to 28 July 2008 Executive Will meet on Wednesday 6 August 2008 at 10.00 am in Derwent Room, Allerdale House, Workington Membership: Councillor Joe Milburn (Chairman) Councillor Michael Davidson Councillor Chris Garrard Councillor Margaret Jackson Councillor Stuart Moffat Councillor George Scott Councillor Sam Standage Councillor David Wilson Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting. If you have any questions or queries simply contact Sarah Beattie on 01900 702554. Agenda 1. Minutes (Pages 1 - 10) To sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2008. 2. Apologies for absence 3. Declaration of Interest Councillors/Staff to give notice of any personal or prejudicial interest and the nature of that interest relating to any item on the agenda, in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct. 4. Questions To answer questions from members of the public – 2 days notice of which must have been given in writing or by electronic mail. 5. Corporate Improvement Plan (CIP) 2008-2011 (Pages 11 - 82) 6. Overview and Scrutiny Report: Call-in of Derwent Forest Joint Management Arrangements (Pages 83 - 86) To receive a report from the Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee with respect to their call-in of the joint management arrangements proposed with the County Council in respect of Derwent Forest. (Wards Affected: Broughton St Bridgets; Ewanrigg Maryport; Flimby; Seaton;) 7. Allerdale Borough Council and Carlisle City Council Business Case for a Shared Information and Communications Technology Service (Pages 87 - 100) To consider the Business Case for a Shared Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Service between Allerdale Borough Council and Carlisle City Council (Wards Affected: All Wards) 8. Public Safety at Curwen Hall (Pages 101 - 104) To ensure public safety and reduce risk of injury and insurance claims following unauthorised access to Curwen Hall. (Wards Affected: Harrington Workington; Moorclose Workington; Moss Bay Workington; St Johns Workington; St Michaels Workington; Stainburn Workington;) 9. Cyclepath Development Report (Pages 105 - 112) To confirm the Council's agreement to the creation of a cyclepath through Hall Park following additional community consultation at the Neighbourhood Forum. To agree the creation of a further link in the Workington Cycle-path network between the Port Road and Siddick. (Wards Affected: St Johns Workington; St Michaels Workington;) 10. Local Environmental Quality Strategy (Pages 113 - 136) To consider and approve the draft Local Environmental Quality (LEQ) Strategy as the basis of guiding the work of the Environmental Services section in achieving the outcomes of the Corporate Improvement Plan and increasing residents' satisfaction. (Wards Affected: All Wards) 11. Enforcement Policy (Pages 137 - 150) To provide a clear and reasoned framework to guide the Council's regulatory and enforcement functions. (Wards Affected: All Wards) 12. Consultation on Scores on the Doors (Pages 151 - 154) The Council’s response to the Food Standards Agency’s consultation on a national food safety publication system. (Wards Affected: All Wards) 13. Allerdale Leisure Partnership (Pages 155 - 178) To outline the work and achievements of the Allerdale Leisure Partnership since its inception. (Wards Affected: All Wards) 14. Procurement of Group Repair Schemes and Associated Professional Services. (Pages 179 - 182) A report regarding the procurement of group repair schemes by competitive tendering (Wards Affected: Netherhall Maryport; St Michaels Workington;) The Chairman will move:- “That under Section 100 (A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they may involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of part 1 of Schedule 12 (a) of the Act.” 15. Homeless - re-profile (Pages 183 - 214) 16. On Street Parking To inform Members of the combined impact of the Traffic Management Act and job evaluation exercise on costs of delivering on street parking enforcement and to consider options for the mitigation of the cost increases (report to follow). Borough Solicitor Date of next meeting Wednesday 3 September 2008 at 10.00 am Derwent Room, Allerdale House, Workington This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 1 At a meeting of the Executive held in Derwent Room, Allerdale House, Workington on Wednesday 9 July 2008 at 10.00 am Members J H Milburn (Chairman) C M Jackson S Standage G Scott D Wilson Apologies for absence were received from Councillors M Davidson, C Garrard and S Moffat Staff Present S Beattie, G Bishop, P Bramley, H Dyke, N Fardon, D Martin and H Murphy 104 Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 18 June 2008 were signed as a correct record. 105 Standing Order Number 36 Councillors R Munby and A Smith attended under standing order number 36. 106 Declaration of Interest 5. Review of hackney carriage and private hire vehicle age policy. Councillor David Wilson; Personal; Due to being the portfolio holder for licensing. 10. Mining Issues. Councillor David Wilson; Personal; Due to being a member of Aspatria Town Council. 13. Fellview. Councillor Margaret Jackson; Personal; Due to being a board member of Derwent and Solway Housing Association. 107 Questions The following question was received from Mr Dobinson: “Why at the Licensing meeting the findings from the survey carried out at a cost from the public funds was not even considered. The findings of that survey was 19 against and 32 for what the council had proposed?” The Portfolio Holder responded as follows : Page 1 I attended the meeting as an observer, and the panel did not ignore the survey. The survey was considered and debated, and for the safety of passengers, the panel made an unanimous decision to amend the officers recommendation, and agree that the second independent test should remain. 108 Review of hackney carriage and private hire vehicle age policy The subject of the decision: The Senior Licensing Officer submitted a report which sought the approval of the new vehicle age policy subject to the need for an Independent Inspection Report being included. This report was also considered at Licensing Committee on 28 May 2008. Alternative options considered: That the independent inspection report requirement be abolished. The reason for the decision: To review the Age Policy and ensure that procedures are streamlined and cost effective to the licensed trade. The decision: Resolved – That the new vehicle age policy be agreed subject to the retention of the requirement to have an Independent Inspection Report. 109 Local Area Agreement for Cumbria 2008-2011 The subject of the decision: The Partnerships Officer submitted a report which sought member’s approval of the launch of the Local Area Agreement (LAA) for Cumbria 2008-2011. Members noted that the Local Government White Paper ‘Strong and Prosperous Communities’ of October 2006 directed local authorities to develop a new model of Local Area Agreement for Cumbria, covering the 3 years 2008- 2011, and the new LAA fitted the revised model. The draft LAA for Cumbria had been developed in partnership through the Cumbria Strategic Partnership and restated the link with the Community Strategy, the overarching strategy presenting the long term vision for the area. Those present were advised that the LAA contained 35 National Indicator Targets, 16 statutory targets and 12 stretch targets, and had had ministerial sign off at the end of June 2008. Alternative options considered: None. Page 2 The reason for the decision: The LAA has been agreed and will now go live, impacting on Council activities and, in turn, how the Council’s performance is assessed. The decision: Recommended – That Council be requested that: (a) The final draft of the LAA 2008-2011 be agreed (b) The approach for the delivery of targets and outcomes in the LAA, and in particular Allerdale Borough Council’s contribution to delivery be agreed (c) The relationship between Comprehensive Area Assessment and the delivery of outcomes through the Community Strategy, LAA and Corporate Improvement Plan (CIP) be noted (d) The need to embed the LAA within the refreshed CIP be noted. 110 Lake District National Park Local Development Framework The subject of the decision: The Director of Partnerships and Community submitted a report which sought member’s approval of proposed comments to be submitted to the Lake District National Park Authority in response to their National Park Core Strategy (Preferred Options) and their Minerals and Waste Core Strategy (Preferred Options). Members were advised that the policies and strategies contained in both documents were the preferred options of the National Park Authority. All comments received by the National Park would be considered and amendments to the policies might occur as a result. Members were given a verbal update on the comments made by Development Panel on the proposed response, and agreed that their comments be included. Alternative options considered: None. The reason for the decision: To allow members to consider the Core Strategy (Preferred Options) and the Minerals and Waste Core Strategy (Preferred Options), and submit comments to the Lake District National Park Authority. The decision: Recommended – That the proposed comments set out in the report be approved for submission to the Lake District National Park Authority, subject to the inclusion of Development Panel’s comments. Page 3 111 Maryport Developments Limited, Transfer of Shares The subject of the decision: The Director of Partnerships and Community submitted a report which sought the consideration of the transfer of the Council’s shares in Maryport Developments Limited to the new Harbour Authority. Members were advised that the long term viability of Maryport Harbour had been secured through the establishment of an endowment fund and the formation of a new Harbour Authority, and that the responsibility for the management and operation of the harbour would move fully to the new authority.
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