A horde of precocious City College contest champs hard-* r led the -*tVT ^s^-amr-*DV ~ ££tyMen in last weeJCs TICKER ad- jEcrtisemeiita— stiugglcd Mayor and City Officials bravely, but •r ©enfes~Yellow Attend Open House to solve the mystery therein. Nathan Twersky, '4t tiT pen House, a program to named king of the mental raaratfconers. Twersky win re­ Mayor Appoints In graham irjng the City College graduate 9 I the attention of private in- ceive two tickets to a popular To^j]]^Klsn.f>r ft Vrtrnniry— jstry and the civil service ad- four-star Broadway hit. The await the win-" junlstrators,—will—be—staged _4ki_a_atainh_g--_bjfc^-U2itan"T«5F: Wednesday evening, May 25, in ner in the TICKER office to- The .vacancy on the Board_of_J3igheriEduca^ :oimmon~couid^ not be granted ^e-Oreat-HaHi With members ^he-retirement uf-~Markr~Eisner^last March was filled Thursday becaj^^tt_^oj^^Jbe__^__dlscxmfe ^-the-na^—CtouncIT^na^tne when Mayor LaGuardia ^d^imlstered _t*ySttth--^f--Qf(fap^-te^-Mrir teous" to the City College Ad­ Jbard of Higher Education in ^Henry=Ar IngratnonT^^rooldynite prominent in educational and ministrative Committee, with. - ^•^MHiance, "part oT the pro- social circles. Mrs. Ingraham* ^whjsaa^r^hjtizlJinrtTi^Tffitte^^tt^F wtlings will be broadcast over received the jpost originallyL_oi-if Soda Dispensers Union has been *ifttJon~ WNYO. — fered to Frank Walsh, promin-| ^^^M^^^BkJKfBBiun nnrl Mi est labor attorney aijd" eounself x : George M. Fallon, chairman,,, ls*ws» for Tom Mooney. annonnced last week that-Jfctaev, S. Sayre, one iof the Law Society Sponsors Mr. Eisner resigned .jtwo Faculty' Cafeter^ cifummittmm members of the Munici- C+vil IJh^rtio* HaTly fm^a^^j^o^ec&us&-iif pressure)—Beware of -'rio^thVmh. had granted the lunchroom em­ of other activities, after twelve during 4he ployees ^substantTaT' wag^e"in- nr be the keynote speaker, In an effort_J*x^ocns^ atudent^y^^s-^ is also ex- - ^ayor att«p^on_QO -the ^question ?hich hewas- rfialrh^aaa crepi^intd the TICKER cent. civtr liberties- ln~ the TJnifcd years. His successor, Mrs. In- ofBce— (Roem_22t A)~ and stole Acenrning to the Cpen H I^w Society^ spon­ graSamV-^ Vassar-^g^ available " unfttee, the program to be soring Roger Baldwin, director president of the Brooklyn jwjp be for f&^Jtene-4of--tfee^A^^ T therHfti IM.OA md a trustee of as Its nTertuuul •ijsi_eilP>»< CrMrfto irTsT far oh Thursday, May 19, at 12 As a tribute to Mr. Eisner, a tor of The llOHJUt, and df the on their attend- noon in Room .823-825 testimonial dinner will be held ~the perpetrator of the dastard­ Committee. Cme member stated* Mr. Baldwin was scheduled to in his honor at the Hotel Astor that the • Increases - were ly crime will be punished when '•:•. An informative brochure, de- speak earlier in^ tJbe term, but Monday "evening. Speakers will apprehended." — (The Editor ed only if the employees agreed ^Hie" work: of C*peiL his anti-Hague activities occu- include Henry C. Turner, for­ wses big wandX-boys-and girls.) to cease union activities, be^ ln obtaining positions, | pied a considerable part of his mer President of the Board of The typewriter, last seenj cause "^oiice the unian„4Bafc be distributed this week. | time- 'At ^he recent Hague rally Education, Controller Joseph; E>» T^H"Sjiay•••'•^SiSS^^^^S^3tfirF-'-:- thejraiaay^ to J^ttjKn^JBfluare^:^ was first- reported missing Fri more." ^ne^or^thTbis^ on the Tuttle, acting chairman of the day morning, at 1ft. o'clock. V - Professor Falion, chairman of Theatron in AM PR placards, attacking the 'inva­ Board of Higher Education. Another theory put forward the Faculty Cafeteria Commij^m- r^—-— '-'•--- sion' by New Yorkers in Jersey by aoaie ak&exveis Was thatTifo'eT elltly denied that the Faculty To Uecide typewriter, unable to cope with wage increase was In the na- College In the Annual In- Mr. Baldwin's topic will be the terrific strain imposed on rContinued on page tjxreej -^•—_— "- w—^•••'•• - • i . ••••••.•• Poetry Reading, "The Outlook for Labor." On Sex Course it by the Ticker-Shickers, up- at Mount Holyoke College, On May 26, the Law Society ped and escaped. Removal of Ban May 7, reading a passage will continue its debate on the The ^campaign to include a -Personal: Oh, typewriters —-" Stephen 'Vincent Benet's Moscow Trials, when Hillman ?X„ hygjene--course in—the-cur^ -PtSASE come home. All is fOf- ffceair Brown's ^odyJI^TJafcleh^lM-^JBishop-of -the- a»eek= =Si*ea= Was sponsored, by Theatron ^parf-mpnt. will deliver when it was announced that A report stating that the ban fSe Public Speaking de- scheduled talk. His talk of May the Faculty Curriculum Com­ Die Kleinen Vertcandten on the sale of the City College It was postponed because of the UV whose representative mittee is considering the pro­ Prevented Oxer WBHX Monthly at the School of Busi­ James HeaJy. (Dean's Assembly. posal. ^DieKleiiien Verwandten," a ness, Day Session, was to- he- r 93 The Hygiene Department, revoked, was denied by Dean ersatile "Accounting foram meanwhile, is studying the sit­ one-act drama by - Ludwig uation _ .and asking—student TJ^maJt=-wa^ presejitedJ^^ahi'^^^t^ said- that he "knew ir Iinday M&y 15 v nothing" of thV matter. ferounr Us to eivlYe su«^^tkm^^«4^10 ~ ' ' <> ®r'-Sta- ffKf the !content5L;f^!s o^f f^Tfsuch a cours^^e "on WBNX by the German de- Dean Moore has placed a by Instructor John N. J Postcards from undergrad­ partment under the direction of ban on Featuring the latest CJ*A.'ments' Hugo BergenthaT. - the MONTHLY'S sale ition, the AccpimtinglMyer..for- it contains and ex- uates calling for the addition The members of the cast in- because of its "scurrilous na­ cornS, out today with a|piatos the enMre course In •»•«•««« ««««• ^^ «f»" chKied ^a^a sVandard,Ellza: ture."- At present, the magazine fty-six page issue containing pages lected by TICKER representa­ beth Wallach, and Miriam Wal­ is being sold at all other ly articles and features by) With an eye to the Account- tives. ter of the downtowa_J>rRnrrr, j branches- of the-College ibers of toe faculty, stu-jing student's future, George E. The A.S.U, last Monday start­ and Alex Teitelbaum, Leonard its, and leading Authorities} Bennett, head of the Account- ed a series of sex hygiene Hausner, and S. Frederick The Board of Higher Educa­ instructor who shall for-ling department at Syracuse classes when I>T^ Arlow of Mor- Gronion, from the Main Center. tion has received protests from go nameless Advises Joe!University, writes a helpful and risania General Hospital dis- the American Student. Union »nt on taking Accounting»infarmativinformativee article on "Secur-"Secur-j cussed several phases df__sex^ -Ad-Soe-Tp-Uear Ellison in "Accounting Eyflmina- ing_and,J^ldiitg_a_Positinn " -educatlbn~^wnir^~^rouprof stu- the College Teachers tJnion, and ~~Joe U toM A valuable contribution on dents. Abraham Einson, one of the leading campus publications, instructors arrive at the Accounting theory was ad­ founders of the Einson Free­ which term the barring of and warned against vanced by Murray. Left, Eve­ Lexicon Applications Due man. Company, creators of the sales as "suppression." on exams. In spite of ning Session senior, in his jig-saw puzzle, will be the the correct answer, the Forum offering "Valuation of Applications for the yarious speaker—at the-next meeting of BULLETIN Hit will fail if the paper Invehtory.'^_^Scording to Leff positions oh the '39 LEXrCOK the Advertising Society, held signs ot hesitancy, "If there is a universal basis will be accepted up to 4 p.m. to­ Thursday, May 19 in room 1320 All N.Y.A. time slips for the its of Accounting 260 of valuation it is 'valuation at day. Applicants will be inter­ at 1 p.m. Mr. Einson will speak period, April 17 to May 16, must when they seel cost or market, whichever is viewed in room 1420 beginning on "Window Displays that be horned into room 404, today, Better Financial fitate-J lower/" at 4 o'clock. Sell." May-16, before 4 pan. ^ ~ •::^<i-:.: ...r*.~ .•;-w.i-^=;'-*:;-=-.t:r-.-; -r^:^.irr^ •g&m *• *_.,*•• . - -- ; May 16, lt*J8 Star o> Heartbreak House . By Renee Sftafnfn and CMBcxal TJndeTgraduate MAIL. of Business and Chric City —-—-^^C^TOBHege raal^s po*a*ese virtues rare, Vol. VH, No. 29, Z480 Monday, May 16, 1938 Looks and brains and savoir faire, Ah, City College man . .-you_sur* are a honey 1 Editor Business Manager But CIfyCollegegirl 7. /she wants money. SOLOMON CAPPER 39 PETER SALTZ 38 OX THE SQUARE reau'and accepted a Saturday I MANAGING BOARD i ab Who was that too, too naive night date with a Hunter glrL George Weissman 39 Managing Editor He was absent from school the at Stanley H. Beckerrnan 39 .... .News Editor co-ed who was watching the f( e iM,in 1 ?\J r r +******Y ch ^tantey TC^g^T^g;^ ,,^?..., .no-News Krfit* siudcuLs picket in front of the Lichter had a date ten "MaxHSoserizweig 38~.T. ~ .. '."..... Features Editor college Thursday pan.? Bewild­ Martin Abramson, 39 Sports Editor ago—and hasn't been seei* J*- Daniel SchaefTer 39 ....'. Co-Sports Editor ered by the many signs bearing heard or"staceT"Ge«r^^BSiSklt«» the legend "Klein Must Stay" girls certainly must be knock/ Irving Silverman, '41 Adv. Manager jwJ 427. _, (Klein is the recently ousted oats! c' •'• ; * Issue Editors Jordan Zier. Sam Engler Brooklyn College Prof.} she THISA AND DATA Assistants Dobsevage. Daniels. Arm fop queried, "Is someone trying to All the hicks ate expected W Supervisor .Stanley H.
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