äáèää ïéðòå ãåçéä éåìéâ Oneness :[ã-à] äàéøáä ãåñé - à çúô Opening 1 :'úé åúèéìùå åðåöø ãåçé God's existence, His will and control ÷øù - àåä ä"á óåñ ïéàä ãåçé The oneness of Eyn Sof - He who has "No End", blessed be He - lies íåù ïéàå ,àöîðä àåä 'úé åðåöø in the fact that only His Will ìò ,åðîî àìà àöîð øçà ïåöø exists, and no other will exists except through Him. Therefore He íåù àìå ,èìåù åãáì àåä ïë alone is in control and not any ìë éåðá äæ ãåñé ìòå .øçà ïåöø other will. The entire structure is built on this foundation. :ïéðáä àåä äîëçä ø÷éòå äðåîàä ãåñé God's supreme unity is the foundation of faith and the root of wisdom. äæ êëéôì ,ù"úé ïåéìòä åãåçé Accordingly, this is what must be ,äæå .äðåùàø øàáì êéøöù äî explained first. For the entire Wisdom -Chochmat Ha ,האמת חכמת) of Truth àìà äðéà úîàä úîëç ìë éë Emet, the Kabbalah) comes only to ,אמונה) äðåîàä úúéîà äàøî äîëç demonstrate the truth of Faith, Emunah). It comes to explain how all äùòðù åà àøáðù äî ìë ïéáäì the created realms and beings and ïåöøä ïî àöåé êéà ,íìåòá everything that happens in the universe all emerge from the HaRatzon ,העליון הרצון) êøãá ìëä âäðúî êéàå ,ïåéìòä Supreme Will ìâìâì ,ä"á ãçàä ìàä ïî ïåëð HaElyon). It shows how everything is governed in the right way by the One úåîìùä ìà åàéáäì ,ìëä God, blessed be He, to bring the úåèøôå .äðåøçàá øåîâä entire cycle of creation to complete perfection in the end. The component úåèøô ÷ø àåä úàæä äîëçä details of this wisdom provide detailed äéúå÷ç ìëá äâäðää úòéãé understanding of all the laws and processes by which the universe is .äéúåáéñîå governed. ìù ïåùàøä çðåîä àöîð Thus the first axiom of this wisdom is that everything we see, including all äî ìëìù - úàæä äîëçä created beings and all that occurs íéôåâá ïéá ,íéàåø åðçðàù within time, is under only One Master, blessed be He. God alone makes and íéø÷îá ïéáå íéàåøáä does all this, and He governs ãçàë íìåëì ,ïîæá íéãìéúîä everything. The purpose of this wisdom is to explain the ways in àåäù ,ù"á åãáì ãçà ïåãà ùé which He acts to make and govern the ,äæ ìë âäðîä ,äæ ìë äùåòä creation. If so, the oneness of God is what we must explain first, since this äî àåä åéúâäðäå åéùòî éëøãù is the very foundation of the creation, as will be explained. If we can äîëçá íéòéãåîå íéøàáî åðàù understand this subject, we will have åðì ùéù äî åäæ ïë íà .úàæä an understanding of the foundation of the creation, its root and purpose. ïéðòä äæù ù"ë ,äðåùàøá øàáì Accordingly, it is certainly proper to ,äîöò äàéøáì ãåñé àåä åîöò explain this first. äæ åððéáäáå .ä"æòá øàáðù åîë ïéðò ø÷éò êøãá ïéáð ,ïéðòä .úãñåéî àéä äî ìò - äàéøáä øàáì éåàø éàãå äæ ïë ìò :äðåùàø ãåçé ,à"ç .'á äæä øîàîä é÷ìç The opening proposition consists of two parts: Part 1: The oneness of ãåçé ïéðò àåäå ,'åëå ä"á ñ"àä Eyn Sof. This introduces the subject ,'åë äæ ãåñé ìòå ,á"ç .ïåéìòä of the supreme unity of God. Part 2: The entire structure. This unity is íâ ãåñéä àåä ãåçéäù àåäå also the foundation of all the :íîöò íéàøáðå íéìöàðì emanated realms and created beings. :à ÷ìç Part 1: øáë éë ,àåä ä"á ñ"àä ãåçé .à The oneness of Eyn Sof. You already know that we are not talking ïéà 'úé ìéöàîä úåîöòù úòãé at all about God in Himself, namely àåäå ,ììë åðîî íéøáãî åðà about the essential nature of the Owner of this Will. Everything that åðàù äî ìë êà .ïåöøä ìòá we discuss relates only to His Will, åðåöøî àìà åðéà - íéøáãî which is all-powerful and unlimited. Of this we are permitted to speak, ,úéìëú- éúìáäå ìåëé- ìëä yet even here there is a limit to how .åá øáãì øúåé åðì øúåî äæù far our minds can reach, as will be discussed below. Nevertheless, since ïëéä ãò ìåáâä åðì äéäé äæá íâå we are not dealing with His Essence ìò êà .ïî÷ìãëå ,ïðåáúäì ìëåð but with His Will, it is more permissible for us to seek íé÷ñåò åðà ïéàù ïåéë ,íéðô ìë understanding. øúåé - åðåöøá àìà ,åúåîöòá .ïðåáúäì åðì øúåî ù"úéå ä"á ïåéìòä ìéöàîä äðäå We must believe and have faith that the Supreme Emanator - blessed be ìëá ãéçé àåäù ïéîàäì åðì ùé He and blessed be His Name - is One ãéçé àåäù ,ùåøéô ,åéðéðò alone, unified in all respects. This means that He alone exists, and only çøëåî åãáì àåäù - úåàéöîá He exists necessarily: there is simply none other. And He alone controls àåäùå ,ììë øçà ïéàå úåàéöîä everything. That He alone is in control àåäù èåùô äæå .äèéìùá ãéçé is an obvious inference from the first proposition - that He alone exists. àåäù ïåéë - íãå÷ä ïî êùîð Since He alone exists, He alone is in äéäéù àèéùô ,åúåàéöîá ãéçé control. This means that every other being that exists now is contingent ãçà ìë éøäù ,èìåù åãáì àåä upon Him. åðîî ìåìò ÷ø àåä äúò ùéù àéä úàæ íâ ïë éô ìò óà.. Nevertheless, the fact that He alone is in control is a separate item of faith. åéä éë ,äîöò éðôá äðåîà úòéãé Otherwise the unbelievers might say úîàù ,å"ç øîåì íéðéîä íéìåëé that at first He may have been alone and that He chose to bring creatures àåäå ,åãáì äéä äìçúáù àåä into being. But they could argue that ïåéë êà ,íéàåøá àøáå äöø nevertheless, as soon as He created independent creatures possessing äéä ,ïåöø éìòá íéàåøá àøáù their own will, it would be possible ,íìùä åãåçé àìåì ,øùôà (were it not for the fact of His perfect unity) that these independent wills åéäé àøáù äìàä úåðåöøäù would set limits to His will. In other ,ùåøéô .åðåöø ãé ìò íéáëòî words, once He gave them free will, they became able to choose the éøä ,äøéçá éìòá íîùù ïåéë opposite of His will. êôä íâ øåçáì íéìåëé íä .åðåöøî éø÷î êìäî íâ éë ,ãáìá åæ àìå Moreover, the course of the history of the world makes it appear outwardly éë ,ïë íéàøî äøåàëì íìåòä as if this is indeed the case. For He êà ,äáåèì íìåòä àøá àåä created the universe for good, but He ,סטרא אחרא) created the Other Side àøáå ,äòø àéäù à"ñä àøá Sitra Achra), which is evil, and He íéìåëéù ,äøéçá ìòá íãàä created man with free will, giving him the potential to do evil. Man came and íãàä àá .íéòùø úåéäì chose to do evil, with the result that ,åéùòî ì÷ìé÷ ,úåùòì òéùøäå God's desire was not accomplished. The unbelievers argue that now that .çéìöä àì å"ç íå÷î ìù åöôçå the people of Israel have sinned, äúòåùé ïéà åàèçù ìàøùéå there is no salvation for them (God forbid) for they sinned and continue ,íéàèåçå åàèç àìà ,å"ç íäì to sin. Accordingly they will always íéìåâ - êë ãéîú åéäé ïë ìò remain exiled and persecuted - for where could their salvation come ,äòåùéä íäì ïéàî éë .íéðåòîå from? Indeed it says explicitly: "For Jerusalem is ruined and Judah has éðéò úåøîì" ,øîåà áåúëä éøäå fallen because their tongues and their doings are against God, to provoke ."éùú êãìé øåö" ,"åãåáë the eyes of His glory" (Isaiah 3:8). It also says: "You forgot [or weakened] the Rock that gave birth to you" (Deuteronomy 32:18). ,úàæä äòéãéä äëéøö ïë ìò Accordingly we need to know that not only does God alone exist, but also - úåàéöîä ãåçéî ãáì úòãì that God alone is in control. This is åðåöø ãåçé äæå .äèéìùä ãåçé íâ what is meant by the oneness of his Will: that nothing in the world could íåù äéäéù øùôà éàù - ù"úé ever negate His will, for He alone is in íòè íåùá åðåöø ìèáî øáã control. .èìåùä åãáì àåä àìà ,íìåòáù äøåàëìù íéàåø åðçðàù äæ ìëå Everything we see that appears to be the opposite of His will exists only àìà åðéà - åðåöø êôä àåä because He allows it in accordance äöò éô ìò êë äùøî àåäù with His deep plan, which will continue unfolding until He brings ,åúáùçîá úùøùåîä ä÷åîò everything to complete perfection. At íéìùéù ãò úëìåäå úááåñù present God leaves man with freedom of choice for as long as He wills. But çéðîù ,éììëå øåîâ ïå÷éúá ìëä in the end - whether through êà ,äöåøù ïîæ ìë äøéçá äúò repentance or by means of punishment - everything will return to äáåùú éãé ìò åà - ìëä óåñá complete perfection. This is called øæåç ìëä - ùðåò éãé ìò åà "the oneness of Eyn Sof, blessed be He". We are talking about the oneness ãåçé" ,àø÷ð äæå .øåîâ ïå÷éúì of His Will [but not about Eyn Sof in åðà ïåöøá äúòù ,"ä"á ñ"àä His intrinsic Essence]. :äæå .íéøáãî ìù åðåöø - ù"úé åðåöø ÷øù .á Thus only His Will - the Will of the Emanator, the unified Eyn Sof, äî àåäù ,ù"úé ìéöàîä blessed be His Name, - exists, .â :ä"á ñ"àä ãåçé - åðøëæäù because only God exists necessarily. In other words, just as we must úåàéöî åì ùéù ,àöîðä àåä believe in the oneness of God's åðàù åîë éë ,äæå .åîöòî çøëåî existence - that God alone exists necessarily - so we must believe in åúåàéöîá ãåçéä ïéîàäì íéëéøö the oneness of His power and will. ïéîàäì åðà ïéëéøö êë ,çøëåîä Just as His existence is necessary, and it cannot be otherwise - and He åîëù .åðåöøå åúèéìùá ãåçéä alone is the necessary cause, while øùôà éàå ,çøëåî åúåàéöîù everything else derives from Him - so too, His will and power are necessary, äìéò åãáì àåäå ,éëä åàìá and it cannot be otherwise.
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