INTRODUCTION The knowledge of Ayurveda was handed down from Brahma to Daksha prajapati, onto the Ashwin twins (the devine doctors), then passed to Indra, sage Bharavaja volunteered to go to heaven to receive this wisdom from Indra and so became the first human to receive the knowledge of Ayurveda. He passed to Atreya, then onto Punarvashu and finally Agnivesha. The practice of Ayurveda & Traditional medicine is based on the theory, belief and experiences indigenous to different culture. As the global interest in natural heading grows more and more people are turning to Ayurveda & Traditional herbal remedies for relief pain and diseases. As this "germ wave" again dispels all over the world, investigational of its legitimacy have increased. There is increasing awareness of the value of traditional medicine and bio-diversity resources as economic and tradable commodities. Ayurveda, the indigenous system of medicine of this sub-continent dating back to the vedic age (1500-800 B.C.) has been an integral part of our culture. The term comes from the Sanskrit root, Ayu (= life) Veda (= knowledge). Ayurveda deals with life in its totality. It concerns not only the body but the mind and soul. The body, mind and soul are the 3 limbs upon which the three- dimensional therapy of Ayurveda - the physical, mental and spiritual-stands. Ayurveda has a holistic view of life and health care properties perfect health can only be achieved when the body, mind and soul are in harmony with each other and the cosmic surroundings. Ayurveda has eight angas and twelve vibhagas. Among 12 bhivagas, dravyaguna vigyan is one of the most important vibhagas. The 1 development of Dravyaguna vigyan is carried out from vedic period to samhita period (vrinatri), Nighantu-period & modern age. In vedic period, there is found the name of medicinal plants, also the properties and actions of the medicinal plants. There are description of 67 medicinal plant in Rigveda, 81 in Ajurveda and 289 medicinal plants in Atharveda. In upnisnads and purans. Somewhere brief & somewhere detailed description is found. In ancient time, dravyaguna vigyan was separately described in Nighantu. In those Nighantu, dravyas were introduced by their synonyms such Nighantus are Aastang Nighantu, Paryay Ratmala, Hridya-dipak. After that Nighantus like Bhavprakash Nighantu, Aastang Nighantu, Madanpal Nighantu, Dhanvantri Nighantu etc. in which Gunas (properties) and Karma (actions) was began to describe. Nighantu of middle aged are Indra-Nighantu, Dravyaguna Sangrah etc. Raj- Nighantu, Chandra-Nighantu, Shivkoshi Saligram Nighantu are Nighantus of modern age. The Himalayan kingdom Nepal is endowed with rich flora due to the presence of wide range of geographical and climatic conditions. The floral diversity comprises about 6000 species of flowering plants, 380 species of pteridophytes, 1037 species of Bryophytes, 465 species of lichens, 687 species of Algae and over 1600 species of fungi (JADAN 2059). Among them a large number of species have medicinal and aromatic properties and are under use since time immemorial under different traditional systems including Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Tibetian. Besides these, a large number of species are in use in remote area of folklore medicines. The country in rich not only in medicinal and aromatic plant resources but also consists a wide range of traditional medical knowledge due to its cultural and ethnic diversity. The traditional 2 system of medicine together with folklore medicines still continue to serve large populations of the developing countries, particularly in rural and semi-urban areas. According to an estimate approximately 85% people particularly living in the rural areas, depend directly or indirectly on the trational medicine based an herbal drugs. Herbs play a significant role, especially in modern times, when the damaging effects of food processing and over-medication have assumed alarming properties. They are now increasingly used in cosmetics, foods and real, as well of alternative medicine. The growing interest in herb is a part of the movement towards changes life life-styles. This movement is based on the belief that the plants have a vast potential per their life a curative medicine. In allopathy medicine system also, medicinal plant source-drug is used. The first antibiotic penicillin was discovered by Alexander flemming from fungal plant penicillum notatum. The description of Jatamansi is found from old treatise of Ayurveda to modern books of medicinal plants. The drug is one of first 12 drugs mentioned in the earlist european medical work, pharmacopoeia of Hippocrates and has been use for over 3000 years. Traditionally the drug has been used as a herbal CNS drug in epilepsy, hysteria and - convulsions. In this literacy survey report, I have tried to lighten the medicinal importance of Jalamansi by the help of many old and modern books. The description of Devdali is found from old treatise of Ayurveda to modern books of medicinal plants. Traditionally the drug has been used as a herbal emetic and in different diseases like liver disorders, poisoning etc. In this literary survey report, I have tried to lighter the medicinal importance of Devdali by the help of many old and modern books. 3 CLASSIFICATION OF FAMILY CUCURBITACEAE Engler & Prantle Bentham & Hooker Hutchinson Dicotyledoneae Dicotyledons Dicotyledons Sympetalae Polypetalae Lignosae Cucurbitales Calyciflorae Cucurbitales Cucurbitaceae Passiflarales L-ucurbitaceae Cucurbitaceae INFORMATION OF FAMILY CUCURBITACEAE Salient features:- The family includes about 100 genera & 800 Species. Plants are generally prostrate or scandent herbs climbing with the help of tendrils, angular branched, hairy and fistular when old. Leaves alternate, petiolate, exstipulate, simple, palmate, with multicostate reticulate venation. Flowers generally solitary, axillary or sometimes arranged in cymose or racemose inflorescence. Flowers are generally unisexual (plants may be monoecious or dioecious). Flowers pedicellate, bracteate, unisexual, actinomorphic and incomplete. Female flowers epigynous, sepals 5, poly or gam .sepalous. Petals 5, polypetalous or gamopetalous, aestivation imbricate. In male flowers stamens are generally 5, sometimes reduced, polyandrous or united to form a column. In the female flowers, carpels are 3, syncarpous, ovary inferior with parietal placentation. Fruit is a berry. Cucurbitaceae is a plant family commonly known as gourds or cucurbits and includes the cucumber, squash, luffa, and melons. It is one of the most important families of food plants in the world, although not 4 nearly as important as the grass family, Poaceae, legume family, Fabaceae, or Nightshade family, Solanaceae. Most of the plants in this family are annual vines with fairly large, showy blossoms. The plants produce male and female flowers separately on the same plant, and the female flowers have inferior ovaries. The fruit is a kind of berry called a pepo. Most of the plants in this family are readily susceptible to a moth larva, the squash borer. DETAILEDEATURES: Vegetative characters HABIT: Annual or perennial herbs moving with the help of tendrils because plants are trailing or climbing. However, there are few plants, which may be shrubs (Acanthsicyas) or tree (Dendrosicyos). ROOT: Tap root system. STEM: Herbaceous, climbing or trailing, angular, branched and generally fistular when old. LEAVES: Alternate, petiolate, exstipulate, simple, lobed, hairy, multicostate, reticulat venation. The morphlogy of tendril in this family is very controversial According to Braun (1876), it is a modified bracteole while ENGLR Holds that it is a modified stipule. Hagerup thinks that the tendrils lower is the leaf. Some workers feel that it is a modified peduncle while Bfcers are of the opinion that it is an extra axillary shoot or it might have developed by the splitting of 5 the petiole. Mullar supports the view that the tendril is of dual nature as stated above. Floral characters INFLORESCENCE: Generally the flowers are solitary, axillary, panicles in actinostemma with unisexual flowers, generally male may form a group but female flowers are usually solitary. Plants may be monoecious or dioecious. MALE FLOWER: Pedicellate, bracteate, unisexual, actinomorphic, incomplete. Calyx: Cepals 5, gamosepalous, hairy, companulate. Corolla: Petals 5, polypetalous or united below or completely united. Androecium: Stamens 2-5 in different plants. Free or united in pairs or united. Gynoecium: Absent or sometimes rudiments of fen ale may be present. FEMALE FLOWER: Pedicellate, bracteate, unisexual, actinomorphic, epigynous and incomplete. Calyx : - Sepals 5, gamosepalous, calyx tube adnate to the ovary wall. Corolla: - Petals 5, polypetalous or fused at the base. Androecium : - stamens absent or rudiments of stamens present. Gynoecium: - tricarpellary, syncarpous, overy 6 inferior, parietal placentation but sometimes falsely triocular, sometimes placentation appears axile but it is not so. Stigmas : - Three or each bifurcated. FRUIT :- Berry, usually of a very big size called pepo as in lagenaria, fruit is indehiscent, but becomes dehiscent and ruptures with a great force, throwing its seeds to long distances in Ecballium elaterium which is called 'squirting cucumba'. POLLINATION: - The large prominent brightly coloured petals and nectars on the flowers are the attraction for the insects. The twisted or coiled anthers shed their pollen grains in between apertures and the insects in reach of nectar visit the male flower,
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