Proposal for Minneapolis to mandate earned sick and safe time moves forward —page 6 MinneapolisMinneapolis LaborLabor ReviewReview 108th Year No. 11 March 18, 2016 www.minneapolisunions.org Minneapolis Regional Labor Federation, AFL-CIO Janitors win historic contract gains By Barb Kucera, editor, www.workdayminnesota.org MINNEAPOLIS — Twin Cities janitors voted March 12 to ratify a tentative contract agree- ment reached after a marathon bargaining session with cleaning contractors that ended early March 7. At a news conference the af- 2016 Legislature ternoon of March 7, a visibly tired negotiating committee for Legislation would Service Employees International provide paid family Union Local 26 briefed report- ers on the contract, which Presi- leave for all workers dent Javier Morillo said con- tained a 12.3 percent wage —See page 6 increase over four years and landmark language to address Labor news workload concerns. The janitors credit two ac- updated daily tions — a 24-hour unfair labor www.workdayminnesota.org practice strike February 17 and Members of the SEIU Local 26 janitors’ negotiating committee celebrated March 7 after announcing JANITORS page 7 historic gains in a new contract with Twin Cities cleaning contractors covering 4,000 workers. Minneapolis Regional Labor Federation… Follow us on facebook! Death of Justice Scalia impacts ‘Friedrichs’ case Special election www.facebook.com/minneapolisunions The sudden death of U.S. Su- workers in the bargaining unit. appointee.” preme Court Justice Antonin With Scalia dead, and a re- Garden notes, however, that Tuesday, April 5: Scalia February 13 came as the placement not in place, the Su- Friederichs served as a wake-up high court was weeks away from preme Court likely will split 4-4 call to many public sector Union member ruling on an important case on Friederichs. unions, who had been mobiliz- threatening public sector unions. That outcome would let stand ing to re-engage with workers Hala Asamarai What now for Friedrichs v. the ruling of the Ninth Circuit and turn “fair share” members runs for seat on California Teachers Associa- Court of Appeals, which sup- into full dues-paying members. tion? ported the Abood decision. “So what next for unions? It Columbia Heights With Scalia still alive, union The Republican-controlled largely depends on what happens supporters feared that the court’s U.S. Senate seems ready to deny between now and November in school board conservative 5-4 majority would President Barack Obama the op- the take-no-prisoners battle over Hala Asamarai is the likely reverse a 1977 decision portunity to appoint a new Su- Scalia’s replacement,” Garden AFL-CIO endorsed candi- upholding the right of public preme Court Justice to replace writes. “With well-funded, con- date in the special election sector unions to collect so-called Scalia. servative groups filing dozens of coming Tuesday, April 5 to “fair share” fees from workers So the right-wing effort to constitutional challenges to la- fill a vacancy on the Co- who choose not to become union use Friedrichs to cripple public bor-friendly public-policy re- lumbia Heights school members. sector unions by eliminating gimes, unions have a proverbial board. Some observers previously “fair share” fees may be dead — Sword of Damocles hanging over With a doctorate degree considered Scalia a possible for the near future. them. Replacing Scalia with an- in education, Asamarai is a swing vote on the issue, but his Writing for The Atlantic, other conservative justice would highly-qualified candidate. line of questioning during oral Charlotte Garden warns the re- almost certainly bring it crashing She is member of the arguments January 11 revealed prieve may be temporary: “Cas- down. A replacement by Obama, Minneapolis Federation of he now was likely to support re- es with the potential to chip Clinton, or Sanders would likely Teachers. versing the 1977 Abood v. De- away at organized labor will remove the threat for now, and, Asamarai is a 15-year troit Board of Education deci- continue to reach the courts in depending on who the replace- Columbia Heights resident. sion, which allowed unions to significant numbers no matter ment is, could leave unions with For more information on collect “fair share” fees to cover what, and they will proliferate if the most labor-friendly Supreme Hala Asamarai, visit www. the costs of representing all the next justice is a Republican Court since the 1960s.” votedrhala.com. MRLF organizing helps keep Bottineau light rail on track By Chelsie Glaubitz Gabiou, President, economic equity. Minneapolis Regional Labor Federation Light rail construction has and will in- While our economy reflects modest clude targets for hiring people of color improvements since the Great Recession and women for the construction work and ended, most of those gains solely have targets for directing construction con- benefited corporate CEOs, not working tracts to firms owned by people of color people. That’s why we have and women. been laser-focused on proj- The Blue Line Extension ects that will raise wages for also means that residents of families right here in our local north Minneapolis and the communities. northwest suburbs will gain Thoughtful economic de- easier access to job opportuni- velopment projects that build ties and educational opportu- robust transit systems are im- nities. portant catalysts for workers The Blue Line Extension to earn family-sustaining represents a win-win-win for wages and improve their qual- workers, for communities, MRLF’s People of Color Union Members caucus ity of life. and for racial equity. The proposed Bottineau light rail line, For that reason, the MRLF helped to plans follow-up and next meeting for March 28 also known as the Blue Line Extension, turn out hundreds of union members and took a giant leap forward this month community allies to speak up at the local MINNEAPOLIS —The Minneapolis said Kerry Felder, MRLF community or- when the $1.5 billion project secured mu- public hearings scheduled as part of the Regional Labor Federation’s People of ganizer. “We will be continuing the con- nicipal consent from all five communities municipal consent process. Color Union Members caucus is plan- versations and we hope more union along the route. We saw a good, diverse turn-out in- ning next steps following last month’s members of color are interested in being The Blue Line Extension is an import- cluding construction workers, home town hall forum and visit by the national engaged.” ant component of the build-out of a 21st health care workers, educators, students, AFL-CIO’s Labor Commission on Ra- The People of Color Union Members century metro-wide light rail system to transit operators, immigrant leaders and cial and Economic Justice. next meeting will be Monday, March 28 link people throughout the metro region community residents. “Thank you to all who came out,” at the United Labor Centre at 5:30 p.m. with jobs, housing, education, entertain- The Blue Line Extension is a perfect ment and shopping. example of what can happen when people Looking for a union job? Working Partnerships The 13-mile Blue Line Extension will from many sectors come together to sup- run from downtown Minneapolis through port a public investment. north Minneapolis and continue through The MRLF’s involvement in helping launches on-line list of local union job openings Golden Valley, Robbinsdale, Crystal and to galvanize support for the Blue Line MINNEAPOLIS — Union jobs bring AFL-CIO has launched an on-line listing Brooklyn Park. The project includes Extension is part of our continuing work higher wages and benefits like paid vaca- of union jobs in the Minneapolis area. building 11 stations along the route. to build labor-community partnerships in tions, health insurance, even a pension. Visit http://workingpartnerships.org/ When the Blue Line Extension is the northwest suburbs. But how can you, your family or friends unionjobs/ for links to more information. completed, union members and workers MRLF community organizer Alfreda find one of those jobs? Working Partnerships is relying on will have a modern and efficient transit Daniels is our lead staffperson in this Now Working Partnerships can help. MRLF affiliates to help keep the list cur- option to get to work, school and recre- work. She can be reached at alfreda@ The community services arm of the Min- rent. Send job listings to ashley@minne- ation. minneapolisunions.org or 612-321-5674. neapolis Regional Labor Federation, apolisunions.org. Notably, the Blue Line will connect We’ll continue to seek opportunities Target’s corporate campus and North where creating good jobs intersects with in- Welcome, new readers Letter to the Editor Hennepin Community College to down- vesting in transportation infrastructure and Loyal reader and union member As a member of a union affiliated town Minneapolis, the Minneapolis-St. intersects with advancing racial equity. My dad, Donald Houle, died. Please with the Minneapolis Regional La- Paul airport, and the Mall of America. Next, we need to continue to advocate cancel this subscription. bor Federation, AFL-CIO, you now Expanding our light rail system brings for the Blue Line Extension to ensure the He read your paper from cover to cov- are receiving a subscription to the construction jobs, private investment and project receives needed federal and state er. He was a loyal union member. Minneapolis Labor Review. Several development along the light rail lines. funding — and to be sure the project —Brenda Houle, Coon Rapids affiliates recently have updated their Expanding our light rail system also meets job creation and equity goals. Labor Review mailing lists. For sub- provides our region the opportunity to ad- For more information on the Blue Editor’s Note: Donald Houle was a scriber service, see page 11.
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