Miss' Hnot would doubtless b« necessary to k, the candidate for U. S, available to enforce the motor speaker but who is unable to keep tiring screening committee chair- option of a swimming pool in place liof Representatives, Florence vehicle laws in our community. his speaking engagement doe to will sail with other guides on the spend at least six million dol- man, 'Mr. Burke and Mr. Franken- of the planned boy's gymnasium, S "America" March 28. On the lars if the classroom needs of ftyer (incumbent) will speak The greatest number of violators illness. baeh. Both theso groups had re- at an approximate cost of $125,- till the six candidates for Un- are the thoughtless citizens who Lutheran Leader ihip they will be given an Inten- Westfield's rapidly growing school One of tne youngest men to oc- quested speakers to explain the 000, which would come from cur- Ivc foreign language brush-up population were to be met, The Celinty Board of Freeholders: do not allow themselves enough cupy a Y post of this type in South history, composition and procedure rent revenue, not bonds. elementary expansion, tho moat on L 'Can-, Elizabeth; Eu- time to keep appointments or of the Joint Civic Committee. nd briefing on Europe. Before F, Duly, Summit; Richard P. other obligations. They, throw America, Caselli is now visiting Passage of the referendum would To Preach Tonight the fair opens April 17, the guides prt'SHing need at that time, should' hid, Fanwood, (incumbent); all caution to the wind in an ef- North America to consult with YM result in the razing of 14 private will be taken on tours around the be considered ua only the flrat lit S, Hickok, Summit, (In- fort to make up two or three min- CA Leaders in North America on (Please turn to page 2) dwellings from First street and continent. Their stay abroad will step In a long-range program, au4 bent); William A. Lear, Eliza- utes and in so doing they slow matters relating to tho world-wide Rahway avenue and the slicing of Fifth in Famous ast until November. should be financed. an such. Th* •nd A. Donald McKenzie of down at stop signs instead of YMCA "Buildings for Brother- land from 11 backyards in Trinity Preachers Scries text steps, in order of the need, on. stopping." hood" programs which aims, with place. The property owners, who While serving as a guide denv would be a new Junior high, an "seed money" help from America, DAR Chapter To have bunded together to protest, onstrator, Miss II not will wear the addition to the Senior High, and Ma A. Otto Jr., of Eliza- Such motorists, said the chief, to help put more Y buildings into the loss, have estimated that the (Picture on p>g«. 2) official gray uniform with gold later possibly a new elementary (incumbent) candidate, un- "will increase their speed in vio- action in 33 countries overseas. Requisition cost of the land would Dr. Stewart Winfiold Herman braid and live In a dormitory with school on the south Bide of town. »eJ, for county surrogate and lation of the laws of safety.
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