* '"X Ti 1.0 ].2B 1112 5. 2.2 £ G-s lllllm .1.1. 1.8 1.25 1.4 MICROCOPY RESO£OTION-TEST'€HART- NATIQNAL BUREAU OF STANDARD? -, i STANDARD REFERENCi'MATERIAL1010a- (ANSI anrfliO,TEST CHART No, 1) ••a w 1 ftp \ \ &UtB nf NPW iig^si?g tatf .nOfem- It raMj DEPARTMENT OF STATE DEPARTMENT OF STATE OiVISIONOF CN-300 TRENTON, NEW JERSEY 08020 ARCHIVES AND RICORDS MANAGEMENT .CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY Thisis to certify that if\e microphotographs appearing on this roiLof microfilm are complete and accurate reproductions of the original records and have been microfilmed in the normal course of government affairs. They meet the requirements of the State Records Committee concerning "the photographic TITLE OF RECORDS: ^. ViQjLofA £ reproduction of public records,"—Approved under N.J.S.A. ^j tCkuDspapgr < 47:3-26.' ' M lis the expressed intent and purpose of this government "-T agency to destroy or otherwise dispose of the original records microphotdgraphed herein. This destruction or disposition of. FIRST R1COI1D: \u\w VMSO the records on this reel is only to be accomplished after i -\ LAST RECORD:. inspection of the microfilm to insure completeness bf X coverage. FILMBtfOR (US© naffirofagan^f ^CtfflWlvT^^ubVw iM Pfaf Date:. [jU^^XriA^ ilt / LO$ f i j^jiiJ" Waling* JftH- '<* \**tf U- t*r REDUCTION RATIO: G^oL jC FILM TYPE: 16mm ,35mm V- Authorization: TYP£*CATv1ERA:. CAMERA NUMBER: Signature 3fc Signature of_M!<^ofiirn^Supervisor Signature of Camera Operator #*^*^ / \ -~'f 12 ~MG~E$- THIRTY-FIRST,YEAR. NO.. 41. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 2, 1920. $2.00 PER YEAR. *T Will lean To -Union Coimty "To Plaits For. July 4fh»Parade, Athletics^ "' ass-Meeting Votes ht lower Mauley - Sitej; ; Have;a Park-System like Essex - ." [ Bagekril,-Band Concert, Fireworks ion Tonight Uncertain Summary of Proposition As Parade at 10 a. in. (All formations Delay by any section causes confusion .« atD.30 a. m. sharp). in the entire column. " ~-A .^t|ng,_RJlelWitt_^otev It Has Thus" Far "'Been umntit Census - Demonstration by Fire Department The formation will be on the streeli tions and Amendments? on Springfield avenue, 11 a. m. between Franklin place and Spring­ Wqrked Out Athletic meet, for boys and girls, field avenue, as designated, for the Finally. Reaches- Decision: ' Figures Are 10,17 2.30 p. m., at Park avenue Playground. several divisions. sue $!§J88 in Stock By -Mr;~ Caxton ' Brown Baseball—Summit Post American Each division will march into 'the Legion vs. St. Teresa's, 4 p, m., at main column as it passes East on Committee's Full Report ough Low, An Increase Carlton Academy Field. Free. Franklin place, directions being re­ Employees Have the -First Believing that the citizens of Sum­ Band Concert, 8 p. m., near Brayton ceived through staff officers, who will A meeting of some three hundred!, of 35.64 Per Cent—Rec= School. also be stationed at convenient points Chance to, Secure 7 Per citizens last night in Lincoln School,- mit should understand the Important gathering im;an adjourned meeting of movement throughout Tjnion County for Fireworks, 9 p. m., Tulip street. to regulate the proper distance be­ ord of Growth Since 1890 tween columns. Cent. Stock the one held In the City Hall on July the' purpose o£ creating a County Park The Parade Formation and Line of When the reviewing stand in front 12th> heard the report of the citizens'* System similiar to that of »ur neigh­ committee appointed at that time on,. March. of the City Hall, has been passed at boring County, Essex, the following County . Nearly 200, the end of the parade, each organiza­ the matter of a High School site. After" ORDER OF MARCH. tion should continue on or turn down a discussion on a resolution and a article has been prepared by Mr: Cax- maze of amendments the. meeting . ton Brown, Summit's. representative According to the 1920 census figures Police: Chief, George W. Brown; side streets, but should not disband To provide a pant of the funds re­ issued Saturday from Washington, the until .^.everal blocks away, otherwise voted to recommend to the Board of on the County Park Association. Grand Marshal and Staffs Grand Mar­ quired for large and important addi­ population of Summit is 10,174. This is shal, Col'. Charles H. Grant; Adjutant, the streets .become blocked, causing tions to the' plants of the Common­ Education, the selection of the lower b a gain of 2,674 over thd 1910 census of Capt., Guy Bates, Commander Earl P. confusion to those marching in the wealth Electric'Co., and the Common­ Manley site. The vote was 73 to 66. In approaching this subject it seems 7,500, or- 35.64%. ' Mason, Major Wm. H. Lawrence, Ma­ rear. wealth Water Co., the Commonwealth The Board of Estimate, having "de­ advantageous to say a few words The general opinion of all those jor Wm. B.-Miles, Capt. A. R. Lopez, Water & Light Co. is issuing J% cum­ layed its decision, pending the com­ LINE OF MARCH. mittee's investigation, has been called about the Essex County Park System, who are familiar with local conditions, Capt. Arthur Gwynne, Bugler, A. JC x The formation will not be complete ulative second preferred stock, with not only because-we arc all to a cer­ is -that this figure is incorrect and Ballentine. (Formation on Summit lull voting rights, to the amount of by the Mayor to meet tonight. Tha , until the parade reaches the corner of Mathews site proposition is before tain extent familiar with it and would should be nearer 11,000. The state avenue and union place.) Springfield and Hobart avenues. The 5100,000. First ^opportunity to pur­ obtain from it many useful, suggest census of 1915, giving. Summit, 9,136, First Division: (Formation on Glen- chase stock will be given to' the em­ that body. If it is rejected, as, then* _tions for any future Park System in was also admittedly an error. line' of march will be in Springfield seems to be comparatively little sen­ wood Place, facing Franklin place) avenue/west to Morris avenue, to Ma­ ployees, numbering between 150 and Union County. The population by wards ~a,nd dis­ ,G. A. R., Plainfield Band, Veterans of 200.. What is not taken by the em­ timent in favor of it, then the "School Anyone who' lias visited the Essex tricts is as follows: ple street, to Park avenue, to Summit Board must choose another site .for., Spanish-American War, Veterans of avenue, to KailroarK avenue, to Maple ployees will be offered to the "public. County South Mountain Reservation, 1st Ward, 1st District'- 1,265 World War/Veterans of Co. A., State the Estimate- Board's approval. street to Union place to Beecbwood The stock will'be sold "at $100 per According to the committee's re- ' V or the Orange. Reservation, as it is 1st Ward, 2nd District 1,951 Militia, Veterans of Co. B., State Mil­ share, and no two.presons will bo al­ frequently called, cannot have failed road to Springfield avenue, passes port, the asking price for the lower j 1st Ward, 3rd District 1,565 itia Reserve. ' lowed to hold more than twenty -,6 become impressed with -its natural Mayor Merrill, Ex-Mayor Franklin Manley plot is $85,000, including the 4,781 Second Division: (Formation on Irv­ shares. It is announced that the stock beauty and the advantage it offers for 2nd Ward, 1st District- 1,420 and the Common Council in Review, two houses thereon. ing place, facing Franklin place) Sum­ to Summit avenue, where sections is free from normal federal income The meeting was presfdud over hy an extensive recreation and play­ 2nd Ward, 2nd District 1,814 mit Band, Sons of the American Rev­ and local taxes. ground. Its streams, woods, trails may continue on or turn North or Mr. Frank L:-; Crawford, who had a 2nd Ward, 3rd istrtct 2,159 olution, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Pub­ South, but continuing a considerable In order to give increased service difficult situation to handle from a. and roads offer—unlimited opportun­ 5,393 lic School Children, Business Men's the company is spending altogether ities for enjoyment. • distance before disbanding. parliamentary standpoint.- The res­ Association, Professional and Busi­ about $350,000 in new equipment..and olution, as finally passed, - was "a: But it must not be supposed' that the 10,174' v ness Women's League. PASSING REVIEWING STAND. extension of mains, etc. 'X »j"horse of another color," as compared Essex County Park System is re­ The Summit census figures since Third Division: (Formation on When passing the reviewing stand stricted to thirf particular Reservation. 1890 are as follows: with the original form when intro­ Ituthven place, facing Franklin place) all military organizations will salute duced by J. J. \jane. He recom^ On the contrary, it is a far bigger Population, s Year. Band, Sons of Italy, Parochial School, the reviewing party in, the" usual man­ mended further consideration' of the thing, including as it does a large 1890 _. 3,502 Knights of Columbus, Holy Name So­ ner. Of hers should arrange for a number of separate and district parks Maple street site, or if inadequate^ 1900 ______'____ 5,302 ciety, Band, Polish Society, Armenian salute in any manner suitable. Those then the upper Manley site. classified as City Parks, Qjty Play­ Society, Colored Society. carrying flags might dip or lower the grounds and two Reservations. 1905 „ .' 3. 6,845 The comnutfee report as read by^ . 7,500 Fourth Division: (Formation on flags in unison; leaders of sections When the Essex County park Com­ i910 -./! Summit avenue, facing South) Morris Rev.
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