Publications Mail Agreement No.:40042804 CONCORD IA'S """·.,~ Vol. 27, No. 1 pr. concordia. ca/ctr September 12~ 2002 $200 million in bonds launched Record bond issue in Canada and a first by a Quebec university BY BARBARA B LA CK However, Concordia's offering is sold to 23 purchasers, mainly pen­ the largest to date by a Canadian sion funds. oncordia has sold $200 mil­ university. These bonds are distinct from lion in bonds to finance its The university was assigned a the "grant bonds" used by the Cambitious construction credit rating of Al from Moody's Quebec government since 1969 program. Investors Services and A from to finance capital spending in It is the first bond issue by a Dominion Bond Rating Service, education, health and the social university in Quebec and only the the same ratings given to the services. Those bonds are man­ fifth in Canada. However, this is a aged, administered and serviced growing trend, as Canadian uni­ Bonds are a recent trend by the government of Quebec. In versities look to the private sector this case, however, the bonds are to supplement the financial sup­ in university funding direct obligations of the universi- port given by government. ty. The first to do so was the province of Quebec. This attests Concordia is in the midst of an University of Toronto in 2001, to the sound financial manage­ extraordinary construction peri­ with an offering of $160 million. ment of the university as well as od (See Buildings, page 2). The They were followed by the its positive outlook for the future. estimated cost of the three new University of British Columbia, Concordia's offering was of buildings will be about $351 mil­ York and Brock. At least six more Series A debentures, with interest lion, of which $200 million will offerings by Canadian universities of 6.55 per cent paid semi-annual­ come from the bonds, $100 mil­ INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS PACKED A RECEPTION in the McConnell atrium are expected, including McGill ly; the minimum subscription lion from private fundraising and on Sept. 6. Left to right, Maud Ferrari (France), Sylvain Giroud (France), and another offering by U of T. was $150,000. The bonds were the rest from government. Kintaro Murayama (Japan) and Lara Worcester (USA). See story on page 1 O. Protesters prevent speech by Benjamin Netanyahu • in this Moratorium declared on Middle East events at Concordia University issue BY BA RBARA B LACK frontation between the two and it was felt that the building sides, but police broke it up, was secure. Students, faculty everal hundred protesters and no one was hurt. and staff were instructed to use 3 Word search: Scaused the cancellation of a The former prime minister of the Mackay St. entrance, but Profs focus on speech - and of classes - in Israel had been invited by this proved to be confusing as the Henry F. Hall Building on Hillel, the Jewish students' events developed. online semantics Monday. group, to speak at noon in the Netanyahu was quick to Most of the protesters stayed Alumni Auditorium, H-110. denounce Canada and in the street, but some The booking, made in the nor- Concordia for not being able to 5 Enough's enough: breeched security to get inside control the protesters. In a Rector's message the building. When furniture Monday's events evoke p~ess conference at the on events Monday was hurled from the mezzanine shame and dismay: Ritz Carlton Hotel, h~ to the lobby and a large win­ . denounced the protesters dow on de Maisonneuve Blvd. Rector Frederick Lowy "totalitarian mentality;· was broken, police drove the and suggested that 6 Model student: crowd back with pepper spray mal way by a student organiza­ Concordia should be "cleaned Demonstrating and tear gas, and the event was tion, caused concern when uni­ up:' cancelled. The building was versity administrators realized For his part, Rector UN diplomacy in evacuated, and classes in the that the speaker was the hawk­ Frederick Lowy reacted with a Kosovo building were cancelled for the ish Netanyahu, who was the strong statement condemning rest of the day. prime minister from 1996-99. the actions of protesters, and There were reports of ticket­ The protesters' stated aim declaring a moratorium on fur­ 7 Animation stars: holders for the event being before the event was to prevent ther events relating to Middle The School of harassed. As occupants of H- Netanyahu from speaking. East politics. His full statement Cinema shines 110 were discharged into the However, security precautions is on page 5. More photos on street, there was a noisy con- were elaborate and expensive, CTR Web site. Protesters at the Hall Building New Concordia buildings are right on schedule Extensive changes as the campuses continue to undergo exciti(lg renovation and construction BY BARBARA BLA CK of Ste. Catherine and St. Mathieu Sts. Continuing Education will he Science Complex on the occupy the third floor, and Loyola Campus is on Registrar's will use the second Tschedule, and is slated to floor for unassigned classrooms. open in September 2003. Dean of Students (AD): At At the Sir George Williams Loyola, the most important sum­ Campus downtown, excavation mer renovation is the consolida­ has been going on all summer for tion• of the Dean of Students the Integrated Engineering, Office. These renovations will Computer Science and Visual offer centralized, improved facili­ Arts Complex, on Ste. Catherine ties for students by bringing St. between Guy and Mackay Sts. together the Dean of Students, The design phase is coming to a Advocacy and Support Services, satisfactory end for the new quar­ Campus Ministry, Health ters of the John Molson School of Services, and Counselling and Business, on Guy St. between Ste. Development on the ground floor Catherine and de Maisonneuve of the Administration (AD) Blvd. Excavation is expected to Building. A new Instructional and start in 2003. Information Technology Services ).W. McConnell Building (LB): ~ (IITS) centralized.service counter Tim Horton's is being renovated . ! will be available in the Central by the new food services provider, g Building. Chartwells. The copy centre that I Residence changes: The com­ was located on the main floor of ~ mon rooms and kitchen of the the Hall Building has moved to ~----'----''--->.:..------------'.:!, student residence on the Loyola the McConnell Building main The landscape of the Loyola Campus has been transformed by construction of the new Science Complex. Campus have been renovated. floor. This brings printing and Campus Centre: The food serv­ copying together in proximity to Hall Building (HB): The fourth­ cultural kitchen are under negoti­ continues to rely on some rented ices space at Loyola renovated by the Bookstore and R. Howard floor Tim Horton's counter has ation, and will stay as they are for space on the downtown campus. the new provider, Chartwells, will Webster Library. A quick food been revamped. The food court now. Rooms will be rented on the two be inaugurated on Sept. 16. service is available on the terrace on the mezzanine and the New classrooms: During this upper floors of the new Jean V,sit the Concordia buildings Web until the snow flies. Concordia Student Union multi- construction period, Concordia Coutu building (CL) at the corner site at http://buildings.concordia.ca/ Shuffle kicks off September 27 Service is Number 1 for support sector Meet friends for exercise and fundraising The university's intense growth has led to special demands on staff he Office of the Vice-Rector, will watch the video in four ses­ runaround" of information. onali Karnick and Daliso scholarships. Over its 12 years, TServices, is launching a sions on October 1 in the D.B. These workshops will be offered SChaponda, two local come­ $565,000 has been raised major drive to improve customer Clarke Theatre. Later in the on a continuous basis to all dians with bona fide Concordia through the Shuffle. support with a video presenta­ month, a dozen workshops on Concordia employees. credentials, will host this year's tion to all its employees. customer service will begin for Vice-Rector Services Michael edition of the Shuffle. Hosts The video comes from SST administrators and a selected 10 Di Grappa explains this under­ The walkathon between cam­ Sonali Karnick is a recent Communications, a Chicago the­ ' per cent of the staff, of whom taking by saying that the univer­ puses is a great way _to start the graduate of the journalism pro­ atre company that specializes in half will be front-line service per­ sity's current intense growth will new academic year. It's an gram. She can be heard on CBC's employee training programs. It's sonnel. They will be encouraged make special demands on sup­ opportunity to get a little exer­ a lively session of advice, inspira­ to go back to their workplace port staff, and this is an ideal cise on a fall Friday, meet old tion and role-playing, enacted and share what they've learned. way to prepare for it. friends from across the univer­ before a small but appreciative The workshops will be led by "Working to become Canada's sity, and raise some cash for live audience. trainers, all employees in the best university requires building needy students. At one point, an actor playing Services sector, who themselves and renovating our facilities, and The 7.5-km walk along a disgruntled employee laments, are being trained by Noel-Levitz, providing well-defined, expertly Sherbrooke St. starts at 1 p.m. "All the gung-ho that got me a company specializing in uni­ delivered services to operate and on the green space at Guy St.
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