Volume LXXI Wednesday Number 51 Mustang DailyNovember 14, 2(K)7 mustangdaily.net INSIDE NEWS Expansion could double S tn S e L size of Rec Ceñter Find out what students like to do most at the Rec Center in today’s Word on the Street. page 3 tm m m m Kl rftSiOi 30V — ijjBH—wiwi ^•» ARTS ... ■ , .. , ■S>f- J S « M m Jessica Ford ASI will launch an informative Web site WebN site.” MUSTANG DAILY Nov. 20 to help students better understand Students can enter their e-mail address to I the expansion. receive regular updates leading up to the vote . J f ‘ After receiving direct input from students. The Web site recexpansion.com will show and updates during construction and campus An Arroyo Grande business Associated Students Inc. will soon be holding sketches and renderings of what the project clubs can enter their contact information to holds an aromatherapy a referendum on the potential expansion of will entail if the vote passes. There will be a have an ASI representative talk to their group class where people learn to the Cal Poly Recreation Center. frequently asked questions section and a blog about the expansion. love their noses. Students will have the opportunity to vote tool for students to ask questions and give ‘‘We really want to make sure that stu­ page 5 in February on whether a $72 million expan­ input. Broom said. dents understand that this is a really big task sion should occur. “1 think students really want to be able that the whole student body, not just ASI, is SPORTS Student fees would increase by $65 per to see an actual, tangible site where they can undertaking,” Souza said. quarter if students vote yes, though the in­ go and see about the top 10 priorities, ren­ ‘‘We are asking students to not only raise crease wouldn’t begin until construction is derings, sketches and what things are going their quarterly fees, but also to really think complete and the Rec Center is open. to look like,” ASI President Brandon Souza about what they want to see happen with the The expansion should be completed by said. Recreation Center. With it being such a large 2011 or 2012 if the project passes the student “I think that is the really big communica­ project, we think it garners the necessity for a vote, said ASl public relations and marketing tion link between students, so that’s why we separate Web site.” coordinator Michelle Broom. decided to go ahead with the building of a see Expansion, page 2 Cal Poly graduates’ new sports drink company Fluid sponsors many See the Need sports teams. Wife of presidential hopefiil page 12 Week helps ONLINE represents husband at Poly local hungry, Whitney Diaz MUSIANi. DAIIY homeless Humanitarian and environmental­ Sara Wright ist Elizabeth Kucinich captivated her MUSIANC. DAIIY audience as she spoke at an informal discussion at Cal Poly Tuesilay. Be sure to go check out It m.iy be easy to get wrapped About 75 guests attended the event, - r " the Mustang Daily’s online up m finishing schoolwork before and audience members asked questions humor column by James iM i Thanksgiving Break, but C'al Poly about Kucinich’s husband, I JenuKratic Koman. can’t forget that there are many muetangdaily.net pa*sidential candidate 1 )ennis Kucinich % people who probably won’t get the (D-Ohio), and his plattbrm. chance to enjoy a steaming turkey “1 felt the discussion was wonder- dinner this holiday season. tiil,” Kucinich said after the event. See the Need Week is the uni­ “The questions really were re­ versity’s way of helping the hungry TODAY’S WEATHER flective of the kind of questions that and homeless in San Luis Obispo at I get everywhea* I go all around the a time when aid is sorely needed. ctiuntry. Everyone wants to know the The week-long event is put on same thing; they all have the same con­ by Beyond Shelter, a group within cerns.” Cal Poly’s Student Community The open discussion took place in Services (SC-S) that helps local S u n n y the Alex and Faye Spanos Theatre. The WHITNEY DIAZ MUSTANG DAILY homeless aid organizations. High 75*/Low 51 audience w.as scattead and looked al­ Elizabeth Kucinich visited Cal Poly Tuesday and spoke to a gathering of Jessica Sun, Megan Mastache most sparse when the event began, but students and community members about a range of political topics. and Megan Hitchcock are the Be­ Kucinich invited everyone to sit closer that he would run for president again the interests of America, that is where yond Shelter directors responsible for a more intimate discussion. if he is not successftil in the 2(K)H race. the power is.” for coordinating the events. INDEX Sponsored by the Cal Poly Dem­ “Dennis has a 40-year track mcord She explained that her husband “ In America, one in 10 are un­ ocrats, Kucinich spoke on a range of of being a person who really stands for supports gay marriage, opposes the war derfed, though one in 10 are home­ Arts...................6 topics including gay marriage, envi- Sports..............12 his promises, stands with his promises, in Iraq and attempted to bring articles less,” Special Events Service ('o o r- mnmental justice and the importance Opinion...............9 and stands with the people,” Kucinich of impeachment against Vice Fmsident dmator Leah Meeks said. of “Cîeneration Y’s” involvement in Classifieds.......11 said. Dick ('hency (House ^solution 3.53). She emphasized that there is soci.ll and political issues. Attendance Sudoku.............10 “The people can be active outside “It’s always interesting to hear a difference between the home­ was $5 for general admission and free Crossword........10 the system and create a lot of noise, but pmniinent people’s perspectives on the less and the hungry and that for students with a PolyC’ard. Comics............ 10 until we actually align with the person world, especially someone w ho’s not SCS wanted to host a separate She spoke about her husband’s his­ with the integrity, the voting record, native to America,” C’al Poly Demo- week from other special service tory as a congressman and explained who always stands with the truth and see Kucinich, page 2 see Need, page 2 News editors: Sara Hamilton, (>iana Majiiioli niustanj;dailynews(<5f ginail.coiii M u s t a n c D a i i y Wednesday, November 14,2007 www.imistaiigilaily.iiet : N ew s ......... i ter would be air conditioned. I lie W'e are not necessarilv asking them “We stand for strength through E xpansion new buildings will be more envi- to vote .1 certain w ay, we just w.iiit K ucinich peace, understaiidiiig that a strong them to make an educated vote,” Amerie.i is an America that realK continued from pn^e 1 ronnientallv tViendb bv limiting continuedfi om page I WMste and energv usage. Souza said. stands for hum.iiiity,” she said. crats president linea Jaiiofl s.iid. I Ik - total s(.|uai\- tootage ot us- 1 he Kec ('enter wouKl remain Kucinich stressed that students ahk- spai.K- m the tacility would open during construction. I he C)uestions did arise focusing on should get involved now, especially double \\ itli the expansion and the expansion is planned to occur in GO ONLINE TO 1 )ennis Kueiiik h's recent statement with the primary elections around weight room would triple in size. phases to decrease the impact on during a presidential debate that he the corner. A leisure pool and multipur­ students. Camstructum would not h.ul seen an ULO, but she simply “1 he primary is your opportu­ pose activity eenter (MAC^) would begin until a year after the ptissible mustangdaily.net laughed it off. nity to vote for yourself, to vote tor be added. The MAC' would allow passage of the vote. Broom said. TO VOTE IN TODAY'S POLL; Kucinich grew' up in the United the person who truly represents you, students to play indoor soever and The Web site is being funded Kingdom before traveling to five to vote on your issues, to vote tor have an area to hold events and through ASI reserves, a savings ac­ Will you vote in favor continents to work on and orga­ your own self interest,” she said. eoneerts. Broom said. count for ASI. of the Rec Center nize hunianitarian projects. She is “When it conies to the general “I just want this Web site ti> currently traveling up the coast of In an eOort to encourage sus­ expansion? election, it’s too late for your choice tainability on campus, only stu­ serve as a forum for students to get Cialifornia, promoting her husband’s to matter. You w ill be able to choose dent-used areas of the Kec Ckni- educated about this referendum ... plattbrni. from a limited selection.” will go to the San Luis Obispo any donation from SC;S booths. N eed Pood Bank, the San Luis Obispo The bowls are to represent a nor­ Women’s Shelter and the Prado mal meal for many people. continued from page / 1 )ay CkMiter. SC;S will serve breakfast at the weeks this month. A Hunger Dinner Baiuiuet will Prado D.iy (k-iiter from S a.in. to “(See the Need Week) is Cal be held at the Performing Arts 10 a.111. Frid,iy. The meal will in­ Poly’s response to National Hun­ Ck-nter Pavilion tonight from 6 clude hash browns, bacon and tith- All 2 0 0 7 ger and Homelessness Awareness p.m.
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