" - ■ V VAGBFOUBTEEM ■iafai SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1954 . Average Daily Net Press Rah ^an rlr^at^r lEtt^ttfng Fer the Week Eaded H it WflBfiMF N»v.,Ig, 1054 FM m m S «C 0 . a WMifear ■ is slyly hiding ob the new map, A i)outTo\m smack under a section line used 11,523 dear, aoUer tanlght. Law BB-2B. for reference In finding kKations D. of I. Seats Heard Along Main Street on the map. Member ef the Audit • Tkeaday fair, IHtte wnnmtt 'Im H u ry 3. McCkvanach, fireman, Perhaps Uiose Income tax inves- Wooden Objects Hobby Bateau af ClreulatkHi afternaan. BHgh 59-8B. USN, aen o f Mra. James Mc> Ugators wm miss a sisable chunk Manchester— A City of Village Charm Cavanaufiii. 50 Homestead St., And on Some of Manchester^ Side Streets, Too New Officers o f revenue if they Used the map N and husband of the former Miss for investigatory purpoaea and Mwjoria Ann Oorman, 091 Porter Sorprlaed Fkimer ^that many people have called to can t find Oxford Street on it. Of Retired Farmer Milton Fish At Ceremony VOL. LXXIV, NO. 39 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 1954 iClaaMfled AdvertWag an Page IS) S t. has reported to Commander The testimony of the world’s find out if the idea is on, the level. Do property owners on the PRI05 nVE CENTS Bub Oroup 1, U.8, Naval Base at tailors not withstanding, clothes We have received inquiries as to street have a legal right to be ----- / Charlesttm, S.C., aboard the escort don’t make the man; they don't how reputable the schemes are. exempted from property taxea if By Leonard ZeMenberg The Manchester Obuntry C3ub aircraft carrier USS Oorregidor. even tell what the man inside them One simple thing for anyone the street Just ain’t? Milton E, Fish, who has "pretty was the scene of a colorful/and He attended Howell Cheney Tech­ is, with doubts'to do is to call the A ll aorta o f fascinating posaibili- good eyes,” he says, “ for a 76- Impressive ceremony Wednesday Air Routes over the World^s Roof nical School and was em ploy^ by A banker’s gray suit doesn’t Chamber of Commerce. They us»i- U. S. Deities tles open up. Maybe the omission year-old man,” has for the past 15 evening when Mrs. Edmund Kicly, Gorman Motor Sales before enter­ make a banker out of beach­ ally have information concerning will confute the Rusaians, who are ing the Navy in August, 1062, comber, nor do a straw hat, tat­ business methods used in town. confusing enough themselves. years or so been turning out objeta 260 High St. W., was insUlled as tered shorts and sandals make a Inquiries at the police sUUon W e have heard' of people (uid d: wooden art the whittling of regent of Bt. Margaret’s Circle, R etreat on Town Manager Richard Martin beachcomber out of a banker. might also be fruitful, for ' com- other objecta disappearing, but which would tax the patience of a Daughters of Isabella, for her sec­ Sen. Case Reverses Stand, A sartorially elegant beach­ paniu planning door to. door sales this la our first case of a disap­ man of any age. will be the guest speaker at the ond term in office. a meeting of the Kiwanls Club Mon­ comber would probably ruin a usually register with the police de­ pearing street. W e are not sure we Balls-in-a-cage, so-called end­ Festivities opened 'with prayer day noon at 12:15 at the Manches­ bank within a week and. we ven­ partment as a matter of policy for followed protocol in the deductive less chains, balls in circular cages Ike A-plan and the serving of a bounteous ter Cmmtry Club. ture to say, a banker trying to their own protection. And these steps we used to solve this, mys­ - -all made' of wood and each cut make a living o ff a beach would phone sales are o f a somewhat tery, for all we did was try to look from but one piece of stock flow baked hatn dinner which was en­ get nothing but sunburned,_____ simtUr nature. up Oxford Street on another map, continuously from the cluttered joyed by s large gathering of Isa- United Nations, N. Y-, Chief Herman O. Bcheii^l says 4Mlias and friends. Immediately Nov. 15 (JP)— Russia’s Andrei police have several unelafined bi­ *rhcse are simple truths we the" company you" cohlem’plale and there it was. work bench In .the. .cellar of ^ learned at our pappy’s knee, but Ws hope the printing company home at 363 Lake St. feritowing the meal Mias Ann La- cycles which have been recovered dong business with is a reputable Oace„^chairman of the committee, Y. Vishinsky disclosed today if ever we should doubt'their walid-' concern, it Will welcome your in­ finds out about this error. This He doesn’t do huJnan heads or from time to time. I f you have extended a most cordial welcome he had handed the western ainst forms, or statues or miniature lost one, and the police have it, Ity for any reason, we know of a quiries at these two places, be­ could get to b i a confusing habit. shipe. These are for whittlers who to all p^e^nt. powers a series of amend­ you can claim it at police head­ farmer out in the eastern part of cause it helps their reputations. have the “ artistic bent,” he says. Among honored guests 'who were quarters after identification, the state who would be able to re­ If they question your asking for Relocated MairBox ments outlining: the condi­ establish our faith in them. credentials or some recommenda­ Occaalonally we have a small Rather, Fish, a former chicken Introduced ' V e State Htgent Mrs. tions under which the Soviet farmer, carpenter and dheney Mildred Lynch Of Waterbury, who Manchester Auxiliary' Police It seams’^ that the farmer, an tions from the police or Chamber mystery whirit is plaguing to the Site of Mine Explosion Bros, employe who Is now retired, was installing nttlcer; Mias Mae Union Would take part in will meet tomorrow morning at industrious but close-mouthed o f Commerce, don’t buy. irJiabltanbs .'of Manchester and enjoys doing what hs calls "pre­ Connor of Southlngtoit, state efasir- President Eisenhower’s 9:90 at the Finley Street range. I f gent, was button-holql on his even to members of the Herald's sU ff. cision work.” man o f all Connecticut .Junior Cir­ the wieather is inclement Simday farm by a young salesman who Usual Competition atoms-for-pcace plan. This one Will be called, "The He likes-to carve objects that' cles and a past national officer; States Zwicker the group will meet Monday night was n>lghty anxioiu to sell him There’s nothing as perturbing as appear to be optical Illusions and Mrs. Linnie Burgess of N^istol, at 7:90 at Police Headquarters. some grain. The two of them were attending a meMing and hearing Mystery of the Missing Mail Box.” United Nations, N. Y.,. It was a frustrated letter writer seem designed to Invite the skep­ state treasurer; Mrs. Magdqlens standing in the yard with the rumbles in the audience while the who tipped w o ff when he couldn’t tics to search for the "trick” by Heffernan of Bristol, stata c l^ r - Nov. 15 (A*)—^The United salesman making his well-spoken speaker la addressing the uumence. Michael A. Glean, 35 Cambridge find the mail bra in Its accustomed which a wooden ball has been “ in­ man of the Daughters of IsabeUn^ States vigorously denied to­ pitch and the .farmer who was We had occasion to sit in on one Bt,,. is on the honor roll for out­ place at Spruce and .Birch Streets. serted” into a wooden cage op the annual retreat at the CeMCle ih slowly losing his patience, offer­ of these type meetings recently day Soviet charges (hat the standing academic achievement He said it was gone. secret” which permits a wooden Middletown. The Rev. George P. ing, periiaps, a "T ep ” or "Kope” when plans were being made to atoms-for-peace plan now be­ during the first quarter marking We took off at quite a clip a-hen link chain, each link of which is Hughes and the Rev. Edgar J. as his end o f the conversation. formulate a program for boys. period o f tlie current school year we heard a maA box was missing Joined to the next to form a circle, Farrell of St. James Church were fore the U.N. represents a at Martanapolis Preparatory While this was going on, a car Only boys with an adult, prefer­ Washington, Nov. 15 (/P)— One member of tliB..SenBte com­ ably their mother or father, were at the corner of Spruce an'- Birch only to "appear” as thouj^ it were also presented. retreat from the program ad­ Bchool, Thompson. drove intp the yard and when it Streets. I t being a federal offense carved from but a single piece of mittee which recommended censure of Sen. McCartJiy shifted stopped a well-dressed man admitted to the auditorium. Father Hughes, who is chaplain vanced by President Eisen­ to bother with Uncle Sam’s cour-’ wood. far toward the other side toda.v. stepped out. The speaker talked for about five of the Daughters of Isabella and Children pf Mary Sodality of S t iera’ equipment.
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